The last Rakoor

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Eve watched the fight from her branch with amusement. "Ooh. Careful now." she would comment every now and then. The attacks sometimes almost hit the tree. Luckily, the tree had its powerful barrier to which she added her own. It doesn't hurt to be careful. Besides, she knew it's her responsibility to guard the tree.

Calvariae was nowhere to be seen but he's around, she could sense him. "Hey, Calvariae. Looks like the situation is not totally a disadvantage to you, huh?" she said out loud with a laugh. An attack bounced off from Hagen towards her but the barrier just reflected it though it shook the place when it hit them. "My, that's something." she mused.
Lilith and Scarlet nodded as Lucifer began to attack. Lilith focused on Ki while Scarlet took the elementals. Then Ki summoned a golem that began to trample on everything in its path. "Ha! As if I'm afraid of a golem. It's as ugly as you." she said while ducking from its giant feet. "Too big but very vulnerable if one knows where to hit." she said more to herself as she hit the ground right next to the golem's feet. The explosion sent shockwaves that unbalanced the golem. It wasn't enough though so she made a bigger explosion, creating a crater where the golem slipped as the shockwaves hit it, unbalancing it again. Finally, it toppled over and she took the opportunity to jumped on it. She made a ball of wind with hellfire then descended on the golem, crushing its chest where its life source resides. It crumbled as soon she hit it. She looked up smugly at Ki.
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Calvariae's thoughts reached Eve, his consciousness didn't need a physical form to send messages No situation is a total disadvantage if you know what you're doing my dear. An arm appeared inside the barrier, This area is protected from the destruction. That is useful. Quickly after his body started to reform, it was like he was a magnet for himself, drawing his form in with more power, the more his form, formed.

"Ahh, much better." His form finished building and he hugged himself. "It is quite dreadful being stretched so thin." He nodded, "There, that will prevent any unintentional shifts in realms for me." He turned toward her, for he had been facing the same direction as her when he formed, and smiled, tilting his head. His teeth were sharp and pointed, and filled his smile quite nicely. "I gotta say Eve, you look very... familiar. Have we met before?" His eyes were solid black, with the exception of a white ring around his pupils.

The over growths on Calvariae's hands shrunk down to become black chitinous gloves.
Her attention momentarily focused on Calvariae as he regenerated his body fully. "It is. It's more fun to watch like this than dodging everything where I might tripped myself up." she teased as he sat beside her.

She shook her head in answer to his question. "I'm not sure. Probably since you do look familiar. I'm quite in a state where I seemed to forget everyone. Well, only those in between from the time I was sent away from Eden up to a few hours ago." she admitted ruefully. She eyed his new form and found it good. After some silence, she spoke again. "You might wonder why I'm not mad at you for killing my nephews I'm informed. I have no feelings like that. Though I know for sure my sister, as they told me she is, will be heartbroken once she learned of it. You might reconsider siding with that woman Ki. Anyway. I don't really care." she grinned unaffected.
Calvariae nodded, "I have chosen my side. Even if the goddess loses, and the demons and Rakoor choose to attack me. I have nothing to fear from them." He held up a single hand, and in it he held what looked to be the Earth. "Though I do not hope that happens, it takes oh so long finding a world to become god over. I'd have to spend seconds, maybe even minutes, thinking of a plan to get myself on such a position." He raises the mock-Earth to his mouth, and his jaw unhinges stretching absurdly, his mouth lined with rows of sharp teeth all the way to back of his throat. With a snap he crushes the object with his teeth, turning it into quickly fading dust.

After a moment of silence he says, "Y'know that girl Ki, she wants to wipe out humanity... Or something like that... I'm not entirely sure what her actual plans are, the details elude me." He reaches into the tree and touches a branch. It shivers at his touch, "I'm not supposed to be here, just like Hell doesn't like me, this realm, is it Eden? This realm doesn't like me." He smiles and licks his lips, his tongue is long, pointed, and charcoal black. "A broken heart though? Really? She's a demon, a fallen angel. Is she, truly, capable of love?" He smiles and laughs softly.

