The House On The Mountain

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"...We don't have to go to a restaurant. A picnic on the beach is cool-- I just want to show you that I'm not like others? I mean, I'm... a gentleman, Lucy," he promised, finally letting the grumpy barrier down and wandering across to her side. He would have made a move to hold her, though expecting a backlash, he prevented the urge for intimacy and instead stood warily beside her. "We can take this as slow as you like, I'm rushing things."​
Letting out a heavy sigh, she offered a small smile before putting on the pot of coffee. "That would be nice, seriously. I just... I just want to be able to try and do this right, okay? I'm sorry- I wont bring you to clubs, I get that. It's just where I go to distress."
"Hey, I'll come to clubs! I'm just not a good drunk, Lucy," he admitted easily, reaching over her head easily to tug out the biscuit tin, figuring that nobody would mind if he ate some-- or all of them. He did have an insane appetite, almost insatiable, though defended it with how frequently he visited the gym. He needed energy to burn, right? "I mean, c'mon. I'm an incubus, right? Sober, I'm relatively controlled. Drunk, I'm a nightmare. At least, Flame said I was. Besides, alcohol always tastes funny. I'd rather a cup of tea, or an energy drink..."​
"Maybe I want to see that nightmare, hm?" She cooed, and turned to face the other. "I want to see you when you're wild. Like I said, one of these nights, Milli could look after the twins."
"Fine. I'll take you up on the offer, but you'll regret it when we end up, like, having sex in the alley outside. That's happened to me twice, and it isn't the best feeling, waking up surrounded by bottles and feeling dirty, literally and metaphorically," he muttered quickly in response, eyeing her cautiously to make sure she actually realised that he wasn't teasing - he really wasn't the best drunk, though he was probably ten times more fun than he was sober. Nevertheless, he moved to press in close next to her, leaning down the height difference to kiss her-- at least before Cameron had wandered in, to which Matty immediately pulled back and laughed awkwardly in embarrassment. "I was just-- checking Lucy's hair, I thought I saw a spider--"

"You were gonna smooch or whatever you guys do, I'm not oblivious, Matty-- can we get some of this cleared up? My girlfriend-- my sort of girlfriend is coming over. She's blind, so she might trip... unless she has her guide dog with her. I hope so! I love dogs," the teen babbled, nervously placing himself down at the table, unknowingly interrupting his sister and Matty's supposedly 'special' breakfast. "Lucy? Y-You can help me, yeah? With some cool lines..."​
Inhaling sharply once seeing his brother wander in, said woman tightened her robe's belt and fixed her hair before offering a thin-lipped smile. "Oh, I forgot. That girl is coming over, then? You're lucky she's blind, I'm sure she'd find the large, totally pitch black curtains to be a bit strange. Yeah, sure- define "cool lines"?"
"I dunno! Like, I want her to kiss me, and I wanna be cool to her. I'm literally the least cool person in this house. I don't want to seem like a dork. I could show her my rock collection? She can feel 'em, they're all pretty unique. Some are smooth, some are jagged..." He began to babble, unable to recognise that the collection itself was hardly the sort of thing to aid his hopefully 'cool' image. "I dunno, Lucy, you're always with boys, and we're brother and sister, so... so we share the same genes, and... I really like her. You want me to be normal, so help me out instead of snogging the face off your new demon boyfriend."​
"I can't give pick up tips, Cam, I'm sorry. I guess I'm just... really good at that sort of thing? You two are both dorky as fuck, I'm sure you two will figure it out naturally." She declared, before sipping her coffee carefully. "Show her those rocks, definitely. The amethyst is really nice, in a texture sense, I guess... Color doesn't really matter, huh?"
"I just want to impress her. She's really beautiful, Lucy. I want to kiss her and hug her and... I dunno, okay? You seemed like the best person to ask about this sort of thing, and because we've argued lately, I thought it would help heal the damage," he admitted, grabbing Matty's bowl of cereal to tuck into it himself, albeit unaware of the misunderstanding.

