The Golden Age (Superhero Roleplay OCC & Sign Ups)

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Cush Almighty

I Will Kill Yuji Itadori Myself
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Online Availability
28:21 to 25:30
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, modern fantasy, Magic.

"The Golden Age, That's what the new generation of superheroes deem it. We just called it the 40's, The first boom of Superheroes(and Villains) appeared around that time. The boom was World wide but mostly in America, The cultural melting pot. The spike in superpowered individuals was sometime at the beginning of the world war 2. I remember hearing about the terrifying things that came to light once the fighting was over. The Nazi War Machines, Super Soldiers, Death Camps and other atrocities committed by the Axis forces. America its self isn't excluded from these atrocities sadly, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, A means to a end. It was a different time back then, No cellphones, internet or video games the kids seem to love so much. It was a simple time even with men that could fly and rip metal apart like card board with there bare hands. Now I won't lie to you, At that point in time in America had it's social problems, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia and more. Society wasn't so accepted back then, People were excepted to stay in there place. This was the Golden Age, The push that was needed to make a change."


(Real or Realistic Art only.)

(Full Name.)

(Superhero Name and nicknames.)



(You may include Ethnicity as well.)


(1 Paragraph at least. Try to include strongly held views of your character.)


(Limited to 3 and Include if your powers are Magical, Technological or Biological.)



(At least 2 Paragraphs and Include how you obtain your powers.)



Geld City is where this story will start from. This city is the most technologically advance city in America. Do not be surprised of seeing out of placed like AC, Colored TV and other such minor things like robots. Geld is a very affluent city shown throughout the city, With that said Geld of course has it's slums. The Slums can range to Poor, broke down and completely horrendous as if these people never left the depression. This city has many farms and small town on route to it. This city is located east coast of America and has it's own bay with boat from all around the world docked in it. Geld is located in NC, North Carolina.

1. Don't be a jerk, Just at least try.
2. Decent grammar skills
3. No one-liners please or two,three or fours. All I ask is a paragraph if you're lazy.
4. You are limited to the number of character you can handle.
5. 5.Be prepared for topics such as Racism, Segregation, Sexism and Homophobia and other related topics of discrimination.
6. I am God GM and can add rules and change them as I please.
7. Have fun, We're Superheroes!

The Setting
07/01/1948 on a Wednesday​

  • Veronica Fox, 30 yo. (Vixen) - Illusions, Superhuman Senses/Reflexes.
  • Earl Maxson, 17 yo. (Sonorous) - Sound Control.
  • Ivy Little, 28 yo. (Alley Cat) - Shadow Camouflage & Manipulation.
  • Harry Himura, 30 yo. (The Setting Sun) - Our Friendly Neighborhood Ninja Samurai Batman.
  • CarnelIan Douglass, 20 yo. (Black Flag) - Magic/Technology Abilities.
  • Emilie Sabra Jameson, 16 yo. (Tarot) - Cartokinesis, Cartomancy.
  • Witticism "Wit" Tenant (Gone Girl) - Luck, Ice generation/Temperature control, Intimidation.
  • Scott Stone "Lucas Well" (Aeros) - Flight, Enhance Reflexes.
  • Adalberto Serpico, 29 yo. (Poison Prince) - Poison Body, Breath, Immunity.
  • Sadie Rosemary, 23 yo. (Fire Ice) - Fire Manipulation/Resistance, Telepath.
  • Nathaniel Stone, 20 yo. (Siphon) - Power Absorption, Flight.
  • Thomas Frey, 24 yo. (The Chameleon) - Atom Control, Invisibility, Stealth.
  • Holly Mason, 20 yo. (The Silver Dragon) - Siren/Mermaid: Sonar Skills, Water Manipulation, Xenolinquist.
  • Elaine Michaelis, 22 yo. (Switchblade) - Energy Blast, Phasing, Technopathy.
  • Leone Kyvak, 32 yo. (Kot) - Aggression, Feline Adaptation & Skills.
  • Dashiell Vincent, 21 yo. (Silver Witch) - Telekinesis, Lucid Manipulation, Energy Burst.
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Guys, I'm gonna have to drop out of this. I just got a last minute business call and I have to go out of state, up into Nevada. Gonna be gone for almost a week and I won't have the time to get anything into this. I really was looking forward to participating in this, but unfortunately, while I put a good bit of effort into making my character, I am going to have to leave this thread. Sorry for the sudden notice, but I hope it doesn't affect you guys and gals too badly, if at all.

You all have fun with this, I''l just read along after I get back home, heading out this evening, wish me luck.
Guys, I'm gonna have to drop out of this. I just got a last minute business call and I have to go out of state, up into Nevada. Gonna be gone for almost a week and I won't have the time to get anything into this. I really was looking forward to participating in this, but unfortunately, while I put a good bit of effort into making my character, I am going to have to leave this thread. Sorry for the sudden notice, but I hope it doesn't affect you guys and gals too badly, if at all.

