The Kingdom of Evertrue

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Asaka "Raven"

Asaka shook her head. She certainly didn't have any questions. It helped that she knew a few urchins who would play the part well, a few of them had recently joined, and while accustomed to the way things worked, the merchants around the town didn't know them just yet, which meant they were perfect for the job.

Calling the three urchins over, she quickly spoke to them and outlined the plan, and what they were to do. If luck had it, they'd have everything by the end of the day.

"Alright, but If we be playin' our entire hand 'ere, it's all in er nuthin'. When we be makin' the deal, i'll 'ave the other uchins waitin' fer a signal, if they get it, they'll rush the ship an' the little merchant who's sellin' it. Ain't gettin' no one left behind 'ere, this way we'll 'ave an out, we ain't leavin' no one behind 'ere"

Asaka gave a whistle, and a bunch of the older kids came running up, and she explained what was happening. These older kids then went off and explained to the other urchins, who started rousing and getting ready to move.

"All righty then, let's do this, ain't got nuffin to lose after all."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Alice Cross[/BCOLOR]

Alice threw up a fake smile, knowing that they shouldn't need extra force to steal the ship. This was going to be the easiest job ever because it was completely coming out of her pocket. 200 gold down the drain. Still at least she would have her ship.

"Aye Raven, I need ye and your kiddies to meet me in the alley between the rundown jewel store and Gull's tavern. in 3 hours." These places were only a few blocks away from Frankie so it would not be too difficult for Raven to carry her. "Also ye need to bring ah long cloak and get the shrimps cleaned up. Frankie is very high class. I need to go procure some things."

Not waiting for an response, Alice covered her head and ran into the city. After entering the city, she was stopped by a pair of guards. "Look at what we have here. A street rat. What are you running for thief?" Alice's first instincts was to pull out her sword but she could not afford to get into a fight now. She looked down and pretend to cry. "You... are so mean! I was lost and trying to get home before my mom got mad. I don't have any gold on me see." She rotated her weapons behind her back before slightly opening her cloak. The guards turned to each other. They did not see any gold but they knew that was not the only thing that could be stolen. "Where is your home, we can escort you back to your mom?" They did not believe her story and had every right to. Her clothes did not look like they fit her properly and she was barefooted. She could not portray a better street rat if she tried.

Alice paused and then looked around. "Look it's the urchins!" The guards fell out laughing. Like that trick was going to work on professionally train soldiers. After they finished enjoying their fun, they looked down to the girl to grab her but she was not their. They looked around and saw her disappear into the crowds. "Hey stop that thief!" However it was too late. Alice ducked behind a trashcan and watched the guards pass her.

"I knew it! those urchins make it almost impossible for kids to roam the streets." She shook her head and quickly attempted to run out the city and back to her home. Lucky for her, their was a big crowd heading out that she could hid in. When she arrived home she took out everything she owned. Her armor set, chalice, necklace, and gold. she knew she would not be returning home for a while so she had to clean it out. Putting the armor in the a small wagon she hanged the chalice on her belt and the necklace around her neck.

Then she left her home pushing her wagon into a small camp away from the city to pawn it for gold. It was not hard since the equipment was high quality and pulled out with 240 gold. Then she swiftly returned the city and safety made it to the meeting spot. Now all she had to do was wait for Raven to do her part.

The captain, the guards and the merchant keep arguing about what todo with the darkelf.
"So you are gonna buy the greyskin from us?, thats it?"
"Thats the idea, I will pay your price and you will forget all about it, also if you want to quit the guard I can arrange that, of course you would have to leave the city, I cant have you around here telling stories, so, name your price, and better hurry, I have work to do" the captain leans against his desk crossing his arms.
"Hes trying to fool us!, he will give us crumbs while he will get lots of gold from whoever buys the greyskin!" the merchant complains to the other guards trying to keep his voice down.
"I know, Im not such a fool, but what we can do?, we dont have the contacts that the captain have, besides if he wished he could slay us here and nobody would find or care why, better live with some gold than die here, what do you say?"
Both guards and the merchant agree on it.
"All right captain, we will sell the greyskin to you and we will keep our mouth shut" the guard rises his hand to offer it to the captain but he didnt take it.
"Good choice, I was afraid that you and your partners would be a little... stubborn about what was better, well let me bring your money..." the captain goes to other part of the room, away from them, then they hear sounds, like a heavy stone being dragged back and forth, the captain returns with three sacks.
"I think its a most generous price, i want to make sure that no one of you will have the stupid idea of coming back to ask for more or trying to blackmail me, first one who try that will meet my sword, understood?"
The guards and merchant barely hear him, as they are more intrested in the heavy sacks and just nod silently to him.


Even as the fight is over Avram keep getting pelted with trash coming from everywhere, the big thug still on the ground its also getting his share of trash and spittle thrown at him. Limping Avram find an empty seat and get there to rest. His face its swollen, his left eye so swollen that he cant see anything with it. His mouth its bleeding and he feel how some teeths are loose, and the worse part?, he thug its knocked out so he aint even gonna get another beer out of him.
The crowd had vanished, looking for another entertainment until the -official- fights begins later. Avram just want to rest, hes gonna need a healer, at least he has one, maybe two, broken ribs and just breathing causes him so much pain.

"Hey, can I sit here?" a voice calls to him, a thin man, with a long grey beard and grey/white clothes, he didnt look threatening so Avram just nods.
"Thanks for the figth, you made me earn more money than what I could have win in the regular fights, nobody thought you could beat that guy, hes a pro, can I buy you a beer?"
"A pro, eh?, lucky me, a beer would be good, but I would like better if you could lend me that money to see a healer, that guy did a real number on me" Avram feel his face hotter, hes not used to beg for money, not even when he was younger.
"Of course, of course, but first have a beer, you deserve it, bring me two beers! the good ones!"
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(Apologies for the long wait. I haven't had much of a chance to rp because of work)
Asaka "Raven"

Asaka nodded, then looked at the three, before patting the bag of gold she had at her waist. A haircut, and a few sets of new clothes would do it. With the three urchins in tow, she headed off in the direction of a tailor that she used to clothe the urchins. Thankfully he sympothised with their cause. In a matter of a few hours, she got the lot of them dressed up, and got a long cloak from the man as well. She also got dressed up, taking a dress and a ribbon for her hair.. Then she took them all to a barber, and acting like their older sister, got them all a haircut and cleaned up, so that they looked less like urchins and more like middle class children. Then, as a group they went off towards the supposed meeting place, and saw Alice.

