The House On The Mountain

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"Relax. Relax, whilst my sister calls me delusional and a jerk. And you wonder why I think you hate me," he laughed, albeit in his usually quiet way and hidden quickly by a nervous cough. "I love Mom, okay? She... She's like my best friend, and she wouldn't disown me because I like a girl. Besides, if I had to choose, I'd choose Mom. Girls come and go, right? Mom's always gonna be there, so--"

"That's so weird." Matty blurted, breaking his rule of not getting involved simply to jump on Lucy's side of the argument. "I mean, fuck... You're obsessed with your mother, and that's not healthy, kid. I loved my Mom a lot, and that's normal, but I wouldn't let my lovelife become non-existent for her..."​
"Only I'm suppose to say that," Lucy murmured quietly, before offering a frown. "Seriously, Cameron. You need to fly the nest, become an adult. The fact that you're willing to ruin your sex life because of her manipulation is fucked up. Listen, whatever- you want to rot away in this place, go ahead. Never get social skills and end up somehow ruining everything. I won't stop you. But don't fucking shame me for making a different decision."
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"Cameron, you'll soon learn that there's better things than trailing mom around all day like a lost puppy. You could be out with that girl, spending time and showing her around town. Instead, you're here painting mom's nails because you're afraid to leave her alone." Lucy drawled, her fine nails tapping the counter. "Look, you're hopeless."
"Oh, don't be harsh." Matty quietly interjected, only doing so against his better judgement when he spotted the crumpled lip of Lucy's younger brother, and when he began to wipe his teary eyes at the insult, the demon did immediately feel guilty, even if he wasn't responsible for the insult that had apparently broken the youngest vampire. "He's not hopeless, Lucy. He just loves his mother, that's not strange..."​
"When he rejects every single ounce of advice I offer, I think he's pretty hopeless. Cam, you ask for my advice and I give it to you. You then call me a slut, essentially, and don't listen! I'm just tired of you dedicating most of your life to the woman who literally doesn't give a single shit about their children when they no longer want to listen to her every need. Yeah, dad is terrible, that's been well established. That doesn't mean mom is perfect- they're both fucked up. Our whole family is fucked up!"
"Our family is not fucked up. You're being such a bitch--"

"What the hell are you arguing for at-- fuck, it's only eight o'clock! What is wrong with you people? Why can't you do the vampire thing of sleeping until dusk, for crying out loud?" Axel groaned, the man having apparently gone unnoticed as he dozed away on the couch in the grand living room, though the raised voices and snaps had succeeded in waking him up when he hadn't at all wanted to. He was hungover and didn't resemble just the average person who had partied the night before. He was a mess. His eyes had dark rings underneath him; his skin pale than usual, and his clothes ripped and dishevelled from the night out he had had-- and the company he had kept. Thankfully, the woman he had been with had made her exit before he woke, and before anyone had seen her.

"You could have fucking stayed with me last night," he muttered to his sister, rummaging through the fridge for some blood to soak the alcohol up. "I sent, like, twelve texts to Rudie, and god knows how many voicemails. Ranging from 'I want to kill you and drink you dry' to 'I miss you, come home, marry me, let's have kids' and all that fucking... crap," he finished, pouting a little to himself at the realisation he had made himself sound like a fool. He knew he had sounded incredibly drunk, so if Rudie happened to hear the calls, why would she come back knowing he had broken his sobriety? Besides, it didn't help that after the pleading calls, he had just slept with some random girl.​
"You should know when to stop drinking, Axel. You're a champ at this- you told her you'd fucking kill her? Jesus Christ..." Lucy groaned, the sudden inclusion of her brother. "Look, I'm going back to bed. You both need to figure your shit out- I'm not some psychiatrist. Axel, you need to get your shit together with your girlfriend. Cam, you need to get the fuck away from mom. Gotcha?"
"Lucy, seriously, just... what the hell do I do? I fucked some girl last night, and I'm pretty sure I sent Rudie a text about it--" He muttered, already scanning through his phone and, from the audible groan, he had discovered the gloating text he had feared. Yet another reason he knew gave Rudie evidence not to return to him. "Just... if you were Rudie, what could I do to get you back? I could grovel, I could drive to her house with flowers, I could set out candles on the lawn outside her bedroom window in the arrangement of her name-- that's sort of creepy, though. It was Milli's suggestion, but he fucking sucks at romance..."​
"That's because all Milli knows when it comes to relationships is from those lame Disney movies," she reminded, before offering a bitter shrug. "Listen, why not actually talk to her? Like, go to her house and talk to her face to face? Because leaving weird texts and phone calls is definitely not a way to get on a girl's good side. I'm serious, though, like.... Just, do what makes sense with anyone? I mean, you must really like this girl if you're that hung up on her."
"Hung up on her? Lucy, we were engaged and I asked her to have a kid with me. I was more than just hung up," he retorted, wearily shoving his phone away just to avoid glancing at the embarrassing messages he had sent his ex girlfriend over the course of the night. It was clear to see when he had gotten himself drunk - the messages tended to grow soppier the more drunk he had become.

