The Kingdom of Evertrue

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Queen Clarice Angelina Charmaine | Sapphire City Castle | Throne Room

Clarice, hearing Ashley's words, grinned happily. She was about to draw back from the embrace to put a gentle hand on Ashley's stomach, to feel the affectionate kicks of her little godson and to tell him how much she adored him despite not yet having had the chance to meet him, but a voice from the doorway interrupted. She smiled, pulling away and turning slightly to face Kiera, the lovely witch standing patiently by the door. "A little, but it's alright," Clarice said softly. "I'm guessing that you've finished your research and have something to report? I hope it's something good," she said, nervous. Not having known the witch very long, Clarice had no way of knowing how to read her. Was the small smile on her lips indicative of good news, or was it just the way she was? Was it meant to be comforting in the wake of bad news? Clarice could only hope for the best.

Aurélie Lorraine Charmaine | Telia City | University Building

Heading up to the doors of the university's largest building, where Aurélie took her classes and met with her professor, the young Princess gently grasped the door handle and pushed it open. She knew that there were classes in progress, so she had to keep quiet - she only hoped that her professor would not be busy with a class. Her meeting with him wasn't of the utmost importance, but it did matter - she wanted to do well in her classes, and she wanted to help him with his research. She moved quickly to his classroom, taking care that her shoes were not too loud against the tiled ceramic floors, masterpieces built by Slanait's finest architects. Opening the door, she saw him seated at his desk at the front of the room. Scattered throughout the hall were four or five students. She wasn't sure whether it was a class or just a handful of his students who had come to work on their assignments and papers in the classroom and all happened to be there at the same time. She had certainly done it before.

As she opened the door, the professor lifted his gaze and smiled as he saw her. "Ah! Princess Aurélie - do come in, come in!" He stood, and Aurélie couldn't help but to smile. He always treated her like this, refusing to take the Princess title off her name even when she had told him it was fine. It drew attention, and she heard two of the students whisper briefly between themselves, but she didn't mind. She was drawing attention simply for being of the richest and most powerful family in the Kingdom, and for being better than the rest of the people in this room. There was no shame to be had in that.

"Professor," Aurélie said politely, going over to his desk. "How are you this afternoon?"

"Oh, I'm well, Princess, quite well - and you? I trust that your project is going well?" he asked, and Aurélie grinned, giving him a nod.

"Indeed it is - I was just at home doing some research and a thought came to mind. Have you made any attempts to find descendants of the Sylaisan Empire's people? I'm sure some exist, they might be able to provide more insight on your research," she said to him, gently folding her hands in front of her. She watched his face, hopeful for some sign of approval, and the grin that appeared was more than she could have expected.

"Oh, your highness, I'm so pleased that you suggested that! As it stands, I have tried a few times to find information about descendants of the empire but had been unsuccessful - an inquiry made to the entirety of the Kingdom, though - oh, that might work!" He seemed to be spinning around in circles in his own head, working out the details. He was scatterbrained, but a wise and good man, which Aurélie respected. "Perhaps if a letter were to be posted in the bulletin boards in every city and town - if we were to request anyone with knowledge of or ties to the Sylaisan Empire to visit the university...perhaps either we could have them visit or we could ask them to write to us, so that we might send an emissary to visit them and interview them for any information we can get - you'd be willing to travel, wouldn't you?"

Aurélie was surprised by the rapid jumps his mind made, but quickly nodded. "I - yes, I'd be willing to travel," she said. "Would you like me to prepare something, perhaps? I could have some couriers deliver them to every town and village as you've suggested, posting it on the public bulletin boards so everyone will see."

"Oh! Yes, your highness - yes, that would be excellent. You can get to work on that, yes, I've much business to attend to - I trust your work, I'm sure you'll work out something good. Yes, that's wonderful. Good day to you, my Princess!"

Aurélie, amused by his ramblings and musings, simply smiled and nodded. "Good day, Professor," she said before turning and heading back out the door. Once in the hallway again, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it for a moment, exhaling deeply. He was a good and wise man, yes, but he did exhaust her so.

