The Kingdom of Evertrue

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Vr'ak collapsed against the tree which acted as the main support of the whole hut. He took the time to rest and look around at his handiwork. Every once in a while he'd spot a little problem with the hut and he'd have to get up again to fix it, but for the most part he was able to relax uninterrupted.

He did a quick check up on his supplies and realized that the hut had taxed him just about everything he owned. Regarding furs and hides, he had used up all the usable parts, leaving only small ruined squares that he would not be able to use for anything. As for the rope, he had exactly used it all up. He was incredibly fortunate with the amount he decided to buy; Slightly less and the hut would not have been able to stand, slightly more and he would have had small useless pieces of rope lying around.

After taking the time to relax, Vr'ak stood up and gave the tree one last pat of affection before he left the hut to head for the village again. If he was to keep his job and continue trapping, he'd have to buy another coil of rope. Of course he could do without it, but the rope would be a big factor in how much produce he'd be able to acquire from a single trip.

Back in the village, he delicately opened the door to the general store and stepped inside.

"Back again?" The older man behind the counter commented. "You're becoming my most frequent customer."

Vr'ak nodded. "Need lots of stuff," He said.

"Well what's it going to be this time?" Asked the man, resting his head on his hand as he leaned on the counter.

"Ro-pe," Vr'ak said, taking out his money pouch.

"More?" Asked the man casually as he strolled across the building to get another coil. "Still working on that hut thingy?"

"No," Vr'ak said shaking his head. "Done."

"Oh, great, fantastic," The man replied in a strange tone as he tossed down a coil of rope onto the counter.

"D-Thank-s," Vr'ak said, handing over his money pouch.

"Well there you go," The man said, counting out twenty coins and handing back the money pouch. Vr'ak paused as he watched the man scrape the coins off of the counter and into his open hand.

"D-That different," Vr'ak said suspiciously.


"D-That more coin d-than be-for," Vr'ak said, leaning over the counter and glaring at the man.

"N-No, that's the same price as before!" The man said defensively.

"Lie!" Vr'ak said thrusting a clawed finger into the man's face. The man flinched back, eyeing the sharp black claw pointed at him. "You steal!"

"L-Look," The man said, raising his shaking hands defensively. "Times are tough, right? I need the coin, so prices have gone up!"

"Pah," Vr'ak snorted. "I don' eat like you, I don' live like you, I don' steal coins!"

"Fine!" The man reached into his pouch and tossed out five coins onto the counter. "Now get out of my store!"

Vr'ak grabbed the coins and nodded his head with a satisfied huff. He turned and left the store, the store owner's glare following him out the door.

[-15 gold]

Vr'ak hefted the rope over his shoulder and walked back to the hut to drop off the rope. He was about to turn and head out of the hut again when he stopped. He paused at the door way, one arm holding back the flap of fur that acted as a door. What did he do? Just go hunting again? It dawned upon him that he didn't have much to do here besides just hunt and sleep.

A thought popped into his head and he hurried back into the hut to search around. He found his half carved piece of log, the one that he never got the chance to finish. Vr'ak sat down against the tree and stared at the log curiously. Maybe he should go ahead and finish it already. It was coming along alright, it might look great once he finished. Plus, the hut was pretty barren at this moment, it could do with some decorations.

The thought made Vr'ak feel a strange emptiness in his chest. His old hut looked like this one, and it was filled with his wood crafts... The idea of doing it over again made Vr'ak realize he missed his tribe. His people. His home.

Vr'ak pushed the thought out forcefully. He couldn't go back. Not yet. There was still so much to do here, and so much to see. Vr'ak sighed. If he ever got the chance to.

Vr'ak set to distracting himself by drawing out his knife and returning to work on the log. He worked and worked on the log for hours as the sky slowly dipped below the horizon. By the time it was dark, Vr'ak put down the knife and held out the log in front of himself, examining it carefully. It was done.

The log had transformed from a plain, small log covered in bark, to a miniature sculpture of a house resting on top of a flat pedestal it was merged with. It came with near full detail, the door, windows, the chimney, even vague signs of texture to the walls and roof. Vr'ak also etched on the side of the pedestal the mark that his tribe had given him; a symbol that represented Vr'ak, one that everyone in his tribe would recognize.