"Right 'o then. Les get this show on the road."

"Well, I think we are done, isnt?" asks the captain as the three men are more intrested in the gold coins inside the sacks, they weight the sacks against the others trying to find if one its more weighty than the other or if the lower coins are lead or silver, but no, every one of them are gold crowns.
"Yeah sir, we are done, we are leaving"
But as they turn around to leave the captain office he calls on them "Just one more thing, first I will give you one, no two days to leave Eastway, of course you will recive your monthly pay and a, more than generous extra, for your loyal services to the crown and people of Eastway. Of course that means that I dont want to see your ugly faces around here... ever, if I catch you, any of you coming back here, either to visit or whatever excuse you figure, I will have you executed, without trial, get it?"
The guards nod at the captain, still more intrested in the gold in their hands "get it sir, anyway we were thinking about moving to another city, getting a new job, that kind of things"
The merchant push them aside "BUt sir! I have business here! I have customers!"
"No, you had customers, in two days your selling rights will end and they aint gonna be renewed I assure you"
"YOu... you cant do this! I will talk with the merchants guild! this gold isnt enough!! The guild wont..." before he can say anything else a round shape fall to the ground bouncing a couple of times, a red, hot rain splashes the stunned guards faces.
"People are so stubborn this days... isnt?, I hope neither of you are so stubborn and... stupid as this one" the captain swirl his sword sending even more blood drops to the guards faces. Using the sword tip he lifts the gold sack "wanna have this, yes?, well then help me to get rid of this pig"
The guards look at each other and then smile grimly "yes, of course... the river sir?"
"Yes, the usual place, the river rats need to eat too, isnt?"


Avram and the man had been sharing more than a couple of beers, the problem was that he wasnt really enojoying them, his whole body ached and the beer had the taste of the blood in his mouth.
"Hey, I dont want to be rude, I appreciate that you had buy me that beers, but could you lead me to the healer?, I think I could faint just from my headache"
"OH yes, yes, the healer, I had almost forget that! , I tell you what, I go to pay and I look for you outside, ok?, by the way, my name its Lutter"
"Nice to meet you Sutter, my name its Avram, and I will do that, I will be outside"
Slowly, each step making him curse as he bumps with customers who push him, making his body and head ache even more. At least the air outside its cool, the breeze carrying him the smells of the city, broiled meats, spices, sweat, rotting fruits and even, faintly, cheap perfume from the girls who work at the nights.

Avram sits outside the pub, his legs refusing to be standing while he waits for Lutter. Luckly for him Lutter appears.
"Sorry, too much people, ready to go?" Lutter says cheerfuly, Avram barely manages to smile while he grit his jaw as he try to stand up.
"More than ready, but could you?" Avram lift his hand toward Lutter, he knows that without help his legs will end giving up and he will fall to the ground.
"Uh?, oh yes, sure, sorry too much drink, my head its a bit dizzy, whoa, you sure are a big man... and heavy, hope you dont faint out, I would be able to move you" Lutter had to use both hands to help Avram.
"Dont worry, I think I can walk to the healer, as long as isnt too far" limping Avram start to walk following Lutter.
"Oh no, its two or three houses from here"
[BCOLOR=transparent]Alice Cross[/BCOLOR]

"Ye all look like a bunch of sheep," Alice placed her hands on her waste which had a sack of gold while studding the clean up thieves. "Ya look terrible... but ye have to do." She honestly thought that it was a huge improvement but as she was not exactly from the wealthy class, she was not sure if it would be enough. grabbing the cloak and climbing onto raven's shoulders and covered them both in the cloak. After adjustments where finished the two created the appearance of a 6 foot tall woman.

"Is everything ok down there birdy?"
Asaka "Raven"

Raven sighed. She had thought that they had cleaned up quite a bit. The hair cuts and clothes had both cost a fortune, she had lost -100 gold for the three of the kids to get the haircuts and the clothes for the four of them. It was unfortunate, but not a loss taken in vain hopefully.

"Oi, we ain't exactly got no idea 'o wat wer supposed ter look like. Ain't like ya painted us a good picture or nothin."

Asaka then crouched down so that the girl could get on her shoulders easier. Although Asaka was an elf, it didn't make carrying the girl on her shoulders any easier.

"Don't call me birdy, the names Raven or Asaka. An' i'll be fine iffin we get you off me shoulders."

Grunting, Asaka tentivaly took a step forward.

"Right then, where to eh?"
Charlie gently pushed at the sludge in her small pewter cauldron, her gold eyes surveying the scene before her. She said nothing, and the gentle hiss of the flame under her potion-making kit echoed around the massive, bloodstained marble chamber. Aros lay flat on his back, seemingly unresponsive, but Charlie knew he was asleep since she could hear his sharp and shallow breaths as he struggled with his broken rib. She shut her eyes, let loose a gentle sigh and pushed herself to her feet.

The duo had slipped in and out of consciousness for an unknown length of time, perhaps a few hours, maybe even a day at most. All Charlie could figure out was the time from the sun which perpetually hung in the sky, no matter when or where she woke up. Initially, Charlie could scarcely remember what had happened as a foggy, senseless daze hung over her thoughts. She knew she had lost a lot of blood – a very dangerous amount of blood – and she had a feeling that Aros was not holding up too well either, with his bitten shoulder and broken rib being the most prominent and worrying wounds. What started as gibberish, however, soon began to sort itself out into more coherent thoughts. She remembered the water and herbs that Aros had managed to find on his own and then...a blur, before she opened her eyes and everything became much more stable.

