The Heart of Manhattan

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Kyra looked at him in disbelief. "Your plan is to just talk him into turning himself in!? In a club full of civilians!" She was flabbergasted. "Luke. This doesn't sound like a good plan. That being said it sounds like youre going with or without me. So in the spirit of partnership I'll have your back." Kyra plopped back in her chair suddenly very exhausted. It was only around noon or something and she was ready for today to be over with.

"I think we should set some rules though. Mainly that I clear out the civilians. AND if something goes wrong we call for backup immediately." She wanted to trust her partner but she barely knew him and she really didn't have a good feeling about this. "Now. We need a real plan. Want to make it now or after you've had some rest? You look pretty warn down."
"Thank you." Luke spoke calmly, allowing Kyra to continue to vent her frustrations with the situation. As Kyra went on to set the ground rules of the plan, Luke nodded along, "Yeah, of course." He agreed, leaning against his wall. At Kyra's remark about his appearance, Luke stiffened. After a few moments of consideration, Luke spoke up, "I think rest would be smart." Luke agreed, nodding along.

It wasn't until the words left his mouth, that Luke realized how much rest he actually needed. His thinking was scattered it seemed, and he could tell he was shaking just slightly. "We'll meet outside our building at 9. Alright?" Luke asked, as he began to slowly edge his way to his bedroom. As tired as he was, he was still eager to get this case done with.
Kyra nodded slowly. She rose from her chair. And headed toward the door. "I'll see you at 9." She slipped her boots on and quietly slipped out the door.

As she headed to her own room, just a few doors down, she noted that the hallway was quiet. If anyone else lived on this floor they weren't noisy. Good. She unlocked the door eager to see her new home. It was furnished with only the necessities. Very neutral tones. White and gray. With a splash of beige here. Her apartment had a t.v. though, unlike Luke's. She headed to her bedroom which had only a dresser and a bed. There was also a small closet where her unpacked bags sat. Kyra sighed thinking about how she'd have to unpack. She gave the waiting bags one last glance before she headed to check out the bathroom. A bathtub. Thank goodness. Kyra began to run a bath as she returned to her room and removed her hero suit. She dug through the bags until she found sweats and a t-shirt. Returning to her bath she made a plan to soak for awhile and then take a nap.

After Kyra's nap she found some food in the fridge. Only sandwich stuff but that was nice of the Association. While she sat watching tv as she ate all she could think about was tonight. Although she didnt like it, she couldn't let herself get worked up. She had to be focused.

After donning her hero attire once again and carefully french braiding her hair she checked the clock. 845. Slipping her mask over her eyes she headed out the door, careful to lock up behind her. She'd be a little early but she didn't mind watching the normal night activities of Manhattan while she waited.
As Kyra left, Luke silently retreated to his bedroom. On the floor was his familiar bamboo mat, the only thing that is comfortable to him anymore. Beds no longer suited Luke much, but laying and sleeping on the bamboo mat somehow settled him, and allowed him to relax. Shedding his shirt, Luke quietly sat cross-legged on the mat, and closed his eyes. The next couple of hours were spent in silent meditation before Luke eventually laid out on the mat and fell asleep.

Luke awoke at nearly 4pm, not sleeping long. He wasn't one for long periods of rest and found himself more comfortable with short 4 hour sleeps. Waking up, Luke quickly took a shower and changed into less beaten-down clothing; A tan button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled, and a surprisingly fashionable pair of jeans. Luke silently wished he had slightly better clothing to wear, especially since this would be his first mission with his partner, but pushed the thoughts away as he grabbed an apple from a fruit bowl on top of his fridge. Luke preferred not to have heavy meals, or eat much at all, before a mission. His old master's words always echoed in his ears; "The hungry tiger hunts the hardest."

Luke spent the hours before leaving his room performing Tai Chi in his spacious living room. It was a relaxing form of meditation, and helped him focus his mind for the mission before. Interrupting his meditation was the opening and closing of Kyra's door. He knew that she was ready, which meant it was time.

