✾The Kiora Project✾ - OOC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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* the devil's humble contractor
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
Romance, Slice of Life, Fantasy

Credits to a person who has left this community, who some of us know, some of this 'theme' is from 'Shounen Senpai's planned roleplay, 'Anomaly'.
I loved his style.

NOTE: This will be a sort of small roleplay so if you are planning to be busy in the future please don't join, I've been apart of roleplays that are ended fast because of foreseen vacations. If you join please

Also, meet xLarius. The GM who's not very good with codes, even after reading the bb code guide
10 times. Not even exaggerating.

Also, this is my very first RP that I will be a GM. Please don't be too harsh on me!
If this isn't a good idea I guess I'll tweak it a bit, but... I LIKE THIS IDEA!!
Now that this has been established, thank you for taking interest in this rp and let's get the ball rolling!


Character Sheet/Information (It's Here!) | Out-of-Character/Plot Discussion(you're here!)
| In-Character
Character Sheet- (July 26, 2016)
Out-of-Character/Plot Discussion Thread//Information Thread (July 25, 2016)
In-Character Thread - N/A

Open/Closed Signups?: Counting. . . .

How many more slots are open?: CLOSED. WILL BE OPEN ONCE SLOTS EMPTY!

Male: 6
Female: 6
- Will count once everyone is finished!

How many characters am I allowed to make?: 1 please and thank you, since there isn't that many slots.
I may increase this based on if more and more people would like to join, but for now let's just stick
on the safe side~

Welcome! You're currently in the Out of Character thread!
PLEASE, don't post your CS in this thread!
This area is for random stuff, asking questions and all that nice rp progression stuff.

I hope you enjoy this roleplay! Below is all the information I think you need at this time.
I'm really open to suggestions for changes!​


  • "Ah, It seems you're not home at the moment. But you do
    have a recording machine... Great!"

    At this moment there's a bit of crackling.
    "So, since you're one of my blessed friends... Mind helping me?"
    The, "Kiora" project. What is it exactly? Since Ryouta
    has been a kid he's always wanted to create something with
    the friends she's/he treasures dearly to show to his children that yes! That he plans to have. This was also an opportunity to connect with all those friends that he hasn't talked to in awhile, it's basically a 'Art' get together.
    Ranging from instruments and basic music skills,
    to drawing.He's in college and life has been a bit rough but
    everyday after the school day, he declares that this would be a dedicated
    program that his superiors wanted him to commence. It so happens that
    his 'friends' are the best of the best. Though the program isn't without flaws.
    This gets pulled from his own budget and not to mention the rest.
    Though everyone is different, the teams ranging from, music, artist,
    drama (acting), being a writer, it could end up being madness!
    With all the geniuses together, what could they create? That's for them to
    decide. Will they bond over the events? Or will this group break up? Can they even balance it between college and this group?
    Well my reader, that's for you to decide.

  • The Strange GM: xLarius
    The Generous Co-Gm: Whispering~Melody
    The Skills Wanted: 'Intermediate' or Higher
    ("At this level, you should exhibit a distinct writing voice and style. All players must be familiar with common grammar and punctuation and write clearly legible posts with varied sentence structure. You will be expected to have more fleshed-out characters and adhere to the setting.")
    Type: Group, GET WITH IT (WO)MAN!
    Genre: Slice of Life, Romance
    Posting Rate Expectation: Please post as frequent, but don't rush
    your post. Unless,
    a) Someone's waiting on your post
    b) You haven't posted for an extremely long time

  • As much as I don't like rules they need to be made to create order in the rp.
    In general: Follow ALL Iwaku rules please.
    1) Wait two posts after yours, please. This is because
    I don't want things moving WAY too fast before others can comprehend
    what in the world is going on. This rule may change depending on if the number of players screws up the system.




    2) Please follow the format!
    (This will be listed in the 'Formats and Things' area.)

    3) Smut or anything that goes on the nature of Libertine is strictly forbidden in the IC thread. Romance is encouraged, but things that aren't
    family friendly is are not! Well except for swearing. That's alright.
    (I'm sorry, I just think swearing is okay.)

    4) Heads up! You're allowed to create NPC's if your character has nothing to do! So ha! No excuses!

    5) Please. No. One liners. No *fluffs! Please avoid grammatical errors.
    I understand when you start posting and you're exhausted and you
    trip out, one or two is okay if we understand your point! Otherwise
    if someone notices they have the right to mention it!
    Yes! I agree!

    6) NO Godmodding or Metagaming. No Gary Stu's or Mary Sue's (meaning your character is perfect and unbeatable). Make sure that the character will fit the realistic nature of the RP. Seriously. No one likes that one guy who's seriously annoying good. Really.

    1) THIS RP WILL BE A CONTINOUS RP DEPENDING ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE PLAYERS AND THE GM. As much as possible, I would like this RP to last for a long time, aka creating a sequel and things like that. Join the roleplay ONLY if you feel lke you can stay committed to your strange GM! Of course, things happen in life that weren't planned for at all. Check Rule #2 regarding this.

