The Kingdom of Evertrue - Sign Up/OOC Thread

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We had just finished at the Royal blacksmith. We never went into the city. We weren't between buildings either. I guess we are just confused about the layout of the setting.
The blacksmith is in the city, so you went into the city when you went to the blacksmith.
In regards to your update, I think there should be a royal person in charge of the "culture" of the castle. Someone who keeps an eye on Kruvaria and the other large cities to find the best wares and artisans for her majesty and any of kingdom's current projects. Planning a gala in Bratus City? Good thing you already have several contacts in the region to coordinate the affair!
Yes, that would be Lord Harring! Affairs within the castle includes decorations - hence why the servant who delivered the paperwork to Clarice regarding the renovations to the servants' quarters said to return them to Lord Harring. And planning a gala in Bratus City would be a responsibility of Lady Aristea, who handles communications with other cities in Evertrue.
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I feel like this is all part of a very elaborate tea party in a girls room. :P in a way it is and im extremely entertained right now. I recalled that scene in toy story with buzz losing his mind and attending said tea party.
V'rak is adorable. Omg. His posts make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Yall should hang around long enough for Alduin to catch up. ;D

Also I hope you guys don't mind me posting so much. One, Im just way too excited about not only this character but this entire world. I've never EVER liked forum rp and this is just a blast so far and feels right. Two, as concepts of time are hard to manage, I'm just going with this is all happening in the past sort of thing. Eventually Alduin will catch up to being in real time. So I'm trying to finish his expedition as soon as possible. I have to say I don't think I've ever written this much in one day. Ever. Not even close. Hell, I can't even get past micro stories but hot damn this is wonderful.

So thank you everyone for being here and forging such an interesting realm in which I have finally started to feel at home. <3
Yeah, I've also been conceptualizing everything going on with my character as in the past relative to the sapphire city story lines which all appear to still be within their first day. To be honest, I doubt it really matters. Plus this world is magical so.... magical time-zones?
Ha, maybe. I don't if anyone has those sorts of abilities just yet. :P

Whats amazed me is the massive ammount of replies this has gotten already. I suppose it has been almost a month but man it blows me away.
Just read the part about winter, would you call Blue River tropical enough not to be bothered with snow? Also, is this hugely healing flower within bounds, or too OP? Thank you so much for this roleplay, by the way!
I wasn't suggesting anyone had the ability to create their own time zones, rather perhaps the world's laws of time and space are different than ours inherently and hence we can get away with more time-bendy stuff.
That's even spoopier. Frankly, I thin I prefer a simple, normal gravity based time system. Otherwise there would be some strange anomalies. Though perhaps Mystery Island could indeed have this effect. I like the sound of that! But for everywhere else, I vote for normal time. Otherwise it would make astronomy pretty wierd and navigation all funky. Unless maybe pocket dimensions.
Ultimately though, if no one is really keeping track I can see it just becoming a free form kind of thing. Otherwise I would never want to travel to certain places because it would limit how fast I could go forward in time from then on, you see?
Oh yeah, I get that. Trying to go in real time would be awful, lol. Freeform is a bit of a necessity here given how many players we have participating all over. So maybe they ARE pocket dimensions, hehehe, and times just align when each person is within X distance from another consciousness
Can I still make a character for this?
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