The Kingdom of Evertrue

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Asaka "Raven"

The swing with the man took struck her directly across the face and sent her backwards onto her back, which knocked the wind out of her. The surrounding Urchins, seeing Raven go down, were filled with rage. Once the hailstorm of stone fragments finished flying past them whilst they were on the rooftops, they rose and pulled back on the sling shots, then let loose a hail of missiles from the slings. Stones, glass, nails, and even some eggs stolen from the local market were unleashed upon the man. At the same time the leader of the group of urchins still laying on the ground let out a small smile as she rose to her feet, and drew on her own energy to call upon the birds in the area and give them a single directive, cover the magic merchant with all the excrement they could muster. A nearby group of seagulls were ones who answered her call, and flew in, then began to circle the man about thirty feet above him, then started dropping accurate liquid white bombs of excrement upon the man's head.

The sergeant turns back, pointing to the door "they?, the two idiots who watch the gate at night? but I just saw them leaving with some big sack, I will give the order to stop them, they must be still near"
As he turns to leave the room the captain stops him taking his arm "Wait, wait, dont be so reckless, you misunderstood me, sometimes I forget that you. while reliable aint very good at taking hints, first I dont want them arrested and taken to trial, why?, well because if they are arrested they will talk about how they brought me a greyskin, one that I want to keep hidden until I found what to do with him, this freak could fetch us a promotion, maybe even be made lord! of course that if I become a lord I would need a trusty knight to stand beside me and a good discreet adviser.." as he say that he turns to see the healer who keeps attending the darkelf, the healer just smiles and nods at the captain.
"Oh, I understand, it will be done quietly, I have a couple of guys who can do that" the sergeant bow his head shamed of not having understood what the captain had mean the first time.
"As long as they are also discreet enough and dont ask or want answers afterwards it would be fine, by the way, they are carrying a corpse, I want they get rid of it too"
The sergeant its about to leave when the captain remembers "One more thing sergeant!, the guards also must be carrying three sacks, I want to bring two back, the other you can share it with your men, just to make sure they will keep their mouths shut"
The sergeant at last leaves and the captain go with the healer.
"How is it?, it will survive?"
The healer had covered the wound in the dark elf leg, also bandaged his eyes and applied some ointments on the burns of his face and arms.
"Yes, isnt as bad as it looks, but he will need to be drinking this to recover" he shows him a flask in the floor "when hes better he wil be able to drink water as anybody else"
"I see, I will need a place to put him, to keep him hidden from prying eyes"
"My quarters have a cell, its for the ones who are too aggresive or plain mad, it has a bed and the door its quite strong, and nobody go into my quartes without me being there and the cell its out of sight, behind a closed door"
"Perfect, I also want that as soon as the greyskin begins to move you give him something to keep him tame, I dont want it to start to scream or trying to escape, a drug may be?"
"Of course sir, I will do it, should leave him there or we carry it to his new room?"


The healer begins to work in Avram "hummm you are a tough one, any other would be in bed fainted or crying in pain, your head was about to crack open like a nut, here drink this, it will ease the pain"
Avram drinks, it its bitter, so much that almost make him retch.
"Will ease my headache but not the stomach ache it give me, that stuff its awful"
"I know its quite bad, be glad that you didnt know whats into it, but its good, soon you wont feel nothing"
Avram nods, the head still hurts along with his other pains, but he feel dizzy as if he had drunk too much. He tries to keep talking to shake the dizzy feeling.
"Hey, you were saying that he had come with other guys like me?, what is it? you pick loser fighters from the street?"
"Oh no, no, I make bets, I look for strong guys like you and take them to the fights, if they win then we share the earning, but lately I was in a bad luck streak, that until I found you, and it wasnt even an official fight!, wouldnt be intrested in doing this?, you could earn a lot of cash"
"YOu are kidding, right?, that guy nearly pulped my face! and it wasnt even an official fight!"
"I know, I know, but as you said, you are rusty, I can see that you are used to fight, just need to train a bit, get in shape, I assure you, you can make more money doing this than working, that unless you want to do shady things"
"Working as a fighter?, I dont know, give me time to think about it, right now the only thing I can think about its sleeping or puking..."
"OK, ok, just rest and think about it, ok? I will be here, I will take care of you"
Here, he said. This should help - fruit may not be the most filling of foods, he added, moving to sit down near Crofton. He paused for a moment, glancing away. Thoughts were jumbling around inside his head, and the loudest one was telling him that it was time to tell Crofton the truth about who he was. He was in his home, he was slowly charming him, and the pair of them were preparing to set out on a journey together in the morning. Elbauthin was half-convinced that he should do just that, tell the other man that he'd lied about his name and who he really was...but what if Crofton was mad that he'd lied? Sometimes even just one little white lie was enough to destroy any inkling or semblance of trust, and what if Crofton was one of those types? Elbauthin wasn't sure quite what to do.
Rahil smiled at the sound of her giggle - sweet and flirtatious, but it didn't seem to fit her. It was as if the noise had come from someone else entirely, and Venilia had simply moved her mouth to match the rhythm. He nodded in the direction of the stairs to the rooms. Go and get cleaned up, he said to her. When you're done, if you're still interested in taking a job here, you can come down here and we'll make the arrangements for it. He was eager to have her on board, especially now that he knew he would have an entire ship's crew visiting in the next week or two. His crewmates had always been rowdy and loud, and any newcomers who had joined on would likely be the same. He needed to make sure he had enough staff to keep them well-served and fed, and having Venilia would definitely help with that matter.
King Phillippe Claude Charmaine & Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Bedchamber/Hallway/Dining hall

