The last Rakoor

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Hagen felt the flames burn his midsection, as he was slammed into the ground. Before he could move his body was bound down by chains, and soon he was surrounded by the hounds of Hell. As they closed in he let out a large growl, his monster like presence caused even the alpha hounds to back down. They could smell the beast in him and didn't want to die trying to fight him.

As he turned to face Eve he was met with the lash of a throne whip. She seemed to lick his blood, and comment about his taste. He smirked as he pulled on the chains. With a large wrench he snapped them. In one fluid movement he sung them fowards and wrapping them around Eve's arms. He pulled her towards him. His teeth sinking into her neck, with his mouth he threw her to the floor.

Spitting out the chunk he had bit off he said "For a demon, you taste like shit"
Mammon was surprised at Scarlet's random yet strong tackle. Of course, he welcomed the embrace as he fell to the ground, clutching the figure of the woman he desired so much. The prince buried his face in her hair, closing his eyes in contemplation. It seems that he indeed 'died'. If so, death was quite random for demons. They didn't go to Hell or anything... they just... faded into the dark.

Mammon smiled gently whilst he caressed Scarlet's face, getting lost in her wondrous eyes. "Never again. Screw the Ascension Orb... I just... you're the only thing on my mind-- I couldn't bear the fact that the rakoor wounded you. He dirtied my pride and joy... Never again." the prince replied with a soft voice, now cupping Scarlet's face in his scarred hand. He wanted to do it; he wanted to do it since the time that he had helped her complete the trials of Ascension.

Slowly, Mammon closed his eyes, and closed the gap between him and Scarlet, softly brushing his lips against hers. He didn't rush; there was no need to be hasty. He wanted to enjoy this moment. After a few good instances, Mammon pulled back whilst licking his lips. "You taste delicious."



Lucifer chuckled softly, his gaze focusing on Lilith. "Comfortable with the fact that Scarlet might become our in-law? I know I am." the King grinned widely. "She got her attitude and mouth from you, my dear. Her demon soul's contact with your demon soul while inside the vessel might have patterned Scarlet's personality after yours, and not Eve's."

Suddenly, Lucifer's face became grim-- his mind suddenly realizing something odd yet important. He was lost in his thoughts, pondering over such a crucial event that never happened. Something must be wrong, something must be... Damn.

Lucifer turned to Lilith, holding her hand. "Will you come with me again, Lilith? You sense it right? Something is wrong." Lucifer looked up at the sky, his eyes full of doubt and fury. "Heaven... they should have interfered by now. We're going up there, and see what's happening."

The King looked at his son and Scarlet. "Mammon, take charge of Hell while I'm gone."
Eve rolled her eyes at him as she touched the bitten part. Luckily, she managed to minimize the damage by moving a bit. Instead of her neck, he bit a part of her shoulder. It started to heal as she wiped her bloodied hands using the front of her top. "Demons would always be a shit to you one way or another so why don't you quit whining about it. Besides, I hadn't had a bath before we started. I don't go around scheduling my fights like I schedule my day, you know." she said airily. "Besides, I know you like my taste. I can see it." she added laughing while Hagen's pupils dilated. Her healing complete, she tested her shoulder as it cricked while she moved it. Satisfied, she dashed towards Hagen as if she's going to attack him. Instead, she tapped his ankle and arms before jumping away from him. She waved at him with a grin as suddenly, there was an explosion in the parts where she tapped him. What happened was when she tapped him, she cast explosion spells on the parts she touched. "Oohh! That was loud...but fun!" she commented with a mock wince before grinning.

Scarlet blushed as she look into Mammon's eyes. Her heart pounded fast and she was almost panicking, not knowing what to do. Calm yourself, Scar! she scolded herself. Her heartbeat faltered as Mammon cupped her face and slowly lower his to hers. Her eyes closed of their own accord and a gasp escaped her mouth as Mammon's lips finally touched hers. It was sweet and totally new for her. It's her first kiss after all despite her brash nature and rough attitude. Scarlet blushed harder at his comment when they finally broke apart. "I..I-i..yeah...I mean yes, it is." she stammered, her demeanor suddenly girly and vulnerable. She glanced at him shyly through lowered lashes. My God! She's acting like a young demoness who just saw her first crush! Well, it is kinda like that. Her subconscious snarkily told her. Shut up! she retorted mentally.

