The Kingdom of Evertrue

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Lilith Najima
She quicjly finished her meal as she took some fresh clothes from her bag and undressed not caring Kera was there as she changed. She took the meals for underway and put them in her bag. She felt a lot better especially when she had such a good friend with her. She tied her hair into twintails and took her bag. She smiled brightly at Kera and nodded as she quietly opened the door house's door. She then already stepped outside checking for any people an signaled Kera it was safe to come out
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]Sunset City[/BCOLOR]

Kera blushes a bit out of embarrassment as Lilith checks if there was anyone in the hallway, even though she wanted to be seen by as little townsfolk as possible, she didn't want to sneak around her home city like that. "P-please, don't do that, we don't need to sneak around, just act normal" she says and follow Lilith and walks past hear, taking the lead as they walk downstairs and outside the apartment building before heading towards the northern city gates. The sunlight was high lighting the runes on her skin beautifully, even though Kera didn't like it at all, the rune marks were a sign of rune mage afterall. On the way she notices a girl with a piece of cloth wrapped around her head. Kera didn't remember seeing this girl before, but there was so much people in Sunset City that it wasn't a surprise at all. She didn't take any further action towards the girl, just passing by her.
Lilith Najima
Lilith smiled as she followed Kera to the gates. She also noticed the girl with the cloth around her head and passed by her.
The girl was a bit creepy to her as she then noticed the runes on Kera's skin. She now found out Kera was a rune mage, something she had only heard about in tales before. She did howver decide not to ask about it and continue walking
Say Kera, that weird girl from earlier... she seemed scary. I don't know if she is to be trusted. What if she is out hunting for us?
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]Sunset City[/BCOLOR]

She giggles a bit to Lilith's silly question. "Don't be stupid, she isn't scary at all, and she definitely isn't hunting for us, i just payed attention to her because i don't remember seeing her before" she explains as they walked. Kera's mind was filled with speculations about what kind of house her grandmother's house was since she didn't remember, her mind was running on overdrive at the moment out of excitement. She barely could contain herself. The guard at the gate looked at Kera, recognizing her and he smiles to her. "Going somewhere miss Hy'l?" he asks to which she nods with smile. "Yeah, i'm leaving to an adventure, i don't know when i'm coming back, as quickly as possible for sure, i'm going to miss this city" she says as they walked past the guard and out of the northern gates of Sunset City.
Lilith Najima
She smiled as she giggled back and kept walking. She gave a kind smile to theguard and left the city with Kera. Lilith smiled knowing this was gonna be a fun adventure
Say Kera, have you ever had friends before? I haven't mainly because we were nomades and we traveled across the world. I never stayed somewhere long enough to meet people and maybe even find my soulmate

Kalivos keeps the slow pace, theres no reason to make the poor beast run under such unforgiving heat, he darkelf had to take off the scarf even when he needed it to avoid the chocking, dusty wind. Malik fared better, since the darkelf shielded him with his own body. "Hey! hey! I need to rest, Im a bit sick.. I think im gonna throw up...."
"Thoughen up, theres no place to rest, we need to wait until the sun go down, and dont puke!! Im in no mood to be smelling your stink, this sun and heat aint good for one like me, luckly this time I have water, you should have seen me back then kid, I was a living corpse, my face covered with hot sand, my hair too, my mouth dry, nearly blind... I dont know how I survived"
Malik makes several retching sounds "I really mean it... Im gonna..."
Kalivos turns back "DOnt you dare!! if this is some stupid plan to escape Im gonna..."
But then all happens in a flash, Kalivos feel how he horse fall forward, the horse screaming and Malik hitting him on the back. The darkelf faints as all turn black.
"Uh.... what happened?" Kalivos try to move but something its pushing his head down, something heavy. "Whats this...?" the darkelf touch it with his hands "clothes... a body... Malik?, its you? Malik!" Kalivos call him but the kid didnt answer "great, must be knocked out, cant see a damn thing, how much time has passed?" the darkelf try to see if some sunlight come but cant see any, using his hands he reach down, the horse neck its down "a trap... dont remember having found any the first time... this is new... son of a....!!" as he try to push up he move his left leg, then he feel a sharp pain, something its stuck in his feet or his calf.