Vr'ak gently placed the house down next him and he rolled over, curled up, and fell asleep. Maybe tomorrow he'd set out for some adventure...
He couldn't help but laugh "haha that was not what i suspected." he said surprised by her request, "how did you get that job if you can't read or write? Does the queen know? She was the one who appointed you that position." he wondered why she would ask him and not someone she knew better, but was not about to pass up the opportunity to get closer to his goal.

"Well i can do it, but that defeats the purpose of what i want. Until you learn to at least read, you won't be able to search through the reports." he said reconsidering her offer, he didn't know anything about her and doing this could just lead to more hostility as shown eariler. The promise of being helped in the future was a scary thought in this day and age as anyone could die at a moments notice.
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Allora's anger flared at the challenge. Indignant, she growled.

"Of course the queen knows idiot, it was one of the things i'm supposed to learn. An investigator of the royal guard certainly wouldn't be chosen on their knowledge of reading and writing alone."

However, she could feel her grasp on the bargain slipping. She offered the only thing she could, besides gold. She didn't think he would be interested in that though.

"Well.... as long as it doesn't interfere with my work as a royal guard investigator then..... I.... I'll do whatever you want, so long as you teach me to read and write."
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The girl got angry as he laughed at her, it was a little rude on his part, but he just had to make sure. "I suppose your right about that much, but it still baffles me." he chuckled as he watched the whirlwind of emotions Allora went through to willingly offer her service to him. He sighed as it really was of no use to him, and the one thing he did want was out of even her reach at the moment.

"Hmpf, that was a quick turn around from your insult before, what happened to all that spunk a moment ago?" Seth asked before speaking once again "you already know my desires, so if you want my help you should already know what to say." he smirked referring to him asking her before if she knew anything already about the bandits problem.

He was looking for a certain group, one led by a man who had a scar over his left eye. The groups name was red sea, but for ten years now he has yet to see anything significant about them. He didn't except her to know anything given her age, but he awaited her answer any way.
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Allora gritted her teeth.

"I said anything didn't I idiot? That was my offer, take it or leave it. I can always just ask Diadora and then I won't have to help you of course!"

She sighed placed her one good hand on her hip.

"If you don't want my help that's fine with me, but don't be a jackass and act all confident that i'll have to accept your deal."

She sighed.

"This isn't a very good way to make allies, which you'll need. Even the most highly respected royal guard can have trouble with bandits, so it's not like you'll want to go out alone. I doubt the queen would risk dispatching a squad even at your request to help you rid some outlying lands of bandits."

She smirked.

"So why don't you play nice huh? It's not like it'll kill you to teach me how to read and write, and from what i've seen of your work, you do a whole lot of pretty much nothing anyway, so this way we both benefit. Keep playing nice after, and maybe i'll join you on your little vendetta quest when the time comes, which i'm assuming is what this is."
He really hated the way the Allora spoke to him, "you talk down to me about one thing, they do the same thing yourself, who would ever want to be your friend you stinken brat!" he said finally snapping and losing his cool. "You keep acting like you know everything and are just trying to corner me with every word. Why are you so adamant about seeing things your way?" he asked wondering if she was really that upset about his request earlier. When she called out about his vendetta, he stopped dead in his tracks. She was right but he would never have asked anyone to join him. Now all he had to worry about was what she would do with this new information. "I-i'm sorry" he said hopeing she'd accept that

When he went off Allora blinked. It wasn't quite what she had expected at all. He quickly seemed to cool off though and at that point ,Allora sighed and shook her head.

"It's fine, we all lose our cool. Your right, I don't have friends, I don't need them, I don't want them, they don't need or want me eitherBack to business though. My offer, take it or leave it?"

She sighed and waited, her hand still on her hip. She had been called much worse, and been injured in worse ways. She did tend to push people away. It helped her safeguard herself, a kind of wall she had built over time.

"For the record, if you were thinking you could go out and get this vendetta cleared all by your lonesome then your an idiot, and at that point i'd be forced to speak to the queen so that you could be arrested for wanting to carelessly your life."
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He was surprised to see how little she cared about what just happened and only on how she could obtain her goal. He didn't like it, but it was the best option at this point so he nodded "I'll do it, so long as you don't tell anyone else about my revenge." he said worried about his position, it was all he had left, his family was gone and he had no one for whom he cared for.