"As expected." Tiamat remarked as the rakoor weaved around the battlefield, dodging her attacks left and right. Suddenly, the rakoor charged directly at her, apparently trying to punch the underside of her dragonic physique. Tiamat laughed heartily! Now, this was something! The last time that she fought Him, Lucifer, and Adam... none attempted such tomfoolery. Tiamat is a GODDESS! Her armor was something akin to divinity, and the only reason why she was defeated was because of the combined might of Heaven, Hell and Earth. She didn't wait 1000 years to be resurrected, and be done in by so called super punches. Oh no, she was stronger than this. The rakoor should have known...

"Did you really think that the mother of creation would be done in by punches, mortal? Are you trying to humor me? Your size is your disadvantage." Tiamat roared. In a flash, her great wings expanded, and became agitated-- releasing slashing winds all around her. She floated high up in the air, her heads now combining again for another laser blast. After a few seconds, the same deadly laser was released which cut in a straight line around the garden. Tiamat let out the same attack once more, now aiming at the rakoor.



The hordes of the ancient army trampled upon the mortal realm, and it was beginning to become harder to defend. Forks upon forks of black lightning soared through the torrid air, smiting one ancient after the other. Lucifer tore through the crowd, his eyes angry and agitated. This was taking too long... too long. He looked at Lilith dueling with Ki-- she was indeed powerful! Lucifer smiled... he shouldn't lose to his queen! If she saw how powerless he was, she might replace him with someone else. The King chuckled, and after a great fog converged on his location, his demon form emerged.

"There's a reason why I am the King of Hell." Lucifer strode through the corpse-littered field. The black fog dashed through the ancients, toppling numerous foes in one thrust. Lucifer leaped into the air, and slammed back down-- causing the black fog to lift a good number of ancients into the air before fully crushing their bodies.

"Lilith, take care of her. I'm pushing back their forces." Lucifer called out before charging ahead, the black fog aiding his advance. Soon, numerous portals appeared mid-air. Portals from Hell. After a few seconds, a stream of demons came out-- the Legion had arrived. Vhen and Charon appeared as well, fighting back the elemental army.



"I hope you have your litany ready, wench. Your King will have to read it when you've already died." Ki smirked, although shaken that one of her golems was defeated. The earth trembled beneath her, and afterwards, great boulders lifted into the sky. "I hope you're hungry."

The boulders were ignited with white-flames... the same white flames that had shredded Lucifer's wing. The great stones soared through the air in great succession-- their aim was to crush the queen of Hell into the ground. As the boulders soared on, a great number of demons were also crushed under its weight, some incinerated completely due to the white flames.

Next, Ki jumped backward... her fist collided with the earth which caused a fracture on the ground. "Time to shake it off, demons."

The earth began to shake violently-- it was a powerful Earthquake.


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Hagen smirked as the ancient fly high into the sky. He would have to punch harder next time, since he had miss judged the armour's strength. If there was a next time. He watched as she began to power another laser, that cut through Eden. At least for a bit, the damage was soon fixed. It seemed Tiamat didn't understand.

He noticed the second laser, but the window resistance from her wings was a bit to much. Hagen managed to dodge slightly so the laser only hit half of his body. But it still did sufficient damage to him. His body dropped to the floor.

"man that hurt" he said, his skin sizzling from the heat. He still hadn't healed his back from the last attack, now he would have to heal both. He slowly pulled his body to his feet. He swung his burnt arm around, as if to loosen it up. He then looked back up at Tiamat "is that really your best attack?" He asked, disappointed.
Lilith nodded as Lucifer pushed the elementals back with the help of armies from Hell. Scarlet went with them so it's really just the two of them fighting. Lilith bared her teeth at Ki as she taunted Lilith. "Oh come on. The only one who needs prayer would be you. As if you have someone to pray to and as if that's gonna make a difference." she retorted sarcastically as she watched Ki attacked with boulders covered with white flames. She knew that the flames would burn her badly if she let herself get hit.