Charlie never liked her curse, but it did have its benefits. A wild animal could not simply curl up and award themselves months of bed rest and recovery; survival instincts kicked in and that innate endurance which she shared with her inner demon allowed her to function and think clearly, but Charlie knew that she was moving with borrowed time. Whilst medically stable, neither Charlie nor Aros could hope to recover at all in this place. It was imperative that the two of them returned back to Charlie's shack in Eastway Bluff so she could use one of her potions back there to restore Aros back to full health. When she knew that she was able to stand, Charlie pulled on her coat over her torn and ragged body and immediately went outside to look for any medicinal herbs – what she found was a small sprig of Bitterwort and some Fenleaf.

The gentle popping of the cauldron brought Charlie back to the present; Bitterwort was undeniably the worst-tasting plant Charlie ever had the displeasure of putting into her mouth, but it was nothing short of a small miracle. Increasingly common around the riverbeds of Evertrue, this unassuming little plant would be enough to produce a very simple (and incredibly unpleasant) rejuvenation potion when boiled and turned into a revolting brown sludge. Whilst it was not enough to heal the wounds of the adventuring team, Charlie knew that it would provide enough strength to their bodies to hopefully make it back to Eastway in one piece – provided the flying horse was as patient as it was when she arrived in this godsforsaken sanctum. As for the Fenleaf...truly, it held no purpose whatsoever in their current state as it cured nausea, but Charlie knew she would need it the moment she moved into the air so she picked some anyway. It currently rested in her pocket.

A sort of emotional numbness – her familiar and sickening hollow feeling – had washed over Charlie as soon as she gained coherent thought. It was inevitable that, eventually, this hollowness would shrink back and the emotional repercussions of nearly ripping Aros into ribbons would hit her full force but she could not think about that she would not I cannot allow myself to think about that now. Not while he's wounded. I'm going to save his life and then deal with the aftermath myself. Charlie limped over to the pile of treasure and picked through it with indifference; did they really risk so much for all this? What could she do with the gold? Where could she keep it, how would she get it back? Did it really matter so much to her? Perhaps not, came that cynical voice in her head, but it mattered to Aros so you better find a way to bring it back too.

Charlie pulled at a large, slightly rectangular but very ornate shield in the middle of the heap whilst her train of thought drifted away again. Aros Vilren, the mightiest adventurer Charlie ever met. The sole survivor of a battle with Remsworth, albeit barely. There was a moment during her lucidity when she genuinely considered tending to his injuries and then leaving, running away from this dark elf to spare him from any other torment that she might inflict on him, but she knew better now. No, I do know you Aros – you'd laugh if I suggest it and proceed to get into more danger whether I am there or not. Their fates were linked; after just one day, Charlie learnt more about Aros than she had about any other person – and, much to her dislike, he learnt more than he should have about Charlie as well. At least, Charlie thought it was a day. How long has it been again? She shook her head – it did not matter. She was trapped; any attempt to leave Aros now would cause enough guilt to risk a permanent transformation, and Charlie simply could not risk such a thing, so she had to stay with Aros. It had nothing to do with the fact she could not have any friends without accidentally killing them along the way, nor did it have anything to do with his infectious good humour which somehow managed to briefly alleviate the dense smog of her depression, and it certainly had nothing to do with the fact that if she kept this up she may even find a cure to her lycanthropy.

Practical. It was all practicality. She had to stay with Aros because if she did not she risked her life.
Charlie carried the shield back with ease; it was light and felt like a perfect fit on her arm. Slowly, carefully, Charlie slid the shield under Aros' back, hesitating whenever she perceived that he may be in pain. Afterwards, she cooled the potion and poured it into two glass vials and waved one of them under Aros' nose, hoping that the reeking smell of ammonia would bring him back to his senses.

"Wake up."

Charlie sounded as hollow as she felt; this was nothing like the Charlie who burbled about hypovolemic shock and spoke gently and quietly to Aros as she desperately tried to fix his injuries. The change in demeanour was impossible to overlook. She tipped back one of the little glass vials into her mouth and shuddered at the indescribably bitter taste and felt the bitterness seep into her muscles and reduce the burning ache in them. "Sit up slowly...that shield should hold your chest in place, but be careful," she ordered, pouring another vial for herself. "Drink," she added firmly.

She was not so blunt as to force Aros into moving right away, and instead busied herself by counting the gold on the treasure pile. She did, however, talk – and every syllable was as blank and emotionless as the one that came before it. "Here's the plan. We can't take all of this, we don't have enough space and I'm sure your Pegasus won't be able to handle the extra weight for a whole trip back. And I don't think we're in the state to have to land at anywhere that isn't Eastway."

397, 398, 399, 400..."So I'm thinking we take 1000 gold, anything we can wear, and I have space in my bag for...oh, I don't know, these two cups." She idly picked out 2 chalices and slipped a gold ring onto her finger. "We can sell those and get some more gold if we need it. But the money's not the issue at the moment, is it?" The look she gave to Aros confirmed that, indeed, it was not the issue at the moment.
Charlie pushed a pile of gold away from the heap of treasure. "You need that rib fixed. As in, you needed it fixed a good few hours ago and I'm surprised your lung hasn't popped. I have the materials at home to fix it – Gods know I've broken more than a few bones in my lifetime, and I'm not stupid. So we're going home, and we're going to do that in one trip."