Lilith watched the two lovebirds with mixture of amusement and annoyance. Amused because the two were acting like the greenest of all young demons. Annoyed because it seemed that they forgot they're not actually alone. You're just jealous. You wanted some flirting with Luc, don't you? her mind said slyly. Nope. No I'm not. she denied. She glanced at Lucifer and tried not to blush. He then asked her if she's alright of Scarlet being her in-law. "I don't actually mind. I like the girl. You're probably right. I guess she's from a part of me that's why she shared my roughness though lacks any grace." she replied with a laugh.

Lucifer then mentioned about something wrong with the situation and she realized he was right. Heaven should've intervened by the chaos and bloodshed that happened earlier so why didn't they? She nodded at his statement but before she went with him, she walked up to Scarlet and ruffled her hair. "You take care, alright? You have my permission to kick Mammon's ass if he's difficult." she winked at her. She then turned away and joined Lucifer. "Let's go. I wouldn't say that this will be a nice visit." she said with wince.

He needed to control himself! He needed to! Damn, why was she too cute and adorable?! The only thing preventing Mammon from jumping on Scarlet, and taking her the way he wanted to do so, was the mere fact that they were still in the mortal realm, and his parents were still there. The prince held Scarlet's hand, aiding her to stand up-- knowing that she had a bad wound on her foot.

Mammon surveyed the destruction and war that had occurred. "How will we explain this?" the prince sighed in exasperation. His father, Lucifer, looked at Mammon.

"Well, you're in charge as of now. You do that while I'm gone." Lucifer smiled.

Mammon chuckled, brushing his ruffled golden hair. "I'll try to do so. Good luck, Dad, Mom. Come home safe."

With the farewell done, Mammon created a portal to Hell-- the Legion had already retreated, leaving the four great demons alone on the ruined earth. Mammon entered the portal, gesturing for Scarlet to take his hand. The prince began mumbling...

"How do we cover up that mess? Hmm... something that the humans will believe. Should I send some demons to possess a group of humans into believing that this was all a great plague? A name for the plague... how about the Black Death? That would be believable." Mammon shrugged his shoulders, getting closer to Scarlet. "What do you think, sweetie?" Mammon asked the woman he loved so much, nuzzling his nose with Scarlet's cute, button-like nose.



Lucifer shook his head in glee. His son was growing up. Not only was Mammon powerful, smart, and cunning, but he was also wise. He knew what needed to be done. Though, his emotions still needed to be controlled.

Lucifer looked at Lilith, getting flustered by her efforts not to turn into a tomato. Once the kids would already be gone, Lucifer would grab his wife, lock her in his arms, pull her head back, and smash his lips against hers. His tongue would slither in, tasting every inch and fiber of his wife's sweet mouth. After a few good seconds of this intimacy, Lucifer would pull back, a slight drop of saliva running down his lips. He wouldn't know which one that was, either his or Lilith-- he didn't care anyway.

"Once we're done here, we'll do so much more." Lucifer winked before raising his right arm into the sky. A black fog soared high, piercing into the heavens, and creating a small doorway for them to ascend to the stars.

Lucifer went ahead, and the sight that greeted him was something that he had never expected nor wanted to see...

Heaven... was razed. The golden gates of Heaven was blasted apart, and the golden structures of heavenly light were burned down to the ground. The scent of destruction and sorrow was still hanging strong in the desolated kingdom.

Choirs upon choirs of angels were lying on the marbled earth, blood pouring like rivers and streams, raining down on the mortal realm as icy rain.

"No... no..." Lucifer shook his head, his mind fading into oblivion and despair. He didn't like heaven that much, but these fallen choirs were still his brothers and sisters. "No..." Lucifer's feet gave way, the King now knelt on the ground in despair.


A dragging sound of feet could be heard from the gates, revealing a bloodied angelic figure... It was Michael, the greatest archangel of them all.

"Luci? Lilith? Ughhh..." Michael stumbled to the ground, gripping his bloodied white vestment. "Her... she... tricked us all! Tiamat... when she was resurrected... The one at Angkor Wat, where the sacrificial ceremony, was held was just a mere bait... The real one... was at Mesopotamia! Upon her resurrection, she immediately flew to the heavens, and struck us down..."

Michael shook his head in shame. "Here's a secret, Luci... The One? He's not here anymore. He has went over to create new worlds. The ones managing Heaven are just us... the seven archangels. Only a few of us remain... Help us... please..."
Hagens body lay on the ground as the smoke cleared. Slowly his foot and hand began to regenerate. He made his way to his feet looking at Eve. "your right. You do taste nice" he smirked licking his lips.

