The Kingdom of Astaeron

"What?!" The third figure shouted. "Who's this?"

"Bonehead, I don't know!" The second figure said. "We're suppose to be waiting until Fury comes back, then wake up the person!"

"Oh, I see. Let's see, one guy went off to pee, Scar went off to find him, so you are... No one I know." As the third figure said this, the second facepalms.

"Brilliant deduction as ever, genius." The second figure looks Arianna in the eyes, Arianna could see this figure's looked to be a sparkling blue set, was this figure female perhaps? "Identify yourself, we are not to allow intruders to step inside unless Fury granted them permission."
Arianna raised an eyebrow, slowly drawing nearer to them. She lifted her hands and pulled back the hood of her deep violet cloak, revealing her pretty face and long brown locks.

"I'm Queen Arianna of Astaeron," she answered boldly, taking another few steps closer so that they could get a good look at her. "And who are you?"
"A queen?" The second asked. "Our names are none of your concern right now, you are far from home it seems. But our Guild does not have any business with your kingdom, so --"

"Wait a minute!" The third shouts. "If you pay up fifty gold, we'll let you inside."


"Yeah, fifty gold is the entry fee inside. You came all this way, didn't you? We represent a Guild that serves to do what is right from wrong."

"You can't seriously expect her to --"

"Don't listen to her now, she's a little too serious if you catch what I mean. So, what'll it be, miss Queeny?"
Arius finds me in the bed the queen provided me. Although my body had recovered, sleep is good for resetting your systems, calming your mind, and many other things. After having to wait for such an extended period of time, the temptation to sleep had grown too much for me to resist. By the time Arius came back for me, I was already completely out. I fell asleep hugging a pillow like it were a person. Even after Arius called out to me, my sleep remained undisturbed as I had fallen asleep only ten minutes ago. Normally, I'd be fairly easy to wake, but having slept on the ground for about the past year; the bed was astoundingly comfortable by comparison.
Arianna raised an eyebrow as she listened to the two figures before her, bickering and talking nonsense - at least, it sounded like nonsense to her. She paused for a moment, unsure what to say.

"I was just taking a walk...following a strange little bat that showed up in the castle. You wouldn't happen to have seen it, would you?" she asked softly, figuring that if they were the ones who had sent it, they would get what she meant - if not, however, they'd just think she literally meant she'd seen a little bat and send her on her way.
"You think she's referring to Fury's bat?" The third asked.

"I believe so, so let her in." The second ordered.

"Why?! I want my fifty gold though! Free fifty gold from a bloody Queen! How often do you get to brag about doing that?!"

"Get over it." The second pushed the third away. "You may enter, but we'll be watching you."
Arianna moved closer, gazing questioningly towards the two strangers.

"W-what am I supposed to do?" she asked in a soft voice, running a nervous hand through her hair. "I was told I had to save someone...?"
"It's over there." A man said as he approached. Arianna could see he stood at around six feet, not too tall, but he stood out from the rest. His mask seemed to radiate with some bizarre unexplained tension if you looked at it, the man's skin was unusually pale, his hair was black as it reached down to his neck and the bony gloves he wore over his hands. He pointed one of his fingers towards the blue boulder. "Inside there is someone sleeping."

"Hey, back off!" The third figure shouted at him.

"Your master has found the others and wishes you two to regroup with him."

"What?! But why."

"I'm not part of your silly Guild, it's none of my concern." The two figures look at each other before walking off. "I am curious about this person who has been sleeping inside there. The spirits seem to not even know, the enchantment around it is strong. You must go to it and put your hand on it, I'm sure you can improvise from there. And if you are wondering who I am, I am Thanatos. That is what I call myself now, anyway."
[ - The monk who'd worn traditional shaolin robes, and had hair of vermilion hue which swung about whimsically and followed the winds. The incredibly large bowl shaped hat with several slits in the front of the brass hue hat shone in the dim light. Before he'd stepped inside, and begun a brisk and absolutely silent walk into the queens throne room. His rather thin foot wear allotted such silent movement that once he entered it was not even known that he'd entered. His staff with the elongated head, resemblant to a spearhead but it was much more broad, and round, the top of the staff was almost a kanji symbol which represented peace. His hair dauntingly long and windswept, his clothing unscathed and untouched by nature. His eyes not being visible at all, in their brilliant peacock blue hue. From underneath the gargantuan hat. He could hear them rather clearly, no-one would've noticed this individual bypassing them at all. He'd awaited the queens presence silently..
Aliah bored of waiting walked into the castle and up to the throne room.
"Why hello there" Aliah said to a strange person in the throne room. "I'm guessing you're not the Queen" Aliah said trying to crack a joke and smiling a little. Aliah's hood fell gracefully and Aliah pulled out her Tesen and fanned herself. "So you're waiting for her too? I think I saw her walk off before I came up but a Queen has her duties"
Arianna looked questioningly towards the blue boulder at which the man who approached had pointed. She could feel her wings straining to flutter anxiously beneath her cloak, and she wordlessly began to walk forward. She outstretched one small hand, nervously drawing nearer and nearer to the blue mass, unsure what would happen. Slowly, delicately, she laid her hand down on top of it.
The ground around them shakes as cracks suddenly burst out of nowhere on the blue gems and begin to spread like crazy. The top of the blue boulder begins to rise as blue gems fall to the ground, shattering as they turn into water upon impacting the ground. Once the top half is gone, a small child is seen laying inside, having the blue gem embedded in his chest, which could easily be unnoticed if he stood up or had a blanket around him. The blue gem glows briefly before returning back to normal. Thanatos walks over and examines the boy through the eye slits in his mask.