"That potion – drink some more – is probably enough to stop your lungs from being shredded when that Pegasus takes off, but I can't say it won't be painful. And here's the risky part...we need to get back in one go, no exceptions. And I'll be honest; I'm scared you'll black out if we hit a bump." Charlie stood up and swayed a little in the process, feeling the myriad of cuts on her arms stretch painfully and threaten to rip back open. She looked down at Aros and her expression softened, falling dead silent, her brain clearly going into overdrive as she tried desperately to think of another option. There has to be some other way, I don't want to hurt him any more...

Charlie rubbed at her face, shaking her head. When she spoke, her voice was heavier with regret. "The only way I can think of is if you loop the reins behind you so I can hold them too; I can't sit in the front, if you pass out or get badly hurt you might fall off. At the very least, you can control the horsebird with the reins and if you can't, I can hold onto you and the beast and try to navigate. I-...I'm sorry Aros, but we don't have -...we need to get back. You need medical attention and I can't give that to you here, there aren't enough supplies."

Charlie said nothing about her own state; yes, the slashes had hardened into long dark red lines across her shoulders and arms, but she knew that if she overworked herself and any of those wounds split again then she'd lose even more blood, which was certainly the last thing she needed. Still, she rather pointedly avoided to mention this to Aros; as far as Charlie was concerned, his health was far more important. Charlie considered herself to be somewhat expendable, but not him. As an afterthought, she corked her rejuvenation potion and pushed it into her pocket with the Fenleaf, just in case.

Charlie approached Aros, crouched down to the best of her abilities and held out an arm to help him to his feet.
"Wake up."

Aros couldn't hear her at first--or if he did, her voice sounded a thousand miles away. He was surrounded by a darkness both vast and deep that felt as heavy as a donkey and perhaps twice as stubborn. For once his thoughts were uncharacteristically silent, and his body immobile. The sickening scent of ammonia flooded his nostrils and pulled at him in the darkness, as if it willed him to break free. Even still, his mind fought the alarming intrusion, vehemently trying to keep him down. Then, like a last ember of a dying flame, a single thought flickered through the darkness.

Wake the hell up.

The reaction was immediate: Aros lurched upwards off the ground, his senses working in overdrive. His memory was slow to return, and wide-eyed he surveyed the bloodied room for a moment before a wave of memory assaulted him. He had left the Sanctum to find Charlie something to eat--or drink at least, and though he returned, the exhaustion of his journey had wiped him out. Eventually, his eyes settled on his traveling companion, but averted themselves at mention of the shield currently being used as a chest-brace.

He wanted to say something, but he had no real words to describe the situation. It felt to him as though years had elapsed in the dark. The potion she gave him was revolting, but the sensation of flavor had yet to fully return to him, and he made quick work of the medicine despite it. Then, he heard it: the tell tale tinkling sound of gold coins rattling atop each other in what could only be described as an adventurer's melody.

"Here's the plan. We can't take all of this, we don't have enough space and I'm sure your Pegasus won't be able to handle the extra weight for a whole trip back. And I don't think we're in the state to have to land at anywhere that isn't Eastway."

Despite his wounds, he pulled himself up on his knees and turned to face their reward. A mountain of treasure, with assorted goods scattered throughout. "Looks like..." Aros's voice came out hoarse--the broken rib making it hard to breathe, "Looks like we did it, kid. Money's..." The dark elf struggled to his feet, his torso bent forward over the rib, "All ours."

"So I'm thinking we take 1000 gold, anything we can wear, and I have space in my bag for...oh, I don't know, these two cups." She idly picked out 2 chalices and slipped a gold ring onto her finger. "We can sell those and get some more gold if we need it. But the money's not the issue at the moment, is it?"

"Oh contraire, Charlie." Aros shambled to the pile, taking his time to bag his split of 500 gold. "This is..." Aros let loose a sputtering cough, grimacing at the blood it sent splattering across his palms. "... The only reason its worth it." Aros cracked a weak smile. "I didn't kick a werewolf's ass for nothing..."

"You need that rib fixed. As in, you needed it fixed a good few hours ago and I'm surprised your lung hasn't popped. I have the materials at home to fix it – Gods know I've broken more than a few bones in my lifetime, and I'm not stupid. So we're going home, and we're going to do that in one trip."

Besides the money and the shield, a shimmering helm sat atop the pile, and from his elvish sensibilities he knew it to be magic. He was still weary, but the fact that the Sanctum had lost its curious aura gave him reason enough to trust it not to be a trap. With one swoop, he lifted the helm from atop the pile.

Well... That, and I'm also a greedy elf that needs a new hat.

"That potion – drink some more – is probably enough to stop your lungs from being shredded when that Pegasus takes off, but I can't say it won't be painful. And here's the risky part...we need to get back in one go, no exceptions. And I'll be honest; I'm scared you'll black out if we hit a bump."

Aros snickered at the thought of him blacking out mid-flight as he took another swig of the brew. "Listen, as far as I remember... You're the only one that gets flight sickness. HA!" As he laughed, a series of follow-up coughs rippled through his chest. "Don't worry. We're going to make it home." He turned his attention away from Charlie, deflecting the idea that he needed serious medical help. Instead, Aros admired the helm, and could feel ancient magic buzzing beneath its surface. It would reveal itself to him later no doubt. He felt the same buzz when Charlie picked a silver chalice from the pile, and opened his mouth to warn her. "One of them chalices are enchanted--the silver sort."

"The only way I can think of is if you loop the reins behind you so I can hold them too; I can't sit in the front, if you pass out or get badly hurt you might fall off. At the very least, you can control the horsebird with the reins and if you can't, I can hold onto you and the beast and try to navigate. I-...I'm sorry Aros, but we don't have -...we need to get back. You need medical attention and I can't give that to you here, there aren't enough supplies."

His crooning over the treasure came to an abrupt halt, and his weak smile evaporated from his lips. "Drop it. We're going to get home just fine." He took several laborious breaths, refusing to cough and heave from over-exertion. "Let's move." When he had his treasure, the thief slowly walked out the same back door he had traversed before, feeling the same strangely artificial warmth of the sun on his back. He walked for some time around the complex, following a hidden path that lead to a gate near the front of the Sanctum. It hung loosely on its hinge, and Aros needed only to give it a light push to walk through it.