Hagen began to pace towards her. He dug his hands into the ground and lifted up two slabs of earth. Tossing them like pillows at her. They collided just in front of her, crumbling into smaller rocks and a large dust cloud. Using it as a distraction he closed the gap between them. Knowing she had ranged magic he wanted to engage as soon as possible.

He was in her face once again, launching a flurry of fast attacks. Punch after kick aimed at every part of her body.

Dormagog. 8 feet tall of pure muscle. Juggernaut demon. One of Hell's master blacksmiths

"Damn you! You block my view!" Dormagog said as he watched the intense battle between Eve and the Rakoor through his personal portal in his smithy. "This, very amusing, so why block? It fun to see, so why you not show?"
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Scarlet shyly took Mammon's hand as he supported her while she stood. She put her weight on her uninjured foot but she still winced a bit. They figured out how to cover up the mess the battle created. The Black Death, they agreed to call it like some disease. She smiled at Lilith as she went with Lucifer to Heaven. "I think that's a great idea. Why don't we go to work on that?" she replied then blushed as Mammon nuzzled her nose. She did the same and grinned. "Come on. I might forget myself and we're still here in the mortal realm, y'know." she said taking his hand and waited for him to create a portal back to Hell.
Once the pair went back, Lucifer grabbed her and unexpectedly, he kissed her hard. They were both catching their breath when they broke apart. "Oh, yes we will." she murmured as they Ascended up to Heaven. She was feeling nervous and a bit stressed out since it has been such a long time when she last stepped in its hallowed halls.

She imagined choirs of angels singing praises and the golden arches glinting in the soft rays of light. She wasn't prepared when they saw chaos and destruction instead. The place was unrecognizable with blood flowing like a river and feathers torn from destroyed wings, their owners lying cold and lifeless on the once clear marble floor. The scene was eerie and chilling.

She stood shocked and unbelieving as Lucifer fell on his knees. "What..How...Who..I-I.." she was unable to form a coherent statement. She almost fell on her knees too when she heard a familiar voice. Her feet moved on her own accord, rushing to Michael's side. "Mich! What are you talking about? What?! That's not true! No..." she paled as Michael told her about Tiamat and the One. If Tiamat was here, does that mean Eve was...? No! She would've known if that was the case. Shaken, she helped Michael walk towards Lucifer. "How can we help?" she asked wanting to do something. Like Lucifer, Heaven was her home more so than Eden. She spent more time here than in the Garden. Cold anger filled her, making her body shook with it. She looked at Lucifer with determination etched on her face.
Eve observed as Hagen tossed slabs of rocks to her. She got distracted by it that she wasn't able to dodge his punch. She flew a few meters and crashed heavily. "Oof!" she groaned a bit. "That's sneaky." she pouted while getting up and dusting her body. Her eyes glittered darker as she cracked her fingers and neck. Not wanting to give him another chance to ruin her face, she went into defensive. He peppered her with punches and kicks. It was faster than usual and she couldn't get an opening yet. She let a punch connect then and blocked his kick with one of her own. Gaining some momentum, she grabbed the arm that punched her then punched him back. Not letting go still, she yanked the arm and it snapped with a crack. It was dislocated and she grinned. With a wink, she took off the whole arm while she got kicked in the gut. As she flew again with his arm, she threw another set of hellfire on him aiming for his now bleeding shoulder joint. A laugh escaped her while she still grasped Hagen's unattached arm, waving it like a flag. "Wow. That's intense." she said as she touched her swelling face.
A portal ripped open in Heaven, and Calvariae stepped out. He had finished talking with the Assigner, and was smiling. He looked around at all the carnage in Heaven, and kept smiling. He walked through rivers of blood with a wide grin, and stepped out with none of it sticking to himself. He walked over to Lucifer, Lillith, and Michael. "You guys do all this?" He laugh derisively, "Of course you didn't, like that was even remotely possible." He shook his head, and smiled, "So Hagen is fighting Eve, Mammon is escaping away into Hell with that thing, Scarlet, and you two are just finding out about the remodeling of Heaven!" Calvariae chuckled then nodded, "I forgot to mention your other sons are dead, and Michael is like, the last Angel." That last part may or may not have been true, Calvariae wasn't watching what happened in Heaven while away. "But no one is off killing the humans. That's disappointing."