He was curious as to why she would care enough to warn anyone about his plan. But he would rather change the subject "do you know the alphabet?" he asked trying to find a starting point for Allora, he just didn't want her to keep talking about it.
Lilith Najima
She smiled as she came into the room where Kera was with 2 plates filled with egg and bacon alongside with a salad with lots of fruit
Here we are Kera. I really hope you like it;s taste as I worked very hard on it
Lilith smiled as she put the plate next to Kera and began eating from her own plate

Allora nodded.

"So long as you teach me to read and write, your secret is safe, and it'll be safe after i've fully learned all you can teach me."

with that, seth launched into the learning immediately, in the middle of a friggen hallway. Sighing, Allora shook her head.

"Nope, I literally know nothing about reading and writing, except that it's generally done with a quill, ink, and parchment."

She took her hand off her hip.

"Say.... shouldn't we go to the library for this?"
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Standing next to her, he slowly started to walk back to Allora's room. "Im not trying to teach you yet, i just wanted to know our starting point." he said, he looked around but there wasn't anyone else in sight thankfully. He would hate to have rumors start about him losing his cool thanks to Allora.

Once he was at her door he stopped and waited for her to open, if she would allow him back inside. "We will start tomorrow, after im free from my shift, is that alright with you?" he asked as remembered she was still injuried under her cloak.
Eu-Mag | Cerddoriaeth Castle | Morning

Eu-Mag stood movelessly in a hallway in the castle of his. Being decorated mostly by armors standing along the walls with regular intervals, the hall proves being an efficient hiding spot for him. It was there he spent nights, guarding the castle, as he wasn't relying on sleep. The castle had a personal chamber, yes, but it was merely a trap, a light for the insects that intruders are. It had been pitch dark for hours now, the few windows the hall had soon would start bursting with sunlight, whose rays amplified the red carpet covering the center of the floor.

A voice, deep for a female, rung through the empty hall. Eu-Mag turned his head. It was Glasba, the highest sorcerer after Tónlist, and an excellent psionic. If someone had some new piece of information to tell him, it was her. Her long, white dress dragged along the floor as she with certain steps walked over to him. He hadn't told anyone where he stood this night, his place is random every night. She merely located wherever thoughts were coming from in the castle. Her face was worried. Eventually arriving in front of him, he disassembled the prideful stance the other armors took, which had allowed him to blend in. "A majorily undiscovered island in Evertrue, My Lord." She breathed heavily as she spoke, had she run?

"To the kingdom's citizens know as the Mystery Isle." Eu-Mag knew well what she was talking about, he had heard about the island several times, but didn't really see the use of travelling there. "Something is there, and it is coming for both kingdoms. If it hasn't already." Her voice now worried as well, she awaited the king's response. "Any idea what?" She looked deep into his eyes. Or, hollow helmet. Where his eyes would have been, if he'd have any. "No idea. Only thing I know is they are mad. Outright hostile. Somehow they knew I was scrying the place, and probably will just start attacking any moment." He gently slid around her, starting to walk down the now slightly lit hallway. "Then I shall go immediately. I will likely not have it in my capability of stopping them alone. Tónlist will assist me in finding someone."

Kingdom of Infinity

He stepped out of the portal, greeting the guards on the other side. Explaining them the urgency of the situation, they stepped back in surprise. "M-monsters? Attacking Evertrue?" Following him out of the portal was Tónlist, dressed in his azure robe. "We best be off, Eu-Mag. The capital is likely to contain eligible warriors." He nodded in agreement, and pulled his wand out of the improvised holding system his chainmail was, and lifted it into the air. While he yelled "Speed", Tónlist stood entirely focused on the slowly increasing bass. Having perfected their ability of gaining special abilities from correctly ambient music, they both focused on the song as it, coming from nowhere in particular, reached the free and open tune it consisted mostly of. As was the name of the spell, they gained with a flurry of sparks, intense speed. They took to their legs, and ran.

[Quest begun - Mystery Isle]

At the high speeds they magically ran, everything else disappeared in a blur. Ensuring they didn't hit anything, Eu-Mag had picked out a safe, almost completely straight route out of the densest part of the city, and into a large, open plain that the spell would be most useful for crossing. A journey that normally would take at least a day, had gone by in a few minutes. Now standing by the open ocean which they had to cross to get to Sapphire island, they watched the sun rise above it, their song coming to an end.

[Posts: 1/10
Hazards: 0/3]
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Allora nodded.

"Sure, i'll meet you at the library at whenever i'm off as well."

She opened the door and stepped in.

"Can I help you with something else then? Or was that all for now seth?"