The path lead them to the front of the Sanctum where the first puzzle they had encountered was. Just beyond the arch was his trusty steed, still chewing grass from the river bank. At the sight of him, the Pegasus reared up, kicking its legs forward in the air and straining against its restraints until Aros was close enough to calm it down.

"There, there..." The elf patted the dark sheen of its neck. "I know we've been gone a long time, but we're going home." He hoped that to be true--needed to believe it to be true. He didn't want to admit it, but Charlie was right: they were on borrowed time. Slowly, he lifted himself atop the mount, extending his hand to pull Charlie up after him. "I'll wrap the reigns around the back if need be, but don't get over excited. I'm not planning on giving you all the fun on the way back." Aros offered a weak smile and waited for Charlie to get aboard.
Did Aros just cough blood back there? Charlie tried to subtly peer down at Aros' palms. She had already loaded her backpack with as much treasure as she could possibly carry (she became very, very careful around the silver chalice and wrapped it up in a scrap of her jumper) and it was heavy and dug into her shoulders, pushing painfully against the cuts. She strolled beside Aros as he shuffled across a hidden path. Charlie did not bother to talk because she was keeping an eye on the dark elf uncertainly. His physical condition hung in the air like an unspoken secret; both of them knew that he was not doing very well but since Aros had opted on denial and avoiding the subject entirely Charlie knew she would have to oblige. After all, she could not give him any good news.

Charlie had to be honest, she could not wait to get far, far away from the Sanctum. Just looking at it reminded her of unpleasant memories, fresh and raw in her mind. A pit of guilt had started to grow in her stomach to replace the hollowness and she averted her gaze from Aros quite suddenly, keeping her eyes on the floor and counting the pebbles or twigs that she passed. Once they reached the courtyard, Charlie glanced up to see the Pegasus rearing and kicking wildly. She hesitated on the spot as Aros placated the beast before rather reluctantly approaching, remaining at arms' length from it.

Slowly, Aros lifted himself atop the mount, extending his hand to pull Charlie up after him. "I'll wrap the reigns around the back if need be, but don't get over excited. I'm not planning on giving you all the fun on the way back." Aros offered a weak smile but Charlie stood still for a while, staring at him. In the light he looked pale and weak; the shoulder wound was bandaged and she was certain she could see flecks of blood around his mouth. He can barely walk, her pessimistic thoughts seeped in once more to intervene. There's no way he'll be able to fly this thing - he might die on the way back. Charlie shook her head and muttered "He'll have to anyway" to herself.

She scrambled up onto the Pegasus on her own, grunting a little at the effort, pointedly refusing to take Aros' hand. She knew that she could no longer cling to Aros like a distressed child, so instead she moved her backpack to her front so she could cling onto that for dear life and save Aros' ribcage. "I still want the reins," she insisted stubbornly. "Just in case. Oh, and if you start to feel lightheaded, like you're unable to breathe or if you cough up any more blood, please let me know." She tried to sound as clinical and nonchalant as possible to avoid worrying Aros - in reality, she wanted to know how quickly his condition will worsen in the air so she could estimate how long they could possibly keep flying for without Aros blacking out again. Charlie's grip tightened on her backpack. "O-okay. I think I'm ready."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Alice Cross[/BCOLOR]

"Come on, I cant be that heavy..." Alice said while jiggling her sack of gold coins. "So after ye stop whining, I need ya to take us down the road 4 blocks. Just watch yar step and follow my lead, I wont steer ye wrong." Alice then looked over everyone and herself, checking for anything that stood out. With nothing out of the ordinary, she held the cloak shut and attempted to imitate a mother. "Come on... dearies. Lets go buy our ship."


A tall man with a brown cane with a crystal blue orb laughed as he walked pass 3 poor teenagers whom were forcefully being held down by 3 burly men. The man poked the girl at the end in the forehead with his can to look at her face. "For such a pretty face to look and be so filthy." One of her brothers fought to get up but the man holding him down shoved his face into the ground. "To think you back alley scum would have the nerve to enter my presence." None of them moved, as they were unable to overpower their captors. "I really wish the guards would just take you away... Forces me to dirty my hands." As if on cue the 3 men released the 3 teens and walked behind the man. The man the raised his cane which sparked with energy. The cane cried in pain. The 3 teens got up and huddled together behind the biggest and oldest brother. "We are sorry sir, we won't come here again."

"No... no you wont." A wave of magic released from the orb and the earth rose up around the 3 teens, trapping them between 4 pillars. The girl screamed but it was too late. The pillars dragged the 3 into the ground, crushing them into the earth. "You... you wont... get away with this..." whispered a voice inside the mans head. The man laughed before twirling his cane. "You been saying that for 6 years now." Then he struck the ground with the orb which sparked with energy again. The can cried again before going silence. "One day you will learn to shut up damn fae." He then walked back into his shop as the area quickly returned to normal as if nothing ever happened.
Asaka "Raven"

Asaka growled and grunted, but moved onward, doing her best to keep quiet underneath. Then following the instructions of Alice, started walking, using slow and deliberate steps to prevent the tower that was the two girls from shaking. It was just then that Asaka realized that since she never bathed, or at least didn't usually bathe, you don't really have time for it as a thief, that she didn't smell the best. She let a small chuckle out thinking of the smell that would probably begin to stink up the underside of the cloak.

Still..... I hope this merchant guy ain't too much of a problem. I ain't heard of him.... but he'll probably have heard of me."[/b]
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As much as Alice wanted the girl to move faster but there was no helping it. She was dealing with a petty thief. two thirds the way their, she heard the girl chuckle. She looked down but did not see anything funny. It was not until they knocked on the door that she noticed a flaw in the plan. While being a pirate at sea, one could skip bathing. However when you are undercover, as a fancy woman none the less, it was a terrible idea. Alice slapped her forehead when the smell broke through her tolerance.