She managed to break them before they got near with her hellfire. The crowd in between were incinerated to ashes. The boulders came in quick successions that she found herself face to face with one medium sized boulder. She dodged in time but half of her body got singed. She hissed as she felt the sting. Then a powerful earthquake shook the ground that almost knocked her on her knees. Using her wings, she hovered a few feet above the ground. With a snarl, she casted chains on Ki, hindering any movements and firmly pinned her to the ground. Wasting no time for any escape, she casted a pentagram on her spot to further reinforce the chains then immediately casted Amaterasu on her -- the same punishment she did on Leviathan. If she could use the slaughterhous, she would so she could torture the bitch. She looked on her contemptuously before summoning a dozen hellhounds. Her face now cold and unforgiving, she ordered the hounds to torture her. "Break her bones, let her choke on her own blood. Humiliate her by ripping her clothes. Bite her everywhere with abandon. I want to hear her cry and I won't even consider your begging." she said as the hounds moved to do her bidding. The pentagram ensure that the chains were immovable since it occupied the space up and down the ground. "Now, let's see bitch." she murmured sadistically.

Eve watched as Calvariae explained using a mock-earth. "I see. I don't mind really as long as you don't harm me." she replied before he began to comment on Eden not liking his presence. "I'm not really sure. See, this is Eden but on a different plane. It could be that this is not actually Eden but a different kind altogether. It's Hagen's domain so he alone controls the space here. The tree doesn't like anyone except me and Hagen actually." she said with a touch to the branch that shrinked from Calvariae's touch, bringing it back to its usual appearance. He then proceeded with commenting about Lilith. "She is despite being a fallen angel as you put it though she wasn't an angel. We're different from angels and pure demons. It's complicated. We're in between kind of beings. Not human either. We're originally created to love so we know how to love." she explained to him though she wasn't sure if he'd get it.

"Hey Hagen, what's the holdup?" she yelled teasing him with a grin after a lapse in her conversation with Calvariae.
Hagens head tilted to see Lilith, who had just finished her conversation with Calvariae. It seemed the guardian had materialized into a more human like appearance. He heard Eve's jeering from the tree. "Shut up" he shouted back. "This guy is so fat all the power gets absorbed into it" He said, insulting Tiamat as he did. He then turned back to the ancient "Anyway, her attacks are so weak i can't go 100%" he said, more to Tiamat than to Eve.

Hagen's breathing changed, as he focused his energy on healing his body. Slowly the blisters began to die down, and the burn marks returned back to normal flesh. His still had a few scar like marks along his left side He should really look after himself more, the scars on his body seemed to grow day by day. Whilst he was regenerating he was vulnerable, but since the attacks were so petty he didn't really care. To be honest Hagen was rather disappointed. A creature that could take on the top angel, demon and human but hadn't killed him. He was clearly thinking to much of everyone.

"You talk too much." Tiamat echoed back the rakoor's favorite line. "If your power could just be as half as quick as your tongue, maybe you have a chance at stopping me. Go 100% for all I care."

The great goddess kept the high ground, seeking ways of ending this fight without revealing too much of her abilities to the onlookers. Never reveal the hand you're dealt. Never reveal your full powers unless you're fighting Him. She had already revealed her combined elemental attack and laser strikes-- this was going to be troublesome. No. Her thoughts were preoccupied with something more important: how to take on the same enemies that defeated her in the last millennium. How strong had the King of Hell grown? How strong had He grown? Were they as powerful as before, or did they stagnate? It was quite exciting to look forward to a glorious final battle. Where would the battle be? Still... the combined might of those two might put a dent in her plans. However, she didn't just lay around while she was sealed-- no, she also kept improving. The duo will be surprised once she meets them in battle.