She smiled brightly, she had gotten what she wanted, at least for now. It was an excellent opportunity and she had gotten what she wanted out of it. While waiting on an answer from seth, she walked towards a small table with a drawer in her room. She opened the drawer, and removed a fake bottom, and withdrew a bag that held effectively all of the gold she had earned over her lifetime of service in the castle.
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Midday in the handicrafts district of the City of Kruvaria…


A small, jingling bag was thrown at Ermeline's head as soon as she walked through the shop doors. Somehow, she managed to catch it on top of the pile of fabrics she was carrying.

"I forgot to pay you for all the work you've been doing around here. So long as you don't screw things up, we can keep this little arrangement going."

Handing over the fabric pile to Mrs. Delmurne, she opened the bag and starting making a mental estimate.

"Oh, don't go trying to count all that. It's 200 gold, checked it myself."

"Thank you, Mrs. Delmurne! Oh, if you don't mind me asking, when do I get days off?"

"Humph. Get paid and suddenly you want the world, don't ya? Oh, how about… the last day of the festival each week. Never get much business on the week's end, anyways."

I wonder why… she mused to herself. She simply didn't understand why this woman didn't see the sensational benefits of the festival!

"Alright, now, I need someone to create some basic outfits to sell to the peasants around here… I figure you ought not to mess it up too badly. And if you do, well, what can they complain about? Under-selling them as it is…"

Finally! A chance to show off her sewing prowess! She practically flew back to the workshop.

"Don't use the good fabrics! Just the basic ones on the lower shelf."

This disappointed Ermeline slightly, but not enough to dampen her spirits. She pulled out a greyish blue made of a rough material and laid it on the table for pinning her patterns. While she worked, Mrs. Delmurne stood in the doorway, simply watching her, a sad smile on her face.

Ermeline Harper: 235 gold
235 on Ermeline
0 in unpaid wages

Early morning in the Darnell-Ardith home in the middle of Mondalia…

Lucy awoke to a cold nose pressed against her cheek.


She squinted against the sunlight streaming through the open window next to her beautiful canopy bed. A rosy bird sang from the windowsill, seemingly unperturbed by the large canine wagging a fluffy tail in front of its beak.

"Vinny, go away…"

The girl turned over with a huff. Footsteps padded to the other side of the bed as the wet nose was reapplied to her cheek. Lucy could sense what the issue was: the dark wolf beside her was hungry. He made a grunting noise of impatience, which Lucy ignored as she pulled the covers up over her head.

"Good morning, Princess!"

Lucy groaned. The cheery voice of Aislin could be a bit much in the morning. She could hear zir enter the room from her place under the covers.

"Hey, you picked up that meat from the butcher's last night, right? I'm sure somebody's hungry! Aren't you, boy!"

Even knowing Vindr was a creature capable of intelligent thought, Aislin couldn't help talking to him like a regular old pooch. He was the only thing that really got zir perky and excited.

Suddenly, the covers were off her as Vindr pulled the entire bedspread onto the floor.

"Fine! I'm up, I'm up…"

The three of them climbed down the stairs together and filed into the kitchen where Aislin had prepared breakfast. Pancakes, sausages, orange juice, and a big pitcher of maple syrup lay in the center of the table, surrounded by three place-settings. Vindr hopped into a chair and snatched a sausage from its plate.

"Hey! That's not good for doggies, is it? Lucy got you some nice, raw steak… You like steak, don't you? Of course you do!"

Aislin took out a thick hunk of meat from a magically-cooled container next to the sink with real running water and plonked it onto Vindr's plate, who immediately dug in. Lucy took a more civilized approach and stabbed a pancake with her fork.

"By the way, Lucy, I've been looking at our finances. We don't have much left in savings… I think it's time we started working again."

Vindr and Lucy looked at each other, sharing the same thought – one they didn't yet share with Aislin.

"I mean, in order to keep our lifestyle, we really have to play to our talents and drum up some cash, you know?"

Ze looked out the window into their little garden filled with beautiful, flowering plants. This was the nicest place ze'd ever stayed in, one ze was loathe to ever leave.

"Aislin… This is probably a bad time to bring this up, but… Vindr and I were planning on going on the road again. Soon."

Aislin dropped zir fork, a memory flooding zir mind's eye. The night ze met Lucy and Vindr, the night ze read their fortunes… the night ze knew ze had to act.