"Raven... ye do realize that if the man even gets an impression we are of the poor, he have us killed. I swear... If..." Before she could finished the man opened his door. He was well dressed in brown garbs which sparkled under the glow of his lanterns. He wore a glass circle in one eye and held a purple cane with a blue crystal on top. The crystal had to be at least inches in diameter and looked incredibly valuable. It was a gem to behold and Alice could not stop looking at it. So shiny, so breath taken, it was almost magical.

"Good morning Madam," He looked her up and down taken keen to the golden enchanted necklace around Alice's neck which poked out the hood. Then his eyes dared down to see 3 kids who seemed to be scared, "And little ones, I do hope they keep to themselves. My wares are of top value."

Alice giggled, "Good morning to you. Mr. Fredrick, I am Rose Cross, older sister of Alice Cross." She then raised her cloak a little and lowered her head as if curtseying. Then she jingled the coins in her bag before rising up. "I know we have just met, but I myself only venture in the most quality establishments myself."

The man smiled and quickly bow after hearing the sound of coin. The man lived his life chasing the color and could tell that the woman was carrying quite a lot. "Why yes Madam..."

"Please, Call me Rose. I hope we can lose the formalities, Freddy"

The man clenched his teeth at the name. He hated it, and the way Alice used it. "Rose, I adore the idea. Time is money after all, ho ho ho. But I must strongly insist that you not address me like your... sister."

Alice wanted to jump out and remind the man of his place, but she held her self back. "Very well Fredrick, As you say, time is money and money is best spent." She signaled Raven to walk forward while she stared at the Crystal ball. "I know, this is a high order, but I wish to procure a sailing vessel."

He took no time in guiding the woman to the back to show them a number of ships. Alice signaled the kids to follow and Raven to keep moving. Then she signaled Raven to stop so that she could give the kids and order. "Ok dearies, I need you to pick out a good ship for mama. One with a good sail, a lot of space, and a tall crows. Remember, we will be at sea for a while."

The man Interrupted the woman, "I am sorry Madam, but the kids will have to stay. I cant have them damaging my ships."

Alice waved the kids to go anyway and then turned to the man. "But sir, you do not expect a lady such as my self to do a mans job of inspecting a ship? Or does thou take me for some peasant?" Alice then pulled out the gold reminding the man of what he wanted. He grinned but as he moved closer, a stench forced him to step back.

"Rose, I do believe that a lady to should be careful of how she dresses in the warm weather."

The captains sits back putting his feets over the desk, the guards had gone taking the slain merchant body and assuring him that by night they would leave Eastway to never return. Two quick knocks at his door are heard.
"Come in and close the door please"
His sergeant and a white robed, skinny man get inside closing the door as soon as they are inside.
"You called us, sir?" the sergeant asks while the white robed guy remains behind him silent.
"Yes, what Im about to show you must remain just between us, understood?, we know each other from way back, so I dont think I need to remind you how I deal with traitors, yes?"
"Of course not sir, what are you gonna show us?"
The captain stand up and goes to a corner, a thick blanket cover something on the ground "This is what Im gonna show you..." the captain take off the blanket showing them the unconsious darkelf under it.
The sergeant and the white robed one gasps as they see him.

"Gods... its a greyskin, alive, its the one? the one that we heard was living in the city?"
"Maybe, I dont know, this one was found outside the city, in the desert, it seems like he was returning or coming to Eastway, a merchant found him and brought it here, as you see hes in very bad shape, can you heal it?"
The white robed one kneels beside Kalivos and check him "It can be done, hes dehydrated, sunburned and has a mild infection" the healer begin to pull several flasks out of a big leather bag and arrange them in the ground.
"Do it, but dont take off the shackles, surely you have heard the stories about how dangerous are these things" the healer nods as he begins to work on Kalivos.
The captain pulls the sergeant away "I need you do something for me sergeant, we have a couple of... deserters, two guards have stolen money from here, and they need to be punished..."


Avram and Lutter at last find the healer house, just when he was about to faint.
"And here is big guy, sorry about taking the wrong way, I think Im more drunk than I had thought"
Avram breath through his gritted teeths "Dont worry, Im fine, I need to walk to keep myself awake"
Lutter turns to see him "Really?, I was sure you would end up falling over me, it would be like if some big tree fall over me, I dont think I would be able to move you by myself"
"Im fine, but better get me to the healer"
Lutter knocks at the door, it takes a while until the door opens, an old man, nearly naked greet them "Lutter?, what is it? another of your loser figthers?"
"Oh no, he isnt, whats more, he actually won!"
"Good, then you can pay me, you still owe me from the last time, come in"
Avram and Lutter get inside, the place its crammed with flasks, clothes, some clean, others stained with what seems like blood, and several dried branches of leaves hang from the ceiling. The healer lights some candles "Rest there, beside these clothes"
Avram obeys, but fears that he aint gonna be able to stand up after that.
Withthe candles light the healer can see Avram "Ummmm they really did a number on you, but at least isnt as bad as your other guy, remember? poor guy, lost an eye and his brain end up scrambled, I have seen him in the alleys acting like some rabid dog"
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At Charlie's request, Aros did his best to laugh. He might've been hurt, but he doubted he'd pose much of a risk in air. Aros reasoned that his unabashed love for flight trumped whatever small inconvenience getting shredded by a werewolf had imposed. If he hadn't have taken the medicine, he might've understood Charlie's qualms, but he trusted his doctor, and reassured himself that whatever the concoction he drank was, it was working.

What's my steering ability got to do with a couple of scratches anyway?

"O-okay. I think I'm ready."