Slowly, the young Queen's dark eyes fluttered open. She found herself, for the first time in weeks, lying beside her sleeping husband in bed. An excited smile came to her lips as she thought back to the previous day's events, and she shifted to lie on her side. gazing upon her sleeping husband. For weeks, she'd sat beside him as he slept, but this time it was different. This time, instead of a sickly, dying husband, she was gazing upon a healthy man who would not drop dead any moment. She wasn't gazing upon a sickly pallour, but rather, a healthy glow. Her husband was alive and well, just as she'd always wanted, and Clarice couldn't have been any happier.

For an hour or so, as the sun slowly began its ascent in the sky outside, Clarice just lay there. Her happiness was beyond imagination at this point, and when she started to grow restless, she began tracing the weathered lines of her husband's face. It wasn't long before he slowly began to awaken, and when his hazel eyes opened and looked up at her, she felt her heart skip a beat in her chest.

"Good morning," he murmured sleepily, and Clarice grinned. Leaning down, she laid a soft kiss on his forehead, and then another on his nose.

"Good morning, my love," she said to him. "It's morning, we should get up. You cannot possibly imagine how excited I am to sit and have breakfast with you."

A light laugh left Phillippe's lips and he nodded. "Of course, I can only imagine," he said, letting her help him into a sitting position. He rose to his feet, still a bit shaky, but soon steadied himself and busied himself getting dressed. Clarice found herself a gown that was a vibrant yellow colour to display just how joyful and happy she was, twirling before the mirror while her husband finished dressing himself. He wore something much simpler, consisting of trousers and a tunic - something that didn't take him too long to put on, so that by the time she'd quickly twirled her hair up into a quick, yet elegant, hairstyle, the King was ready to leave.

Together, hand-in-hand, the pair walked from their room to the dining room. They chatted all the way through, as Phillippe expressed to her his feelings about just how pleasant it was to finally walk again, to stretch his legs and experience true freedom. It had been so long, and though it had been a long time to Clarice, it had been worse for Phillippe. At least the Queen had had things with which to preoccupy herself - Phillippe had no such luxury, his days having been filled with the boredom of sleep and nothingness.

As they entered the dining hall, Phillippe dropped Clarice's hand and moved ahead. He pulled out a seat for her, grinning, and a rosy redness dashed across Clarice's face. She let out a girlish giggle and sat down, softly thanking him as he sat beside her. As they waited for the servants to come in with their breakfast, Phillippe took Clarice's hand in his, placing a soft kiss on the top before beginning to absently play with her fingers.

Crofton Dewl | Sunset City | Elbauthin's House

Crofton smiled, taking the bread from Druindar and nodding. "Thank you," he said. "This is perfect. I don't suppose you have a guest room, do you?" he asked, pausing to glance around. The house was small, about the size of his little place back in Eastway. If it was the same size, there would be no guest room. "I mean, if you don't, that's fine - I can sleep on the sofa, of course," he added quickly, not wanting to feel as though he was imposing. He was already eating the other man's food, letting him cook for him, and staying with him for the night - and then, in the morning, they'd be off to the Cave of Souls, probably on Druindar's coin since Crofton was still as poor as he was.

