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The Glade {Maze Runner}

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Charlie let out a soft chuckle as he felt Brea's hand against his shoulder, pushing playfully. "Alright, alright," he said, his face positively glowing with joy. He hadn't felt this good since he was dropped off into The Glade. It was a nice change. "Guess I'll show the Greenie here the ropes. Hopefully the others don't bother her too much." Looking back over at the strawberry blonde, he asked, "When are you coming to pick her up?" For some odd reason, having this conversation with Brea about Dragomira made him feel fuzzy inside. He felt like...a parent. A parent taking over caring for their child from the other parent. The thought of Breanne being the other parent made the fuzzy feeling grow, before he pushed it away. Far away.
Cole was doing his job but stoped to rest for a while. He wasn't tired, he was just frustrated. He sighed and fell into the floor. A few minutes later, he heard someone approaching him, running at full speed. It surprised him a little because he didn't tend to run into anyone, so he stood up and looked at the direction where the runner was coming from. He turned around the corner and saw Jen about 100 meters from him. He friendly waved at her until he saw the monster behind her. What was it with that girl and the Grievers? She certainly looked as if she wouldn't get away from the situation easily, but, how could he help her? He quickly took a knife from his backpack and climbed a wall at the maze, helping himself with the vines. He had no idea about the abilities of those monsters, but luckily they would be clumsy climbers.
"Jen!" he shouted at her, while he stretched his hand so that she could take it and easily climb.
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Jen saw Cole on the wall, his arm outstretched. "It's no use Cole!" she yelled, "they climb walls!" she kept running, and stopped in front of Cole. "You have to run! Come on!"
He figured it out, but he was sure that it would make it slow down. Well, he wasn't really sure, it was only a guess. Running? Didn't she realized that every step she took the Griever was two steps closer? His idea wasn't the best, but they may have a chance. "It will slow it down" shouted as she approached, still offering his arm and hoping to be right. "Climb or keep running! Don't stop!" told her, completely desperated as he saw the monster dangerously near. She could jump, use the vines to climb the wall, take his hand and she would be up in no time.
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Breanne smiled at Charlie, thinking for a moment. "I'll be back to get her before dinner," she decided, looking over to Dragomira for confirmation. She then looked back at Charlie, a serious look crossing her features. "Play nice," she warned him, but her tone showed that she wasn't as serious as she looked. Then, she smiled kindly at each of them, before turning and walking out of the Deadheads.

((I've got to go to bed now, sorry. But, I'll be back tomorrow :) ))
Jen cursed under her breath. She kept running at full speed, and leaped to catch Cole's arm. The Griever was at full speed and couldn't stop properly, so it smashed into the wall. It wasn't dead, though.
Kyle didn't see Parker anywhere so he sighed and visited a few other patients that had been released earlier that month. Most of them had been small things but one of them had almost died and so Kyle went and visited him every week. He finished them up rather quickly before heading back to the med center. He saw that both Dragomire and Brea were gone and smiled, looked like everything went ok there. He went over to the filing cabinets and started making sure everything was in the right place.
He pulled Jen up, almost falling himself and helped her to stand up. Cole took a quick look at the Griever, who was already getting up, but it seemed that they bought some time. Without losing more time, he took Jen's hand and started running on the top of the walls. When they were both sprinting, he let her go and kept his rate, being just a little ahead of her. He heard the disgusting noises that the creature made; it was chasing them all over again. It was already at the same level of them, getting closer every second.
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(Thomas actually climbed one of them without much effort at the movie and I don't remember much of the book, but I think it is possible to climb them. Maybe not that easily, and Jen can't reach Cole's hand and that's how she gets bitten, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure there is a scene with Thomas running on top of them. I can still delete my post, though.)
((@Zaira and @EtherealLights The walls are easy to climb, because the vines are thick and sturdy. In the book, Thomas not only hoists himself up into the air, but also Alby- and, he ties him there and leaves him in there over the night. But, The Grievers can climb the walls much faster (because they are larger and quicker), so you can't just hang out up there. Hope this clears things up!))
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Dragomira smiled faintly as she followed Brea. "Good to hear," she replied, not exactly surprised. And, lo and behold, it seemed the day was to be spent with Charlie. She smiled at his approach, and waved with a friendly smile. "Morning, Charlie," she mused. A small laugh passed her lips at his comment, despite her slight nervousness. "No worries; I didn't.." She watched the two banter at each other with a faint grin.
((It does, thanks! I may made it a little unreal anyways, so I'll be editing them in a second.))
(Oh! I'm sorry! I've only read the books ^^' sorry XD)
Jen followed Cole, in a sprint. "It's catching up!" she yelled. She was holding in her terror, that monster was truly horrifying. "We can't stay up here!"
(Haha it's ok, It's probably just be something from the movie. Well, I think it's time to get bitten because I don't think we can escape anymore. Anyways, Cole can get bitten if you don't want to.)

