The Library

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One to each.
Gotcha all covered.

@Potatocat, people get more stats to distribute when they finish missions. Two missions just finished.
Alright, that makes sense. Please continue. *Sits back in corner watching timidly*
I was going to explain but Kestrel beat me to it and I lost my reply, currently too lazy to write it out again. -_-
Realized that I'm way behind stat-wise now...
I'm still trying to figure out how I got ahead right now... >,<
Kestrel, can you tell me if the Lunxutans are jumping up and down on the rooftop or are they riding on the drogans?
Kestrel, can you tell me if the Lunxutans are jumping up and down on the rooftop or are they riding on the drogans?
They jump and climb. Drogans can't actually be ridden, they're already better gliders than flyers to begin with ;p

Also, you guys picked a mission yet? Or of course, come up with one.
Arlette shall go to the Wanted: Liaison mission.

So, most of the lunxutans are currently on the walls and rooftops overlooking the Librarians if they're on the street?
Arlette shall go to the Wanted: Liaison mission.

So, most of the lunxutans are currently on the walls and rooftops overlooking the Librarians if they're on the street?
Yeah. They're trained to stay out of houses... For good reason.

And cool, I'll put Sigmund on it too. Meaning that we can kick off the mission soon :D
Poor Arlette, she's terrified of Sigmund because of his attitude and how he dealt with his opponent in their last mission together. :p
Since a lot of people seem to be going with the Liaison mission, I was going to wait and go with whatever other mission was chosen to fill in gaps. Missions tend to need at least 3 PCs so I figured I give them a push off if needed. Anyway, I'll go with Three Little Birds as I can't see Quartz being happy about tangling with any seahorses with tentacles any time soon after the last sea monster. XD
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