"No! You aren't leaving!"

Lucy was taken aback. The elf was rarely passionate about anything. An awkward silence filled the kitchen. "Er… Yes, we are. Why, did you see something?"

Aislin coughed uncomfortably, adjusting his shirt collar. "Uhm… No, no. Nothing. I just… You can't go. I, uh… I need help paying for our house, you see. I need you around to help."

She frowned at his obvious lie, but held her tongue. "There's no market here for a person like me. Everyone and their grandmother is a potion-maker! I can't sell anything worth a darn..." …and I hate being cooped up here, anyways, she thought to herself. It was a lovely house, in a lovely location, but it just made her bones itch to stay in one place for so long.

"And fortune-tellers are a gold a dozen! But if we're going to survive, we have to keep at it."

"But… you could come with us."

Aislin shook zir head. They'd been over this before – ze just wasn't the travelling type.

"Well, how about this, then: Vindr and I help you save enough to keep the house going, and then we save enough to go on the road, and then we go off on our adventure. Sound good to you?"

Aislin sighed, putting zir head in zir hands. What could be done about these two? For now, ze nodded in agreement. Maybe ze could convince them otherwise before they left, but ze seriously doubted it.

"So about… A thousand gold between us for your savings, then five hundred for our travel fund? Sounds about right to you, Vindr?"

Vindr nodded, licking his lips free of blood from the steak.

"Then it's settled!"

Morning on the edge of Sunset City…

A single candle shone dimly through the window of the grand house of Yeyudi Maddox, Ayesha's dear mentor of many years. She had lived and worked under his roof for almost a decade now, and the vast swaths of knowledge she had yet to learn had turned into just a few minor details here and there to perfect. Though she loved the old man dearly, even more than her father, it was time for her to move on.

She sat, now, filling out the last of the paperwork necessary to buy herself a house. She'd been given a meagre allowance over the years, and she had saved and saved until it reached in the thousands – enough for a three-room residence on a busy street that she could transform into her new enchantment shop. She had all the little details planned – a back room for herself to live in, a side room for storage of materials, and the main room for working and entertaining customers. Signing the last page with a flourish, she carefully blotted each page, stuffed them all in an envelope, and sealed it with wax from the candle.

It was done.

Leaning back in her chair, she ran a hand through her long hair. Around Yeyudi, she felt comfortable enough to go about things without her headscarf – he was basically family, after all. Change is difficult, but necessary, she mused, pulling at a black ringlet. Perhaps I should update Naseer… Ayesha opened a drawer filled only with blank sheets of fine parchment and wetted her quill once more.

Dearest Naseer,
I have just signed the last documents standing between me and my
new abode. It is small, but I shall use the space well. Yeyudi is
filled with sorrow at my going, but is also proud of my progress
and wishes me well. If you desire to visit, I shall make room for
you. I entreat you to consider it. I hope you are doing well, and
that your job goes smoothly at the treasury. Please write with news
of my family's wellbeing. Gods bless.
Always, Ayesha

Following the same procedure as before, Ayesha readied her message for delivery. It would take around a month, two weeks each way, for whatever methods the inter-kingdom postal service used to deliver messages before she received a response. Dār as-Sakhr was very far away, but it wouldn't take nearly the amount of time it had taken her to reach its destination. Of course, she would certainly send more letters in the meantime.

Stretching her hands to the sky, Ayesha made an un-ladylike grunt, then relaxed. Well, time to get the day started! She took up her letters and, leaving the small chamber, took a long piece of fabric off a hook near the front door and skillfully wrapped it around her head so that none of her hair was showing. Her dress sparkled in the eastern sunlight as she opened the door and started making her way through the city. Today was going to be a good day!

Late morning at sea on the coast of the City of Telia…

"Land, ho!"

Delyth sputtered as the salty wind blew hair into her face. She gripped the railing tightly with one hand while frantically wiping her face with the other. Squinting through her thick tresses, she managed to see the great City of Telia coming into view, and nearly threw up from the way it rocked back and forth and back and forth and back and... The ocean was not her strong suit.

"You, there! Not gained your sea legs?"

She nodded, not bothering to turn from where she stood. If one of her hooves slipped, it would be nigh impossible for her to get up again. Feeling light-headed, she closed her eyes as the waves tossed the vessel side to side.

"Should be just under an hour afore we dock, miss! Ay, you don't look so good. You alright? Miss? Woah there!"

