The Little One

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The first part was just what he expected out of the elf if anything, but then Kira had continued. Something inside of William moved or jumped. His face lit up slightly. What Kira had just said meant the world over to him. He then put his hand in Kira's and ran his fingers through it as he watched Kira. He wanted to know the real Kira only the more. Softly, his hand danced through the white locks. William felt no need for words at the moment. He thought that for the first time in a long time he had a real friend. Gladis had always tried her best, but she just was not what he had needed. He felt what he needed for a friend was buried deep down in the body in front of him and he was just hit his shovel on the top of it.
Kira had been prepared for the fingers sliding through his hair, so it wasn't as uncomfortable. In fact, if he let himself relax a little, it felt kind of nice. William's fingers combed through his pale locks, separating them, tugging gently at teh roots. Kira found that little shivers were running down his neck from his scalp, but they were good ones. His large, blue eyes filled with quiet wonder at this, looking briefly at his master. Kira couldn't remember the last time touch had been so pleasant.
William smiled softly and let his hand in his hair. He talked in a calm very relaxed tone, "What would you to do today? We could go into the city if you want." He then paused a moment with wonder. The thought of when Kira had last been outside someone's home or a cell filled his mind. "How long has it been since you were in a city and not in a home?" he asked with a soft tone that had much compassion in it.
"Whatever pleases you, William." Came the automatic reply, but in truth, Kira wouldn't have known what to say to that. He didn't speak with fear, only shyness, having very few concrete 'wants' of his own. Mostly, they had to do with not being violated or hurt. Other than that, he didn't know how to figure out his own desires.

William's soft, sensitive tone prompted the elf to speak with only a little hesitation. "Three years, I think. Not since the festival of Zathrik in Jafred." Said festival was a glorified outdoor orgy, where all slaves were gathered to be shown off and 'shared', though it was not much celebrated in this part of the world. The way Kira answered the prince's question was matter-of-fact, as though he didn't know how strange it was for him not to have been out in public for three years. Only a small hint of darkness colored his blue eyes when he spoke of Zathrik's 'festival', recalling for a moment the horrors of that night, before pushing them away again.

(William doesn't have to know anything about that festival, or even to ask Kira about it. It's just part of his past)
Three years was a long time but the way Kira talked of was that of nothing. William almost got mad at the thought of that but he filed it away quickly. His mind turned over the question of want the festival had been. He felt he should not ask. He had enough sense to be able to gather it had something to with sex since a sex slave had been allowed to attend. He then sat up as Gladis entered the room with two trays instead of one. "Gladis, we are going to the city today. Have someone get us a horse prepared," he spoke as she set up their trays. Gladis smiled. "That is a lovely idea. I will," she replied. William then smiles to Kira. He ha made it where Kira could not say anything about aants of a master or anything. He hated hearing Kira out it in such terms.
Kira found himself almost reluctant when the prince's fingers slipped from his hair, and the warmth pulled away from him. But he let it go, like any other disappointment, only wondering why it hadn't felt wrong and horrible this time. There was always a bodily pleasure of sorts whenever his masters abused him, one which he couldn't control and hated, so it lost any of its actual pleasure. This had been so different…

Sitting up, glad he was wearing something for once, Kira was surprised when Gladis had a tray for him, which she slid over his lap. A small, slightly bewildered look went to William at this treatment, knowing it was too good for a slave. However, he wasn't going to argue. Food, and the chance to get out and see things, trumped pointing out that, as a slave, he wasn't supposed to have either. Kira still waited for his master to start eating first, but couldn't help the small, shy smile that curled his lips.

