The Human and Divine (OOC and Sign-ups)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sorry, 'twas a joke. And here's how I like it it. -sends Kenji through a moving bus whilst he's riding his bike away-
*off in the distance*
It was woooorth iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!
I placed Aiko's picture on the first post here, in case anyone didn't see her before since it's somewhere in this thread.
Everyone still at school?
@Soul Wright Be careful about claiming to know too much with your character. The flowers showing a truth about dark, ulterior motives is well and good, but Kenji's demonic presence is totally masked. I want to set him up as "the normal everyone tries to protect, then reveals himself to be the villain in a dramatic twist."

Don't forget the God of Calamity. I will post today, 100%..
Who knows.. Even the God of Calamity had a soft heart of a human once, but now.. Who can change him? xD Tehehe
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The truth is, everyone is out of school now. They voted to jump through school, so because of popular demand I did. I would suggest, Akashi, that you make a long post considering you said you wanted him to watch them, where your character is watching them. Then you can catch up to where everyone else it.
Would feel like he's stalking them if he followed them from the school. My character will be introduced into the RP right now. Since you guys are at Aoki's shrine. It would also fit because not everyone was introduced from the start XD
Okay, Oh but it's Aiko. :D I don't know if what just an accident but just want to let you know.

Oh no!

An unshippable villain!

I don't think anyone is unshippable....
Lol, yah, I meant Aiko. It is Zora's "adoptive" mother, yes?
Posted. Let me know if I did anything "wrong". I'll fix it asap.
Looks good to me.
Nothing wrong, but I could grammar nazi it for you if you really want something to correct.
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Sooo... Is Soul going back to the shrine, cause if not Kenji is going to make an appearance.
I think after some time, I'll start adding some random people in. To further the story and everyone's relationships. You know, like other demons or gods trying to attack or do something with Zora. So that way things actually happen for everyone.