That was the last thing she heard before her knees buckled and she slumped to the deck with a soft thud.

Midday at the docks of the City of Telia…

Delyth awoke with a groan. The rocking had finally stopped. A seagull squawked overhead in the bright blue sky.

"Ay, you made it, miss! You have any luggage to bring down?"

She shook her head and looked around. She'd been placed unceremoniously in a heap on the docks next to the ship. Shakily getting to her hooves, she turned to thank the kind sailor, but he'd already gone, most likely kept very busy by the captain of the vessel. Feeling the comforting weight of her staff and shortbow resting in their harnesses on her back, she made her way down the dock and was suddenly hit by the splendor of human ingenuity. Tall buildings lined the streets, with the tallest of them all somewhere in the distance – she imagined it had to be the university. The streets were practically empty, and the silence was getting to her. She suddenly felt very far from home.

Clip-clopping her way past a restaurant, the enticing smells helped her realize how hungry she was. She stopped a moment to read the little menu posted in the window. Did the place sell soup? Luckily for her, it did! She decided to take a detour from her journey for the sensory delight that was soup.

She had learned, thankfully, how to operate a door handle from her time in Dragon City, but never really took to using utensils. She had to lay down on the hard wood floor for her upper body to align correctly with the table, and after receiving a fishy, vegetable-y bisque, she simply took the bowl in both hands and slurped it all down. She nearly wiped her mouth on her sleeve, but remembered she liked how pretty and white her shirt was and daintily dabbed her lips with a napkin instead. The waiter managed to keep his gawking to a minimum as he took her ten gold. She was honestly surprised that she hadn't been stared at much since she arrived – there was something to be said for education.

Late midday at the University of Telia…

After much wandering, Delyth had finally managed to reach the University. A series of towering, rectangular buildings with flattened roofs stood before her. Thoroughly intimidated, she stopped and took a minute to adjust her collar and try to smooth out any wrinkles on her shirt. Her weapons now felt less comforting and more savage, but she didn't have a place to leave them yet. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a young woman coming up the street towards the largest building. She wore a very nice shawl and a dress that reminded her of a rose she'd once been given by her lover. Ah, her dear nymph, how she missed her so… By the time she broke out of her reverie, the woman had already entered the university.

Feeling strengthened now, she strode up to one of the smaller buildings and read the plaque: Administrative. Aha! On her first try, too! Entering the building, her eyes took a second to adjust to the dimmer lighting. A woman sitting behind a large desk in the center of the room smiled at her, surrounded by smaller tables facing the walls.

"Welcome to the University of the City of Telia! How may I assist you today?"

"Oh, uhm... I want to be a student."

"Wonderful, wonderful!" The woman opened a drawer and took out a stack of papers. "What discipline are you interested in?"

This stopped Delyth in her tracks. What did she want to study? Really, she wanted to study everything, but she knew that wasn't at all possible.

"Er… Is there a list I can look at?"

"Well, it's more that if you can think of something you want to learn, we'll find a program to suit you. For example, if you want to learn how to buy and sell goods, we'll set you down the merchant path. If you want to learn how to play an instrument, we'll set you down the bard path. If you want to learn all about the past of Evertrue and the surrounding kingdoms, we'll set you down—"

"Ooh, yes! I want to learn that!"

"…then you'll be a welcome member of our history discipline! All you have to do is fill out some forms, and you're all set! Oh, I forgot to ask… you can read and write, right?"

Delyth nodded – she'd worked hard in Dragon City to learn her letters and numbers.

"Alright! Take these and you can have a seat over--- Uh. You can just… stand over there."

She took the papers and headed to one of the desks lining the room. Laying her deer half on the floor, she started filling out the necessary information.

Name? Delyth Laerk. That was one of the first things she learned to spell!
Species? Dryad. There was a little disclaimer below that question telling of the university's non-discrimination policies.
Discipline? History.

The next few questions were fairly easy, asking about her previous education and where she'd lived and the like.
Preferred housing scheme? Ooh, now there was an interesting one. Did she want to live with a group of people or just by herself? She marked down Group in the hopes of making new friends quickly and easily.
Why do you want to join the university? Well, because she was curious about everything! She wrote a bit about wanting to learn about her new home of Evertrue and her insatiable curiosity for anything and everything unknown.

At the end of the paperwork, she signed her name and headed back to the front desk. The woman looked over what she wrote, nodding and humming to herself.