"Spikes...great... a hunter?, nah... theres nothing to hunt around here, at least nothing so big to need a trap pit, no, this was made to hunt people... thiefs..."

Expedition in progress: Desecrated Desert
Post 4
Trials 1 / Trap pit
Last edited:
Imari clasped his hand of his mouth as he yaqnd tiredly. Closing the book and setting it aside in his bag which was beneath him under the window sill.

A strand of his light chocolate brown hair brushed against his face ever so lightly tickling his ears as it did. His head rested on his knees which he had brought up to his chest ,his eyes were shut ,a peaceful look on his face as the setting suns warm rays shone down on his face.

It was days like this that brought back memories from his childhood , memories of his father and him baking all sorts of yummy treats , laughing and joking around as they played with the flour.

He missed his family ,sometimes he wondered why his parents ever let him move ,it wasn't like he was doing any better here . pffftt if anything he was doing worse than he did , he was more withdrawn from others and he didn't interact with them other than when they asked the price for things in the café.

His eyes clouded in sadness , what would his family say If they saw him now?
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]Road to Kruvaria[/BCOLOR]

She shakes her head a bit sadly as Lilith asks about her having friends before. "N-no, i've lived pretty much in solitude all these years, before my father left, i used all my time training with him, but i don't want to talk about it.. y-you'll learn about it eventually" she replies as they were walking along the road. The couple were just surrounded by plains. You could see some mountains in the distance to the left and some forest on the right in the distance. It was such an calming experience, walking basically in middle of nowhere only Kera and Lilith and nature. She payed attention to her surrounding and observed the nature, this was all rather new to her, having only left Sunset City few times, she never really managed to experience anything like this.
Elbauthin waited patiently, watching the book for a response, but nothing came. Perhaps she had simply read his message and gone straight to work - it did seem like something she would do, so he didn't doubt it if that was the case. With a sigh, he closed the book and rose to his feet. He walked over to the doorway and grabbed a bulky leather bag, tucking the journal into it. The brown leather had a small symbol branded into it - a four-pointed star that resembled a plus sign, with a detached dot at the end of each point. The symbol had been a recurring pattern in much of Pasiche's clothing - not for any reason, she'd told him, other than that it was a favourite fabric of the local seamstress - and he'd become very attached to the symbol. It always reminded him of her. He had loved Pasiche, but not as he had found was typical for a man to love a woman. His love for Pasiche had been very similar to his love for his mother. He had wanted to protect her, to teach her, and to learn from her. With Pasiche, he had felt safe and comfortable. He found joy in her company, but he had never felt the way most men tended to describe their feelings for women - he had never wanted to marry her, to give her children, to make love to her, or even to kiss her. He had been more than content with their platonic relationship, where she worshipped him as a god and as a mentor and he taught her, as a student or a sister.

Looping the strap of the bag over his shoulder and stepping quickly into his shoes, which were enchanted to lace themselves up, Elbauthin opened his door and stepped out. Though Sunset City was noted for its incredible beauty at the dawn and dusk hours, the daylight was just as beautiful. It was almost as if Sunset City was closer to the sun than any other city, as it appeared bigger in the sky, though that didn't have any effect on the temperature. Sunset City's magnificent beauty was exactly the reason Elbauthin had decided to settle down here - he had journeyed throughout the Kingdom, and though he felt that his abilities were well-suited to a life in Monadalia, the people there would quickly realize that he was one of the most powerful magic-users in history. Instead, he had chosen the peaceful beauty of Sunset City so that he could do his work and research in peace, surrounded by non magic-users who wouldn't recognize his abilities as anything more than regular magic.