Expedition in progress: Cave of Souls
Posts: 17
Trials/tribulations: 2 (pity for a stranger; exhaustion)

Gallina Mallorie | Sapphire City Castle | Servants' Quarters/City Streets

Gallina slowly blinked open her blue eyes, sighing with exhaustion as she found herself awakening in her little bed in the servants' quarters. She'd slept right through the night, and already, she could sense that it was morning - there was just a feeling she got when the sun was up. Frankly, it was probably something to do with how her body reacted to having a giant ball of fire suspended above it. She rose from her bed, quickly changing into a new dress of a simple blue colour before gathering together her things. She'd already prepared them the day before, back when the plan was to run away with Allora, so it was quick and easy to collect them this time before leaving the room. She'd not shed a tear over leaving this room for the final time, or over it being her last night there, but as she made her way up the stairs and left the servants' quarters for what would be the last time, a tear did come to her eyes. As she made her way to the castle doors and began to walk out, she started to softly cry on her way through the gardens. The castle had been her home for so many years, and now she was just leaving it behind.

Venilia Nimiane | City of Telia | Black Gold Inn

Venilia hurried up to her room, ducking inside. She locked the door behind her before quickly stripping herself of the bloodied and dirtied garments. There was a basket in the corner that she guessed was meant to be used for garbage, one that the maids would probably empty, but she dropped her clothes in there. She would have to make sure to dispose of them shortly, but for now, they were fine there. Rahil was the only one who'd seen her, and he probably wouldn't make the connection if a random dwarf in town turned up dead. Her secret was safe, and she could definitely get a good chunk of the job done in the next two weeks once the crew came to the inn.

Slipping into the hotel room's little side room meant for relieving oneself, she examined the tub. It seemed to be run by magic, magic that had probably cost Rahil a small fortune just to get set up. She waved her hand in the general vicinity of the tub and, sure enough, a downpour of water came seemingly from nowhere. Satisfied, she stepped into the tub and allowed the magical water to pour over her, rinsing away the bloodied dirt and grime from her skin. It was warm and comforting. It reminded her of home, only somewhat.

Once she was cleaned off, Venilia got out of the shower. She threw on a simple dress and twisted her black hair up into a simple knot to get it out of her face. Leaving her feet bare, she walked out of her room and began to make her way downstairs, smiling towards Rahil as she approached the counter.

Allora awoke exhausted in her bed. After her furious session of lonely training, the moon had been high in the midnight sky when she had finally stumbled into her room. She had been absolutely obliterated energy wise from swinging her sword, though the energy she had though was non existent was regained and exhaustion was tempered with excitement when she remembered that she was getting married. When it was, she had no idea, but she knew it was going to happen. Then Allora remember that most weddings had large crowds, and her being the bride at one would certainly make her the center piece for attention on the day, which meant she would have to get over her fear of attention from large crowds..... Allora inwardly frowned. Remembering that Gallina was to visit to say goodbye before she left, the elven girl grabbed a kettle filled with water and tossed tea leaves in it, going with a nice mint tea for the morning. Then she sat and waited for both the kettle to boil, and Gallina to show up at her door.
Alice Cross

Fredrick laughed as the all the little tikes tried to overwhelm him with rocks, glass, and poop. Clearly they did not understand the difference in power. The orb glowed again, letting out a painful cry. The earth bended around him creating a dome of earth which shrugged off the makeshift ammunition. "Sir leave these little runts to us!" Shouted a man holding some chains and running at Raven. Out of nowhere, a group of burly men climbed onto the roof tops to capture the kids. All of them held chains as they planned to turn in the thieves for a big reward.

Alice slowly made it to her feet and watched as the chaos unleashed. Now would be a perfect time to use the curse, but at what cost. Not only would it's effects possibly scare off her allies, it would reveal her identity and force her to leave town. Pulling out her cutlass she climbed onto one of the boats to get a better view of the scene. Then she saw a chunk of earth fly at her punching threw the hull of one of his ships. She jumped back onto the pier, barely dodging to projectile. "The man be insane. A perfectly good vessel gone to waste."

As she turned back she saw the man's face laughing as a small light faded in the dome which was sealing back up. Then she remembered, that staff holds the magic power. If they can get it, then he could be stopped. "Raven steal," before she could finish a pillar jumped out of the ground blocking Alice off from the group. Alice tried to run around it but another pillar cut her off. Then another two pillars spawned behind her, effectively trapping her. Alice screamed as she tried to climb out. The pillars responded by turning to sand and absorbing her arms and legs. She was trapped.

Asaka "Raven"

Asaka dodged around the two brutes who attacked her with chains, directing a single seagull to attack and distract the two brutes, and then sending the rest to help the Urchins on the rooftops who had reloaded and were now firing upon them with the various debris they were armed with, a few with crude makeshift weapons running at the brutes and swinging at their legs.