"You are so very kind." he said, very quietly. There was just the tiniest note of excitement in his voice. Honestly, the slave didn't know when he had been excited last. The only time he had seen a town or city was through the bars of a slave cart, or during one of those terrible festivals. He would have been terrified to be on his own, but somehow the idea that William would be with him made him feel like he could handle it.
William started eating and absorbed Kira's thanks almost as he did the nutrince in his food. He just nodded though. He was too focused on consuming and where he would take Kira first. He felt excited himself. He had not been to the city in a good while. That is he had been outside, just not to the city. His parents were also too busy to go and he did not like to go alone. He always felt awkward when people came up to him with no one at his side. The people always did that and he hope it would not overwhelm Lita, but he did not address it as he ate. His thoughts went back to where to go. He thought that at the end of the night they could venture in his favorite pub. What before though? It hit him what they NEEDED to do and go. They needed to go to the market and buy Kira some clothing of his own.
Kira almost wished he knew what William was thinking of, given the prince's excited expression. However, he didn't ask. He would never in his wildest dreams have imagined getting his own clothing, or going to a pub. The last one especially, since elves were always strangely effected by alcohol of any sort. He'd had it more than once, of course, because some of his former masters thought it was funny to get him drunk. Kira would never willingly drink anything like it again.

There were other things at pubs, though, including people. Even with William, he had to admit he would be nervous, and a little scared, to be going Outside. People, he knew, were not nice or tolerant as a rule. They wouldn't dare treat him too badly in front of their prince, but Kira was preparing for insulting stares and whispers, and maybe a grope or two if someone was really bold. This all paled in comparison with his natural curiosity, though, so he wouldn't have minded any of it too much. Just being outside was a luxury he hadn't enjoyed in awhile.
William finished his food and set his tray aside. He rose from the bed and quickly went to the end of the bed wear this time two outfits had been laid out. He picked up what appeared to be the bigger if the two and put it on. William began to wonder how long ago it had been since he had gone into his own city. His father had not premised him to in a long time. Neighboring cities were a fine place for him to visit but it was not the same. And yet, he could not remember his last visit. He faced away from Kira as he dressed. He hope the city would not over stimulate Kira. He had a fondness for him and he had a strange need to protect him. He turned around when all dressed and sat back down on the bad. He waited to Kira to finish and chnge.
Kira was surprised to find clothing laid out for him, next to the prince's. It seemed so wrong, somehow, to be dressing in clothes like the prince's. Kira went into the corner to dress, blushing as though he should be ashamed of wearing things that were so fine. He also studiously avoided watching his master dress, looking up only when he was done, and feeling relief. Somehow, he always felt panic whenever William was undressed nearby.

As before with teh pajamas, when the slave was finished dressing, he stood in front of the prince, hands clasped before him, head slightly tilted downward. But he seemed to be beaming a bit, too, as though he could hardly believe he was wearing things which were so soft….and not revealing. Usually, if he had to be transported between houses, he would wear nothing but a short tunic that barely covered his legs. Now, he had breeches and a long tunic, and even soft shoes. That was a novelty.

"The clothing is beautiful, William." he murmured, gratitude in every syllable. Somehow, he felt less like a slave in them. Those in teh town might even think he was something else.
William smiled and chuckled lightly at Kira. He walked pasted him to the door and turned around. He spoke softly, "Well, let us get on our way. Town is not too far away." He stepped out the door and strided down the hall way. He looked like a man on a mission, a fun mission but definitely an important one. He walked quickly. For some reason, he was determined to get them to town now. Not like anything was going to get in their way. He then registered that he might be leaving Kira in the dust so he stopped and waited for him to catch up some. He then took him gently by the arm and led him out the back on to the grounds. There stood a beautiful white horse saddled up. He then let go of Kira and gestured to the horse. "I am glad to see they readied Clover. He is a great horse," he chuckled lightly at telling Kira they had a male horse named clover.
Kira trotted behind him, looking as though he could hardly believe his own luck. So far, nothing bad had happened to him (as he was used to abuse, William's angry outburst yesterday didn't count.) Now, they were going to town, where he would be allowed to walk around fully clothed, looking more like a new personal servant than a slave. It was a peculiar thing about people- servants got some respect, at least, even among the common folk, and especially if they were from the great houses. Slaves, no matter their masters, got none. Those with rich or royal masters were somewhat less likely to be raped off-hand by the local merchants. Slaves were simply an odd commodity, which brought out the worst in others. Appearing as a slave was like standing in teh street and begging to be taken by whoever was willing.

