The House On The Mountain

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"No, I get it. I'm ruining a lovely evening amongst you three, so I'll just leave. Clearly you three need to sort yourselves out, because I don't want to get involved. I just want to enjoy my breakfast and watch some of my old movies- assuming mom didn't burn them in her crazy panic..."

"Oi, what did you say? Complain?! Why? Because I don't want to sleep in a bed filled with children I don't know?! I don't think my request is absurd, Mat." Lucy huffed, her hands pressed firmly against her chest
"Milli, sit down. I want to talk to you, seriously. Axel can piss off, if anyone has to," the demon weakly attempted to smile, the pressure of feeling he was the adult in the situation starting to get to him. No matter how different the siblings attempted to claim they were, they were all, in Matty's eyes, similar. They were all dramatic and completely childish, so dealing with them four at the same time was proving to be a headache. "Just... stop being dramatic, Milli, and sit down. We can chat and-- Lucy, just please, shut up? I... I'll get you a fucking bed if I need to so you can sleep by yourself, I just-- you're all absolutely horrific to deal with sometimes. Can you just all shut up before my head explodes? Honestly..."​
Both Milli and Lucy grew silent from Matty's seemingly out of place scolding, the both of them clutching their drinks tight. It was Milli, though, who was first to speak. "I really just came down to make sure you all were okay, and to get a cup of cereal. But, if you insist you have something to tell me, go right ahead. I've... Never seen you so angry?"
"Angry? I'm just... stressed. Dealing with you four at the same time is exhausting," he sighed as he sunk to his chair, watching as even Axel wandered from the room to give him space. Hell, if Axel knew he had pushed Matty too far, then Matty knew he must have definitely lost his patience, because usually, the eldest sibling rarely realised his wrongdoings.

"It's nothing vitally important, just... will you watch River and Rain one day when we go back? I want to take Lucy out to a bar or something," he shrugged as casually as he could to make it seem like it wasn't a huge deal. In reality, it meant a lot for him to have been able to get a date with Lucy... even if it was at some bar with the aim of getting drunk.​
"Of course I would, if they don't mind. Do they like to watch movies? Or are kids these days all too hip for some good ol' movies?" Milli snorted, offering a smile nonetheless as he absently ran his fingers down his assistance's tube. "I think I can handle them- I hope so, at least. I'm sure the others'll be there too, so it's not like they won't have some protection all the while, right?"
"I trust you with them, and River won't be a problem. He likes you a lot, and he'll happily sit and watch any movie. Rain's a bit of a hassle, but she likes you too, so... hey, I appreciate it. It'll be nice to go out and relax without them hanging off my legs, whining," he admitted, casting Lucy a weary glance. He didn't exactly want to start off the relationship having yelled at her, though he really didn't know her well enough to know how to proceed after doing so. "...Hey, we're alright, aren't we? You're not pissed at me?"​
Avoiding Matty's eyes, Lucy offered the typical icy shrug that was common amongst the entire family. Everyone seemed to act passive aggressive, and Lucy was one of the worst. "Hm... I'm fine. I'm going to take a bath, so chat up all you want. I'd love for you to talk about how annoying I am."
Waiting for her to leave, because he didn't think chasing her was 'cool', he warily peered at Milli when only he and Cameron were left at the table. "...I think she's mad at me, huh?" he awkwardly laughed, all while taking into account the wedding ring still on his finger, not having thought about removing it. He hadn't realised he was still wearing it until that second, and after which he tiredly tugged it off. "Lucy confuses me, I won't lie. Like, she wants to take things slow, but... then it's like she doesn't want me, and... I dunno. I know I'm not the most desirable person in the world, but I'm a good guy, aren't I Mil? I mean... I try my best to help everyone-- you instilled that into me when I was a kid, to help others..."​
Patting the seat besides him, the sickly vampire offered a smile in response as he sipped his hot drink. "Look, our family is... Bitter. We're all bitter, that's just something that's sort of been instilled in us, you know? And I can promise you- Lucy likes you. If she didn't, she wouldn't have let you stay with her in the morning. Most men I've seen her sleep with, she either kills off or immediately toss them out before the sun. The wedding ring doesn't help," he teased, eyeing the golden ring with a cocky smirk.
"I only just realised I had it on-- I really like Lucy, Milli. A lot. She's just... she's complicated," he groaned, shoving his ring into his pocket. He wasn't going to just carelessly toss it away. If he would do anything, he would sell it and treat his children to a bunch of toys - they needed to be spoilt a little after everything they had gone through. "Don't get me wrong, she's easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, and... I like the fact she's feisty, but... I always think I'm gonna upset her. You say it's a family thing, to be bitter. You're the sweetest guy I know, and Cameron's alright--"