As Asaka dodged around the brutes, she heard a short cutoff sentence from Alice, directing her to steal something. Though the only thing she knew of worth stealing would be the staff, or maybe the gem on top of it, though she couldn't exactly do that. If she remembered correctly though, she couldn't exactly steal something embedded in a staff, so she decided to smash it instead. Running towards the dome and the hole that was starting to seal up, she grabbed a loose stone, then jumped through the hole in the dome, Smiling as she saw the gem, and the glow it emitted. With aim perfected by years of using a knife in the streets, Asaka swiped the rock at the jewel on the staff, and simultaneously swung her spare fist at the man's face. If of course she missed, Asaka would lunge for the staff, and then if she could wrestle it away from the man, use it to hit him until he stopped moving.

Simple yet elegant, the way of Asaka the Raven.
Alice Cross

The man turned around only to see the young girl dive into his earth zone. Still he was not afraid. He had Alice was slowly sinking to her death. He also had armor and was much taller and stronger then the girl, after all, he did his cardio every day. He laughed and prepared to punch the girl after dodging her face punch. Unknown to him, she really was going after his cane and with one clean sweep, she knocked the orb onto the ground. As the orb shattered all of the earth came crashing down over him and the elf. He screamed in horror as as his magic was taken away. What would come next would cause him to piss his pants.

A light flickered away from the orb. The man tried to push off the heavy stones but it's weight on grew as time passed on. All of the stones which covered the two beings grew heavier as they bathed in the light. "You idiot, scum, street rat... you killed us all. That magic was not mine it was..." Before he could finished the stone around the two swirled around and gripped both the girl and the man like giant hands. Each person had their own hand too.

Zoey Gem

The green light faded away flying in front of the the two was a white hair faerie with red wings and red eyes. She was not very big, stand tall at a whooping 4 inches tall. Despite her cute appearance, she was not happy at all. The earth swirled around her as she lifted both the man and the elf. "I warned you humans." She flew above the two and raising the earth before her. "Now you will pay the price for your deeds!" Her voice echoed as her magic seeped into the ground. Earth gathered above the two in the form of giant rock and the hands held tightly on the two soul. There would be no escape.

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Asaka "Raven"

Asaka was surprised to say the least, when the stone and earth above them crumbled down, nearly crushing the poor girl. In a quick ten seconds, she determined that as a result of what had happened she had a broken rib, at least more then a few of the rest of her ribs were bruised, and she was pretty sure her right shoulder had been dislocated. Then of course the man started to yell at her about the magic not being his or something. She wasn't really listening, at least not until the giant stone hand gripped her and lifted her into the air like a rag doll, at which point she let out a small scream of agony. The apparent source of her misery was the fairy in front of her. She yelled at the crazy 4 inch thing that was now holding her hostage.

"I dunno wat yer talkin' about ye crazy fairy, I ain't no human."

Both, captain and healer, carry the darkelf to the cell in the healer quarters, the healer make sure the cell its closed before leaving it.
"Im sure you will take good care of him, no need to remember you how much we can earn from having such rare creature"
"Of course not sir, Im loyal to you, I will make sure the darkelf stays alive"
"Good, then I leave, and dont forget to keep that door closed, nobody must know about whats behind the door" the captain leaves and the healer begin to do his chores, mixing potions, grounding dried leaves and writing something in a big, worn book.
Hours pass by and the dark elf stays unconscious, its nearly night when Kalivos begin to wake up, his whole body aches, he open his eyes but cant see anything, all its dark, fearing that hes blind he try to reach his eyes but something stop him.
"Uhhh?, whats...?" once again he tries to reach his face, this time he recognize whats going on "chains, Im chained, who did it?, I doubt I managed to reach Eastway by myself, more thiefs?" he try to move his legs but once again he cant do it "ankles chained too, now Im sure isnt a thief, no thief would take so much effort to keep one like me alive, so somebody found me and brought me to Eastway, or at least I hope its Eastaway, what to do?, call whoever caught me? or keep playing dead bidding my time?" moving his hands until the chains let him he try to find something that can be used to try to pick the shackles, but the floor its clean and smooth, no straw, trash or stray bones. The place is clean and the fact that his eyes are covered didnt help. So the darkelf choose to wait and rest, trying to recover his strenght. "Somebody as to come, I just need to be patient"


Avram has fallen asleep, either because the potion or the beating, the big man move around the rackety bed threatening to break it under his weight.
Its nearly dawn when Avram wakes up, he sits suddendly, a nightmare had startled him even when he dont remember what it was.