There was a park here in the city. At dusk it was packed with people - travellers, visitors, and locals - who wished to see the sunset. Likewise, at dawn, it was packed with all those same types of peoples seeking to watch the sun rise over the horizon. There was a lot of kissing, there were proposals of marriage, and every now and then, a couple would duck behind a tree in the hopes of making love while watching the famous sun transitions, though such trysts were often caught and ended by guards before they even began. It made Elbauthin incredibly uncomfortable - not their sexuality, but the publicity of it all, as if they saw no troubles with deep kissing and lovemaking in public. Instead, he visited the park during the daylight hours when it was almost empty. It was a peaceful place, with parks and a few tables. Elbauthin would go and sit there for hours, reading and writing and practising his magic - and that was exactly what he intended to do today, to spend the day sitting in the sunlight at his favourite park and read. What he would read, he knew not yet - he would have to visit the market and see if any vendors had books for sale.
Kiera, gazing towards the Queen, gave a firm nod. Yes, my lady, I have finished my searching and I have found the result of the spell. She paused, thinking for a moment. Should she tell Clarice the truth about what Elbauthin had told her? He would not have programmed such a result into His spell if He didn't think it necessary, after all, nor would He have included a way to reverse it if He didn't think it would one day be necessary. Today was that day - Clarice was the Queen, and her husband needed an heir. She couldn't stand the thought of lying to the Queen and saying that she couldn't reverse the infertility troubles, because she could. She also didn't want to lie to Clarice about what was the cause of her fertility problem, but what if she didn't mention anything at all? Was that really a lie? If she told the young Queen that her children might possess some kind of unspeakable evil within them, Clarice might not be willing to go through with it. Kiera was here to help her, not to strike fear into her heart - if Clarice lived her life fearing her own children, then her fears might come true simply through her fear.

Your troubles are problematic, but reversible. There is a potion that I can brew to give you back your fertility - it will only work for two children, however. If you desire more after those two, I will have to brew another batch of the potion for you. Kiera paused for a moment. She knew that Clarice would be overjoyed to hear this news, and she knew that the Queen was probably going to request that she begin brewing the potion immediately. She had to tell Clarice about the one minor problem before the Queen had a chance to speak. There is one complication, however. To brew the potion, I need an enchanted chalice - a specific enchanted chalice - which is lost to me. Kiera paused again. She didn't want to outright proposition the Queen regarding her ideas. With an entire army and a Kingdom at her disposal, Clarice should have no trouble hiring somebody to locate the chalice. Instead, she wanted to let Clarice come to that conclusion on her own.[/hr]
Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Throne Room

Clarice was quiet, listening as Kiera spoke. When the witch said that her fertility was reparable, she could practically feel her heart swelling with excitement. Her gaze shifted briefly towards Ashley, letting her friend see the excitement on her face. Perhaps she could soon have her own child - two children, even, and more if she kept Kiera around to brew another batch of the potion later. That all depended on Phillippe's health, of course, but if Kiera could fix this, Kiera could almost certainly fix her husband.

She listened as the witch spoke on, however, telling the Queen of an enchanted chalice that was required for the potion. Clarice felt slightly dismayed at hearing that, but not entirely disheartened. There had to be a way to find Kiera's chalice, simply had to be. Clarice was thoughtful as the lovely witch before her stopped speaking, presumably awaiting Clarice's response. The chalice might be somewhere in the Kingdom, perhaps at one of the adventure sites filled with treasure that Clarice heard so much about. Or perhaps it was in the hands of some nobleman who didn't recognize its magical properties or value.

"If this chalice is needed, we will find it," Clarice said, feeling confident. Her certainty shone through in her tone of voice. "I have an entire Kingdom filled with people who would probably be willing to seek it out in return for a reward. I shall have letters posted to the city's bulletin boards asking for information about this enchanted chalice. Surely someone either knows something or can find out. What else is there to know about the chalice - what material is it made of, for example, and how might someone recognize that it's the one we seek?" Clarice was hopeful. She would call in a servant as soon as Kiera left - assuming, of course, that the witch intended to look at Phillippe next - to bring her paper and ink. She would write the request herself, so that people might know just how important the chalice is.
PrincessLala95 updated The Kingdom of Evertrue with a new update entry:

The Big Update!

