The Knight's Wanderer

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He frowned lightly, keeping his eyes on her despite not facing her fully. "Are you sure? You'll come to fetch me or call out if you need anything, then, right?"
"All I need is a blanket. I'm used to sleeping wherever I fall..." She chuckled, coughing lightly. She nudged him with her toes. "Go on, go sleep silly."
"If you say so, I'll trust your moment...But I'll still worry." He mused lightly, standing as she nudged him. Standing carefully, he looked around for a blanket. It took him time, but he managed to find one, and laid it across her gracefully. "Rest well, Miss Eliza. May pleasant dreams find you, hm?"
She smiled, falling asleep quickly at the warmth of the blanket. As ever, her dreams were nonexistent. Instead, she slept in a warrior's sleep, waking only to toss and turn as a fever took over her body.
He came out once in a while to check on her out of concern, and was saddened by the fact that she seemed to change position regularly. He had trouble sleeping when he was worried, and he didn't have a book or his journal to console him- so instead, he focused on her, wetting a towel to put on her forehead to try to cool her body temperature.
Eliza woke, the cool clothe on her head spurring her to wonder what was happening. She blinked glancing around. "What's happening?" She asked with a grumble.
He looked at her curiously. "My apologies, I didn't mean to wake you..." He smiled meekly, adding, "You've been stirring quite a bit for a while now...And when I checked with the old fashioned way, though I'm not doctor, it was clear you have at least a slight fever. This is the best way to combat it. Please do not feel threatened. It's best to treat such a thing early."
Eliza reached out a hand to grasp at his clothes. "I'm never ill...surely it's just a mistake?" She frowned up at him, her eyes slightly glazed over.
He frowned. "It's better to be safe than sorry. Your health is important. And only idiots don't catch colds, Miss Eliza. I'm fairly certain you are not an idiot."
Eliza shook her head. "Sorry to inconvenience can go if you need." A knock at the door startled her and she raised her voice slightly. "Come in!"

Jon walked in, dressed in his armor and looking around for her, "Boss, we got a job-" He took in her form under the blankets and on the couch with a wet rag on her head and Joseph's position and his eyes went wide. "What's wrong?"
"She's got a fever." Joseph replied rather blatantly. He wasn't afraid to admit her ailment, even if she wasn't so keen on accepting it. "She's rather stubborn about the concept."
Jon looked at Joseph. "Alright. Can you take care of her for a while longer? I'll lead the squad on the next job..."

Eliza sat up. "I can make it." A coughing fit overcame her and she lay back down, shivering under the covers. "Nevermind...Jon, I'm trusting you! Make us look good!" She looked at Joseph. "You, tale-spinner, do not have to remain..."

Jon tried to interject, "You have never been sick before Lizzy! He should stay."

Eliza glared at Jon. "If he needs to leave, I shall not tie him down. I shall be okay."
"And if I don't have a need to leave?" Joseph mused, looking to Eliza's last statement curiously. "I can tell tales anytime- even now, if needed. But I personally wouldn't be able to accept myself if I didn't try to aid you when you're in such a state. It's not in my nature, I suppose." He gave a gentle smile, lightly patting her leg. "You rest, and leave the care taking to me. It's not my first time taking care of one with a bug, and it will certainly not be my last most likely."

Standing straight, he turned to the one named Jon and gave him a polite, business-like nod. "You can count on me to take care of her. Please do your best out there not to get sick as well, and work hard as always."
Eliza sighed, closing her eyes wearily and resting.

Jon nodded, slapping Joseph on the back in camaraderie. "Many thanks. She can be stubborn as a mule...I will not lie...I am really worried for her. She has never taken ill and ghouls...well....they can lead to all sorts of misfortune and illnesses."
Joseph smiled, nodding easily. "Don't fret...I'm rather used to stubborn patients, so to speak. And it's natural you'd worry- you're a team, after all. It's the way things go. I'm sure your caring will help push the ailment away as well as the rest. But I'll make sure she gets said rest as well." He chuckled a bit, patting the man's back in response in a gentle, calm manner. "Getting sick isn't a joke, and though I don't know much about ghouls particularly from these parts...I do know that illness needs to be taken care of carefully. I know enough for now, but if it gets to be past what I can aid her with...I'll find out who can. But I have a good feeling I should be enough for the time being. Not to sound over-confident, of course."
Jon nodded. "Ghouls in these parts just tend to place curses..." He shook his head. "Nevermind. Best of luck to you." He walked out the door, heading for the rest of the squad.

Eliza looked up from the couch. "Sorry to be such a bother." She whispered.
Returning to check on her, he heard her whisper while trying not to worry about the words from Jon before his departure. "No need to worry- you're no bother at all. If anything, I'm the bother. I am the one intruding in your home after all, no matter what the reason." He smiled easily, kneeling next to her. "Now...How is your stomach feeling? Are you feeling up to eating?"
She looked at him. "My stomach is not the issue." She frowned. "It's my chest and head that hurt..." She reached out a hand to pat his cheek. "You are never to think you are intruding, friend."
He was surprised by the touch, but more-so by the reference as a friend. This made his smile become a bit warmer, as he touched her hand and moved it as he stood. "In what way does your chest hurt? Your head as well. I know some foods that are good for such things, but it depends on the type...Oh, and there's a pressure point I was told in the hand that's good for the head in some cases..." He smiled, adding, "You'd be surprised how well it can work. I never believed in it until trying it myself a few times. Do you believe in such practices though? Or should I speak with a proper clinician?""
Eliza chuckled, coughing after a few moments. "It feels like a great weight is sitting on it. I trust you...I don't need a proper clinician." She closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.