"What? whats happen? cant breath? something hurt?" Lutter rises from the floor as he was sleeping there, hes still drowsy and rub his eyes looking at Avram.
"Nightmare, how long?" he asks, he try to rub his eyes but the sore, swollen eyelids stop him.
"I dont know, its almost dawn, should go back to sleep, we have to leave as soon as the sun its up"
"Yeah, I will do it, but I need some water" he moves trying to stand up, he feels like if the ground was moving so he remains sitting trying to shake the feeling.
"Its over here, a big barrel near the wall, think you can reach it?" Lutter asks even when he has turned to face the wall, ready to go back to sleep.
"Go back to sleep, I can handle myself" While he waits at the edge of the bed, Avram brush his fingers against his face, his whole face feels swollen, both eyes almost closed due the swelling, the nose feels broken, and the lips feel like if he was pouting them.
"Heh... I must look like a freak" he try to smile at the tought of how he must look, but even that hurt. Trembling he manages to stand up and limping, grabbing whatever he can find he reaches the water barrel, diping a cup he fills it and drink, the water its fresh but he still can taste the blood in his mouth mixing with the water.
Zoey Gem \ Alice Cross

The faerie turned to the elf, "Not human?" The earth hands pulled the girl closer to the faerie so that the tiny creature could verify her claim. She scanned elf and noticed the pointy ears, a clear sign that the girl was not human. "Very well, then you are spared." The fairy waved her hand and the stone hand fling the girl behind the fairy and towards the pillars which were still slowly sinking into the earth. As she moved closer to the pillar she could hear the cries of someone trying to break free from the pillars.

Turning back to the man, she let out a childish giggle as if she was playing with some toys. The fairy flicked her hands again and the hand of stone threw the man high into the air. "I wonder how to... Oh I know. I will give you the same treatment that you gave those kids!" The stone hand caught the man and then slowly pulled him into the ground. At its currently rate it would take about 10 minute before the ground would reach his knees. He screamed and cried begging for help. When the faerie gave a sadistic smile at the sound of his calls, he started begging the Urchin girl for help. He hoped she was still alive and awake after all of this and that she could find kindness in her heart to forgive him.

Meanwhile the gang members continued trying to round up the kids until the saw the fairy reeking havoc on pier. The fight was now out of their level as none them new magic nor wanted to try and capture a faerie who could bend the earth better then the man. With pushing or kicking away any kids in their way, they all ran away from the area.

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Asaka "Raven"

Asaka hit the pillars with an oomph, her dislocated right shoulder causing her even more pain, and a trickle of blood started running down the back of her head as well, the force of the fling had inflicted a scrape there. Over all though, she felt fine, if a little dazed, in pain, and out of sorts. Standing she walked over to where the man was sinking into the ground, ignoring the cries behind her. She had enough of this man. Grabbing him by the front of the shirt and raising a fist, she shouted at him.

"You.... you let your gangsters attack the other Urchins.... You damnable piece of crap, you have the nerve to ask me for help?"

However, before she could punch the merchant, an urchin ran up behind her, screaming that Alice was stuck in the pillars. Letting the man go, she left him to his fate at the mercy of the fairy. Waving to get the fairy's attention, and pointing at the pillars, she shouted again.

"Please, there's a girl trapped inside that pillar by yer magic, she helped free ya! You have ter let 'er go!"
Vivienne Aliseth - Saphire City - Enlora's House
@Rauzi (and a thousand apologies for my hiatus)

Eventually Enlora's mother saw Vivienne's silemt cry for help, explaining her who Zalgus is. At this Vivi shaped her mouth like she was letting out a silent "ooooooh", then Enlora's mother stood up and got the pot of soup.

She was not rushing anywhere, even if Felix took an attack position alongside Enlora and her father, so she was a little surprised when Enlora's mother invited her to go first.

-Sure, thank you very much. she said with a smile, having noticed Enlora and her father's reaction, then she proceed to grab the laddle and pour some soup into her bowl before putting the laddle back.

In the silence left by Enlora's mother's words she took her spoon and took some soup from her bowl up to her mouth and ate the soup, leaving a small pause before she smiled.

-Its delicious. she told her.
Zoey Gem \ Alice Cross

The fairy watched as the girl walked up to the guy. A few rocks hovered above her hand, ready to smash the elf in case she tried to interfere. Lucky for the elf, she was smart enough not to mess up her fun game. By now the man's feet where being crushed into the ground. He screamed and cried for the girl's assistance. She could not leave him there. "Urchin street rat. I am sorry. please... save me!"