Crofton Dewl | Between Eastway Bluff and Vastwater Basin

Crofton walked along the darkened road, the moonlight shining down on the chunky gravel road ahead of him. It had grown lighter in the mere matter of minutes he'd been walking, which was odd - it didn't seem like it should be this light just yet, but it was. If anything, should it not be getting darker? It wasn't even midnight yet, but the moon seemed to be sinking, sinking further from the peak of its nightly arc. How odd. He shook his head slightly - perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him. Perhaps it was the lack of magic, as it had been so long since he cast a spell or stole a soul. But he would steal no more souls. He was going to be a good and honest man one way or another, and stealing souls wasn't the way to do that.

For another hour or two, he walked. The moon seemed suspended in some strange transitional place, uncertain whether it was to rise or sink. Crofton continued along his way, glancing up at it only briefly every now and then. Just what was happening above him? Why did the moon sway as if uncertain of its place? Perhaps he would ask somebody when he reached Vastwater Basin, a city known for its scholars. Not as renowned as Telia, of course, but certainly still a worthwhile place to seek out knowledge. If anyone was up, that is - he couldn't tell for sure what time of day it was.

Finally, at long last, the moon began to sink, this much was certain. The closer he came to the neighbouring city, the lower it fell above him. The sky's deep blue tones became pinks and oranges until, finally, they faded to a soft, early-morning shade of blue. The sun was coming up on the other side of the sky, baffling Crofton. Had he already walked on until morning? He didn't feel as tired as he should, assuming he had been walking all night, but the sky didn't lie. He sighed, shaking his head. Perhaps it was quite the opposite - he was overtired, and seeing things and assuming things that were untrue. As he walked on, the morning sunlight shining down on him, he saw Vastwater Basin appear through the trees ahead, and he sped up his walk. He should certainly like to reach the city sooner than later, wanting nothing more than a warm bed and a bite to eat. He must be going mad, for the sun was high in the sky at this point. It seemed to be almost noon hour. Had he really been walking for twelve hours?

He reached the city's gates and passed through easily, heading quickly to the nearest building he saw with a sign that said "Inn" on it. He walked in and saw the place filled with those who had stopped in for a delicious afternoon meal. The waitress approached to seat him, but he quickly held up his hands. "Perhaps in a bit - for now, I'd like to rent out a room. I've been travelling all night, by foot, and should like some rest."

"Ah, I understand," the waitress responded politely. She led him to the counter, where he engaged in a short exchange with the woman running the place. He handed over ten coins, and in return she handed him the key to one of the rooms on the upper floor. Thanking her, Crofton headed for the stairs and began making his way upwards. Sleep was a welcome distraction right now, so he headed into the room quickly. He took no time to examine the room, instead locking the door behind him and going straight to the bed. He collapsed upon the comfortable linens and sighed, ready to fall asleep.

Expedition in progress: Cave of Souls
Posts: 3
Trials/tribulations: 2 (pity for a stranger; exhaustion)
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]Sunset City[/BCOLOR]

'I also really hope we can become very close friends' she blushes a bit upon hearing that but she also had her doubts, who knows, maybe we get close during our travels, or then we end up hating each other and continue our separate ways... only time will tell she thought. She still didn't trust Lilith very much, having to hide from people as much as possible and not being able to trust anyone really had shaped her as a human and trust was something she had trouble with. It was going to be a tough adventure for sure and she already knew that there was going to be many problems and trouble, probably mostly because of her. "Sweet dreams" she whispers to Lilith before closing her eyes as well and trying to get some sleep.
The streets of Eastvale had never seemed so suffocating to Charlie until now. Even though she knew it was a figment of her imagination, the woman could not help but figure that the sloping walls and washing lines were trying to crush and garrotte her, prevent her from escaping once more into the wilderness. Little clouds of mist escaped from her mouth in the chill of the night-time air, and she fumbled for her key as she approached the peeling paint door of her shack.

Her humble abode was not much. There was a small kitchenette, an empty food cupboard, a desk and a bed - aside from that various crates filled up the rest of the space, leaving very little room for movement. These crates were full of her things; a fair bit of her usual budget went into buying new clothes and bags and tents, since Remsworth had a particular attraction to shredding these items whenever she had the chance in order to spite Charlie. Hence why Charlie hid her key before she left; if that mongrel managed to enter her humble abode, Charlie would most likely lost a lot of her belongings in one fell swoop.

