The Glade {Maze Runner}

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Charlie blinked at the sentence. Glancing around, he decided that Dragomira was right. If they weren't in the situation that they were in, he was sure that the Gladers would appreciate the Glade more. See its beauty and uniqueness. But, of course, all of that is overshadowed when you're thrown in a place with no memories of anything but your name. The next thing that Dragomira said made him stop in his tracks. How long they've all been there, huh? Charlie was silent as he thought about the question. It's been quite a long time. "Hmmm, four years, I think?" Nodding, he confirmed in a distant tone, "Yeah, four years." The brunet continued their trek.
Dragomira blinked at his confirmation. Four years..? Though, she shook it off, and followed quickly and quietly. She seemed slightly downcast, and kept her gaze on the ground as they continued walking. "I can't believe that... Who would be so cruel as to lock a bunch of teenagers up in some... cage?" That was all this was; an enhanced cell. They were just some lab rats; forced to wander aimlessly till they found their way out. She sighed softly, shaking her head. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have asked. It's gotta be hard..."
Charlie shrugged. "Not really, you get used to it. It becomes home, even though we all want to escape," he responded. It might have been hard at first, but, after time, it got to be a routine. Evertything that they did. It became a living. One that they were all comfortable with, yet not at the same time.

They finally made it to the other Baggers. Slightly loosing his gloomy deposition, he turned to face Dragomira. "Guess I should explain the job a bit, yeah?" He didn't wait for her to answer. "Basically, we take care of the dead bodies. We bury them in the graveyard." Charlie turned to gesture at a Bagger who was burying a body. "Hopefully, there aren't a lot today," he mumbled to himself.
Dragomira gave a small smile at his attempt of reassurance. "I guess..." she caved, only for the fact she figured dropping the matter was a good idea. She gve another glance around as they made it to Charlie and the other bagger's workplace. She glanced at him with a small smile. "It'd certainly be nice," she mused. Though, there was a horror that filled her at his explanation, though it didn't show through in any way. "How.. How many are there, usually..?" she asked, voice lacking it's usual steadiness only slightly.
Zach rolled her hazel eyes at this waste of time, she felt like a bother. Even if other factions had smaller chores that she could handle, she was underestimated and brushed off. Putting her arms behind her head to take in the cooler morning air, she made her rounds quickly. She had already checked the garden and the med room (which both were pretty empty due to breakfast time). The garden needed nothing but the breakfast scraps for fertilizer which was something she did anyway.

Blu, a woman with dark brown hair and very tan skin had her eyes on a blueprint (hence, the name) and Zach made her way down to her.

When she stopped, Zach stood a few feet away, glancing between the girl's distinct features and the nonsense on the page. Zach never learned to read or write, or maybe she forgot it along with her other memories. That being said she loved to draw with sticks in dirt at the end of the day by the fire. Speaking of fire, she had to gather wood to throw in the drying pile soon. They were beginning to run low. Standing beside Blu she tapped the edge of her arm. "Sorry to interrupt, I am just making rounds. Anything you need a Slopper for?" Her voice was low and quiet, it was uncomfortable talking to people of 'higher' rank. But most likely it would be over soon anyways, so it wasn't too much of an issue.
Dutch stopped working and looked at Dragomira and Charlie but turned his head quickly.Mumbling to himself "Great" and got right back to work. Then Dutch thought for a second why was Greenie was here? Hmm Oh yeah choosing your job. Dutch continued to ponder on things like would we get out? A Small Frown came across his face and kept working.
Stelios woke up in his bed, He sat up and got dressed, He then walked out the door closing it behind him, It was another quite day, People were doing there own business, And once again Another dreadful day, He was too scared to leave here, Since of all the rumors about the maze, He was a runner, But only made it a couple of feet and ran back to the house, He laid down on the wet grass, looking at the sky, his hands under his head and his legs put

together, His same emotion as always, A plain bored look, He heard others talking a couple feet from him, Whispering that he was too scared to go in the maze, He got up and walked away,He kicked started kicking rocks around, A few minutes later, He sat on the grass once more 'Should i go? What if i die? Well i already feel like i am rotting in here anyways, slowly bleeding, So what's to lose? He debated in his mind if he would go through the maze
@Sav The Zombitch

Charlie's face was blank as he heard Dragomira ask about the usual number of bodies. He was silent, contemplating whether or not he should tell her. "Think it'd be best if you didn't know," he said. He had heard how her voice shook when she asked about the amount. Telling her the number might just scar her for the rest of her life. And she was being scarred enough with trying out Bagger as her first job. "S'not a pretty number," he added, facing Dragomira. "Enough about that, though. We need to get to work," Charlie said, changing the subject.
Dragomira wasn't quite sure if she was more upset or relieved he hadn't told her. Now that she thought about it..? She really didn't want to know. She sighed, and glanced around. "Right, well... Where do we start..?" she asked quietly, swallowing the thought down. How do they do this? Bury all these poor, innocent people without a thought..? Then, suddenly, something hit her. What if these people weren't innocent? What if they were hardened criminals, sent here to this master cell with no escape? Though, she tried to push the thought away. She didn't want to think about that. Ever.
[I am literally making this up.]

"Found another one, Charles!"

"Charlie," the brunet snapped.