Meanwhile Alice finally managed to pull her foot and hand out of the pillar before it drug her down. Now she had a few more minutes to struggle but it was still hopeless. in breaking free, the top of the 4 pillars closed off and would still crush her. She screamed again and continued hopelessly striking at the one pillar. Tears rolled down her face as her hands burned from bruises.
Zoey flew above the man laughing at the sound of bones snapping into dust. Sure human bones were strong, but her stone magic was bone shattering. "You know Human, this is what it felt like every time you ripped my magic to case your spells. I hope you savor the fun." Then she waved her hands again and some of the earth Crashed into his chest, effectively breaking his plated armor and cracking a rib. The man screamed again and was not wailing begging the girl for help. Before she could enjoy more of his cries, the elf girl started crying about some girl trapped in the sinking pillars. Zoey knew about it as it was her magic that put her there. However given her new freedom she did not see why she had to do anything. "I don't have to do anything Elf." Her red eyes glowed brown as more stone swirled around her and cluster into 2 giant stones. The girl pointed down and the stones slammed into the mans arms, effectively shattering every bone. His airs were completely useless along with his shins which were now being crushed. She sat on his head, hanging on by his fancy hair. "I am free from the Enchanter and now I am free from my prison. I answer to none, not even The spirit of the Earth herself." The fairy jumped off his head and flew around the elf before landing on the sinking pillar. The the fairy clapped her hands Halting the sinking of the pillar. "But because you did free me and I am such a generous being, I will let you compete for her." The fairy skimmed across the ground and and picked up a small shard of the gem which freed held her. "You win, and I will free her. You lose and I will crush the human scum like the bug she is and you will become my pet." She smiled with the innocents of a small child as if someones death was like playing a child's game. She charged the shard with her magic and held it out for the girl to grab. "So what do you say elf, I will even let you pick the game~."

Asaka "Raven"

Raven was horrified by the choice before her. Let Alice die and move on, or play a game with the fairy that could save the girl and if she lost said game, the fairy would kill the girl, and then make Asaka her pet. Not the best choice, and not the best chance. For a moment, Asaka briefly considered simply running, then remembered that the other Urchins were nearby, and that this mad fairy might hurt them too.

"F-fine! I choose... er..."

Asaka briefly considered what game they could play. None of the games Asaka knew were ones she was good at, then of course she remembered the coins that she still had, and she reached into her pocket, and drew one out.

"I choose a coin toss game! Heads er Tails fairy?"
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Kiera's dark eyes fluttered open, finding herself awakening in the inn room that she had bought for that first night. The King and Queen had, of course, offered her a guest room in the palace - an offer that she had decided to take them up on. She rose from the bed and gracefully moved about the room, bathing herself briefly before putting on the new dress that she had picked up in the market on her way back to the inn. It was black and lovely, just as she was, and she paused before the mirror to admire herself before gathering together her belongings. She didn't have much, but what she had was of the utmost importance. The rest of her belongings had been left in her small home in Monadalia, which was locked and protected by a number of magical wards. She'd not dare let anyone steal the magical tomes and artifacts that she kept.

Once she was sure that there was nothing askew in the room and she had gathered all of her belongings, she left her room. She politely handed the room key back to the innkeeper behind the desk, giving them a curt thanks for the room, and then she made her way out of the inn. The sun was just rising over the town, and the town was beginning to fill up with people. Merchants with their goods were making their ways to their little stalls, the bakery she passed smelt strongly of fresh bread, and people - including herself - were starting to go about their days.

She stopped by one stall that had finished being set up, and she bought a bread roll, a pear, and a bottle of milk (-10g). She did need to eat, after all, and any decent mage knew that the first meal of the day was the most important. She seated herself on a bench and ate the bread roll, the occasional stares from passers-by not escaping her notice. She was accustomed to being stared at - it was why she had been such a recluse back in her old Kingdom, up until the war. She'd hidden away in her home, sent her young apprentice to buy her groceries from the market, and spoken only to those who sought her out for her expertise and aid. She seemed to be doing quite the opposite now - she was buying herself goods in the market, and she had sought out somebody who needed her aid.