Charlie's initial plan was to sleep until the morning and then pack until noon, but once she slipped off the layers of clothing and fell into the musty sheets, she knew that this evening would be a particularly difficult one. Not even a moment after Charlie's head hit the pillow did she experience the same thoughts and flashbacks, gnawing away at her mind. The rustle of the sheets accompanied the images of dried blood on the farmhouse walls, every severed tendon, ripped sinew, chunks of flesh and bone scattered around the floor with the white apron and the pale blue dress that the poor woman wore. Trapped in between the insatiable urge to shut her eyes and the terror of the consequential visions, Charlie spent a few restless hours trying, in vain, to sleep.

At around three in the morning, Charlie figured out that it was a lost cause. She groaned as she sat up in her bed, the springs squeaking in protest as she shuffled over to pick up a fresh set of clothes. Her actions were sluggish but purposeful as Charlie began to pack a tent and clothes. She knew the ritual well enough, and whilst she packed, she felt determined to think about something other than whatever plagued her nights with insomnia. Her mind drifted to Aros.

It seems too good to be true. The thief had already proven himself to be a liar; the most likely option is he will try to either ditch me or kill me in the Sanctum and take the reward for himself. Charlie grinned. Well, he can try anyway. I'd like to see him get past Remsworth. She tugged the straps of her backpack and double-checked she had everything she would need. Unfortunately, a great number of her potions had spoiled during her absence, making them virtually useless. All she had left was the unspoilable objects; rubbing alcohol, bruise poultice, a sewing kit and some refashioned cloth scraps to make dressing and bandages. It was meagre, but hopefully sufficient, lest she sorely underestimated her travelling companion's ability to get hurt. Accompanying the medical supplies, Charlie had packed a tent, three pairs of clothes, a sleeping roll (I doubt I will get a lot of use from that, mused Charlie wryly), her potion making kit and a few books.

After a short while, the click of her door locking echoed through the silent streets of the Eastvale suburbs. Charlie strolled down to the stables, hid the key in the alcove, and managed to take herself and her travelling backpack to the outskirts of town to watch the sun rise over the bluff.

Charlie || Eastvale Bluff || Generic Tavern (Noon)

Charlie looked like she had not slept all night. Still, perhaps that was just her resting weary-face adding to the look of perpetual exhaustion and melancholy that haunted her. Instead of the oversized dress, Charlie had opted to wear a thick wooly scarf, a hand-knitted hat stuffed in the pocket of her leather trenchcoat, a large dark green sweater and some hand-made trousers reinforced with patches of old shoe leather. She still wore her gloves and some better-fitting but patchy walking boots. She was sitting on her backpack; the canvas rain-cover hid most of her belongings and deterred the hopeful criminals loitering around the front of the inn alongside Charlie. In her hands was her preferred reading; An Illustrated Guide to Regional Fauna by Hillary J Periwicket. Of course, some heavy annotations had been added to it since she stole it from the library in Sapphire City. She was quite glad to have been able to keep the book for so long - Remsworth did not seem to care much for the book and left it untouched during her little temper tantrums.

Just like last time, Charlie resolved to wait around half an hour before heading out on her own. At the very least she should be able to make it some distance south-west towards Vastwater before passing out from exhaustion, at which point it's a waiting game to see which passer-by would be able to help her out. Still, for the first time in a while, Charlie was rather excited to leave; She had a feeling that Aros' infectious laugh may be able to boost her spirits a little for the journey. Provided, of course, that Aros does not try to take everything she owns and betrays her.