"This boy will wake up soon, but this is no place for him to be sleeping in. You best take him back with you, but there is a problem. It seems this boy will have some side affects. He will sleep longer than usual, eat more, drink more, you get the idea. There is one man who could of helped cure these, but he has long since passed into the spirit world. Nearly two hundred years, to be exact." Thanatos backs away from them. "I would offer my services to contact said spirit, but again, this isn't the place, and I do not know what you wish to do about this. Some find my price for service unreasonable, but it's not easy having these eyes or skills. I leave the choice up to you."
Arianna gazes curiously at the little boy as he appears. He can't be any older than thirteen, the Queen figures, with white hair and a strange blue gem in his chest. She kneels down, gently touching the little boy's forehead, brushing some white hair from his face before turning back to Thanatos.

"What is his name? Who is he?" she asked softly, beginning to carefully gather the child up into her arms. She closes her eyes and murmurs a quick spell, to make it easier for her to carry him all the way back with her, and then gently lifted him up, holding him as a mother would a sleeping child.
"The spirits do not know." Thanatos replies. "He has been gone too long from history for the recent souls to know of him. I heard mention about him being from a place of heroes, where legends are born and such, but the Guild you saw thought he was a hero from legends."
Arianna nodded slowly, gazing down at the little boy. He was her responsibility now. She had freed him. She had saved him. She would take him back with her, back to the castle, and she would care for him. She looked up at the man and smiled to him.

"I'm going to take him back to the castle with me," she said softly. "Set him up in his own room, have the servants wait with him and bring him a meal when he wakes up, and then I'll see if he remembers anything. If you need him, or me, we will be in the castle." The Queen smiled kindly towards the stranger before turning and beginning back in the direction from which she had come.
[ - He'd remained in place, beside the door, yet, absolutely silent, and absolutely still. Legend says that a shaolin monk can train even when they are sleeping, and this one learned to sleep while standing fully erect and still being completely and totally silent and self aware of his balance, he could hear and detect the vibrations within the ground even whilist he slumbered.. He still awaited the queens presence, hoping that she would return to the throne room sooner or later.
Thanatos watches as she begins to walk off. "Well, as long as you pay for my services and know how to call for me, we'll be in touch. You'll probably need it, too." Thanatos walks off himself, leaving her with what he said. He didn't bother to tell her the details now, it'd be easier for her to comply when she needed to call the spirit she needed to talk to. Thanatos knew that somewhere, Fury was probably plotting and scheming something up, and he knew that nothing good could come out of it for this Queen or her kingdom.
The sun hung low in the sky by the time Arianna re-entered the gates of the city. The guards gave her quizzical looks at the sight of the child in her arms, but they said nothing. She gazed up to the sky, figuring there would be maybe an hour left before the sun set and the gates to the castle were shut, which gave her plenty of time to get the child resting and make sure those who had come to the castle were attended to before Herzius returned.

The Queen hurried through the city, many people moving aside for her upon seeing the child, assuming him to be sick or injured. The castle guards came quickly to her as she reached it, but she just smiled at them.

"He is to be set up in a guest room. I expect someone to be watching him at all times. When he wakes up, let him eat and then bring him to me," she said to the guard as she gently handed him the child. The guard headed off, making his way to a guest room as Arianna returned to the throne room. She smiled at the sight of two newcomers, taking her cloak off as she walked in and hanging it on the backboard of her throne. "My apologies, darlings, I had some business to attend to. Who's first?" she asked. The guard, meanwhile, had headed up the stairs and laid the boy down on a bed in a guest room, and was standing by the door, curiously watching the child.
[ - He'd nodded his head, for he knew that if he were to speak that it was more likely the queen would freak out then accept him. He'd stepped forth, and gave her a bow beyond the typical flexibility capabilities of a male. Almost as if his spinal cord was modified to some degree, but it couldn't have been at all. He was trained to do things this way, he'd now knelt down and placed his right knee upon the ground and allowed the left leg to be somewhat raised. He'd placed his staff upon the ground, but due to the aura that surrounded such a staff it'd remained standing erect at his side the entire time.
At the time, Christopher slept peacefully on the bed, his body twitching a little after he had started to wake up, feeling something soft beneath him. He opens his eyes, finding himself... In a castle? "By the axes of Heroic Justice!" His voice called out, as he quickly sat up, having a surprised expression on his face. "Have I died and passed on to the afterlife? Has the great warrior God taken my soul and taken me to rest forever in Champion's Glory?!" It was clear he had no idea if he was alive or dead right now.