The Lost Soul

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"...Anything that I would be interested in?" He clarified, very unsubtly edging his way closer and closer to the front door.
Raine sighed a little and waved her hand. "Try not to get into any trouble."
"That takes all the fun out of things," he replied as he slipped out the door, shutting it behind him, and he walked through the garden and back out into…wherever he was.
The smell of both city and the ocean hit his nose. The sounds of the people and the waves hit his ears. The pixies watched him from behind plants, giggling.
The smell of the ocean was a lot more familiar to him than the smells of the city. The same went for the sound of the waves and the sounds of the people. However, despite the waves of unfamiliarity, he proceeded to ignore the little sparkly butterfly things and continued to walk away.
Enla floated after him, both curious and worried about his safety.
He almost didn't notice the pixie thing following him. When he finally noticed, he jumped and turned to look at it, head on. "Why are you following me?"
Enla giggled and twirled around him. "To watch over you, yes yes."
Getting the impression that he wasn't going to get rid of this thing very easily, he sighed. "Whatever. Just be inconspicuous because I don't need people seeing a glowing, sparkling butterfly following me." With that, he turned back and resumed his walk.
Enla giggled and twirled again. "Normal people can't see us. You can because either you're not normal or because the witch is wanting you to, yes yes."
He snorted. "'The witch' has already made it plenty clear that I'm not normal." He decided to stop talking after that. He didn't need all the fine ladies around here to think he was crazy because he was talking to himself.
Enla giggled as she continued to follow. The other people hardly paid him any attention, though a couple of them seemed to wave at Enla.
He noted to himself to steer clear of the ones that waved at the pixie. He eventually wandered into a store that smelled weird but not enough to bother him.
Enla tilted her head at the choice of store, flying past him and towards someone behind the counter at the back of the store. The old woman smiled a little creepily at him.
After a couple of seconds in the store and a glance around, he decided that maybe this store wasn't the one that he wanted to be in. Not like he wanted anything in there, either. He turned and tried to go back out the door.
The old woman watched him for a long moment before calling out in a slightly hoarse voice. "You came in here for a reason, dear. Do tell me what it was."
He froze, silently cursing himself. He spun back towards the lady. "A reason? Uh…I was just looking. I'm just looking around. I'm new here, don't ya know?"
The old woman nodded slowly. "Of course, I know you're new here. But I know that face from somewhere else, as well."
That caused him to come up short, and the skepticism practically dripped from his voice. "What are you talking about?" How could she possibly recognize him? He squinted, studying her face and only pulling up blanks.
The old woman chuckled. "I know a great many things. However, how you learn that information is up to you. You could wait for that young witch to find a solution."