"Oh, I see you marked Group Housing. Unfortunately, we don't have any roommates for you to live with yet, but you can go ahead and start living there now."

She stamped the pages at seemingly random spots and gave her own signature on the final page, below Delyth's.

"Here's some information about the university, a map to the various buildings, your class schedule, and a key to your new home. Good luck with your studies!"

Delyth Laerk: 90 gold
Occupation gained: Student
Aros stared into the fragmented, smudged mirror with an accusatory gaze. In one hand, he held the long, silver strands of his hair, and in the other his antique rapier. The day had finally come, and despite having determined on his last expedition that it needed to be done, he felt a part of his pride strip away as he sliced away the shimmering length of hair from his head. Working quickly, he continued to shorten his hair until it was but shoulder length on all sides. Still long by some standards, it was uncharacteristicly short for anyone of elven heritage.

Even after he had finished grooming himself, Aros remained before his reflection. The idea of going on an expedition with a party was one he hadn't given much thought. Indeed he had wanted to since the day he returned from his first, but only in that moment did Aros give full weight to the notion of going out with a stranger: Charlie was an unknown entity and, despite his tendency to always give a stranger the benefit of the doubt, Aros knew expeditions to be dangerous enough without always having to watch one's back for a treacherous blade.

That's not the sort of person she is. I'm positive.... Right?

Aros absentmindedly moved out of the shack and back onto the street. As he walked through the morning bustle, he fastened his blades to his belt as well as the magic orb he had yet to evaluate in the field. Some passerbys stared at him as he walked adorned in finery that the average resident of the Narrows would never be able to afford. Others sensed this, and watched him with condemning stares: their defensive looks, and hurried whispers suggested they assumed his treasures denoted some villainous profession. He didn't blame them.

The looks continued--and even intensified--when he emerged from the stable on the back of a dark-grey Pegasus, with wings as glossy and black as obsidian. Through the streets he strut, careful to watch for any thugs or mercenaries who thought him an easy target. Thankfully, he reached Charlie at the front of the inn with little incident. When he saw her, he extended a hand and said, "Shall we be off then, my intrepid partner?" His usual excites me demeanor was sharpened by the gravity of the adventure that lay before him, and while neither his smile nor his tone betrayed his personality, he did make sure to analyze every one of Charlie's features as he had before just in case he was proven wrong about her character.
Aurélie Lorraine Charmaine | City of Telia | University

Quite pleased with how her conversation with the Professor had gone, even with the stress of his absent-mindedness causing such distractions, Aurélie pondered whether or not she had any more business within the school before heading home. She had to make posters that would be sent to all the towns and cities in Evertrue, requesting that any who are of elven descent whose ancestors may have been of the Sylaisan Empire please contact the university... It was an important task for the Professor's research, and for her own, given that she also had to complete a paper on the Empire. If she could be the one to travel through the Kingdom and interview those who agreed to talk, her paper would almost certainly be the best of her class - and all the fascinating stories she might here, all the knowledge she might gain? It was more than worthwhile.

Perhaps visiting the arts building might be her best bet. They almost certainly had paper and inks that she could use for her signs, and space to work on them - she just hoped they wouldn't criticize her work. She liked to think that her writing was nice, having been trained by the best tutors her family could find, but somebody whose entire university experience was based around their drawing and painting skills might not be inclined to agree. She turned and began to walk down the hallway, her shoes clicking against the floor and her ruffly dress fluttered in the breeze created by her motion. She moved quickly towards the door of the building, grasping the handle and opening it. The sun was warm on her skin as she stepped out into the courtyard. There was a map of the university complex in the courtyard, so she was going to check the map and see which building was the arts faculty.

The courtyard was a lovely area, with elegantly-carved stone benches from Kruvaria, tables for groups to sit and work, and all sorts of beautiful plants and trees - according to one decorative and informative plaque, every plant and every tree in the university courtyard had been planted with a seed or sprout from the royal gardens. To many that might be incredible. To many, that might be the closest they ever came to the castle itself, simply touching a plant with origins there. Aurélie, however, had spent her entire life in the castle. Now, being free from her evil stepmother's clutches was all she wanted.

