The Human and Divine

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Aiko cocked her head to the side for a moment, then giggled. "So, you came here with no place to even go." She mentioned. "That makes me wonder why you really ended up here Soul. You couldn't have just come to talk to me, there are many other gods you could have asked. I'm sure you would know that, considering you knew about other things."

Zora remembered he had told her that he came to see Aiko, was that so weird? Aiko had many people come to her for help, they believed she was always one to ask. She was kind and always tried to help, it was also nice that she was very old even if she didn't seem like it. She knew quite a bit, the past, the present, and some times even knew what would come to pass.
The twins routine continued until the omnious feeling burned at the air. Both twins reactions were completely different. Naeve who was the opposite from Nithya found it repulsive, the feeling causing her to shudder in response as it flooded the air. She leaned forwards, stomach twisting in pain as she held it. Her essential being opposed what that feeling was and so she was try to expel it from being remotely near her.

Nithya just stood.

Her hand out stretched as flickers of chaotic red encased it, pooling around her form. The scythe. Her red eyes gained a dark hue as her own chaos leaked into the air.

Her eyes landed on the mask before Nithya grit her teeth, eyes checking on Naeve before turning back to him. " It is terribly rude to enter like that despite the fact it is amusing. " there was a pause as she tilted her head. "What do you want?"
He stood there, looking at both the sisters. A grin marred his lips, but it couldn't be seen. His eyes narrowed down, scanning the both of them.

"What do you want?"

His attention shifted towards Nithiya. He took a few steps before. He could feel that her aura was leaking out into the air, as a means to counter his own. Unfazed by it, he showed no emotion. He did not care. It was not important, and he was there for something else.

"Tell me, Goddess of Chaos..." He started, before glancing at Naeve. "What do you think will happen once the Goddess of Chaos involves herself with the Goddess of Love?"He asked rhetorically.
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Now there was a pause as Nithya felt her own eyes widen in response. However, Nithya could feel her own aura retract slightly, the feeling she suddenly experienced causing her to shift her gaze away from him. With a soft exhale to ignore the irritating feelings she turned her gaze back to him, this time without resolve.

Noticing him turn to Naeve she felt her lips turn into a snarl. " Just tell me what the hell you want already! " she hisses, the demand causing her to tighten her grip upon her weapon. " Is it to kill us? Or even Aiko? Maybe Zora." she trailed off. "Tell me, what made you think it was a good idea to come here?"
Soul simply laughed a little. "Ah but my only other reason would be that I don't have a home... At least not anymore..." Soul said this with a smile as if it didn't really bother him that much. And not having a home didn't bother him. It was what he lost when he lost that home that upset him. But he didn't want to think about it now. Especially when he was starting to feel a little better. In fact he had even resolved to do something nice for Yui in apology for frightening her, and Aria for threatening to remove his hand.
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"Then I suggest finding one." Aiko said. "There are many places around the city or even the outskirts around here that are great to live in." She told him. "Perhaps even think about really attending the school. You could learn a lot from there and I feel like you need some guidance as well, if you don't mind me saying."

Zora stayed quiet, it wouldn't be bad at all if Soul stayed around. It would just mean that she would get another friend. And, if he did have some inter trouble, they could all help him. Aria was worried about him seeming like a murderer, maybe they could help him change.
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"That would be nice. Um, maybe I could stay here for a day or two? Or at least until I found a place? Now I don't expect it to be free. In fact I think I might enjoy helping out here." Soul said with a small bow and a polite smile. Actually cheering even more. But there was a nagging feeling. Not like he wanted to hurt someone, but just to do something unexpected.
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"If you would like to stay here and help you, you may." Aiko said. "I don't mind at all having another extra hand around the house. You can help with keeping this place clean. Zora usually has to go sweeping everything herself while I am busy with wishes."

"I like sweeping mom, it's not a big deal that I have to do it." Zora cut in, trying to tell her mother that she wasn't bothered by anything she eve had to do. She enjoyed taking care of the shrine and helping when someone makes a wish or asks for Aiko's help. "But, it would nice to have your help Soul."
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"And I'm sure I wouldn't mind helping. I actually do like to help people," When he said this he thought back to the flower he made for Nithiya, "and, I could use the pass-time for when I'm not at school. But actually registering will have to wait until tomorrow." Soul then began to think about the twins. Life and Death. It hit him then, he would ask them about his father. They are Life and Death after all, they might even be able to tell him what kind of person his father was.
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Unfazed by her reaction, he stood there, listening to what she had to say. He was not surprised by what came out of her mouth. It made him almost giggle. He started to approach the sisters, but stopped in his tracks. Raising his hand in the air, a butterfly slowly came and down on his index finger, flapping its wing nonchalantly. "Timid creatures.. They are so.. fragile.." He uttered, gazing upon the buttefly before him. His eyes shifted back towards Nithiya.