"I'm way more than ready..." Aros took one last look at the Sanctum. For all its beauty, he knew it to be more dangerous a place than any he had ever been, and he grew up in Eastway. "Alright. Time to fly!" The reigns tensed as Aros yanked them upwards, and his mount responded by taking three swift gallops across the grass before leaping into the air. It took the Pegasus some time to reach the proper height, for its wings had gone unused for so long. When at last it did soar above the hills, Aros made three wide circles above the sanctum, admiring for one last time the sprawling palisade, before orienting his steed Eastward.

For the first half hour, he flew unperturbed: there were a few scattered clouds in the afternoon sky, and unlike his trip to the Sanctum, the wind was at his back. Despite his weakness, he could barely contain himself. Unfailingly, he acted as much a child on the return trip as he did on the forward. His eyes scanned every inch of the horizon, etching the various mountain ridges, rivers, and ravines into his memory.

For a long while, Aros was lost in deep thought about how strange it seemed that so little of the eastern mountains were ever colonized, and yet at the very edge of the kingdom--the farthest possible place from aid or support, a city managed to not only erect itself but sustain itself as well. So long did he think such a thing, that he barely noticed his grip weakening at first. The sparse leather began to slide faster through his hands until the slight friction in his palms caused him to jump forward again.


The elf sighed under his breath, and began to pull the reigns downward. "I'm bringing us down. You need to take the reigns as I'm afraid I cannot. At least not now." The pegasus executed the unspoken command, and began to descend into the wild mountain ridges. Aros could see a clearing of sorts at the base of a small falls, and turned the horse to face it. His eye lids were becoming heavy, and his limbs sluggish. He might've drifted to sleep then if not for a sharp pain in his chest, followed by a wracking cough. When he at last caught his breath, he could taste the blood on his lips.

Just another moment... Just stay up for another moment.

Despite wanting to collapse, Aros's willpower kept him firmly atop his steed until he could feel its hooves pounding the soft earth. It was quiet enough, but for the gurgling of the nearby fall. Dismounting, he took several steps toward the bank, turning over his shoulder to add, "I just need a moment's rest is all. Just a quick drink and I should be good to go again."

You don't even believe that.

The dark elf saddled up on the stony bank of the stream and doused himself in water, pausing to look upon his gaunt reflection.

How long were we gone? How much time did the Sanctum actually take from us?
"Do we have to do the fly-by tour...?" hissed Charlie under her breath, clutching onto her backpack with an iron grip. Barely up in the air and she could already feel the nausea settle in, like an old familiar friend. She sat there thumbing one of the metal clasps on the straps, grimly keeping what meagre stomach contents she had firmly within her stomach. I do NOT want to taste that potion one more time, she resolved firmly, her mind flitting from attempting to use all her strength to clench her thighs tight enough to avoid slipping off the horse and trying to ignore the fact she was very, very high in the air at the moment.

Reluctantly, Charlie caught a glimpse of Aros attempting to twist and stare around and she pulled a thin-lipped smirk at his wide eyes and big, childlike smile. She had to admit - the view was spectacular, even more so when she knew she was finally leaving that hellish maze behind her with a portion of its loot. Charlie counted the rugged peaks of the mountains in her view under her breath, feeling herself relax a little. She could easily make this flight. She can. She will. Suddenly, she felt the reins slip.

"Aros." she said firmly, thinking he was kidding around once more. She gathered the slipping reins and then noticed how uncharacteristically quiet Aros was getting, her voice raised a little more. "Aros-...AROS!" She saw the dark elf jolt - was he falling asleep? - and heard him call out to her. "I'm bringing us down. You need to take the reigns as I'm afraid I cannot. At least not now." The pegasus executed the unspoken command, and began to descend into the wild mountain ridges. "Way ahead of you," she responded grimly. Now was not the perfect time to tell him that she had never been on top of a horse before, but she held the reins and felt the beast respond when she tried to steer it. That was enough - the Pegasus was an intelligent animal, and knew where its owner wanted it to land.

Charlie could visibly see Aros weakening. He had started to slump and seemed to sway a little, which was more than enough to prompt Charlie to lean forward (dangerously removing her death grip from her backpack) and give Aros an urgent tap on the arm. "Stay consc-" she started before Aros erupted into a wet cough which made Charlie's blood run cold. He's bleeding internally...! She had nothing to fix those sorts of wounds, not on her at least. Charlie made a mental note to cut Aros' survival time in half, and already her mind was planning too far ahead - considering what places they could land at for any emergency help...or what she would have to do with his body if they didn't make it.

They landed in a small, rugged clearing near a waterfall. An ideal camping location - and Charlie had a tent, and some camping gear. Nevertheless, she refused to consider the possibility that they would stay for longer than they had to and unfortunately wouldn't even mention the possibility to Aros, just in case that stubborn determination petered out. Charlie watched as he took several steps toward the bank, turning over his shoulder to add, "I just need a moment's rest is all. Just a quick drink and I should be good to go again."

Liar. She knew he'd need a little more time than that, at the very least he needed a power nap, and if she could find him something to eat while she's at it...Charlie watched him stumble to the river bank and wash his face. She climbed down and slipped into the trees, gently pulling off her coat to inspect her bandages. What she saw made her chew on the inside of her cheek in frustration.

Deep red blooms had seeped through the fabric of the bandages; at some point, most likely from clutching the backpack, she must have ripped open a cut. Don't panic. Just relax. Charlie slipped her hand into her pocket and found the glass vial - and hesitated. Instead, she pulled out a bit of Fenleaf and chewed on it to settle her rumbling stomach. Arguably, Aros needed that vial more than she did, but she couldn't accurately judge how bad her condition was at the moment.

Up to this point, Charlie had kept going at such a pace because the situation demanded it. She refused to let Aros panic or give in, and consequently she had to assume the role of the calm and prepared doctor when in reality she was working on adrenaline, fear, guilt and sheer stubborn grit to get Aros patched up and, most importantly, safe before she even considered tending to her own wounds. As far as Charlie was concerned, she was still expendable. There were a million different medics or doctors that she could be replaced with, but there would only ever be one Aros the Mighty.