At least, that was what the men around Kira had always seemed to assume about him and all pleasure slaves. But he didn't look like one so much now. Even his slave collar wasn't as noticeable, partly hidden by the tunic William had given him. Without realizing it, William had already made Kira's first foray into the outside world that much safer. At least, until his collar was found out to be just that. But even then, the prince's very being there could help Kira.

The elf wasn't used to a lot of running or heavy walking, so it did take him a moment to catch up. However, he kept on his master's heels as doggedly as a particularly devoted pup. Even when William took his arm, Kira found he wasn't so terrified, especially when he saw the horse standing like a diamond in teh sun. The elf had always loved animals, and being an elf, could bond with them quickly.

Kira didn't know to laugh at his master's little joke because naming conventions where he had previously been a slave were somewhat different. But he smiled shyly, and then turned back to look into Clover's large, soft eyes. The horse would immediately be able to feel the aura elves always carried with them, which helped them commune with all things in nature. Kira's was weakened through years of abuse, but as he may have been the only elf the horse had ever met, it might still have been very strong to Clover.
William went over to the horses and grabbed the reigns carefully as if not to disturb the beast. He patted its head and scratched it some then gestured to Kira to come to him. "I will help you up after I get up on him. Would you rather ride in front of me or behind me?" he questioned as if it was an everyday thing to ask as he put his foot in the stirrup. He did and bounce and then used his momentum and strength to get on the horse. He smiled down to Kira and held out his hand.

He could not stop thinking of what his last trip had been. He knew it might be unimportant, but it was a heavy thought on his mind. It was like he had blocked it or something. His mind told him to forget it. stop trying to remember, but he was determined. His mind was taken away from the thought only by the thought of taking Kira out in public for the first time her had been in a long time. He was excited and felt sort of honored he got to do it. He almost seemed like a little child running down the stairs to christmas in his demeanor.
Kira hadn't thought of actually riding the horse, but had imagined himself following along beside his master. The idea that he should ride with William on the horse hadn't even occurred to him, much less whether he should be in front or back. lustered, the slave clasped his hands for a moment in front of himself, in a gesture of nervousness.

"I….I….whatever pleases you." He stammered, holding out one hand since it was required of him. William might have made him cling to the underside of the horse and it could scarcely have been stranger to him. Only as he happened to look up with confusion did he notice the expression on William's face, as though something dark passed over it. Then, it was gone, but Kira still felt the concern, even as William's face took on an excited expression.
William smiled and said, "Front it is then." He promptly slipped another arm around Kira's waist and pulled him up on the horse to sit in front of him. He kept his arm around Kira to keep him in place. "Off we go," he said and he put his heel to the horses side and it took off.

He held Kira against him and felt his warmth on the way. His heart quickened as he thought of how it almost felt right holding Kira. Then he wondered again when the last time it had been since he gone to the city. He wanted to know so he could then figure out what felt weird that he was going this time with kira. It did feel weird to him, but a very good weird. He felt again as if he was where he belonged as the horse raced down the road. He held the reigns in one hand and Kira in the other.

When they made it to town, wyes were immediately on them. William directed the horse to a small local stable. He dismounted and helped Kira to right after. He placed the regiens in Kira's hands and said, "Hold clover I will hw right back." He then quickly walked over the door of the small house next to the stable and knocked on it. A small man in overalls answered the door. "I am sorry we ar-" he stopped seeing it was the prince. "I will move my horse into the yard. You are the prince," he said shocked but almost as he was honored. "I don't care what people say about the royal family nowadays. I'm still honored everytime you use my stables. In fact, you haven't been around in a long time. I bet you got into a lot of trouble. That was it wasn't it?" the small man rambled. William let out a hardy chuckle. He know he did not have to say anything. The man then said, "Right. I'll go move my horse!" He stepped out past William and to the stables.