Consulting the map, she noted that the arts building - the third largest in the complex - could be reached by heading through the library. The library was just off the courtyard, so she decided to head through there; it seemed to be the quickest route. Turning and heading for the massive library doors, she moved quickly. She wanted to get those signs ready and sent out. She was eager to see if they would have any responses, to see if anyone would journey to the university, and she was especially eager to travel. She'd left Sapphire Island only a few times, always in the company of her father, so being free to travel on her own was going to be the best novelty.
He sighed and wondered what she was going to do with all the gold she had just taken out. Maybe she was going to celebrate her victory over the man, or just admire it.

"No, i will be leaving now, see you tomorrow." he said regretfully after everything that had happened. He would eventually retire to his quarters, only to begin to drink the bottle of booze he received from a friend. He was going to have to teach Allora how to read and write, hopefully the librarians won't mind them too much. He had an idea on how to start but will have to wait to see the results.
When he finished the bottle he let himself fall into his bed and soon fall asleep, he wanted no more from today.

Allora was not finished with the day yet however, despite what seth was doing. Tying the pouch of coins to her sword belt securely, she shut and locked her door, then walked off to the market. She needed to get some new clothes, and most likely a better pair of shoes then what she wore. The shoes she had now were old, supplied by the castle. On top of all that she needed to purchase tea leaves, and figured she might as well get some honey and a loaf of bread while she was out. It was a large list, but she was certain she could get it done easily enough. Walking into the market, she quietly went to a cobbler, where she placed an order for a pair of shoes fit to her size. After that she went to a tailor. Her small stature required her to get custom made clothes, and since she had no skill at sewing to speak of, she had to order them. She ordered several outfits made, all of them the same black pants and tunic, a simple order. She also purchased another cloak, this one black instead of emerald green and a brown leather satchel that caught her eye. After that she went to purchase the tea leaves, along with some mint, which she then put in her satchel, but not before popping a mint leaf in her mouth. Then after that a nimble thief snuck in and stole some coins without her noticing. Starting to get fatigued from all the walking around and the sun which she felt beating down on her, she went to a nearby tavern where she ate a quiet meal of bread, honey, cheese, and wine. She then got up and picked up her outfits and shoes, and went back to the castle with the items she had purchased and stored them in her room. It had been an excellent day so far.

Total Expenses: -425 gold

New Shoes from Cobbler: -50 gold
3 New black tunics and pants from Tailor: -225 gold
New Black Cloak from tailor: -40 gold
Brown Leather Satchel from tailor: -50 gold
Tea and Mint Leaves: -30 gold
Meal of cheese, bread, and honey: -20 gold
Thief: -10 gold
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[BCOLOR=#800080]Kera Hy'l[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#800080]Sunset City[/BCOLOR]

She sits up as she hears Lilith arriving from the small kitchen and looks at her hungrily. This was the moment she had been waiting for, breakfast made by someone else. It felt so odd that she wasn't the one carrying the plates. Kera picks up the plate after Lilith had placed it next to her and she began eating. The meal had lot of variety, bacon, eggs, fruit salad. It sure tasted good and was a great start for the day, there was a lot of walking to be done today and they had to leave early as most of the townsfolk were still sleeping or reading the kingdom news while having a cup of tea.

Kera finished her meal quickly and got up before changing her clothes to a fresh set of clothes identical to the ones she had before. She takes the belt from the previous pants and changes it to her current ones, there was few pouches hanging from the belt, one of the pouches had her precious fountain pen that she used for her magic, as a matter of fact, it belonged to her grandfather before her. Then she looks at Lilith with bright smile. "Ready to leave?" she asks with excited tone, it was a first time in a long time that she left the city, Kruvaria being the first goal. Kera only knew generally where Kruvaria was located, but she had been only three the last time she had been there, finding her grandmother's house was completely different challenge, since she had no memory of it's location.
[]Saphire City[]Loran[]

Loran stepped into the street at the market. the mask he wore hid his face from view, and the hood on the cloak hid his head. It was good to finally arrive at his destination. It meant his mission was almost complete, he merely needed to return Allora to her home in with the other elves of his country, where she would be wed and learn her place as a lady of the elven kingdom. Sighing, he continued walking through the streets, the letter he still had in his hand that was sealed with the seal of the elven lord Vesryn. First he needed to see the queen though, that would be his first stop. Walking along quietly, he moved towards the castle. When he got there, he quickly spoke to the guards and then was escorted to the area outside the throne room. From there, a guard quietly went inside and waited at the door, waiting to be addressed since this was not a particulary urgent matter, and he knew that the queen was already entertaining someone important.
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