"Lucy's had awful trouble with men." Cameron interjected quietly, stirring the spoon around the bowl. "...Some guy used to beat her up all the time, so... she doesn't trust easily. You're nice though, I'm sure she'll open up more..."​
"Listen, I'm not very sweet. I'm an asshole- maybe not as bad as, say, Axel, but you know I've done shitty things. All I'm saying is, maybe offer her a massage and chocolates? That might loosen her up a tad. I'm sorry, Matty, but you do NOT choose them well
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"Oi, you're not an asshole. You abandoned me when I was a kid, but I... don't blame you personally. I blame Maxx for that. And I do choose them well. My wife gave me my children before she left, and Lucy's super sweet underneath the cold exterior. I think I can get through to that," he admitted with a determined smile. He did like Milli's sister more than he probably showed, and knowing he had upset her did, subsequently, upset him-- even if he had been hurt by her already and he hadn't received any form of an apology. "Chocolates sound doable. I don't think I'd be good at a massage. It's too sexual, and... I'm trying to do this properly. Dating first, work my way up to... sex and stuff."​
"... But didn't you already sleep with her? Look, Matty, you're talking to me- no one wants to have sex with me. So I get it, you know? That it isn't totally important. But hey, why try to act as if you haven't fucked yet when you have?" Milli slurred wearily, as he pressed his head against the table. "You'll be fine."
"...Why are you acting so strange? I mean, you... never swear, and you're not normally this... crude?" He wearily grimaced, the bluntness Milli spoke with catching him off guard. He was an incubus, sure, but he never handled conversations about sex entirely brilliantly, hence why his cheeks immediately reddened at the blunt words spoken. "...Just... maybe I want to do this properly? I'm not a slut, Milli. Honestly, do you think I'm just gonna use her o-or whatever? Maybe I want to be a decent boyfriend and not make everything about sex... Fuck, is that so difficult to understand? You and your siblings, I can't... I literally can't deal with you all, jeez."​
"I... I'm sorry. The subject is a bit of a sore spot for me, okay?" Said vampire whispered, his eyes on the cup. "And I'm exhausted. I didn't plan to wake up this early, call me childish. When it comes to Lucy, I don't think you should have your mind set to settling down with her immediately. It might take years before she wants a committed relationship. It doesn't make you a bad boyfriend, and I'm not calling you a slut."
"So I'm supposed to wait years for her to commit? What, am I supposed to also watch her go with other guys? I-I mean, if that's the case, I'd rather just be her friend and say 'fuck it', rather than try and try to date her. It's a whole lot of fuss-- forget it, seriously, I'm... I'm fine just being her friend and having fun as a mate, rather than waste my time trying to prove something she has no interest in," he admitted with an exasperated grumble, copying the vampire by resting his own forehead down against the tabletop, absently groaning to himself. He knew he shouldn't get so infatuated with a girl literally after meeting her, but it was a failing of it-- and he did feel he was paying for that constantly.

"Whatever, I'll... hey, maybe Flame will come back? Lucy and I clearly aren't going to date, which.... is fine. I'm still married, after all, s-so... hey, maybe my estranged wife will randomly return and love me again."​
"I think you should abandon that old flame," he began, before raising a brow cheekily, "and just try to hold on, okay? I haven't seen my sister in a good decade, at least. You've known her for two days and she already wants to move in with you, doesn't that mean something?"
"She wants to see her family and leave your folks. She doesn't want to move in with me. Just... you can't tell me one minute that it may take years for her to commit, and then tell me the next minute that she apparently likes me, y'know? It... It's sort of fucking irritating," he admitted quietly, propping his head back up onto his fist with a small sigh. "I mean... whatever. I'm not going to make an effort unless she does, I think that's the best way to go? A-And you can't say to forget about my wife. She... She helped me when I was a teenager and didn't have anyone taking care of me because you abandoned me to go fuck Maxx, hm, so... as much as I love you, Milli, don't tell me what to do, okay?"​
Holding his hands up in panic, Milli offered a frown. "I'm sorry, okay? Y-You know I'm not good at love advice, Matty. I just want you guys to be happy, you know? So... I'm sorry. Just do what you think best- talk to Lucy a bit?"
"Talk to Lucy? Talk? Are you crazy? I've tried that and she doesn't really listen to anyone but herself-- it's not a criticism! If I were her, I'd boast about myself constantly, but... it's hard talking to her when she... doesn't really listen to what I have to say. I've tried, Milli, but-- maybe you're right, huh? I'll just forget it, it's not worth waiting years. My kids don't like her, so... they come first anyway," he decided after a moment. He did have to take a step back and examine the situation without being blind to it - he'd known Lucy a day at the most. They weren't dating as such, and she made it clear she preferred casual encounters. He needed to feed, so a casual, no-strings-attached situation may prove itself useful. He wanted a girlfriend; she didn't want to commit - why force something that wasn't going to work?​
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