The Knight Will Fall

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The whole way down, Evelyn did not speak to the princess, though the princess seemed to have a mouthful of words to say.
"I'm so glad you saved me. Although it isn't exactly what I had in mind, it's still alright," she spoke fast. "I was maybe thinking of someone nicer and a knight. You don't look like you know what you're doing."
It was obvious Evelyn was getting annoyed, if you looked at her eyes and body posture. Once they hit the bottom of the tower, Eve turned around sharply and gave the princess a deadly look. "Stop. Talking." was all she said before turning back around to go to the creek to meet her friend, just like what they planned.
It was evening by the time Logan reached the creek, getting of the white stallion as he glanced around their surroundings. Not seeing Evelyn yet, Logan sat down in front of the tree, leaning against it as the horse drank water from the lake. The Greek watched it feed itself, then looked away from it.
How long has it been since the two friends came to the creek?
Logan smiled to himself, remembering about the times they both had when coming to the creek.
It took a couple hours to walk back to the creek. The whole walk was silent, which was good for Eve.
She glanced back at the princess from time to time. It was noticed she seemed a bit upset, or awkward around Evelyn.
Once she arrived at the creek, Eve cautiously removed her hood and mask, no longer caring about her identity being known to the princess.
"I got her," Eve stated, walking up from behind Logan.
Logan stood up as he heard his friend, turning around to face her and the princess. The young Greek smiled charming at them both, the stallion walked towards Logan's side, nuzzling his head at Logan. Logan chuckled at the horse, moving as he speak to Evelyn. "Hi there. I sorta of found information about the witch," He stated, arms crossing over his chest. "Though, the Earth witch was kind of hard to talk to..." He muttered under his breath.
"And I, sorta, have information about the dark knight," Evelyn said, even though there was no guarantee that the princess knew as much information of the knight.
"What did you get?" Eve asked, thinking it would be better to go after the witch first, rather than trying to take out the knight. While they try to find the witch, it would even give the princess time to spill what she knew, and the walk wouldn't be so quiet.
"Oh, alright then," He muttered, scratching the back of his head. Logan glanced at the princess, greeting her first before giving the said information."Hello, princess..." He said, then turned his attention back to Evelyn. "Well, the Earth witch shook her head when I asked her if she one anything about the witch's disappearance. Then I asked if she knew anywhere the witch might be. Tathariel told me a apocalyptic place if where one can find the witch..." He trailed off, frowing as he thought for a moment on the information. He took out his map again, looking over it.
The princess smiled at Logan.
Eve glanced at her and then looked towards Logan. "An apocalyptic place?" She questioned while pulling out her own map.
Evelyn shrugged, not knowing what place that would be.
The princess on the other hand, was obviously awkward with the two.
"Umm... Maybe a place where it was apocalyptic before the knight took over..." Logan mumbled to himself, the stallion now lying on the ground. The young Greek glanced at Evelyn,"Do you know any place that was destroyed before this whole thing started?" He asked, to either of the girls. Logan leaned against the tree, looking closely at his map.
Evelyn shrugged, not knowing.
The princess on the other hand seemed to be thinking.
"I might know of a place," she said while in thought. It was as though she forgot a lot of things after being locked away in the tower.
Eve raised an eyebrow, waiting for further information.
"It was a place just a couple hourson east of the kingdom, I believe," the princess said.
Logan and the stallion raised their head to the princess, listening to her. Logan hummed in thought, putting his map way and crossed his arms over his chest.
"You think we can do that?" He asked Evelyn, turning his attention to her and between the princess.
"We could," Evelyn answered, still looking at the map. It seemed reasonable to find the witch anyways, to figure out what that knight wanted from her.
As long as the princess knew where she was going, and didn't get them lost, everything was fine with Evelyn.
"Follow me," the princess said after nodding and beginning to walk. Eve took one look at Logan before following a bit behind the princess.
She wasn't sure what she was getting into, so she made sure her crossbow was ready, and if needed, she could use her shadow magic.
Logan and the white stallion tilted their head slighlty, watching the two young women walked to a path. The brunette shrugged and took the horse by its handle, both following the the girls. Logan glanced around, smiling gently to himself, then sighed tirely as he looked at the sky, noticing it is already nightfall.
The stallion neighed at the Greek, causing Logan to patted its head. "Tired? Me, too... but we got to keep going." He whispered, mostly to the horse and himself.
Evelyn turned to face Logan once hearing him speak to the horse. She raised an eyebrow before turning back around with a smirk on her face.
"You wanna stop to rest?" she called back to him, without turning around to look at him.
The princess stopped walking and faced them both. "Are we stopping?" she asked the two.
The ears of Logan and the stallion perked up, turning their attention to Evelyn. Logan blinked twice before chuckling lightly as he shook his head. "It's alright... we can go on for another hour or so," He started, glancing at the two women. The white stallion tilted its head, it's stomach growling. Logan looked over at the horse, smilig slightly as he reached for an apple from his messager bag, feeding it to the horse. "Unless the lovely, young ladies are feeling tired and hungry?" He added, looking back at the two.
"I wouldn't mind stopping," the princess stated. She was tired, as well as hungry. She took one look at Evelyn, who didn't seem to want to stop, and quickly added to her statement, "of course we could always keep moving a little longer." Their earlier encounter seemed to cause the princess to already have an impression on Eve, and it wasn't a good one.
Evelyn rolled her eyes and turned back around to face Logan. "We might as well take a break."
Logan scratched the back of his head, shrugging his shoulder as he looked at Evelyn. "I mean, I know how you are." He stated quietly. "Oh, but we can continue until we find shelter... since we're still in the middle of the forest." He added. Deciding where to take a break or not, it's pretty hard, knowing fully well how Evelyn wants to get over finding the witch and such. The stallion walked over to the princess, letting her know she can ride it.
Evelyn only nodded, agreeing to continue on until they were to find shelter.
The princess smiled at the gesture given by the stallion. She carefully climbed on it to ride, only waiting for the others to be ready to move on now.
Evelyn gave no other words before turning around and continuing on with their journey.
Logan took the white horse by it's collar as the princess took the handle. The stallion neighed as they all walked behind Evelyn. The young Greek sighed to himself, watching, more like keeping a look out, Evelyn from a short distance.
It was around 0200 in the morning, the sky still dark, but the stars are shining brightly. Logan looked up from the ground he been staring at for a while, noticing a roof not far nor close from where they are.
"Hey, it's that a house or something?" He asked, tilting his head slightly with a question look crossing his facial features.
Evelyn walked ahead of the other two. She was looking straight ahead as she walked, not even really looking for shelter.
If they passed shelter, she probably wouldn't have cared seeing as how she wanted to find the witch.
Of course, that wasn't going to pass. Just then Logan pointed out a house and Eve picked up her head to look what he was talking about.
Evelyn shrugged at his question before saying, "lets go find out," and walking off towards the house.
Logan and the stallion watched Evelyn as she was ahead of them. The Greek sighed quitely and began to walked a bit faster with the horse, both trying to reached the young woman.
After they reached the bridge abd crossed it, the brunette glanced at the house figure, noticing it is indeed a house. "Well, should we take a break, or...?" He asked, not loudly though. The stallion neighed as it stopped in front of the shelter.
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