Kalivos sighs as he begin to remember the first time that he had crossed the same desert, Malik has fallen asleep after crying, begging and cursing at the darkelf, so he talks to himself.
"Never thought I would come back this way, never ever... much less with a brat at my back. one that i dont even like, the path aint changed..."
The darkelf looks at the rocky, sandy path as the dry, hot wind blows. He remembers how he crossed that path, nearly draggin himself, his skin burned, his lips so dry that they had been bleeding for weeks, his sensitives eyes blinded, he had been fearing that he would end up blind, so unused was to sunlight, but the fear of having a whole patrol on his back, pushed him to keep going. To this day he still was intent to keep himself out of sight, so talks about a darkelf living here wouldnt end up in the hidden city and remind his family, or worse yet, the rulers, the penalty for escaping the city was death by torture, a slow, agonizing death.
"Better die than coming back home, no, I never gonna be back, not alive..." Kalivos take a sip from his waterskin "wake up brat, you need to drink , believe me, the sun can kill a cityrat like you in a moment, wake up" the darkelf elbows the sleeping kid until he awakes. "I dont want anything from you, besides Im not thirsty..." Kalivos push the waterskin against his lips making him drink "Drink... and dont waste any of it, spit it and the next thing that you are gonna be drinking will be your own piss and believe me when you are as thirsty as I was the first time I crossed this damned desert piss aint so disgusting as you thought"
"So you come from here?, theres a city there?" Malik asks after drinking some water.
"Dont be stupid, there no city around here, ruins, yes, but a city?, no, if there were a city of my people your city would have been razed and the people taken as slaves or sacrifice, but then the other cities would ally against us... and then they would be the ones razing and taking my people as slaves... not that I would care... no, I would pay to see that..."

Expedition in progress: Desecrated Desert
Post 3
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Sapphire City castle

He watched as Allora pasted him in the hallways. Taken note of her broken arm he was curious as to what good she would be as a guard now. She entered into her room and was quiet. Seth being a little more than curious knocked on her door.

"Hello, Allora, are you there i wish to have a word with you." he said waiting for her to answer.
The next morning Lilith had gotten up early. She was in the kitchen making breakfast and travel packages of foods and drinks for Kera and her

Lilith Najima
She smiled as she was making some eggs and meat for in the morning and making different kind of sandwiches for the way to Kurvari
I really hope Kera will appreciate this. I did my very very best to make the best meals I could hehe
Eu-Mag | Cerddoriaeth castle | Afternoon | Past

A sharp, deep bass, accompanied by a clear, ringing discant echoed through a large, underground hall. The walls were decorated by nothing but the occasional pillar, of the same stone the rest of the walls were. The floor was covered in a sparcely dyed carpet, on which stood two people. A human, in a wide, azure robe with a white scarf, and an armor, to anyone not familiar with him just looking like a guy wearing one.
The armor, animated and given a soul using magic, stood completely focused on the music. Ironically, he used the magic that made up his every move, on learning to use it for other things, in this case swordfighting. In his gauntlet hands he held a steel shortsword, one he'd borrowed from the first person in the kingdom with one.

Internally he analyzed the magically imbued rythm, the melody, the harmony. The very music itself. But other than being a banger to dance to, it gave him nothing. If learnt properly, he ought to get unmatched swordfighting-skills from this one, at least in theory, but being merely in training, the song faded out with no result.

Almost comedically, as the song had completely vanished, a servant ran into the room, asking for the presence of the two outside. "It's the portal," he explained, leaving understanding the rest to the two. Giving a brief glance at eachother, they took their way outside the room, up stairs, through narrow hallways. They took the journey to their destination by foot, not really having any more efficient means.


Arriving at a peculiar arc-like stone structure, the armor, followed by the man in the azure robe, greeted the group of other people surrounding the structure, all dressed in a similar manner to the man. "Salutations." His tone was flat, and his voice sounded as if he was bored. His greeting was answered by similar words from about all of the around thirty people.

Two especially noteworthy ones stood hands firmly placed on the stone arc. Mint green sparks had started appearing from the inner rim of the arc, before recently gaining a closer resemblance to blowtorch fires. It emitted a loud, ominous noice, before an intricate symbol appeared, glowing in midair in the middle of the arc. It quickly dispersed, leaving a liquid-like blue surface filling the entire inside of the structure.

"The portal has been opened. Send in a spy to check the area." Following the armor's command, a woman clad in wide clothes with a big hood, stepped out of the crowd and towards the portal. She was for a moment unsure, was this portal to be trusted? Would she actually arrive anywhere reasonable? No, she had gotten an order. Even directly from the king. Stepping into the portal, the liquid-like surface veiled her, before hiding her completely.