"Tiamat's power has allowed even ancients to get inside, huh?" Michael smirked, his wounds slowly healing. "Without the One's omniscience, we didn't know that all of this would happen. Still..." the archangel rose to his feet, his wings now open in glory. Blades upon blades of holy light now spawned from thin air, all pointing towards the unwelcome ancient in Heaven. "I'm not the last one. I will not allow that to happen."


Lucifer's blood ran cold at the mention of his sons' deaths. However, he didn't show that disturbance... he couldn't reveal any of his weaknesses now.

"Stand down, Michael. Calvariae was once a good ally of mine. We fought together to stop the initial summoning ritual in Angkor Wat." Lucifer's voice was grim and emotionless. The King of Hell rose to his feet as well, his purple eyes fixed on his 'ally'. "State your allegiance, Calvariae. You are an ancient, that is true, but you fought against your own kind as well. With whom do you side?"

Lucifer now turned towards Michael. "Brother, where are the last choirs of angels?" Lucifer inquired without skipping a beat.

"They're holding off at the Rose Garden. The strongest choir is preparing the final stand at the Empyrion. I came to the gates so that I could eliminate a good number of them, but I failed." Michael answered quickly.

Lucifer nodded, now turning to Lilith. "Go ahead to the Empyrion. Defend it with the seraphs, cherubs, and ophanims. I'll catch-up." the King instructed his wife. However, before she could go, he grabbed her hand. "Don't die, Lilith."

Lucifer let go of the queen, now focusing back on Calvariae. "Now. With whom do you side, Calvariae?"



The shimmering portal vibrated a little as Mammon stepped inside. They were already in the throne room. The prince sighed happily as he touched the throne of his Father. With Lucifer gone, someone had to stabilize Hell's energy... if something happened to Lucifer... Hell would fall apart.

Mammon sat on the throne, causing a golden glow to emanate throughout Hell. Now, Mammon's energy was being used to replenish Hell's power bank.

Mammon exhaled deeply, feeling a little bit of tiredness from that ordeal. With the energy stabilized, Mammon now rose up. "Well, that's that. We'll now just wait for father to return. What am I supposed to do now?"
"this is so fun" Hagen shouted, the craziness visible in his eyes. He began to laugh hysterical as the blood splashed out his shoulder. But it suddenly stopped, clotting almost instantly. With his other arm he ripped through the hell fire, suffering minimal burns. But they didn't heal properly, they left a sort of black scally flesh. Patches of it covering his body.

His shoulder began to bubble and a new bone ripped out. Muscel soon followed, then nerves and finally skin. But the arm was more Dragon like than before.

Hagen let out a loud roar. He was letting his body be consumed by the dragons blood. In a swinging motion he swung his new arm, sending a giant gust of wind towards Eve. Ripping up the landscape as it made its way to its target.
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((Guys, I'm so sorry. I didn't get any alert and I've been busy at work.))

Lilith's face were stony at the mention of her son's deaths. Even though they tried to kill her and Lucifer, they're still from her own blood and flesh. She's surprised that her companions couldn't feel her tightly leashed anger. Trying to surpress her escalating bloodlust, she glanced at Michael. She listened at the two brother's conversation. Lucifer then asked her to go to the Rose Garden to wipe out the intruders. As she was about to turn to go, Lucifer grabbed her hand and told her not to die to which she nodded grimly. "I'm not planning to. You take care, love." she reassured him before hurrying to the garden. As she ran, she managed to summon hell hounds. Lots of them including the Ancient ones. "I hope they don't mind I brought you guys here." she laughed at that statement. Her expression faded into a somber one as she neared the Garden. It was indescribably horrible. Not because of the blood and ashes mingling but she wasn't able to believe that Heaven was destroyed and the only remaining decent place was that garden. It was her favorite one, too so it angered her more. "Let's kill some fucking ancient bastards, my babies." she yelled as she suddenly dashed into the fray. Once in the middle, she blasted two lInes of ancients and helped up some angels who went shocked as soon as they saw her. They recovered once she barked orders at them. She had them form a team of three and put them strategically in the garden, panning out to cover more ground. She then assigned hounds to go with them. Satisfied, she casted some spell for more protection and to avoid other spells to break into them. "I hope to Hell this chaos has to stop already." she murmured to herself as another battalion arrived.