The next big update is here, with a handful of new features for you all to enjoy! They are all listed here to you'll be able to reference them easily until you find them in the main post.

  • Links to your original post containing your character bio are included in your category on the Cast List for easy reference.

  • In the rules section regarding children and offspring, you will find...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Kiera listened to Clarice's words. She was pleased that the Queen had almost instantly come to the right conclusion, deciding to use her power to find the chalice. Clarice asked her, however, about some specific details of the chalice. She sighed softly, giving a shrug of her shoulders. I don't know what material it's made of, she said sadly. All I know is that it's enchanted to brew the potion we need, and that it has the name "Pasiche" carved into the bottom. That might not even be fully intact - it might have been dented and damaged so long over the years that you can't even read it. A sigh left Kiera's lips and she shook her head, lifting one dark hand and gently running it through her thick, dark hair. Elbauthin should have given her more information - she couldn't exactly message Him out of the blue to ask more about the chalice. He trusted that she would be able to find it. If He thought she needed more information, He would have given it to her. He must have faith that the information He provided was enough for her to find it.

Her dark eyes flitted briefly to the doorway and she thought about the elderly King. She had yet to meet him - it would certainly take some time to locate the chalice, and in that time, she could probably tend to the ill King. If Clarice was to have children, she needed a healthy husband to give them to her, so improving his condition would be necessary while Clarice's forces scoured the land for the chalice Elbauthin had told her about. That's all the information I can give for now, your highness. Is there anything else you'd like to ask? If not, I'd love to meet with your husband and see what I can do about his health condition. She smiled kindly towards the young Queen, eager to do more to help. Proposing that the Queen dispense her men to search for a mythical magical chalice wasn't much help unless they were actually successful in finding it - if it proved too difficult, she would go out and search for it herself, but otherwise she trusted the Queen's men. Until they brought back the chalice, she would have to do what she could to help the King, to prove to the Queen that she was as helpful and skilled as she claimed. The last thing she needed was people losing faith in her, as they had done before.
Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Throne Room

Clarice, listening to Kiera, nodded slightly. It was a shame that the witch couldn't tell her more about the chalice's details, but the information they had could be worked with. She would certainly summon for a servant now and she would begin working on something. A sign for the bulletin boards across the Kingdom, detailing what was needed - and specifying what the reward would be. Hearing Kiera next say that she wished to meet with the King, Clarice was quick to give a nod.

"Absolutely," Clarice said quickly. "Yes, I'd love for you to take a look at Phillippe. Would you like me to have a guard escort you, or would you like to find your way on your own?" Her gaze shifted next to the guard who stood by the door. She felt bad for having taken so long to address him, but there was very little that was more important to her than her husband's health and heir, so she had allowed the guard to wait. She gave the guard a smile. "You may bring in whoever you have waiting outside," she said softly. "And then if you could please send for a servant to bring me some paper and ink," she added quickly. ( @conman2163 )
Bailor watched thalice curiously as she dug her hands into the ground. She wasn't quite sure as to what the strange lady was doing. She cocked her head sideways and moved a little closer. Most people she had seen didn't usually play in the dirt at this age. Maybe much younger, even younger than she was, but not someone at this maturity.
Kiera smiled towards the Queen and shook her head. No, no, she said in a gentle tone. An escort is not necessary. I am sure that I will be able to find his room with no problems - heavily guarded with a healer lurking about, I'm sure. Kiera smiled to herself. She didn't like to joke or make light of the situation, but it was true - in fact, on her way to and from the library when she had contacted Elbauthin, Kiera had noticed down one hallway that there was one room that particularly matched her description. It had been guarded by two men, and Kiera had noticed a few people coming and going - one man had been headed towards the room when she had passed, and a woman had been on her way out the door - so she was almost certain that it was the King's room. I wish you luck in finding the chalice, your majesty, Kiera said with a quick curtsy. When you locate it, you can find me in town at the inn closest to the castle. Just send for me and I will hurry here as quickly as I can - the rest of the ingredients for the potion are actually in the gardens here, so I can simply grab them on my way. I bid you farewell for now, my Queen. With that said, she gave another curtsy before turning around.

