The house OOC

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I've read your postings (I make it my business to read up on those I RP with)'ll come up with something worth while...I'm sure of it. :wink:
Really? You think so? I know I will too I'm just not sure what to do right now. One of the characters I made; if you read the Lurking in the Dark thing I posted yesterday; I had to delete that today; which has totally killed my muse for everything today. DX
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YOU ALL ARE CRAZY AND omg I just saw something I just want to brun my post

bellow my post you will understand I written 1200 cock not clock, cock!

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apperently inspiration + time = site closing down for maintanance. Yeah~

I will be gone for the whole day, I have a birthday to attend.
damn you insomnia! Why you gotta mess with me? You keep me up all NIGHT and when I wanna think of something awesome you're like "NO!" Even though I'm awake. TwT' -random ranting- sorry Cry... ^.^'
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(Ill Edit later its like 1200 cock in morning I'm tired!!!!!! and Only free time I got is at night ^^; to write long stuff and well this is not long nope not very long at all but I say don't touch button i fix later night night all!)​
I'm not surprised you're tired after....PHAHAHAH! *laughs immaturely*

Um, anyways, I'll go post some shiz soon!
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Small notice- I shall be away from Wednesday to Friday. Swo~rry! <3
Because I'm away walking on hills because for some idiotic reason I thought that was a good idea.
Good luck with that.

@remmey why would he get lost in the house they have lived in for five months already? Directionally challenged?

Party over, I'm back. Yeah~
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Good luck with that.

@remmey why would he get lost in the house they have lived in for five months already? Directionally challenged?

Party over, I'm back. Yeah~
Oops >~< I probably shouldve mentioned that, my bad, thanks for pointing that out!!
Oops >~< I probably shouldve mentioned that, my bad, thanks for pointing that out!!
You I have an important Erik more on the rebel side or gothic side?
He tries to be both but he's a little more of a rebel than a goth at times.
Okay thanks~

Also if it won't be a problem Cry I was wondering if I could attach a picture file when she talks about or shows her designs? Of course I don't own the pictures there just an idea of what the designs would look like.
Yeah sorry I'll have it up tonight Its just home shits happing And I am Kinda Pissed off right now >.>
Yeah sorry I'll have it up tonight Its just home shits happing And I am Kinda Pissed off right now >.>
I hope you'll be okay Cry. Try to survive it, best of luck.
Greedalion Coline is with Cassius and Ian in Cassius room.
I had also read his post and just thought. "I don't understand." Now I do, simple misunderstanding.

And next time I get inspiration I will try to bring some action in the house, everyone is kinda on his/her own. Taking those who bumbed in each other aside.

Good luck cry!
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