William wondered what he meant he must have gotten in a lot of trouble. He could not put his finger on what his last trip was about as he walked back over to Kira. He let out a sigh then thought about the present agaon. He wore a smile once more as he took the regiens from Kira again.
Kira shivered a bit- he couldn't help it. Feeling a warm chest against his back brought some bad memories to teh front. Yet, rather than go stiff and panic, he tried to focus on the feeling in terms of it being William, who had not hurt him, when he had every opportunity and right to do so. Only that way could he deal with the terribly familiar pressure and warmth, and the beating of someone's heart against his back. The arm around his waist soon began to feel less like a trapping gesture and more like what it was, a hold to keep him from falling. Kira was trying his level-best not to be scared, and somehow, on a certain level, it worked. William made him feel as close to safe as he had ever felt.

As they blew into town, Clover having taken his master's direction and galloped all the way, Kira felt a little lightheaded and dizzy, but the fresh air had felt good against his face. He didn't even mind when those strong hands took him at his slim waist, and he was lifted off of Clover's back. The ride hadn't been too hard, though for Kira, it was strange, and his legs were shaky. He'd never actually ridden a horse before in his life. Dealing with them in other ways…he'd done a bit. Anyway, he always found himself able to relate to animals very easily. AsWilliam walked off, Kira couldn't help turning to the horse and rubbing its soft nose and neck as it explored his wind-mussed hair with its lips. Kira smiled slightly, making horse noises, almost as though he had spent a lifetime around the animals. For a moment, with Clover, he felt completely open. The horse was making small, happy sounds back, and Kira could tell he had been glad of a run.

"You are not a war horse…" he murmured, petting the horse's forelock. "You're a gentle one. I hope William never takes you to fight- fighting horses have wild eyes, and they feel so sad…"

Only Kira would have understood what he meant by this, except Clover, normal horse that he was, almost seemed to as well. However, the moment vanished as William's footsteps were heard. Kira turned back and waited for him as though he had been silent and still the whole time. Not that he necessarily thought he'd be beaten for talking to teh horse, but he wasn't taking chances. Meekly, the elf handed the reins back to the prince, giving Clover an unseen pat on the flank as if to say 'good-bye for now'.
William led clover into the stable and put him in a stall. He then pulled out an apple and loving petted him as he fed him the apple. "You did good, boy. Rest and we will be back later," he spoke to the horse. Clover whinnied almost as he understood. William patted him on the nose once more and turned to the man who had walked up behind him again. "As always, I will pay you when we pick him up tonight," he said firmly. The man simply nodded and went off on his way.

William turned to Kira and said, "Let's go." His eyes glittered with excitement. As soon as he led Kira out of the stable William began to led him down the road towards the bulk of the buildings. A few people stopped and stared. Some whispered. The whispered did not look of excitement but more of gossip. William was too focused on his mission to notice the whispers. He turned to Kira. "We are about to enter busy streets. Would mind taking my hand so we do not get separated?" he asked while walking backward.
Kira stood back and watched all of this, noting especially how his master treated the horse. While not an infallible indicator of character, treating animals well was a fair sign. It just added to how Kira was beginning to think of his master.

The elf followed behind William, looking and feeling less beaten down than he had in his long memory. Even whispered words which his elf ears picked up on didn't do much to dampen his spirits. Kira was so used to them anyway, and William's presence kept the townsfolk at a distance. The little slave even felt that he could hold his master's hand without feeling the usual disgust at physical contact. As William's fingers curled around his own, he noted that they felt warm, and secure. He even walked a bit closer to William, as though drawn to him. It was a strange feeling to want to be closer to a master.