The awful noises that the Griever made were getting higher, which meant that the thing was closer. Jen was right, it was going to catch them soon. His "brilliant" plan did not work as he hoped, so, what should they do? How could they get rid of that monster? The wall was getting to an end, so he just jumped to a close one. Everything was easier with that level of adrenaline running through his veins, but he couldn't think of a way of escaping.
Zach's calloused hands hoisted up the hammock and tied it roughly, before going over her work making sure the knots were tight and wouldn't come undone with the weight of the bigger men in the community. All the beds had been shaken of sand was they were to be every five sundowns to rid of dirt, and other crawlers that made their way into the warm comforts of heavy cloth. 'You'd think that people could clean their own damned beds.' She thought grudgingly to herself, beating out the last hammock.
That being said she knew very well why this was important, a long time ago there was an itch that went around, a head rash or bug of some sort. The only thing that could cure it was the medicine sent by the box, and even that didn't cure it for everyone. Stories told it was very horrible to live with, Zach had just gotten here when they were almost rid of the disease, therefore it was her job to keep everything clean so there was no more spreading of it.

It seemed she never went up in the ranks from that job either. Cleaning and jarring food, doing jobs here and there, everyones assistant. Brushing off her ragged olive jacket from dust that'd fallen on her, Zach went to make rounds to make sure there were no big assistance jobs before working on the smaller jobs that needed doing.

The sun was pressing into the sky and bathed the small world that Zach knew in an ethereal glow. Sighing, she pressed up against the bark of a tree to watch it. The newbie was in and like a shiny toy being passed around, shown around and meeting all the people. Learning the passions they have and how to better the community. Zach spat to the side and rolled her eyes. The suns beautiful glow wasn't pretty enough to take away her disgust. It was just another damn day in the same damn place, doing the same damn thing anyway. Lifting a small leather pouch with all her belongings she tossed it around her shoulders and headed to check around the gardens before heading to see the clinic, builders, then to her job list.
Satchel yawned as he got up that morning. He hadn't had a very good night's sleep with all the comotion about the arrival of the Greenie. Satchel didn't even bother to witness her arrival; in all honesty he didn't care. So what if another dumb shuck got their klunk maker stuck in this slinthole? His stomach rumbled, reminding him that he was hungry. Looking around, he kicked the blankets to the side of the pourch. He'd taken to sleeping outside in case there was a dire emergency outside.

Limping down the stairs he headed for the picnic tables. He didn't remember how he'd gotten the limp, didn't seem to care either. In fact, he didn't even seem to care that he couldn't remember anything.

Life was going on as usual in the Glade. Track-hoes darted back and forth in the gardens, Abby, the Keeper of the Builders, was of course busy looking at another blue print. That was how she earned her nickname; Blu. He caught her eye and smiled. For once, Ab y kept his gaze. She'd been avoiding him but he didn't bother asking why, she was moody and he assumed she'd just get over whatever she was annoyed about. Suddenly, she turned and ran into the woods, not a word to anyone. Shaking his head, Satchel kept on. He wasn't fast; it took him a while to get anywhere. His keen ears picked up on somebody running up behind him. Looking over his shoulder, Abby was running after him. His heart melted; clutched in her hand was a well made wooden crutch with a wooden handle and a leather arm strap. "I thought that this would help you get around easier," she told him, already latching the leather band around his arm. He took a few steps forward, leaning onto the crutch. He smiled at her and walked up to her, erapping his arm around her in a side hug. "Thank you Blu," he kissed her head and strode back off for breakfast. She made life here in this shuck hole tolerable.

Watching Satchel limp off, Abby opened up her blue prints. She had her thick brown hair tied up in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. She'd been waiting to give that crutch to him for a week, but she could never keep silent around him. She couldn't explain it but somehow she knew Satchel was her brother. She hated seeing him struggle just to get to meals or to help someone. Hopefully that would help.

Getting back to her blue prints, she was supposed to make a new chicken coop. Planning on makong four connecting coops, the chickens would have more room. Looking around the clearing, she searched for Viola, one of her builders. Setting off, she decided to give the place a good looking through for her.
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Charlie watched Brea leave before turning to face Dragomira. A grin broke out on his face. "Well, we should be on our way, too," the brunet said. "I want to introduce you to my world." With a giant gesture of his arms, Charlie began walking towards the other Baggers. "C'mon," he beckoned over his shoulder, wanting to keep her close. The other Gladers, Breanne especially, would have his head if anything happened to the Greenie under his watch.
Breanne took a deep breath as she exited the deadheads, smiling at the sudden sunlight on her skin. She liked the deadheads, truly, but she liked being in the sun more. For a moment she wondered what Charlie and the other baggers would do with Dragomira, but then decided it wasn't any of her business. She was medjack, and that's where she should keep her brain. She headed back to the Med Center, surprised to see Kyle was not there. He was probably making runs as he usually did, checking up with people who had been injured recently. She decided that since he wasn't around, she'd go and have some breakfast. So, she made the short walk to the dining hall, and grabbed a snack off one of the tables. It was an apple, which should be able to hold her off until dinner time. Hopefully, at least. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," she said to herself in a quite sing-song voice before taking a huge bite.
Dragomira smiled brightly in return; something she'd only done once since her arrival. She nodded cheerily. "A whole new world~" She blinked, and pouted slightly. That... Seemed familiar.. Though, she shook it off, and followed Charlie quietly. "Y'know... It really does seem like it'd be a truly beautiful place; if it weren't a prison.." she mused, thoughtfully, as she looked around with curiosity. There was a brief pause, before she gave Charlie a meaningful glance, empathetic, if you would. "Charlie... I know it's rude of me to ask, but how long have you all been here..? By all means, don't answer if you don't want to..."
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