She ate her pear, sipping the milk as she went, and then she tossed the core into one of the town trash bins. She admired that there were bins around the city dedicated to the disposal of trash - it showed that the King and Queen cared about the hygiene and cleanliness of their town and people. Standing from the bench, with her bag slung over her shoulder, she began to walk in the direction of the castle. She held the milk bottle in one hand and the bread roll in the other, taking occasional sips or nibbles as she walked on.
Elbauthin smiled at the other man, shaking his head as Crofton inquired as to whether or not he had a guest room. The house was small and humble, which was perfect for Elbauthin, but it wasn't perfect for entertaining company. Company wasn't something Elbauthin had often, but tonight he did, and he had to accommodate the other man as best as he could. He paused thoughtfully, eyeing the sofa and debating whether or not it would be a comfortable place for Crofton to sleep through the night. Let me get some more blankets and pillows for the sofa, Elbauthin said finally. It occurred to him that he hadn't quite answered the other man's question so much as he had glossed over it and given an indirect answer, but it was no matter. He turned and headed into his own bedroom, opening up the doors of the small closet and pulling a short stack of blankets from the top shelf. He carried them out to the living room and set them down on the couch, figuring he'd let Crofton organize them as he wished in order to make himself the most comfortable. It does get cold here at night, so I tend to cast a warmth enchantment over the house before I go to bed, Elbauthin said, gazing into the other man's dark eyes. If it gets too warm for your comfort, just come and let me know and I'll weaken the enchantment for you. Is there anything else you'll be needing?
Rahil smiled at the sight of Venilia, clad in such a beautiful blue gown. It caressed and rippled around her body in a way that was flattering, yet modest at the same time. The turquoise colour looked stunning on her, and the simple knot into which she'd tied her dark hair showed off the unique, exquisite beauty of her face. You look lovely, Rahil said to her as she approached. Lovely enough that I almost forget you were covered in blood and dirt not long ago. Do you want to talk about what happened? Were you attacked? He doubted she'd done anything beneath the law - she was mysterious, but she didn't seem like a criminal. Although, Rahil could easily have just been blinded by his feelings towards her - he knew that he was developing them, after all, and wouldn't waste his time lying to himself. Whether or not she felt anything for him, of course, Rahil had no way of knowing. Taking her on as staff, though, would let him see her more - even if it was just to drink in the beauty of her before she left, he wanted to see her as much as he could. Getting to know her wouldn't be a bad thing, though, and maybe - just maybe - she would return his feelings. For now, though, he wanted to focus on making sure she was alright. She hadn't looked as though the blood was her own - perhaps she was a skilled fighter and had easily overcome her attacker? Perhaps she was some kind of secret creature, like a werewolf or a vampire, and she'd been out on a hunt? But no, such creatures fed at night, not in broad daylight - Venilia couldn't be anything but the human she appeared to be.
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Zoey Gem \ Alice Cross

"A coin toss?" The fairy looked at the girl confused, "You wish to wager your friends life and your freedom over something as random as flipping your gold coin." The girl showed no signs of turning back as she pulled out a coin. Then the fairy burst out laughing. This girl was so simple, so native. A coin toss was something she could easy win without cheating. After all she had a 50/50 chance. She dived off the pillar and buzzed around the girl a few times before stopping a foot in front of the girls face. Then the fairy held out her hand which had the fragment of the orb. "The Tails!"

Aros's thoughts melded into the background as Charlie approached the bank besides him. With a stoic professionalism, she expertly began to tend to another indistinguishable plant that Aros could only assume was another aid for his condition. He opened his mouth to speak--to say anything he could think of to drown out the concern in her features--but she didn't seem as though she needed his reassurance.

"I once heard that it's bad news to stare at your reflection in a stream for too long, water spirits will steal your soul. Mind you, if they could snatch Remsworth..." Aros raided his eyebrows in genuine surprise at her joke: he hadn't expected humor to be her first instinct, but despite how bitter she looked afterwards, he refused to waste the opportunity.

"Are you telling me..." Aros turned himself around on the bank, facing the werewolf, "That all I've had to do to get a beautiful river spirit to notice me is to admire myself?!?!" Aros threw up his arms and turned back around. With a smile, he added, "I suppose I'm just too humble as is." The remark sent him into a wild fit of laughter, and, thankfully, didn't send him into a coughing fit. Charlie handed him the roots, which he gingerly munched upon. Her joke had successfully re-routed his train of thought from his predicament to the nature of water spirits, and Aros suddenly felt a strong urge to make his next adventure a nautical one.

"T-...there's no medical properties to this plant, it just tastes good and doesn't hurt you when you eat it."

As soon as it started, Aros's daydream--which consisted of a naval battle on the high seas--was interrupted by his companion's explanation. Suddenly, Aros found her words fading into the background: his attention had been shifted to the idea of another adventure, and with it went a considerable amount of self-doubt. Perhaps he hadn't the energy to continue being worried, or maybe it was just his way of coping with the possibility of death.

Or maybe you're just crazy?

"Listen, are you sure you're okay? I want you...I want you to try and take a power nap, or something. Just half an hour. You'll feel like death warmed over when I wake you up, but..."

As Charlie spoke, Aros pushed himself off the bank and turned towards her gaze. His eye's might've met hers, but he was already concocting a plan to find a good vessel of his own. He already had made plans to get to Bratus as it were, and from there it would be easy to find a seaworthy vessel.