"Now, why would I want to kill the both of you?" He started, before letting the butterfly disappear into the wind. "However, it would be wise to not get in my way.." Giving them both a warning, he suddenly disappeared. Seconds later, Tenma popped up behind them, suspended in the air, looking down upon them.

"Humans.. Why do you mingle yourself with them? At school, at the Shrine.." He chuckled to the thought of it. His hazel eyes were locked on Nithiya. Since she was the one who was taking the lead here, the attention towards Naeve was not neccessary, however, she was in his sight.

"Why take the form of a human? When in the end, they'll wither away, and you'll still be here? Hmm?" He posed another question, before taking a small pause. "You create chaos. You create destruction. Yet you mingle with the humans? It is quite the ironic choice.. If you ask me.." He finished. Nithiya's choices were quite silly in his mind, but he wanted to know, because, she is mostly one of the reasons how humans die. By chaos. But this was all a part of his ulterior motive.
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"Excuse me ladies, but could I get directions to Nithya and Neave's shrine?" Soul asked as he glanced at the door. He then looked at Zora, then Aiko, patiently waiting for a response.
He did tap his foot slowly yet repeatedly, and he folded his arms behind his back, wrapping the fingers of his right hand around his left hand.
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"So, you would like to go to their shrine." Aiko said. "It's just past the lake down some. If you keep going down the road you will see a lake. You follow the lake, then you will find it, it's not very easy to miss."

Zora nodded. "It's pretty easy to spot a shrine."
Soul nodded and walked to the door, he slid it open and slipped out of the room and shrine. He followed the road like Aiko had told him to. He whistled a tune to himself as he walked. He stopped once to look at some tulips before continuing along the road.
As Soul left the shrine Kenji followed out of sight. As they furthered themselves from Aiko's shrine, he soon came out from hiding. While watching he noticed him outside the shrine. This could prove useful indeed. "W-What are you?... Y-You're not human... are you?"
Nithya stared him with the darkest glare she could muster before taking action. Shadows curled around Naeve, ceasing the mans aura from touching her which finally allowed her to get up.

However it was his questions that caused a soft laughter from her own lips. It was hilarious. Red eyes peered up at him. " Don't talk to me about how fragile the mortals are. I know fair to well!" She cheered in unrestrained glee. " After all, ive tested their limits, even forcing pure chaos into one." she told him before cocking her head. " He died after a while but he was so amusing."

His words about Aiko and Zora still bugged her but she continued anyway, pushing them from her attention despite the reluctance. "As to why I joined a school and do what I do..." she trailed off as she let her weapon fade from existence. " Its much more enjoyable to know who people are when I carry their souls off on my arms. However the best part is finding out what I can destroy them with. Will I do it slowly to torture them but using their fears or will I overall release chaos so they destroy one another." There was a pause between her words as she glanced to Naeve..

"However, there has to be balance so she is my seal, cutting me of from the thing I want most. Im glad though because I can now watch. Humans are fragile but there are limitless ways of how you can break them. That is why I allow myself to mingle with them." she told him arms folded over her torso as she stared up at him.

"You are odd..." she had to add before sighing. "Go with this excuse though. I am to keep balance between life and death and chaos and peace. You want me to release chaos? Show me where peace is undisturbed and Ill do it."
"I'd like to think I am. I mean, what else could I be?" Soul said politely, as if Kenji randomly appearing was completely normal. Soul continued walking at his regular pace. He even summoned a flower or two before letting them go in the breeze.
"The hell kinda answer is that! I don't give a damn about what you like to think! I want to what you are, you... you..." For a split second Kenji's eyes flickered gold. "Monster..." His expression became harsh and filled with disgust. "So answer me straight. What the hell are you!?"
Monster. How he hated that word. How he wanted to turn around and confront Kenji. How he wanted to make sure Kenji never spoke again. But he couldn't. So he simply force a smile and a small laugh and said: "Monster? I hope your joking. I would hate to be considered a monster by someone whom I've only met today. And to answer your question, That's what I came here to find out. I don't know what I am, but I hope to find out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to." He then continued walking to the shrine in silence. Stopping once to help a child get there kite from a tree.
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Kenji just stood there as walked off. As soon as he was out of sight, he began to chuckle. "Don't know who you are eh?..." "Well then perhaps I shall use that to my advantage. There is no better weapon to use against a mortal than false knowledge..." "I'll be seeing you again soon. Say hi to Calamity for me, will you?" Kenji road off to his place of establishment.
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Soul came upon the shrine and saw his two 'friends' along with a third party. He walked up towards them, but decided to wait for them to finish their conversation. He leaned on a nearby wall. He began to get lost in his own thoughts. He had to apologize to Aria and Yui. But for now he would have to figure out how. He then slid to a sitting position. He began to whistle the same tune as before.
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