Charlie pulled on her coat and pretended nothing happened. "I'm going to look for something that might help," she called out dully, pulling the monotonous voice to mask her growing anxiety. For a while, Charlie wandered through the trees, her feet rubbing painfully against the leather of her boots as she scouted the area for any herbs she could recognise. The stream would probably hold some more bitterwort, but that took ages to boil up and Charlie was looking for something they could eat raw and get moving.

In the quiet of the woods, Charlie found her mind was catching up with her and she found herself thinking over everything that brought her to this moment and, unfortunately, measuring up how much of it seemed to be all her fault. Guilt nestled horribly in her gut and wouldn't let go, no matter how reasonable Charlie tried to be. She was busy trying to persuade herself that she was NOT too nonchalant about seeing the death of Aros' parents, so much so that she nearly walked right past the broad leaves of a Peya shrub nestled at the roots of a tree. She ripped the whole plant up and brought it back to the clearing, seeing Aros sitting on the rocky bank and peering at his reflection in thought.

Charlie sat down beside him and started to wash the Peya shrub in the stream. She seemed to be warming up again - at least, her voice was not as cold and harsh as it was in the Sanctum but it still held onto that perpetual heaviness that seemed to suffocate Charlie. "I once heard that it's bad news to stare at your reflection in a stream for too long," she noted idly, scrubbing the roots and freeing them of dirt. "Water spirits will steal your soul. Mind you, if they could snatch Remsworth..." Charlie trailed off, the sentence dying in her throat. Bringing up the werewolf's name alone seemed enough to frighten her and she licked her lips nervously, averting her gaze. "H-here. Just give me a moment to-...there we go. You can eat the leaves and the roots." She plucked a few of the leaves and tore at the roots, handing a fistful to Aros as she worked at removing more of the plant.

She did not look at Aros and slipped into another silence. She was kept finding herself thinking over and over the events at the Sanctum; if she hadn't fallen to the illusion's taunts, she wouldn't have turned into a werewolf. The two of them would be laden with gemstones and coins and taking a leisurely flight back towards Eastway, camping whenever they felt a little tired, able to hunt and bottle water and take their time in returning. Perhaps even take the scenic route. But no, she just had to go and ruin things all over again..."T-...there's no medical properties to this plant, it just tastes good and doesn't hurt you when you eat it." Her voice sounded strained. She tried not to sound upset. "Listen, are you sure you're okay? I want you...I want you to try and take a power nap, or something. Just half an hour. You'll feel like death warmed over when I wake you up, but..."

Rambling, Charlie felt herself rambling. They simply didn't have the time. She steeled herself and continued adding pieces of the shrub onto Aros' pile. "...But we need to get moving and I brought some more of that potion for you so before we set out you'll drink that and we'll get going again." Charlie put the rest of the plant aside; she could pick at the shrub later, when Aros is on the horse. "We just need to get to Eastway. I have more than enough kit to fix you there."
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Asaka "Raven"

Asaka did her best to keep quiet while she moved and Alice had a conversation with the merchant. The urchins behaved as they should, and did as they were told. However everything didn't go as planned. Asaka went pale as the man commentated about the stench. Maybe she really should have found some way to bathe. Hopefully the man wouldn't come any closer. For now she'd just have to continue to walk per Alice's instructions and hope for the best.

[BCOLOR=transparent]Alice Cross[/BCOLOR]

Alice laughed uneasily as looked down at Raven. She did not know how to get around this nor did she care now. For a businessman to just run away from gold, good hard own gold at that. "And a man should watch his mouth around a woman, especially one who is offering to purchase one of his wares." She looked around the boats, seeing as she did not have the time to inspect them. "Why don't you sell me that one on the end," she said while holding out the payment. It was a good size able to home the urchins while appearing to be fast with the size of its sails.

(-200 gold) The man clapped his hands and took the coins. As he opened the bag, another wave of Ravens unclean stench shot out of the bag.

"This smell... It is not sweat. It smells more like..." Before he could finish, Alice was already guiding the children to the boat. The payment was taken so it was officially hers, in her eyes. Before Alice and Raven could make it on the boat, Fredrick grabbed Alice from behind. "Come to think of it, I don't remember Alice having a sister!"

Unable to stop Raven in time, Fredrick accidentally pulled her of of the other girl's shoulders.
Asaka "Raven"

Asaka let out a small hiss as the sunlight hit her and she realized what had happened. Alice had been pulled off her shoulders. Turning to face the man, she whistled three piercing notes, nearby urchins who had been hiding on the rooftops and still were, started loading the slingshots Asaka had told them all to bring with an assortment of items. Pieces of glass and smooth stones chief among them, and then they waited for the next signal.

In the meantime, Asaka rushed the merchant, her natural elven speed and agility allowing her to close the gap quickly, and when she got close, aimed a punch right for the man's stomach, hoping to get him to double over so she could get Alice out of the way of what would be the incoming urchin slingshot attack. Their had been a reason she had wanted all the urchins along after all.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Alice Cross[/BCOLOR]

Hanging from the mans grip Alice began flailing her limbs. "Ya dare touch me you pervert Freddy. Ya know who I be?"

Fredrick studied the have girl as her cloak slipped off. Her smaller legs and arms further validated that Alice had no older sister. "You are nothing but a stupid street rat. Like the rest of your urchin scum." He pointed his cane which started glowing with magic at the urchins surrounding him. The cane cried as magic surged into the earth. He turned to the girl who charged at him but he was not worried.

Boulders rose from the ground shattered into tiny pieces and flew at the surrounding Urchins, preventing them from reacting. the other two boulders flew at the elf though she managed to dodge them with her speed. Then she managed to land a blow on the man's stomach but his stomach just clanked. Unaffected by the blow he swung his cane at the elf while throwing Alice into one of the craters formed by his magic.
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