"Hey, it'll be fine. I was the most idiot kid when I was younger, honestly. Even now, as an adult, I can't act like a normal guy to save my life. If I managed to somehow kiss Lucy, you can definitely get that girl." Matty promised in his typically optimistic way. He was far too kind sometimes, as made evident by him simply making a new bowl of cereal without a word.​
"So you really like this girl, huh?" She confirmed, before offering a smile. "It's... Surprising. I thought you were just some weird alien who didn't like anyone. I'm glad you found a girl that you like, and who seems to like you. Like I said, just... Try to be you, you know? Be as strange as you want. Hey, show her your ghost friend or whatever. "
"I can't! I mean, she's... really religious, Lucy. Her dad's the village pastor, a-and god, I can't just say, 'here's my friend, he's been dead centuries. And I'm a vampire', y'know? She'd freak out-- but I'm not like you all, I guess. I haven't tried blood, s-so if she found out, I have nothing bad to confess to," he thoughtfully murmured, glancing across at his sister and Matty. "I like her a lot, yeah, but you hate me, Lucy. You say I'm weird. I have no chance with any girl if I be myself, that's so dumb."​
Rubbing her face wearily, she eyed her brother before taking another sip of coffee after the pause. "I don't know why you keep insisting I hate you? I could never hate you, man. I just want the best for you, you know? If this girl loves you, she'll embrace you're... Strangeness. So just relax, okay? Make her something to eat, talk to her- you two are kids."
"I'm not a kid, I'm fourteen. Mom said you dated when you were fourteen. She said the guy wanted to marry you," he pointed out, though it was no surprise he knew about Lucy's dating life even when he had been decades off being born. He discussed almost everything with his mother (especially when he was nursing her as she was drunk), and a topic that usually came up was Lucy's varied love life, and his mother's irritation that she hadn't seen Lucy marry and pp out a few kids yet. "So I'm not a 'kid', okay? A-And I'm not strange, I just... I just want to be seen as a suitable boyfriend. The fact she can't see me helps. I'm not cute, I'm a mess."​
"Now that's just bullshit, Cam. You're absolutely stunning- if she could see, I'm sure she'd say the same. Listen, you don't need to put yourself down like that. To be honest, the only thing that might discourage her is the fact that you might drink her blood whole. So, just... How about you focus on making something yummy for her?"
"But I wouldn't drink blood, Lucy. I've never drank blood! I just-- if this all goes terribly, I'm going to give up and become a hermit. I'll live in my bedroom, and I won't ever come out," the boy petulantly responded, though that was to be expected. He was fourteen, and this was his first ever crush. Hell, it was the first time he could be seen as doing something normal. "...Are you and Matty getting married soon? Mom would like that, you know..."​
"Implying you aren't already a hermit... No. Jesus, Cam, I'm not ready to just toss my life away to get married. What the hell is wrong with you and mom about it?! I don't need to marry if I don't want to- and I'll do it when I'm ready. What if I was pressuring you to marry, huh? Because I can bet your ass mom'll shove you into the first person she see's arms and insist that you get hitched immediately. Love doesn't always need to be proven with some wedding ring and some papers." She scoffed, before taking a seat with a heavy sigh.
"I'd marry if Mom told me too! J-Jeez, you've been around centuries. You ought to have married. You're beautiful, Lucy-- and Matty's totally great! He's the one, that's what Mom said, s-so do yourself a favour and get married, have a kid real soon and then play happy families." Cameron beamed in encouragement, seeing that as the one thing that could make Lucy perfect. He saw her as close to perfect right now, having always thought her amazing and he always looked up to her... but he really didn't like the fact she hadn't settled down yet. She needed to, didn't she? "I dunno, Mom knows best."​
"I disagree completely," she huffed, though it was no new news that she felt that way. Even before Cameron came into play, Lucy had always tried to rebel against her mother's wishes. "Mother can be very, very wrong Cameron. The way she treated us when we were younger was awful, and the way she locked Milli up for decades? Look, he's much better now that he has some freedom. He settled down for awhile, apparently, had a kid..."
"Why couldn't he have stayed and had a kid here? I never got to meet him and I'm sure he hates me. If he was here when I was born, he'd like me a lot more-- why do you always make Mom out to be the devil incarnate? She's done everything for us, Lucy. Dad's useless. M-Mom just wants you happy, is that so hard to understand? She wants you to settle down and stop getting your heart broke by dumbass guys," he sighed, resting his head lazily on his fist as he examined a now silent Matty who wisely chose to keep quiet and not get involved in the siblings' bickering. "...Whatever. You do what you want, Lucy. I'm just trying to help you and Matty."​
"I'm pissed at mom because she made you this delusional little jerk who's got the most severe case of tunnel vision. Knowing mom, the minute she finds out that you've fallen for a girl, she'll go nuts. She doesn't need your help, Cam. She's an adult woman. Milli doesn't hate you, you know that- he didn't even know you existed until today. Relax, will you?"
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