Scarlet watched in somewhat a daze as she followed Mammon into Hell. Once the power was diverted to him as source, a golden glow covered the place. He seemed exhausted afterwards and she went to him. "You alright? Maybe we should up the security just to be sure. Besides, I'm feeling uneasy about those two going up and Heaven's apparent lack of attention to us earlier." she stated while looking at him with concern.

Eve tilted her head as she watched Hagen regenerate. He then yelled, his excitement as he sent a powerful gust towards her. She was sent back though with a huge grin now plastered on her face. "Yes! It's so fun and I'm feeling so happy!" she yelled in return with her own gust. "Come on Hagen! I'm so excited and turned on with this fight!" she screamed with loud curses flying out of her mouth. All of a sudden, she flashed in front of him. Surprisingly, she touched his lips with her own. "Mmm. Yummy." she said, her face flushed as she seemingly got aroused with their fight. (Like a yandere)
Hagen was taken back slightly by her actions. He felt her soft lips press against his, and for a split second he seemed to change back to his original state.

But that passed quickly, and the toothy grin returned to his face. He pushed his Dragon like Palm against her abdomen, and sent a shockwave through her body. "You are definitely an interesting girl" he smiled, the boys voice had changed slightly. It sounded more gruff and monster like
"Oof!" her breath swooshed out of her as she slammed into a still solid wall with a loud bang, the wall crumbling falling on her. "Ahh!" she yelled in surprise and later coughed with the dust around her. Her smile didn't waver though despite a sudden burning sensation she felt on her side. It seemed she got impaled by a rusty iron from the collapsed wall. She winced a bit as she pulled it out. She hurled the bloody iron to him at a break-neck speed, knowing he'd catch it.

Her wound closed immediately and no scar marred her smooth skin. She tsked at him then laughed out loud. "Am I? Glad to hear that. You're pretty interesting yourself." she referred to his dragon essence. "So interesting I wanna eat you." her eyes glowed with unholy light as she said it, perfectly serious about it too.

Suddenly, she stood stock still as black fog started to swirl around her. "Oh Hagen. I so love you more than ever now." she said in a disturbingly quiet voice as the fog finally covered her in a swirling ball.
Calvariae shrugged, "My allegiance is with no one, I'm not here to fight." He had stopped smiling, though he wasn't wearing a serious expression. "Since the One has vacated his seat on the throne of heaven, I have been reassigned in my purpose." He laughed, "there is a lot of work to do, but I'm not going to fight any of you. The humans are my only, violent, interest," here he paused and licked his lips. "I'm merely spectating, I'm sure the angel understands that; just sitting by doing nothing, while the world goes to, well, Hell." He laughed at his own joke, "Well, I should say, the world went to Hell, and now it will be going to the survivors."

Calvariae looked off to the side, his face showed surprise, but he was facing a plain wall. He turned back to look at the two, "I'll be going now. Might visit that other son of yours down in Hell. Might not." He shrugged and leaned his head side to side as if weighing the options. "Unless you might ask of my services again?" As he stood there a halo flickered into being above his head, like an old light bulb after the power is turned back on.
Hagen did as she predicted and caught the rusty iron that was chucked at him. He then crushed it with one of his hands. He began to slowly walk towards the swirling storm of black that lay in front of him. Each of his steps left an indent in the ground. Hagen laughed slightly at her comment. "If anyone is going to get eaten that would be you" he said, baring his sharpened teeth.

he was now standing in front of the swirling ball. Lifting up his dragon like hand he launched into the storm. Not knowing what would happen, but he didn't care. He attempted to grab whatever he could, and pull it out.

"This isn't about Heaven or Hell anymore, Calvariae." Lucifer replied. "It's about preserving our world. Sure, Heaven and Hell will never agree on their ways, but against a common enemy... we are the most powerful of allies. Now, that I know that the One has stopped caring for this realm, I think it is up to the last divine beings to protect this world." the King gritted through his teeth. It seemed that since the One has left, Lucifer could be considered as one of the most powerful beings left. Lucifer closed his eyes in thought, and after a few moments of contemplation, Lucifer turned to Calvariae. "We've been allies during the siege of Angkor Wat, and I will not forego such an alliance. However, I also know that you would only do things when there is a benefit for you. Thus, since your interest is with the daily lives of humans, if Tiamat is allowed to turn this realm anew... There won't be any humans left. With your reputation as a guardian, I believe that Tiamat and, maybe, Ki, might have told you some lies. I shall set out the truth. I have seen Tiamat's original world, and while it was a good place for elementals and divine beings... it wasn't the best place for humans. Volcanoes erupted, bathing the fire elementals in refreshing flames. Blizzards froze land after land much to the joy of the ice elementals. You get what I mean, Calvariae. Humans are not meant to survive under Tiamat's reign." Lucifer spoke.