She smiled at the guard on her way past, opening the massive throne room doors and slipping out. She saw an elven man waiting patiently outside and she offered him a warm smile. My apologies for taking up so much of the Queen's time - I believe that she is ready to see you now, Kiera addressed the man in a courteous tone. She headed off down the hallway, beginning in the direction that she had gone before. Ascending the grand staircase, Kiera paused for a moment to regain her bearings before heading in the direction that the library had been. Pausing to glance down every hallway she passed, Kiera finally came to the room that was heavily guarded. Nervously, hoping that the guards would believe her, she approached them. Good afternoon, she said politely. My name is Kiera. Queen Clarice sent me - I have magical skills and I can brew potions. I believe that I can help your King with his health problems, and Clarice wished for me to meet with him. She went quiet, hoping that the guards would allow her entry.

The guards exchanged a brief look. One of them nodded, and the other one nodded in response. The first guard grasped the door handle and opened it, politely holding it for Kiera. She offered a quick thanks as she entered, pausing to glance around. The room was lovely, dimly lit by flickering candles. The King lay there, motionless on his bed, and she frowned. Seeing such a powerful man in such a weakened and vulnerable state was painful, especially to someone who had met their own God. If she ever saw Elbauthin like that, she didn't know what she'd do. Poor Clarice must be in so much pain every time she came in here. Kiera approached tentatively, stopping and kneeling by the side of the bed. He may be lying there motionless, he may be ill and dying, but he was still a King and she would address him with the respect that he merited. Your majesty - if you are awake... your wife sent me, I am a healer... She paused, waiting to see if he would answer or wake up. She didn't want to wake him - if he didn't reply, she would simply sit in the chair by the bed and wait.
King Phillippe Claude Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Bedchamber

Groggy and half-asleep, Phillippe was vaguely aware of the door opening and somebody entering. Assuming it was his healer, and too weak to do much else unless necessary, he remained still and let his aching body continue to rest. She had told him that he needed to rest as much as he could if his body was going to have even a chance of healing, so he intended to do just that. He was weak, but as long as he was alive, he intended to fight. The person neared the bed and he heard them lower themself before beginning to speak. The voice, though - it was different. It wasn't his regular healer. This was somebody new. It took all of his strength just to open his eyes and turn his head, but within a moment, his eyes were resting upon somebody new - a woman with black hair, dark skin, and an apprehensive look on her face. Weakly, Phillippe smiled at the stranger.

"W-welcome..." he mumbled, his voice hoarse. "If Clarice sent you...I t-trust you..." Phillippe paused, a few painful coughs escaping his mouth and sending a searing pain through his chest. Normally these coughing fits lasted a minute or so, but within a few seconds, the pain had passed. Phillippe reopened his eyes and looked at the woman. It was as if her mere presence alone was helping his health. "W-water?" he groaned, gesturing weakly with one finger in the direction of the nightstand, where a cold glass of water sat waiting. His healer had left while he napped, not expecting him to need a drink until he awoke - but, then again, not expecting him to wake up as somebody entered.

The guard bowed.

"Of course your highness."

With that he opened the door so that Loran could enter. The witch who passed him made an apology, to which he nodded. Thankfully, he had removed his mask and hood, so she probably realized he was an elf from looks alone. Smiling he nodded, acknowledging her apology, but making no move to respond other then that. Turning on his heel, he walked into the room, passing the guard who hurried off to get ink and paper. After walking for a few moments, he stopped a little distance from where the queen was seated, touching two fingers to his lips and bowing in the custom of his people in their greeting, then standing up and greeting her in his native tongue.

"Kvetha Dröttning Clarice. Sé ono líf drjugr un onr esterní eldhrimner."
(Literally translates to: "Greetings Queen Clarice. May you live long and your good fortune prosper.")

That finished he smiled.

"I come on business from my homeland. I possess a letter sealed by my lord to be given to you or the king. It involves an elf by the name of Allora Vesryn that was left in your castle some time ago. Left as an orphan, nigh on fifteen years in the past. I was wondering if she still lived in this castle, or if she had left or died, as unfortunate as that would be. If you would like I can give this letter to you."