The Glader ignored his correction and placed a dead boy in front of him. He stared at it with a stony expression. "Right. Good job," the Glader walked off. Grunting, he picked up the body and took it over to another Bagger who was digging a hole. He waited for a bit before placing the body inside. Charlie, then, helped cover it up, piling dirt on top of it and making it even. "So that's how it works. Someone goes and sees if there's any dead bodies, bring them here, and we bury them." Turning towards Dragomira, he gave her the shovel he used. "You could dig holes. It's the least horrifying part. Unless you think about why you're digging them in the first place so don't do it," Charlie instructed. They lost some Gladers because of their mentality strength. They went crazy, not being able to handle everything. "Ready?"
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[You're doing better than I am.
Prepare for Dragomira to become fairly upset. I just realized she'd make a great Embalmer.]

Dragomira watched the exchange, quietly. She took the fact he disliked being called Charles to mind. Though, she'd lost the disgust towards the bodies; it was life, she supposed... However, she seemed to get a bit ruffled by how roughly and carelessly the 'ritual' was performed. "That's it..? You just... Haul them around, toss them in a hole and cover them with dirt?" she asked with undetectable horror. Due to her loss of memory, she wasn't certain, but that treatment just seemed wrong to her. Disrespectful, even. She didn't want to dig holes; she wanted to be able to do something to prepare the bodies more respectfully! But, she reluctantly took the shovel with a sigh. "Yeah, I guess.." she replied with a pout.
Charlie shrugged at her question. "All we can do," he responded. The brunet noticed how upset she was about digging holes. Blinking owlishly, he thought that the Greenie would be happy to get the least horrifying job. Cocking his head in question, he asked, "Do you want to do something else?"

[Wow.....that was terrible.]
[What was terrible? XD]

She took a deep breath, giving a small nod. He's right.. She, herself, wasn't actually sure why that upset her so much. No one else seemed bothered by it.. Why was she? She shrugged, shoulders sagging. "I don't mind shoveling in the slightest. I guess it's just I wish I could do more for them, y'know..?" she replied, glancing at him.
Dutch Hauled a dead body near Dragomira and Acknowledged that there was a person there "Hey Sad to see go so soon but Goodbye Forever!" Dutch says in a Fake Evil over Dramatic voice."Just joking i'll see you around." And then continues to haul the body away to an open grave Saying "Bye Hopefully Charlie didn't Scar you for life. Hope you have a good day." Then continues away with a tiny smirk on his face And waves happily goodbye.
[My post was terrible ;~;]

Charlie knew. He knew all too well. The thought has crossed his mind more than once. "Yeah....," he trailed off, voice distant. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Dutch. Rolling his eyes at the Glader, he said, "If anyone were to scar her, it'd be you, shuckface," he retorted. The words that left his mouth didn't really have any malice behind them. In fact, they had a playfulness to them. Turning back to Dragomira, he said, "Don't mind him. His name's Dutch, by the way."
Dragomira shrunk back slightly at the new presence, offering a shy smile. A small grin formed on her features at his remark, and she gave a slight laugh. At least the people here seemed to be nice... But so many of them are dead. She reminded herself, eyes flicking over the plethora of graves. Though, she managed to shake the thought off, and look back to Charlie after a moment of basking in thoughtfulness. "Glad it's not just me.." Though, her smile returned at Charlie's retort. These people really did seem close.. "Well, I'd tell him 'nice to meet you', but he kinda walked off," she mused, looking after Dutch.

[No it wasn't! ^.^]
Dumping the body in the fresh grave Dutch helped cover the it.He thought in his mind Rest in peace.Breaking out of thought Dutch Felt something on his shoulder. Jumping in a 360 he saw nothing Whispering to himself "What the?" He looked back at Charlie. Then suddenly he fell to his knees! Whats happening! he thought to himself.His Back Buckling Under the weight of his own body hitting the hard ground. Left Shoulder landing on a small sharp rock.
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(I'll reply again on Sunday, as I have stuff to do tomorrow. Sorry guys!!)
Satchel finally made it to the table. Looking around at the options, he sighed and snatched up an apple and a pear. Putting the pear into his bag, he took a bite out of the apple as he sat down. Nobody really talked to him much, probably since he never bothered with them. A couple of girls walked by the table; watching them, he was envious of how other boys appealed to them better. He tore his gaze away, looking at the maze. Two yeats he'd been here; two years too many in his opinion. But he wasn't going to complain. Taking another bite, he just sat there thinking.

Blu looked at the girl who'd bothered her when she was studying a blue print. She hated to be inturrupted and looked slightly annyed, but pushed the thought away. "Not really. Not unless you could locate that shuck of a builder Viola," she replied, looking back down at her blue prints. She looked over at the picnic bench where Satchel sat. Eating alone, again. She half smiled but looked away. Pausing, she grinned at Zach. "There is something you can do actually, go get me a better hammer from the shed." It was something for this gitl to do.
Viola squinted at the sun through the leaves. She could still smell bonfire and booze on the sweatshirt she had wrapped herself up in, which wasn't hers. She sat up and her head immediately started spinning. "Shit. I new I drank too much." she muttered. Her feet were freezing, so she shuffled around in the leaves looking for her shoes. Slipping them on, Viola realized she was probably too late for there to be a good excuse as to why she was gone. She made her way toward the edge of the woods, tripping on everything she possibly could. The sun hit her eyes, which felt like being smacked with a brick. She stumbled to the nearest shelter she could find, a shed, and went inside. The walls were lined with tools she didn't find herself caring about at the moment. But there was a space in the corner. A space just big enough to curl up and take a nap in. And so she did.
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