Lucifer's eyes darkened with fury at the thought of Tiamat gaining power once more. "This has all turned complicated."



Mammon smiled as Scarlet showed her concern for him. Instead of getting up like how Scarlet was making him do, Mammon's inner demon caused him to pull Scarlet down with him. He rolled over, pinning the beautiful demon under him. Her blazing locks were scattered on the platinum floor, creating the silhouette of a crimson rose. This sight made Mammon's demon heart beat twice as fast, and beads of sweat to pour from random parts of his body. "It's my first time to feel such urges... I feel so... human. Then again, I'm not complaining.. at least, not when you're the one under me." Mammon smirked, dipping his head, and biting on Scarlet's bottom lip. His hands began to roam around some places which should not have been roamed, but Mammon liked every single place. With a growl, Mammon kissed Scarlet's ear, and whispered: "Please be mine... Mine, and mine alone."

Suddenly, a terrible chaotic aura invaded the gates of Hell. Mammon crumpled as he fell on top of Scarlet. His breathing was an erratic, and his eyes were opened in fear. His own malefic aura couldn't match the invading one's aura-- there was so much malice! "Scarlet... I can't..." Mammon moaned as he tried to stabilize his own demonic energy. "She's... here...."


As Lilith obliterated one ancient after another, the angels were steadily gaining ground. Suddenly, an ancient crumpled just in front of Lilith, a wide smile on its face. "Heh, heh... A queen shouldn't leave her kingdom alone... Bad things might happen to it... You noticed it right? She isn't here, is she?"

The ancient spat at Lilith as it finally breathed its last. Another army of ancients burst into the garden-- Heaven and Hell would fall together!


A destructive beam of dark energy pierced through the gates of Hell as armies of ancients burst in through the circles. A hulking figure appeared from the shadows, its toothy grin as wide as its powers. Tiamat had appeared in Hell, and planned to snuff out the flames of the King.

Vhen rushed out into the first circle, his eyes bulging in awe and fear. "Mammon... good luck." Vhen sputtered before his demon form took over. "I don't know what will happen soon..."
Calvariae smiled, "I know what happens to humans under Tiamat's rule." The ancient creature spread his arms, "I have plans to save some, sure, but only because their taste will become a delicacy." He raised his voice, "The age of humans is nearing curtain fall." His halo turned into a twisted circle made of brambles, "Now is when the realms return to the glory they had before them, do you not miss the time before humans, before life itself."

Calvariae folded his hands together, "The closest we can get in your dimension is under Tiamat's power. Though," he paused and looked meaningfully at a pool of angelic blood, "she only has to prepare the world." He looked back up at Lucifer, his own eyes reflecting the color of the blood, "About that alliance at Angkor Wat, it was only temporary. The ancients Ki killed were either foolish enough to die for Tiamat, or they have had their vengeance since Ki is dead. At least for now," he smirked.

Calvariae had been intrigued by Ki, and his new purpose gave him access to new powers. Powers that could be used to return those from the void, back to life. Gods only died, like humans they could be found and returned to whatever form of existence, or not existence, they had called life.

With all that he desired to say having been said Calvariae vanished. In Hell he appeared, in the throne room again. His skin caught hellfire and burned furiously as he sat down in Lucifer's throne.
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((After waiting for any alerts from this thread, I decided to check if there are updates in here. So I just discovered today that there were indeed replies. I'm really sorry for the late post.))

Eve felt the moment Hagen stepped inside her sphere. "Stupid boy. You shouldn't have entered here. It'd cancel your energy which means you're vulnerable." she said sounding almost surprised by his actions. She stared at him for a while before shaking her head. Inside the sphere was darkness no light could pierce. Any energy that entered was sucked immediately and absorbed just as fast. "I know you can sense me without the benefit of your sight. However...." she trailed as she felt a familiar aura coming from Hell. Her sphere immediately retreated back inside her, revealing Hagen right in front of her. As expected of his inhuman speed, he had her neck tightly. Not totally concerned as she was annoyed with Tiamat, she groaned at Hagen. "You do realize she's still alive. That sneaking bitch." she said taking Hagen's hands off her with considerable effort. "Now I'm annoyed. Come on Hagen. I swear we'll continue this after wiping out that pest." she opened a portal with her still holding Hagen's hands. "She made a fool out of you. Let's get you your revenge, shall we?" and with that they popped in directly to Hell.