"Try not to die." Tiamat jeered back before all her heads pointed upwards-- channeling a disastrous and gigantic orb of white-flames; the flames that could be compared to the sun that she had blocked out once. Of course, she was handicapped... this was the rakoor's playing field, and thus, he had the advantage. Still, it was a fair handicap. If she was in the real world, she could have ended this sooner. She couldn't manipulate the elements around her; lucky rakoor, then.

Tiamat threw down the orb to the ground, and when it struck the earth-- it exploded into shockwaves upon shockwaves of white-flames-- incinerating those that are not prepared for it into non-existence. The radius could be on the level of a wave that can topple a whole city...

"That should keep that noisy worm busy for a while." Tiamat nodded to herself before sinking again into thoughts on how to battle the only two worthy opponents in this realm.



Ki smirked as she watched in glee how the demoness was scalded. "How does it feel to be burned?!" Ki shouted in bloodlust, however, her joy was short as hell-chains sprang the ground, and whirled around her, shackling the goddess to the ground. The hounds of hell came into view, and with great accuracy, began to maul Ki... The goddess' screams could be heard... it wasn't of pain, but of rage.

A great blast of earth erupted from Ki's spot-- spikes of earth impaling the hounds into oblivion. The goddess got up, her face snarling with fury, blood dripping from her flesh. "You will pay for that... I will make sure you will suffer first before you die..."

The goddess vanished into the earth, later reappearing next to Mammon's body. In a swift movement, Ki implanted dozens of her tattoos on the demon's physique. "Rise."

Mammon's corpse became animated, his eyes opening to reveal the soft blue orbs that his mother would lovingly recognize. The puppet now sprang forward, its body solidifying into gold. In a second, Mammon jumped up in the air, and caused the same pyramid to spawn-- causing it to hurtle down once more on his mother. Mammon would follow suit of the pyramid, summoning another pyramid behind it.

Meanwhile, Ki brought out the candle... the same candle back in Angkor Wat. Spears of white-flames now spawned from the candle, and dashed towards Lilith, aiming to shred her wings the same way that she had shred the King's wings.
"phew that was close" Hagen said as he rubbed his slightly burned skin. He was now on the back of Tiamat. He had just managed to avoid the attack by opening the seal a bit more. The cross scar was bleeding again and his hand was covered in his own blood. Just before the orb hit the ground, Hagen had plunged his own hand into his chest. It was only enough to open the seal a bit more. The cross scar acted as a gate way to the seal.


Just after Hagen passed all the tests issued to young Rakoor males. His father and mother forced a strange thing inside of him. They told him that it would allow him to do great things when he was older. After fusing the to souls, his and the dragons, together and adding dragon blood to his body. They sealed away the power by cutting open his chest with Adams weapons. Two large Claymore blades that he wielded on the battle field. By doing this they had blessed his body, and Adams spirit would act as a seal.

The seal is very strong and won't be opened by normal injuries. But, if he suffers from a direct hit to the center point of the scar by a powerful enough force it will begin to open. Hence why, when he was in the box, the spear made by Lucifer was powerful enough to open part of the seal. As the seal opens more and more Hagen will gain more of the dragons power.


Hagen lowered one hand down on the ancients back "My turn" he said. Rotating his hand only slightly he sent a piercing pulse through her body. It was like she had bee skewered down the back, but there was no weapon. Just the boys armored hand. His tooth grin filling his cheeks as he raised his other fist. Bringing a colossal punch down to Tiamats back, aimed for the same point as his previous attack.
Calvariae nodded, "I have no reason to spare you Eve, just as I have no reason to harm you." He shook his head to her explanation "It is more than that. My being, the type of entity I am, we don't fit well into certain realms, the realm of Earth under the control of Jehovah, is easy operate in. It may be that with Hagen's tight control of this realm it tries to prevent me, my existence isn't controlled by the realm I exist in, so the more it tries to control me..." Calvariae watched as Ki was being restrained, and broke the restraints, "As humans say, I can feel my blood boil. The desire to fight is strong."