    2) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, inform me if you're dropping out! Seriously. If I don't hear from you for awhile I will be one, of course, a bit upset but on the other hand it could create chaos in the IC! If it's a cliffhanger and you just leave then... Hmph. I understand that we're all eventually going to be busy. If you feel like you're busy or if you have your reasons to leave or if you have lost interest in the roleplay, please tell me. In the end this will happen. (Skip to the *)

    If it's a temporary leave, for the time being your character(s) will either be:

    Option 1: Personally controlled by me for the time being

    No I'm kidding, you can trust me. Well there's also Option 2.

    Option 2: Given to other interested roleplayers for the time being

    Feel free to communicate and plan with whoever gets to control your characters on how they can temporarily keep your character alive in the roleplay while you are away.
    (Cough. Personally I think I'm better.)

    If you feel that your character wouldn't be in good hands (ouch.)
    There's a vacation option! Well, if your 'vacation' is more than
    a month real time then I will assume you've dropped out unless
    further notice, in that case this will happen:

    *A farewell post will commence. Aka an actual reason, not.

    3) While drama is encouraged in-character, I shall refrain drama of any kind happening in the OOC discussion. I've had enough fights in my
    Iwaku lifetime. I will be patient but if you push my buttons... Well I've warned you. (Please understand this only happens if the fight lasts
    for three days or so, and nobody has posted in the IC because of this fight.)

    4) This goes without saying but... Respect your fellow roleplayers as well as the characters they've created. Golden rule,
    "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
    You guys are nice people 15/16 of the time, I trust you!

  • {Insert Banner}
    Color Code:

    [Time Strip, Insert here the time the GM has implied.]
    Post down here

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@Whispering~Melody He's so cute omg xD I love him. C A N HE AND MY SMOL BABY BE FRIENDS... I forgot my character's name. Whoops. o3o

And, even though Kobe's an asshole, he's still open for any sort of relationship.
Lol man Savitar's popular. You mean Benji? Sure! Savi's gonna end up being friends with half the group haha.

Hmm....I can see Savi being friends with Kobe just to prove he's not a complete asshole lol. Dark will rival his assholeness though. Speaking of which.....

I finished Savi/Dark's personalities if anyone wants to take a look. Just need to add his bio (bleh) and small other things.
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Lol man Savitar's popular. You mean Benji? Sure! Savi's gonna end up being friends with half the group haha.

Hmm....I can see Savi being friends with Kobe just to prove he's not a complete asshole lol. Dark will rival his assholeness though. Speaking of which.....

I finished Savi/Dark's personalities if anyone wants to take a look. Just need to add his bio (bleh) and small other things.
Yep! xD He's not as popular so.. But that's cool~

oh boy, that'll definitely be fun. :P
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Okay got everything but history finished. I went a lil crazy on the theme songs lol
They could be friends =D he likes to pull pranks so that could be something they have in common ? (Isn't she a sorta troublemaker?)
Yeah, she does like to joke around and stuff.
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(Sorry for double posting)

Savitar is all done! I made his history purposefully vague to keep it interesting and accurate since nobody should know about his childhood. You could say his life before high school is a mystery wrapped in an enigma and shot into a black hole hehe.
CLOSED SIGNUPS - ✾The Kiora Project✾ - CS Drop
Yup, sorry! Jesus fuck, I feel like an ass. Alright, I'll have a post up ASAP. ><
Its OK XD just making sure your still interested. You were getting pretty far behind so I was getting worried hehe.

*pokes @xLarius* just to make sure, is Savi accepted?
Its OK XD just making sure your still interested. You were getting pretty far behind so I was getting worried hehe.

*pokes @xLarius* just to make sure, is Savi accepted?
Adorable and accepted. Go- FRICK. I HAVE TO MAKE HIM A BANNER.
Go ahead and post... You can edit the banner after I finish all of my work for today....
Procrastination gets you nowhere. NOWHERE I SAY.
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Reactions: Periwinkle
Wondering who Cordelia will annoy next... Any volunteers? XD
Adorable and accepted. Go- FRICK. I HAVE TO MAKE HIM A BANNER.
Go ahead and post... You can edit the banner after I finish all of my work for today....
Procrastination gets you nowhere. NOWHERE I SAY.
Haha its cool no rush!
Ya I know the feeling T_T

I'm sorry for disappearing.
I've been busy with school.

I'll have a post up soon, though!
And will come back to the OOC ;n;
No worries~ Glad to have you back!
Wondering who Cordelia will annoy next... Any volunteers? XD
Well Savitar is about to make his GRAND ENTRANCE soon if you want her to do something to him XD
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I'm not posting anything because neither of my children are needed lol
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Reactions: Periwinkle
Not true! Someone needs to comfort Savi after Cordelia basically just snapped his head off lol.

Of course! Cookie Dragon can share cookies too! (Just not all the da cookies....Nomnomnom)
I thought Ryouta would be doing that x'D

You're like, my soulmate.


marry me.
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