You all have fun with this, I''l just read along after I get back home, heading out this evening, wish me luck.
Hey, good luck and take care out there! I hope it's alright if you come back to this story some day. We can say Elaine went out of town like you did. Of course, it's not for me to say. But nice character building with you!
Hey, good luck and take care out there! I hope it's alright if you come back to this story some day. We can say Elaine went out of town like you did. Of course, it's not for me to say. But nice character building with you!
I might be up for that, depending on how far into this story you all get. If things don't get too deep by the time I get back, I may consider re-joining. But if it's gone farther than I'm comfortable with negotiating through, then I'll just hang around and read along.


Willow Rena Herman

Fire Ace

((4 - 15 - 1925))


German - American


{Sarcastic - Flirty - Bold - Loner - Out Spoken - Hot Headed - Out Going}
Willow tends to be very sarcastic with people who annoy her. She hates people judging her and talking down on her like she's a child. Most of the time she's very out spoken and will say almost everything that comes to her mind. A lot of the time it's when someone judges her and her friends. Though she may seem like she's bold and out going Sadie is actually a loner who loves her time alone and hates being in big crowds. If Sadie see's a hot person she will literally attack them. Well not literally but, she will go over there and flirt up a storm. Just don't insult her or her ideals as she is very hot headed.​

- Singing and dancing
- Women who act tough but are actually big softies
- People who are passionate about what they do
- Sour and Sweet foods/candy
- Playing with peoples minds

Fire Manipulation (Biological) - Sadie is able to manipulate fire at will but, this does come with it's weaknesses. If she's soaked in water she can't use her powers. Her powers are also attuned with her emotions. If she's very angry she will lose control, if she's crying she can't activate her powers.
Telepathy (Biological) - She's able to communicate with people through there minds but, she's not able to hear thoughts unless there talking back to her.
Fire Resistance (Biological) - She's basically able to walk through fire without getting burned but, she does feel the heat.​

Flexible and Fast - Sadie is both flexible and fast due to years of dance classes
Singing - She loves to sing and from years of doing so she's developed a good voice
Quick Thinker

Dual Pistols - She usually carries these with her all the time encase someone has water
'Villain Outfit'
'Villain Outfit'


Willow grew up in a small town in Oklahoma where she lived with her father and older brother. Her mother having died giving birth to her left her father to take care of her. Though that didn't happen as he succumbed to depression and drank he sorrows away. Her older brother, Alios, took care of her in there fathers place. Alios was 6 when he started taking care of Willow but none the less he watched after her and made sure she had everything she needed. As Willow grew though Alios noticed there was something strange about her. It started when she accidentally fell, her hand landing on hot coal's. Though she would usually be in a lot of pain she instead got up acting as if nothing happened. Willow simply laughed and went back to playing. Shortly after though Alios found Willow playing with fire, manipulating it. Alios tried his best to keep Willows powers a secret but, the people in there town found out and hunted her down. They attacked there house at night, Alios having predicted this sent Willow to a trusted friend of his. The towns people came into there house looking for Willow but, when they didn't find her they burned the house down with her brother and father in it. The day after the fire Willow went back to her house to find it in ashes. Willow was devastated, she took off, leaving her town to live on her own. She was 10 when she arrived at an abandoned cabin a mile away from Geld. Willow spent the next couple years training to use her powers as well as how to survive on the streets. During her training Willow decided she'll get revenge for her brother by becoming a villain. One she had control of her powers Willow worked on making sure people knew of her existence and feared it. Taking to being a villain was slightly hard for Willow seeing as she had to make sure she never got caught . Though after years of being a villain Willow was now feared as the Fire Ace.​

- Willow has a pet cat she named Linx
- Willow's house is about a mile out of Geld.​
I finally finished her! I feel so accomplished! ^^
Sorry for my absence guys. My internet was out for a little.
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I'm catching up myself after having a little accident happen at home. Just going to slide Holly in at a decent time. Probably not during this scene, but she'll be thrilled to learn about other people nearby with abilities.
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Reactions: Cush Almighty
Guys, I'm gonna have to drop out of this. I just got a last minute business call and I have to go out of state, up into Nevada. Gonna be gone for almost a week and I won't have the time to get anything into this. I really was looking forward to participating in this, but unfortunately, while I put a good bit of effort into making my character, I am going to have to leave this thread. Sorry for the sudden notice, but I hope it doesn't affect you guys and gals too badly, if at all.

You all have fun with this, I''l just read along after I get back home, heading out this evening, wish me luck.
Rejoin any time you like. You are always welcomed.
Man... I am so bummed that you've closed signups... I got here via a banner ad you have.

And I had a character I could adapt to this easily.

Wit Tenant
You bastard, The music is controlling my mind, My soul! Go ahead, Make a character and make her good! Now go @Michale CS, Adapt this beauty!
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@Mundane Monster You still planning to post? If you need a reason to hop in we can discuss something. Same goes for you @Lulunopia.
Yea I still plan to just trying to figure out how it introduce Willow.
@Mundane Monster You still planning to post? If you need a reason to hop in we can discuss something. Same goes for you @Lulunopia.
Yes, I'm still planning to post, it's just that I'm kinda busy with my job so is it okay if I post on Friday if I can't today?
And I was planning to just post a day to day thing instead of jumping right into the thick of things and having my character fight someone/thing is that cool? :0
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Reactions: Cush Almighty
Very cool, That's how I went about it.