Calvariae laughed, "That Rakoor is ripping his chest open, he should be more careful or something might get in." He leaned forward and watched the battle between Hagen and Tiamat. Calvariae could barely see Hagen on Tiamat's enormous back. He chuckled, "The Rakoor looks so tiny."
"As I said, I don't mind at all. I'll fight whoever if I'm convinced it is needed." she said in answer to Calvariae's remark. "Yeah, he does look tiny. Well, he is tiny to start with." she laughed at Calvariae's observation. "Whoa! Careful now." she squinted as the Orb sent by Tiamat brushed the barrier where it hissed at the contact. "I hope they finish soon. It's taking too long." she mumbled as she propped her hands under her chin. She snapped her fingers and some fruits appeared. She offered some to Calvariae.

Lilith sighed as if weary from talking to an errant child. "What? A few bites and blood, you go bat-shit crazy already? Pathetic." she said with a grin. It faded when she escaped and used her tattoo to puppet Mammon. Her eyes turned like glittering black diamonds at her move. "I think I'm gonna kill you now." she declared quietly as she dodged the pyramid then the next one. "You have no idea." she said as with a flick of her hand, the pyramids turned and went down on her. The first one smashed as it collided with the white flames spears Ki sent towards Lilith. The second one pushed through her, giving her no time to create another set of spear. Using the momentary surprise of her enemy, she teleported in front of Ki then smashed the candle while she was still holding it. "Oops. Did I crush your bones?" she said evilly as she felt Mammon tried to attack her. She jerked the chains she made specifically for each of her sons so that Mammon was hurled towards Ki. Her intention was accomplished as Mammon crashed to Ki with their lips touching each other. Once the tattoo was transferred, she jerked back her son and chained him firmly to the ground.

She then turned to Ki who was bloodied and infuriated at her. Before she could retaliate, she heaped a lot of chains on her. She put a collar on her also. "Hmm. I think that suits you." she murmured. She summoned another dozen of hounds but this time they're the Ancient ones. "Bite her head off for me." she said in a cold voice as the hounds went for Ki's head. She wanted to made sure she wouldn't escape so she casted a spell on her before throwing Amaterasu again. She even conjured one of the Hell blades and struck it on her heart. "Die." she said sweetly.

Tiamat roared as the fly began to crawl disgustingly on her dragon scales. Of course, she wouldn't unleash a blast on herself... that would be too human. No. She was going to---

The fly began to unleash some blows which irked the ancient goddess to the point where she would have blasted her own body if it meant getting rid of that annoying pest. She smiled. Suddenly, the rakoor punched even harder-- apparently applying a greater amount of power to the next blow. She smiled. She couldn't dodge that colossal punch even if she wanted to-- of course, her size didn't allow for such a maneuver. She wasn't exactly that agile in the first place.

Tiamat let out a roar before convulsing and falling down from the heavens. She hit the cracked earth with an explosive tremor, and after that, the ancient goddess became immobile, silent, unmoving.


The earth goddess screamed in fury. Her power might be strong enough to combat a demoness, but not that of a mother; especially, a grieving one. The goddess could do nothing but thrash in futile attempts at life before the hounds of hell did their work with utter ferocity and brutality.


Pillars of black fog surrounded the vicinity, and caged the elementals within its destructive walls. Lucifer, smiling, clenched his fist-- causing the pillars to violently collapse-- crushing and obliterating the elementals caught within. The remaining elementals fled from the battlefield, completely aware of their futility now that one of their leaders had been slain.

Lucifer smiled triumphantly, knowing full well that the armies of Hell had prevailed. Countless demons might have been slain in this battle, but every blood spilled was worth something-- that something was victory. Returning to his human form, a pang of nervousness and fear immediately gripped his heart; this prompted the King to immediately dash back with only one thought in mind: was Lilith alive? He could never forgive himself if his queen died all because he didn't help her.