"If I do go see her, you have to come with me," he suddenly proposed, glancing to his sister flatly. "I always went with you to boys' houses for moral support. I think you ought to be there. You can stop me doing something dumb like biting her and feeding if she pisses me off."​
"If you loved her so much, you shouldn't have done that. What did you even do? To lose your girlfriend, that is. Like, you've always been known to do shitty things, but how shitty was this?" She cooed tauntingly, whilst hiding just how satisfying it was to see her brother in this state. "Sure, I'll come."
"You know exactly what I did wrong. Do you just want to revel in my misfortune some more? I cheated on her; I drank alcohol despite her getting me sober, I slept with her best friend and got her pregnant, though I think she told me she lost the kid, I don't remember. A lot of bad shit, alright?" He grumbled, quietly groaning both as a result of having to relay his bad deeds, and as a result of the migraine he was hit with. "Quit fucking with me, alright? I'd appreciate you coming, thanks a bunch-- are you coming back with us tonight? Are you actually gonna leave Mom and Dad for the first time in... well, ever~? Aw, Lucy, you're growing up~!"​
"... At least I didn't ruin my relationship with my fiancé because my dick couldn't control itself." Lucy replied flatly in response to his tease, her eyes narrowed. "Yes, I plan to go with you forc awhile. I suggest Cam come too, but whatever."
"I won't come. It's stupid and dumb-- you guys can call me. I'll talk to my nephews and my niece over the phone," declared Cameron the moment he was brought back into the conversation, glad to have the bickering and swearing come to an end between his older siblings... even if that meant having the attention back on him and his refusal to leave his mother's side, even if being able to mingle with family he didn't know he had was enticing...

"I'll come," he finally decided, albeit lightly in fear of his mother waking up and somehow overhearing the bold claim. "O-Only if we get to do family stuff. Go for meals and all that."​
"Knowing Milli, he'll force us all to do it anyway, let's be honest," Lucy murmured, as she began to wander out of the kitchen. "If anything, a trip to the beach sounds nice. Better than living in the woods- you know, Cam, we used to live on the ocean at least a good three hundred years ago. Maybe you'd like it, hm? If it's how I remember, dolphins like to come out at night. Or maybe the ocean is crap there, huh?"
"Do you think I would buy a house near a shit ocean? I mean, I'm unemployed right now, but I had a pretty great job a few decades ago. Not to brag, but my house is huge and it's right on the seafront so-- shut up, would you?" Axel grumbled, rising to the taunts to his chagrin. He hadn't wanted to respond and give his sister the satisfaction, but he was hungover and feeling guilty for having slept with someone when he wanted Rudie back, so his ability to think situations through was limited. "You'll have to sleep in the basement, Lucy," he muttered, deciding to tease her back-- even if this was the truth. "We're pretty full up, and you might have to sleep there with Matty. Is that too serious for you? I know you hate commitment and dating and all of that. What a shame if Matty's heart gets broken because you can't stand sleeping with him like his girlfriend~!"​
Oh, shut the fuck up, will you? I have no problem sleeping in the basement- but what about those kids? Tell me they aren't sleeping with us, too..."

Late to the sibling party, Milli had finally made it to the party after a pretty big struggle- physically and mentally- with getting out of bed. Shuffling along with his assistance in tow, he eyed everyone warily before heading straight for the fridge.

"Why is everyone here? It's way to early to be chatting about. The only reason I'm awake is for a cup of cereal and a bit of a stretch."
Now, Matty did genuinely care for everyone in the room, even Cameron. He probably cared for Milli a lot more than anyone right now, but his arrival did just fill the demon with irritation. All he had wanted that morning was a breakfast with Lucy to spend some alone time with her, because he probably wouldn't get much of a chance when they left, so to then be swamped by her family all talking and bickering? It did piss him off.

However, characteristically, he didn't let anyone in on his annoyance. He kept it to himself to simmer under the surface, smiling instead as he reached to get the biscuits down from the cupboard.

"I was trying to have breakfast, but... it's cool," he shrugged easily, peeking back at Lucy. "And yeah, the kids sleep down there with me-- there's nowhere else for them to go. Unless you want to sleep on Axel's couch, you're gonna have to sleep down in the basement with us. I don't recommend sleeping anywhere near Axel's couch, if his behaviour on your parents' is anything to go by."​
Milli was no idiot- he could be naive, sure, but it would take an absolute moron not to realize Matty's feelings. Pouring himself a cup of juice, the sickly man picked up his cereal began to leave the room. "Humph, I'll get out of your way, then. Jeez- if you need me, I'll be in my room. Sorry..."

"The kids won't sleep in the bed too, right? Because that's pretty creepy- how big is the basement anyway? Could you at least make a separate bed?"
"No! No, Milli, you can stay, definitely. I just... I wanted some private time with Lucy, but-- come sit down, Milli, I'm cool with it!" The demon quickly attempted to reassure, grabbing at the man's hand and hurriedly ushering him back to the table. His mind was in a frenzy at the moment, caught between trying to reassure Milli he wanted him there, and calming down Lucy's annoyance at having to apparently share the basement with his kids.

"Lucy, just... with all due respect, stop whining," he snapped, the mass of people all talking and the fact he was caught between trying to reassure two people at the same time (when he sucked at multitasking) all culminating in him angrily snapping. It didn't help when he did feel that Lucy was trying to avoid his children, and they were easily the most important thing in his life. "Just... fucking sleep on the couch if it's a problem."​
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