The Legend of Heroes: Tales of the World OOC

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Sims 4 sounds very interesting...

>-< Get well soon, Kei-chan! Good luck with the move, Rex! Go get some sleep, Tae! *Gives everyone hugs* Best of luck to everyone with work, school and life. Dang, we need to get the sandman here ASAP. If no one minds, I'm going to call the next post~
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Tally ho folks! I hope everyone's doing fantastic! :D I came home to immediately work out because I want abs like Rapid, and I'm not sure if that was such a good idea to do immediately after walking for miles. I feel exhausted. ;-; But good :D I've also been rewatching One Piece at the same time that I'm doing it and I'm onto the Chopper storyarc and his flashback and gdi show I don't need to lose more water through tears you stupid jerk >:c

I'm gonna call the next post after Ryver. I hope everyone's midweek is going okay!!

I'mma snag the post after Pach.

Also, Choppuuur


That adorable doctor.
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I missed the bus and decided to skip class today, hooray *A*

... Oh well, I needed a break o3o
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Aki your Chopper gif <33333

I'm really sorry that post too so long D: But when you guys read it, you'll understand why! Took a lot of collaboration and discussions between me and our wonderful GM Kei <3 But the floor's all yours, milady!

Sorry to hear you missed the bus, Tae! That's happened a few times now, hasn't it? D: But yeah, I do agree that you need a break. ^^ Put your feet up and enjoy your day, yeah? :D
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So! Here's something everyone should defo read before responding to Peech's post!

Pachamac said:
I think what we could do is have a couple of rounds set before the performances, with the characters being all nervous etc and for people to write down any funny anecdotes of their practice
And then after that, we can have the Pride perform for real from where I left off
So basically we'll start backstage, a few moments before Proserpina's play ends, and everyone can do their own spin! :) Then we'll move the scene and plop right back into the performance!

Yes I did repeat what Pach just said A++++ co-gming here folks get out your notepads and learn from the master ;;
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So! Here's something everyone should defo read before responding to Peech's post!

So basically we'll start backstage, a few moments before Proserpina's play ends, and everyone can do their own spin! :) Then we'll move the scene and plop right back into the performance!

Yes I did repeat what Pach just said A++++ co-gming here folks get out your notepads and learn from the master ;;
I'm really sorry that post took so long
It's cool because in my wait, I did productive things. Like work haha.

Also, who got a tad carried away? I got a tad carried away. Putting Nani in formal wear was like the best thing.

Tell me if I have tooo edit.
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Remembering to actually call my post tonight! :D

Edit: I am 99% sure I won't post tomorrow. It's my workplace's annual gala, so that's gonna take up like all of my night. OTL

Just kill me now, please.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Pachamac
Sorry to hear you missed the bus, Tae! That's happened a few times now, hasn't it? D: But yeah, I do agree that you need a break. ^^ Put your feet up and enjoy your day, yeah? :D
Thanks ^^ I took a really long nap and now I feel awesome and it's only 3pm 8]

Since I've known you guys, yeah it's happened a few times |D Not at all this semester though~
I'mma do some more homework then post in a bit. It's always quiet around this time, probably because the sane people are sleeping.., I didn't eat anything until 7pm today because I was so stressed, why do no stores around here take correctly sized passport photos ._. And so much homework, someone do them for me pls
Yooo Kathi is it okay if I call next post while you do your homework? I need to get back to work in a bit, it's already 10pm (just got home) and there's no way I'll be able to post afterwards. I'm working until 3am... >__>

EDIT: I snorted at Moira's bacon line, gdi. When we were rehearsing this play in high school, we had our resident Filipina opera singer call that line. I've never looked at bacon the same.

EDIT: Posted! Sorry it's a bit long. It's the most fun I've had all week, to be completely honest lol. Hope it's all right though, hmu on FB if I need to fix anything plsss. Back to work now, wish me luck OTL
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Oh yeah, sorry Rex! Probably should've said that anyone who wanted to post before me was welcome.

Edit: will type up post with phone now :)
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Calling the post after you c:

It's just Lisette and Kapi for now, Ryver and I were discussing something with Jett and Selan so I'll post for her later on today.
Guess what. I shouldn't even be in work this week. I came in yesterday when I shouldn't. You'd think I actually liked work or something.

Well I don't, so I'm pissing my manager off by not coming in for the rest of the week.

Calling after Tae.
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I'm posting after Buns, then. It'll be pretty long and time-consuming, but don't worry it's nothing that special! Just your basic scene description and Lute freaking out in his own special way. :D

Is anyone really impressed by that adorable Belle!Lute castshot (thanks Peechles) because I am
Sorry guys, I was looking for pictures for costumes and got sidetracked. I'm actually writing now, I don't expect it to take that much longer? Post ahead of me if you need to, I don't think there should be any conflicts... o3o
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