Lucifer went back to the clashing place of the two battling females, and with a sigh of relief, Lucifer charged at his queen, and encased her in an extremely tight embrace. Lucifer's hands caressed Lilith's crimson locks, inhaling the tantalizing mixture of war and grace. Lucifer pulled back, and looked at Ki's mauled corpse.

"I did warn you, Ki. My wife was not going to give you a swift death." Lucifer mocked the dead ancient with a smirk. His eyes went back to his queen, smiling proudly at the woman who had fought alongside him. "You're beautiful when you're fighting, you know that?"

Lucifer suddenly looked around--- he saw, he felt, he sighed in relief... Mammon was alive! "Come here, you idiot."


Mammon was still dumbfounded... for one second, he was fighting the rakoor. After that, there was nothing but darkness. Then, he saw himself fighting his mother, and now... a war? What?!

Mammon's confusion was interrupted by his father's voice. Hesitatingly, Mammon approached his parents, and when he was expecting a punishment, an arm grabbed him and included him in an embrace. This was a shock for Mammon... his dad never was this soft, heck, he never expressed any emotion other than anger and spite.

Then again, this hug... it was warm. His mother, his father, him... They were a family. Mammon suddenly pulled back, a thought ran into his mind.

"Where... is... Scarlet?"
"You are really going to play dead now" Hagen asked as he jumped of the ancients back. He landed so he was facing the heads of the ugly beast. He had damaged Tiamat's back, but she shouldn't have died. Or maybe she did. Maybe she was actually weak, and the three who fought her were even weaker. He noticed the sickening smile on her face. For such a powerful ancient she made some petty expressions, he thought to himself. He didn't believe that she was dead, but he had another person to kill. Eve

Hagen turned to face the tree that she was sitting on. The Golden barrier protecting it shimmered in the sun. He noticed she looked bored. A large smile grew on his face. "Come on Eve" he beckoned her with one hand. "It is time for our long awaited battle" he shouted over to her from where he stood, in front of the giant ancient.
Lilith eyed the goddess with an intensed gaze filled with contempt and coldness that she's trying to leash it tightly. Once the adrenaline from fight ebbed, her grief came back by huge waves, threatening to overwhelm her. It was at that state that she felt a tight embrace enclosed her. She leaned into it drawing comfort from Lucifer's warmth since she didn't have to see who was holding her. She would know him even from thousand miles away. He told her how proud he was of her and she was glad she had him. "Flatterer. You're quite magnificent back there too you know." she laughed lovingly. Her thought returned to her dead son, Mammon. Suddenly, Lucifer called someone and her heart was filled with hope as Mammon's presence began to penetrate her fog of despair. She found herself hugging her resurrected son and beloved King. It was too good to be true but she felt hugely relieved at the turn of the events. "You're going to spend a lot of time making up to me young man. I had some unpleasant experiences today and you're going to indulge me, understand?" she said in a mock-scolding tone. He then asked for Scarlet who was nowhere to be seen.

There was a lengthy silence before there was a loud thump and Scarlet appeared, disgruntled and annoyed but in perfect shape despite her limp. She was pinned down by a dead elemental so she wasn't able to get up immediately. "What the effing hell! I hate elementals! They're smelly and freaking disgusting. Ugh." she said making her way towards the three. It was when she was a few feet from them that she recognized the man standing near Lilith and Lucifer. "I..Am I hallucinating? It must be that elemental's smell getting to my head." she said to herself as she came nearer to him, her hands unconsciously reaching out to him. "Ma-Mammon? Is that really you? You...!" she launched herself to him totally forgetting the other two as she hugged him before barreling her fists into his chest. "Don't you dare die on me again! You fucking hear me? I'll kill you if you do!" she yelled at him as she choked back a sob. "Stupid Mammon.." she sniffled.