The servant that Clarice had requested quietly came into the room, bowed to the queen, then brought her the requested ink and paper.
Diodora Warthunder
Sapphire City
Royal Guard

DioDora sat down in the library and wrote up a report for the queen about the incident that happened in the street. Once the report was finished, he gave it to a servant to deliver to the Queen. Then he wrote up a B.O.L.O. about the suspect. When he had finished that, he gave it to another servant and had them deliver it to the City Guard, Royal Guard, and the Queen as well. When he was all finished with this, he packed up and left the library. He was frustrated. He needed to burn off some steam. He headed out to the courtyard.

He found a nice spot where their were no servants around and he drew his sword. He began very robotic like movements. Practicing his sword swings and actions.
When Aros encountered Charlie by the front of the inn, she quirked a brow at the cut hair. Was t his some sort of rite of passage, or was he simply changing his appearance in order to avoid suspicion? Can't be, he sticks out like a sore thumb and he knows it. As Aros closely inspected Charlie's face, he'd notice various things; the fact she seemed to be tired (more-so than usual, at least), the note of slightly concealed surprise at the finery, and the uncertainty and wariness upon seeing Aros. It seemed like Charlie was equally on the defensive and she simply nodded, hefting up her backpack.

Charlie felt even more embarrassed about walking through the streets than ever before, trailing after Aros' radiation aura of "I'm rich, attack me!". Nevertheless, it seemed to deter any potential assailants, simply because of the confidence that Aros held. Someone who was so self-assured in between these dingy buildings had more than a reason to be, even when geared up in all of the fancy clothes. Charlie must have looked pitiful, sloping along behind Aros. There was something uncomfortable about the silence, however; her Dark Elf companion was much quieter than usual. Charlie quickened the pace so she walked side-by-side with the elf as she eventually caught up to the idea that Aros may be suspicious of letting a werewolf join him.

"I didn't think you had the capacity to be nervous, Dark Elf." mused Charlie, peering over at Aros with a quizzical stare. "Geared up in all of that, I highly doubt you have anything to be nervous about. I assume you got-...all of this..." Charlie gave a quick glance over her shoulder at the Pegasus. "...In whatever previous expeditions you have made?"

It was almost unfair, really, that one man could gain so much from travelling outside whereas Charlie came back with less than she started with for the most part. Still, that was not Aros' fault specifically. Unlike the majority of the local populace, Charlie seemed to be more-or-less indifferent towards the change of attire, after she had gotten over her initial shock. This was mainly because she assumed that she would be able to afford such finery after her trip to the Eternal Sanctum, which would support her financially, at the very least.

The buildings of Eastway Bluff started to open up as the duo reached the outskirts of the town, and Charlie became painfully aware of the Pegasus behind her. She did not properly consider the fact she had never been on a horse's back, nevermind the fact it could fly. For once, nerves started to affect her voice as she uncomfortably stammered "Uh, w-we're not...getting on that thing to get there, right? Not right away, at least?"
Aros laughed at Charlie's words, before playfully adding "I didn't extend this arm for a handshake. Grab hold and I'll pull you up onto my beautiful beast. I haven't got a name for it yet, but I expect I'll be struck with some divine inspiration somewhere along this journey."

It hadn't slipped Aros's mind that he had yet to tell Charlie his name, but whether it was his flair for the dramatic, or forgetful nature, Aros would wait until they were soaring above before giving her the full introduction.

"We have a long day of travel ahead, and quite frankly the sooner I get myself off the street the better. I cut an imposing enough figure to keep away the common brawlers but, regrettably, I don't do subtle anymore. Someone important is bound to notice and while I wouldn't call myself nervous, I'd rather not be in anyone's crosshairs just yet." As he finished, he let loose a sly wink from one eye, while watching a suspicious looking gathering just on the next street corner with the other. There was no affirmation that he was in trouble, but he didn't want to wait to find out.

"Up you come then!"
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