Looking up at the prince for a moment, Kira's blue eyes scanned his face. Then, he found himself speaking. "Master?" he asked softly, calling the prince by his title because they were in public, "Master…is there anything I can help you with in your business today?" Though he spoke shyly, hesitantly, the slave had more knowledge of certain things than even he realized. Having spent his life among masters who indulged themselves constantly in teh finer things, the elfling couldn't help picking up a wealth of information on such matters. What he was thinking of, though, had more to do with carrying baggage and other such tasks.
His heart skipped a little when his fingers latched around Kira's. He knew not why and did not want to know. William shook his head in reply to Kira's question about help. Being called master made him cringe some but they were in public. It could not be helped. He then pulled Kira into a clothing shop. He looked around then smiled.

"Okay, here we are first. Look around for clothing for you. I feel you would rather have your own clothes than my old ones. If not, still, I command you to look," he said command in a very sarcastic joking manner. He left Kira there and went to the front to where the man was standing who owned the place.

"How's it been, Morgan?" He asked politely. "Good. You? How about that ole Gladis? How is she?" The man asked with a slight laugh. Gladis made runs for the castle if anything was needed in short notice so a few towns people knew her. "I am good, sir. Gladis is Gladis," William replied with a chuckle that they both then shared. They both then fell silent and watches Kira.
Kira stared at him for a moment, forgetting himself in his shock, then looked down, flushing. Clothes? For himself? It wasn't that he had never received anything new to wear, but it was usually limited to the distinctive, short tunic of the sex slave, or some other kind of 'fetish wear', none of which belonged to him. These were never bought after seeking his approval, or with his opinion at all. They were just handed to him off-hand.

Told now to pick out his own clothing, Kira felt wonder, and a greater share of warmth, spreading through his chest and limbs. The tacked-on 'command' at the end didn't diminish the fact that William had spoken of what his slave would 'rather' have. Somehow, William always put it that way, as though what Kira wanted had any weight at all. It was a new and somewhat frightening concept, for the slave still expected to offend in his choices. Yet, he steeled himself and approached the displays of ready-made clothing, daunted but determined to at least do his best.

Though this shop was not where the wealthy would have purchased their clothing (since that was always special-ordered and made by private tailors), this concept of ready-made clothing was a cheaper alternative for the townsfolk who had no time to make their own. It was a luxury in itself, and showed how prosperous the town was. The selection was good, and so was the quality. William's servants usually bought for themselves and their families here, as it was easy enough to come in and find a few things ready to go in an afternoon.

Having never had to choose his own clothing, however, the slave remained in front of the racks for quite awhile, at a total loss as to how he should go about this. Panic began to rise in his throat as this seemingly simple task rose up before him like a mountain. William was just trying to be kind, but for one who had been given as little choice as possible in his own life, everyday tasks like this were utterly foreign. Only when Kira put it in another light for himself did he start to wrap his brain around it. He ceased to think of this as looking for what he wanted, since he had no clue about that. Instead, Kira thought in terms of laying out clothing for his master, which he had done with a few of them. It was often part of his duties as a sex slave to dress his masters. If he could think of it that way, he found himself easing a bit. Plus, he knew enough about clothing from his former masters to know what kind of cloth was permitted someone of his lowly station, with a high-ranking master. These were not truly his clothing, but William's rank and ownership on display.

Kira was finally able, with those thoughts in mind, to pick out a few simple pieces- tunics and breeches. Laying them carefully across his arms, as though he was holding out his master's clothing for the morning dress, he presented his choices to William with a humble bow of his head. He just hoped the cloth and color choices were right- he'd made sure to pick something that matched the livery of the royal house. He was also conscious of the cloth and make being expensive enough to show his master's status, but not too expensive, since he was still just a slave. They were well-made, though unadorned, and smelled wonderfully new. Kira couldn't help feeling a little thrill that he might be allowed to wear these nice clothes, more because they would be soft and cover him. he just hoped William approved, and wasn't angry at his choice. Even when picking out his masters' outfits in the morning, Kira was in constant danger of being beaten for not reading their minds.
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