Lilith smiled at the scene. Who would've thought that Scarlet was capable of showing such emotions. Well, she's not going to mention it or she'll bite her head off. She chuckled at herself. "Wonder what's happening to Eve and Hagen now." her face turned serious as she whispered the statement to Lucifer.
Eve yawned and was surprised that the fighting stopped. "Hey, is she really dead? That's stupid." she replied to Hagen's statement. "Hild on. I'll make sure she's dead first. Like dead dead." she laughed as she jumped to the ground and landed daintily. "Calvariae, can I ask a favor please?" she smiled sunnily at him. "Can you inform Lilith that we're done with Tiamat and I'm gonna play with Hagen here now." she said before turning away from the tree without waiting for Calvariae's reply, knowing he'd do it not for any reason but curiosity to the other party's reaction and state.

She held a hand to Hagen to tell him to wait. Once close to the ancient goddess, she crushed its heads one by one with brutal force. Not contented, she incinerated each with black hellfire. She proceeded to dismember the limbs and crushed it before burning it to ashes like she did with the heads. Without warning, she plunged her hand to the beast's chest and took its heart. She waved it to show it to Hagen before crushing it into a pulp. She then kicked the carcass into the side. "Hmm. I smell of ancient's blood but can't say I mind." she said with a careless shrug. Her eyes trained on Hagen and tilted her head. "Come on." she said simply with a grin. Her bloodlust rising, black fog began to swirl around her as if feeling the anticipation its owner was feeling too.
Hagen didn't need her to tell him. He had already lunged for Eve. The moment she turned around Hagen was face to face with her, a huge smile across his face. The stench of bloodlust was thick around the boy.

His black armour had grown up to his shoulders, and to his waist. Black and red vein like things crept out of his cross scar. "with pleasure" he said as he drove his right fist towards her face.
Eve was face to face with him when she turned around. His appearance changed looking more dragon than human. She returned his stare without wavering. She lunged at him with razor like nails aiming for his neck at the same time he went for her face. She felt the impact as she was sent feet away. She looked up with a smirk as she noted his bleeding neck. "Tsk. Worth it. That hurts." she said touching her cheeks with a grin.
" Well played" Hagen smiled, as he felt the warm blood trickle down his neck. The moment he had punched her, she had managed to cut his neck. Even if it wasn't a full attack the mark Eve had left would be hard to heal, but it began anyway. The skin slowly grew over as the flesh rebuilt itself. The wound seemed to steam as it healed.

Hagen didn't wait another moment to launch his second attack. He dashed head on towards Eve, or that's what it looked like. It was actually an after image left by Hagen's improved speed. His main attack was aimed from above. As he had launched himself into the air, and was coming down with his foot aimed at the top of her head.
Calvariae sighed, "That was disappointing." He stepped down from the branches, and turned into his other form, he stepped up to the trunk of the tree once Hagen and Eve were busy, and sunk his fangs into it. He pumped something into it, and then pulled back. The tree healed itself from the puncture marks. Calvariae left the shielded area next and instead of appearing next to Lillith, he just vanished.

Elsewhere there stood another ancient tree, the other forbidden tree, with its untouched fruit of life. Clavariae appeared here, and climbed into the branches now the size of a cat. He nestled up to a cluster of fruit and fell asleep. Something was coming, and he needed to be prepared for it.

A shimmering portal opened across from the sleeping Calvariae, and a large dark shape leaned out of it. There was a droning hiss, and Calvariae woke up, he looked at the portal and the figure half in it. "Assigner, I was wondering when you would make your appearance." The entity gestured for Calvariae to come with it and leaned back into the portal, Calvariae stood up and followed.​
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Eve closed her eyes as Hagen seemed to attack her full front. After a heartbeat, she opened them and her arm reached out. She caught Hagen's ankle and she tightened her grip on him, pulling him towards her as her right hand conjured a ball of hellfire slamming it into Hagen's midsection. She hurled him into the ground and summoned hellhounds. She then proceeded to cast some chains on him as he get up. She dashed towards him with what looks like a vine with thorns. She lashed it to him once she was close enough. She drew some blood from his cheeks and managed to lick some off him. "Hmm..You taste okay for a rakoor." she grinned clearly enjoying it.
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