Scarlet gasped then giggled as Mammon pulled her under him. She squirmed, hot and bothered as he rained kisses all over her. "Hey, Mammon. The servants will see us. Or your parents.." she protested weakly which died immediately as he kissed her lips then followed by his statement. "Of course. I'm yours." she answered tenderly. She meant what she said to Mammon. She realized that he's the one for her and it made her happy that after long long years of her existence, she finally found him. She opened her mouth to tell him how she feels when there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Mammon crumpled on top of her. She noticed his erratic breathing and immediately jumped into action. She got up and tried to help him get up. The air was thick with tension. After a few attempts, she managed to get him stay upright. It was then that an uproar was heard above where the gates were. "Shit!" she swore as she dragged Mammon to the throne. To make matters worse, Calvariae appeared in the throne room and now attempting to sit on the King's throne. A portal appeared then and Scarlet sighed in relief as Eve appeared with..Hagen? She just hoped that he wouldn't turned on them while everyone was busy defending the kingdom. "Eve! Tiamat's here. Then that guy is trying to usurp the king by sitting on his throne." she told her.

Eve eyed Calvariae before turning her attention to Scarlet. She nodded to Hagen as she released his hand to approach Calvariae. "Tiamat is indeed here. I'm sure Lilith will be here in a moment." she told Scarlet though she was not really sure. "I'll deal with this." she said, staring at Calvariae. Calmly, she approached him. "I never knew you could invest on this fool hardy plan Calvariae. I expected something much better from you." she began as if completely bored and not like the enemy was trying to put the whole place into ground. "Can you get out of that throne please?" she smiled as she said this but it didn't reach her eyes. Not waiting for his reply, she grabbed him by the neck and tossed him away. "Hagen. I know you're itching to try that one out. Now's your chance. You can thank me later." she grinned at him with full of promise. "Now. You get your ass here before anyone else try to sit here." she ordered Mammon with a tug of the chain he had made by his mother. It seemed that Eve can touch it also. Not caring she was being rough, she pulled at his chain until he was at the throne again. "And you girl, protect him. Make sure he doesn't leave that stupid throne." she instructed the younger demoness before she went to Hagen. "This is really annoying." she muttered under her breath.

"Of course." Scarlet answered. "Hang in there, Mammon. We''ll get through this together." she assured him. She then casted protective barriers around them. Not the most powerful ones but they're enough to stop the ancients except Tiamat from getting past them. "Take care Vhen!" she shouted after Vhen who was taking his demon form. Trying to do all in her ability, she had the servants add more barriers and the guards were creating groups to ward off the ancients. She looked concerned for Mammon. He was pale and weak. If only she as stronger, she could try to replace him as the source of Hell's power. But sadly, she couldn't even if the throne would allow her to sit on it.

Lilith's heart stopped as she acknowledged the stupid ancient's words. She was already out of Heaven which meant she went down to Hell! Her son! The ancient spat at her before dropping dead in front of her. Her fury was stoked into the highest point at those words that the fresh wave of ancients got annihilate in one single blow from her. She screamed bloody murder before burning every body of ancient she could see into dust. With the numbers of ancients decimated greatly, the angels were finally able to secure the gate. She stalked back to Michael with barely leashed anger. "Michael. I saved your home. I think it's only fair you help me with mine. She's down there in Hell." she said before turning away to find Lucifer. "Luc! She's there! We need to go now!" she yelled with urgency. She's not going to let her son die once more or Tiamat would wish she didn't exist.
Calvariae picked himself up off the ground from where he had been tossed. The hell fire that had been burning him spread to everything that came into contact with him. "Hello again," he drawled brushing himself off. "I'm just here to observe, maybe make conversation if things are to boring." He flicked his eyes to the Rakoor, and tilted his head, his eyes filling with black and his skin covering in black dragon scales. "If you want to fight Hagen, I have no objections. The human race does not depend on what happens to you," he lied.
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