Witticism "Wit" Tenant
Gone Girl


Human with Draconic Bloodline

Primarily Heterosexual, but "Sometimes when I'm tipsy..."

Wit is persistent, obstinate, and often, downright stubborn. She will doggedly pursue a goal despite outside views or chances of success. She has a very solid work ethic but at the same time, possibly due to her heritage, she adores the finer things in life and has a tendency to be a hoarder. Wit isn't selfish per se, but she's very unlikely to lend out any of her possessions, and her home is something few are invited to.
She does have a lighter side, however. Those she befriends get past her "Dragon Lady" demeanor and see the light in her eyes and her bright smile. Anyone whom Wit calls a friend can count themselves lucky, for a more loyal and fiercely protective friend you'll be hard to find. It's as if she counts her friends among her prized possessions, something to be lavished over and hoarded.
Wit does everything she can every day to prove that she is just as good as any of the 'boys' but realizes even the image of Rosie the Riveter wasn't enough to make men realize that women can be just as capable as men. She's not a flag-waving feminist, however. Being assertive is fine – in moderation. She knows when to pick her battles and knows when to let the 'men-folk' do their thing and take a back seat.

Outside of work, she likes dancing, singing, and reading fiction and poetry. But mainly, it's work. Though now and then she will simply state she's not going to think about work for a few days and she'll stick to that as doggedly as she does her work.

Martial Arts, Proficient with Pistols and light Rifles, Detective and Forensics skills, as well as being a rather efficient at shorthand and typing. Wit is also surprisingly strong and fast for someone of her size and body mass, though not outside human limitations.

Forensics Kit, a Vis wz. 35 Radom pistol, and a Double Derringer as a backup pistol.

Lucky Streak a Mile Wide – Wit is preternaturally lucky. Far more often than seems normal, fate just favors her. Attacks miss, or weapons fail, or sudden cover appears. This is not something Wit consciously controls, it just happens – generally the more severe the consequence, the more likely there will be some strange serendipity. It does seem to 'wear out' now and then. After any major catastophe is averted, she seems to be on her own or even a little cursed to balance the scales.

Freeze! Ah, I didn't mean that literally – Wit's grandmother is an ancient silver dragon, with epic control of cold and ice. Wit's power is far more diluted, and so far, largely accidental. She's just begun to control her temperature control and ice generation powers, but more often it's a stress reaction – an Ice Shield suddenly protects her from an attack or the perp she's chasing suddenly slips on slick ice in front of them.

That Look – Also due to her draconic heritiage, Wit can level a gaze at someone that usually stops them in their tracks it is so intimidating. She's had longshoremen cringing as if chastised by their mothers before. Once combat has started, however, this rarely works as more than a slight intimidation tactic.

Wit Tenant is the daughter of John Tenant, celebrated Secret Service agent during the Great War. Although it is considered highly unusual given her gender, Wit's passing of every test, mental, emotional, or physical that was given her eventually granted her entrance into the OSS, though many of her colleagues consider her simply a glorified secretary or a 'Mata Hari' type infiltrator only, when that couldn't be much further from the truth.
When the OSS was dissolved in 1945 she wasn't able to get into its successor, the Central Intelligence Agency, but has instead opted for a position on the police force of Geld City with the rank of Detective. However, while the beat cops seem to respect her for having the chops to make Detective, most of the other detectives and higher ups think of her as the "Doll Detective" and see her position mostly as an honorary one. As a result, she rarely gets any really intense cases, instead being given 'soft' assignments for the most part, though she's capable of a lot more.
Wit is aware that her grandmother is a dragon living in human form, but her only manifestations (she thinks, though her general competence and skills attest to a superhuman origin) of this are her mostly accidental use of her ice and cold control powers.
Due to her frustration at being given the creampuff assignments by the GCPD, she adopted the moniker "Gone Girl" and began working off the books as a superheroine. She wears a mask and uses a different voice when working in this secret identity.
@Merlin I hope this passes muster. If I need to flush it out more, I can. :-)
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@Michale CS You have been accepted.
Thanks. I have to re-read the posts to figure out where to come in sometime soon.

Heads up though, I will be at San Diego Comic Con from the 21st-24th and I'm not sure of the wifi situation at the hotel I'll be staying at for posting.
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Thanks. I have to re-read the posts to figure out where to come in sometime soon.

Heads up though, I will be at San Diego Comic Con from the 21st-24th and I'm not sure of the wifi situation at the hotel I'll be staying at for posting.

omg lucky. :O have fun at comic con!
omg lucky. :O have fun at comic con!
It's a 'working' trip. I'll have about 4 hours a day 'off shift' but my 'work' is showing people cool tabletop games like...

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