A decent amount of silence followed. The woman sure had taken her time. What could be in there? Hostile climates, killing humans by the second? Another dimension like theirs, plains stretching forever? Another kingdom, a possible ally or threat? Except her, no one there knew.
As sudden as she went in, she came running back out, a wide smile across her face. "My King, my King! The other side is a largely populated city, in an even bigger kingdom! They appear to be peaceful." The group of mages around all started cheering or chattering, speaking words in the likes of "Irama has opened" and "Another kingdom". The king looked towards the man from earlier, and spoke to him. "Tónlist, bring your three most favoured sorcerers, we must make contact." The man nodded, turning around to see three of the people from the crowd, all ready to head into the portal.

"We are all ready, my King." The man's raspy voice, and especially words, were good to hear for the king. No turning back now. The adventure had just begun. The four people of his choice walking behind him, he stepped into the portal.
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Allora was in her room changing when the knock came to her door.

"Just a minute!"

She called, finishing putting on a black shirt and then slipping her usual cloak on over it. The emerald green somehow wonderfully contrasting her ruby red eyes. Smiling, she opened the door, the sling her arm was in hidden underneath the cloak.

"Oh! A royal guard..... how can I help you?"

Unfortunately, Allora wasn't too sure she knew just who Seth was. They'd had a few encounters, but not enough for them to be acquainted at all. Suddenly remembering her manners, she stepped aside.

"Uh... come in.... Would you like some tea?"

Fortunately Allora's quarters while small contained a small fireplace where she could burn a fire for heat and cook. Suspended over a small dying fire was a kettle, something she had left there this morning.
His call was quickly answered by her as she told him to wait outside for a moment. Doing so he his usual pose of slightly slouched on his lance. After a while the door began to open and he observed that she was now in different clothes. He was more used to seeing her this way, but none the less got to his point "so the queen has made you her new inquistor correct?" he asked his expression slightly daunting as he looked down on the small girl, though he never intended to appear that way.

She then allowed him in and offered some tea, he didn't have anything to do so he nodded.
"Sounds nice" he said taking a seat in a nearby chair. He looked around the small room and noticed the fire place, it wasn't a bad space but it probably got cold quickly at night.

As she looked up at the man she couldn't help but feel intimidated. The lance he always seemed to carry wasn't helping the picture either. As she stepped aside she answered his initial question.

"I'm an investigator now, so yes, in a manor of speaking I suppose I am the queens new inquisitor. Why does it matter though?"

With that she set about making green tea. Simple herbal tea, tasted just fine on it's own. She drank it a lot now a days. It helped clear her head and as she sipped a cup of it she often organized her thoughts. She began to stir up the fire, adding small sticks to it as you would a camp fire, then after it got going, she added a few logs. Finally satisfied, she scooped some water from a bucket next to the fireplace into the kettle, then set the kettle over the fire. On her hips she still bore her sword, though she thought about taking it off soon.
[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]Sunset City[/BCOLOR]

She wakes up to a smell of food and she was quite confused at first. It was completely new for her that someone was making breakfast for her, even her father never did that. Yesterday had been quite tough day and because of that, Kera ended up sleeping quite well last night. She kept on laying in the bed for now, as she waited that Lilith was done making breakfast, as she wanted it to be surprise what they were going to have. Today we're going to set up to search father... this sure will be last time i'm sleeping in my own bed for a long while she thought, it was a bit sad in her opinion.
(Sorry for my lateness again. Im so busy with school and trying to catch up with th erp...forgive me)

When no one came , Imari sighed , closed up and grabbed his coat oof of the rack a few fee from the door , heading oit to the market.

His eyes scanned over the many vendors that tried to get his attention. The place wasn't empty , there still were a few people bustling about here and there.

He payed no mind to them and kept his head down , hewas headed towards the library, the only place that felt like he was back home.

Skipping some steps , he slipped in quitely unseen and headed to the back at his usual spot, it was a balcony where no one ever went too.