"...But we need to get moving and I brought some more of that potion for you so before we set out you'll drink that and we'll get going again. "We just need to get to Eastway. I have more than enough kit to fix you there."

Regardless of whether or not she was about to keep speaking, Aros raised one index finger in front of her face, his eyes darting back and forth as the gravity of his mission once again took center-place in his mind. The dark elf lowered his hand and met her gaze with his own fiery stare.

"Just 'cause I act like a child doesn't make me one, Charlie. I don't nap. Besides, you're right: we need to go home now: I still have a lot of the world left to see, and I've just figured out which adventure I need to go on next." The elf made three long strides to his mount, and threw himself over the top with a vigor that should not have been possible for someone with his injuries. Bad as they were, his manic will had given him a second wind.

"Get on: you need to hold these reigns from behind in case I start getting tired again--although I doubt it wil be a problem: those weeds you gave me must be working really well!" Charlie had already made it clear the plant she had given him was just tasty and served no real medical purpose, but Aros had long since forgotten that point. The Pegasus leaned its head back over its shoulder, accepting a tousle of its shimmering black mane from its rider.

Irritated that he wasn't in the air yet, Aros called down at Charlie, "Come on kid we have places to go!"
Asaka "Raven"

Asaka took a deep breath, holding the coin in her hand. Her shoulder and other injuries were killing her, but the adrenaline running through her and coursing through her veins was preventing her from thinking about it. In fact, adrenaline was probably the only thing keeping her on her feet right now. Placing the gold coin on top of her thumb, with her index finger supporting it, she took a moment to reflect upon her life, right before she flicked the coin up into the air. The circular piece of precious metal moved up into the air. Everything seemed to move in slow motion for a moment. The coin began it's descent, and right before it moved past the original point it had been at, Asaka caught it, and held it in her hand. Holding her hand vertically, she took a deep breath, then opened her hand.

The coin was heads.

Asaka blinked twice, then looked at the fairy with a triumphant grin.

"Right o' then, I won ther game, let me friend go please."
Zoey Gem \ Alice Cross

The fairy frowned after the elf called out the coin to be heads. She knew she should have cheated. Now she has no pet. She puffed her cheeks and snapped her fingers. The pillars reformed and quickly out of the ground and then crumbled over Alice, covering her a pile of rocks. Then the fairy gathered a bunch of dust creating a mini sandstorm around her. "Well stupid Elf, I wish I could say it was fun but then I would be lying. Enjoy living your pathetic, stupid, pointless lives." Then the dust condensed over the fairy creating a ball of sand. The ball spun around rapidly expanded until each piece of dirt was nothing but sand blowing in the wind.

Alice lied in the pile of rocks confused as to what happened. After pushing away enough rocks out of her face, she saw a badly beat up Raven, a corrupted Freddy melting into a blood puddle as his body was being crush but rocks, and a bunch of kids gathering around to help dig her out of the rocks. "Ouch... what happened." She looked at the man who was crying in to the pain after having his legs completely crushed. The rocks stopped pulling him in though he would likely never walk again.

After being freed Alice walked over to Friedrick and place her bare foot on his face. "Ye should have just sold me the damn ship. Now I'll be taking back me gold as consolation." She snatched the gold and slammed his face into the ground. Turning around to Raven, Alice pointed to the ship. It would not be long before the somebody saw the damage and reported it to the guards. "Lets go... we can talk about this later."
Enlora Faroak - Sapphire City - Enlora's House

Watching Vivi take the food and taste it, a grin appears on Enlora's face. "Of course it's delicious, that's why it's my favorite" she says before filling her bowl with the soup, Jax following right after her and then Hope taking some. "So... Vivi was it? Say, what brings you to the Sapphire City?" Jax asks out of curiosity before taking a spoonful of the soup and eating it. "It's rather rare to see a dragonborn around these parts of Evertrue, they usually tend to stay in the south" he adds and Enlora glances over at her father questioning Vivi, but Jax doesn't pay attention to Enlora at all and is now totally focused on Vivi.

Kera Hy'l - Satocan

Kera had walked for a long while, passing through Sunset City and walking all the way to Satocan. Now to find a ship that is willing to take me to Sapphire City... she thought as she was walking towards docks. She hadn't visited Satocan before but it seemed to be rather simple to navigate. The town had a simple layout which Kera liked. Her sense of direction wasn't the best in the world in the end... After a while of walking, she could see the docks in the distance, a few ships here and there decorating the view, Kera was just wondering where she should begin to ask around from.
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