Leaving his apartment, Luke headed down to the bottom floor. Luke could see Kyra from across the lobby, and picked up a steady pace to catch up with her. Once beside her, he finally spoke up, "Are you ready?" He asked, his tone serious, as he kept walking. It was going to be a long walk to Harlem from Queens. It'd give them plenty time to talk about the plan before they got there.
"Ready as I can be" Kyra replied to Luke. Although his quiet approach had startled her a bit she had been trained to show no outwards signs of weakness. "What about you? I assume you've come up with a surefire plan?" She pushed open the lobby door and out onto the street they went.

It wasn't as busy as day time but still very busy for 9 o clock at night. She loved the sound of all the commotion.

Kyra's nerves were buzzing like they always did before a potential fight. She was playing a million scenarios in her head. "Have you accounted for the back up he's probably going to have? It is his gang's territory."
Luke sighed as the duo walked the streets to Gold's hideout. It wasn't a surefire plan, but it definitely should work. "We're both going to go in. You're sure to draw more attention than me, which is a good thing. It'll put them on notice." Luke started, putting his hands in his pants pockets as they continued to walk on.

"I'll ask the bartender if they know where Gold is. If they don't cooperate, I'll be persuasive." He went on, slightly furrowing his brows, "He worked as a dishwasher at another bar, so if he's not out in the open it'll be likely that they may have him in the back doing work. It'll be easy enough to walk back there and check, although people may not like it."

"If things go sour, you'll work crowd control, and make sure things don't get to rough. I'll secure Gold." Luke sounded very confident in this regards, especially for a person had recently been defenestrated by Gold. "I know what he can do, and I won't give him a chance to fight back this time. Once we have him, we'll make it out anyway possible. There's a pier not far from the club, where we'll head and call the Association for them to pick Gold up." Luke finished, now glancing over to Kyra, marking her reaction.
Kyra nodded slowly. She didn't know enough about the case to doubt Luke's Intel, he had been working it for awhile. Not know much put Kyra on edge but it sounded like an OK plan.

Kyra didnt even notice all the scenery as she passed. She was focused and a little anxious. Her thoughts focused only on the case. It was lucky most people moved out of the way when they saw a hero, otherwise she may have ran right into them.

Unease led her to poke a little harder at the plan. There had to be holes somewhere. "There's a lot that could go wrong in that scenario. Makes me a little nervous going in there blindfolded. I mean, couldn't we put it off til morning? Do a little surveillance, catch him when he leaves." She couldn't resist her nature to abide the rules. She really thought about calling the association.

And for the second time since being paired with him only hours ago, she questioned the partnership with Luke.
Luke shook his head at Kyra's question, "We want to get him when he's least expecting. I don't even know if he'll leave the place if they're protecting him there." Luke responded, as the duo got ever closer to the club. Luke's eyebrows furrowed for a moment, annoyed that he was still being questioned by his new partner, even despite the reasonable points she was making.

"I doubt he'll even try to cause a scene at the club. There's too many eyes, and people besides us will spot him and know. It's the gang that owns the club that I'm worried about causing a scene, but even then, it's not like they'll be eager to have a fight in their own club." Luke pointed out.

They weren't far now. Luke's chest pounded with anticipation of the task at hand. Luke shifted back and forth, as he became restless, like he always did before a confrontation. Despite his confidence in the fact they wouldn't face much violence, Luke was always ready for a fight. Almost too eager to a point.
Kyra let out a sigh. She'd already agreed to the plan and Luke seemed to have thought of everything. If she backed out now he'd go in alone and despite what he said he really needed her to make this plan work.

Her nerves buzzed with adrenaline as they came closer to the club. Kyra wouldn't tell Luke but she expected an encounter and she had to be ready.

"You better be right about this" she mumbled as the club loomed in the distance.