He sat down and pulled out a book he had already gotten from the other day when he came.
"It matters because i have a task for you." he said with a shard tongue. He wouldn't normally ask for this sort of thing but he had wondered if she might know anything. He wanted to find the bandits that murdered his parents, it was his driving force after all. " i want you to report any bandit attacks you hear about directly to me, and tell me anything you might already know." he said this time purposefully projecting himself to intimidate her once again. He wouldn't be unreasonable if she wanted something in return, but he had no idea what to offer her. Training? Better food? What would she want. He thought.

he relaxed a little in his chair as he waited her reply, watching her make the tea. He was curious as to why she was appointed the position, but would just have to wait and see now.

Allora gritted her teeth. Him saying that he had a task for her with that kind of attitude was not appreciated, especially not whilst he was being treated by her hospitality.

"You say it like i have little choice, which unfortunately for you I do. I only report to the royal family, Diadora, and the captain of the royal guard. Unless you have explicit authorization other wise, I don't care diddly squat what you want me to do."

She stood up.

"Unless you have something you might offer me in a fair deal, your SOL, and you know what, I think I just ran out of tea leaves."

As she said that she picked the kettle off of the hook over the flames, placed it on the stone in front of the fireplace, and placed her good hand on her sword hilt. Unfortunately her good sword hand had a broken arm, so she couldn't use that, but she was still pretty decent with her other hand. A fire of defying those who dared to order her around that had been there her entire life shone clearly in her eyes. She would not be intimidated.
He wasn't surprised as she began to act up, she had to have some backbone if she was a royal guard after all. She was giving him lip and as she finished he chuckled a little, "thats not how i said it, thats simply how you perceived it." he said as she rambled on about Diodora's family. He never really cared for protocol, more for the results he could get on his own.

"How about some gold then? Surely you could use to spruce up this room." he said jingling some coins in his pocket, he didn't think this would fool her, but rather wanted to keep testing her to find out where she stands and where she falls. "Running out of leaves, how thoughtless." he laughed

Allora giggled a bit. He had to be kidding right? Allora had never wanted for anything, and while she certainly hadn't received the best pay as a castle servant, it was more then enough for Allora. She had plenty to spend since she didn't have to pay rent as a servant, and her food was taken care of as well. While she still had to pay for clothes and anything extra, it still left plenty of coin in her pocket. Thus she chuckled.

"Your right, I could spruce up this room, but your coin isn't what i'm looking for out of a deal like this. Try again friend."

She leaned against the wall, and then he made a comment about her tea leaves, and she giggled.

"Running your mouth whilst taking someone else's hospitality, how thoughtless."
He had nothing more to offer other than he coin, anything else she could easily go around him to get. He didn't want to give up, but the conversation was going to go nowhere at this point in time. Seth instead decided to stand up once again "well that's dandy and fine, I shall take my leave then" he said walking towards the door it mattered not that she shut down his hopes, he had lived for this long, what's another year or two. He thought to himself as he moved into the hallways.

Looking around there wasn't a soul in sight as it was already late. He wondered what he should do next.

Allora realized the chance she was missing if he left her like this. Running out the door, she caught up with him quickly, though it pained her arm to do so.

"Wait. Maybe there is something you can do for me. I-I wanted to know if you could see if you could help me with something. In exchange, i'll help you out."

She sighed as she waited on his answer.
He smirked as the girl played right into his trap and was close to revealing what she wanted. Looking back at her a little curiosity came over him before he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Well i can't make the decision whether or not i will be useful to you, only you can choose that. But what is it you need help with? I will give it some thought and see if its worth my time."

He said and with a nod he waited for her to explain what she meant. He didn't really care to serve under the Allora, he thought it might make him look a fool. Either way he stopped walking and faced her one more time.

She sighed and scratched her head. With a blush on her face, she spoke.

"I want you to teach me how to read and write."

She then crossed her arms and waited on what Seth would say in return. She wouldn't be intimidated by his word choice. A determined look set about her face. Though her teaching had been secured through diadora, she wasn't too sure that she wanted him to teach her. It could get awful frustrating she was certain, and if she failed to live up to his expectations when it came to reading and writing, it might jeporadize her job.
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