The Girl of His Dreams (C92cool X Sinopa)

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When I pulled into the parking lot of the campus I received a text from Victor. I saved the number in my phone, but didn't reply back, I had nothing to say. I grabbed my backpack from the back, swung it over my shoulder then walked inside. I went to my first classroom and sat in my desk, it was still a bit early so no one was in the room. I pulled one of the book I brought from the library at the lab and started reading, though it was hard to concentrate through all that had already happened today. I sighed and fought to focus.
Victor arrived at the school and went to his first class. Once there, Victor took his seat next to Aveira, but didn't say anything to hear. Instead, he pulled out a journal and began to draw. Humans, Angels and Demons is what he was drawing. They were so detailed and seemed almost like they were alive, which was weird. Victor couldn't draw for shit, but now he was a master at it. The essence he had inside of him, it was slowly changing him.
I looked up from my book to see Victor again, then I continued reading. Slowly people began entering the room. I saw a few familiar faces, people I met the last time I was here, the girl who ran into me in the hall, and some who I had seen in the halls. I stayed quiet after I returned my book to my bag, and listened to the many unimportant conversations in the room. I never really talked much in crowded places.
Victor continued to draw, but he drawings began to change. He stopped drawing people, angels and demons, and focused more on symbols. The symbols were from things he had never seen before, but he knew them. It scared Victor, but it was hard for him to stop. His wands were racing and he was drawing like a mad man. Eventually, roll was being called and when the professor had gotten to Victor, he just simply didn't answer. The teacher called for him over and over, but it was like he was in a trance of some sort. He was mumbling something to, but it was in audio able and not of human language. After a bit of the students watching Victor having whatever sort of episode it was that he was having, the teacher walked towards the back and shook Victor which seemed to break him out of his trance for he had stopped drawing. For a handful of seconds he was quite and then spoke.

"Sorry..." He said and then class proceeded as usual. Victor remained quiet for the remainder of class and when first period ended, Victor moved quickly through the halls and into his next class room.
I looked over at Victor to see him drawing strange symbols. They looked familiar but I had no idea from where. When my name was called I quickly answered then stared at the front of the room as class began. When it was over I followed Victor to the next class. "What was that in there?" I asked quietly as I sat at my desk.
"The consequences of an idiot..." Victor said without looking at Aveira. He was slowly beginning to feel himself change and he wasn't sure if it was for the best or not. "...I just need for this day to be over with." Victor had more important things to worry about then class. His body was changing and he had his experiment as well. Staying in school was something that he couldn't afford. Not knowing what else to do, Victor sighed and left the classroom. The principles office is where he was heading to.
"The consequences of an idiot..." he said. You got that right. I thought as I chuckled.
"...I just need for this day to be over with." with that he left. I thought about following him but decided to wait a few minutes. students started taking their seats and the teacher walked in. I could still get out when I needed, but now it would just involve talking. I sighed as I waited.
(Sorry its so short, going to bed XD good niiight)
(It's ok and goodnight my dear.)

Words were exchanged and an agreement came between Victor and the principle. In the end, Victor walked out from the office with a smile on his face and both men being happy about the agreement. Having no use for the rest of the school now, Victor went to the parking lot and got into his car. Slowly, he enjoyed a nice drive and he made his way back to his home and picked up a few more things before heading back to the lab. It was now going to become his home and there was nothing wrong with that.
After a few minutes I looked out the window and saw Victor get in his car and leave!
AH! What is he doing?
I thought I should give him a bit of room so I stayed calm until I felt it right to chase after him. I knew where he was going, and he had my phone number if I was needed... Oh! I pulled my cellphone out on my lap.

What on earth are you doing?

I typed then sent it to Victor. I looked up to pay attention to the teacher as she began to speak.
Upon returning to the lab, Victor put all of his stuff away and heard his phone going off. Looking down, he saw the text that Aveira had sent to him. It was going to be a long story, but Victor had to send something back to Aveira to keep her calm to some extent.

Everything is ok. Come to lab after school. Everything that just occurred will be explained. I know it's asking a lot and I probably don't deserve it, but please just trust me.

Victor sent the text and then went about his business. Going down to the basement, Victor began to assemble the body for tonight. Everything was looking up for him, even with the backs of the strange changes going on inside of him.
My phone lit up on my lap and I checked it.
Everything is ok. Come to lab after school. Everything that just occurred will be explained. I know it's asking a lot and I probably don't deserve it, but please just trust me.
I sighed as I closed my phone. Fine I guess I could do as he asks. I payed attention to my classes until lunch, which I sat alone eating a sub in the cafeteria. Soon I was visited by the girl from the hall.
"I'm not falling for your innocent shy girl act. You're dating Victor aren't you?" She said as she slammed her tray down in front of me. My eyes twitched through irritation.
"My, you behave differently when he isn't around. What was your name again?" I asked taking another bite of my sub.
"My name is Vivian. Now answer my question."
"Ok, Viv, I am not dating Victor." I answered, annoyance was not hidden in my voice.
"Then why are you always next to him. Or in all of his classes. I've even seen you with him out of school, shopping together."
"I didn't deny that we were... Friends." The word seemed odd when directed at him. "I do not control the schedule of the school, that was clearly a coincidence." At least that's what the school board thinks.
"You're not fooling me. Stay away from him, he's mine." She said possessively. I started to laugh.
"Oh really. Last time I checked he dumped you, infront of everyone. How embarrassing that must have been. I already said it once, I'm not dating him." I leaned closer to her and smiled mischievously. "And even if I was, someone as pathetic as you wouldn't be able to make me back down from what I have claimed. I will continue to be around him as much as I want. What are you going to do about it?" I taunted, I could see the anger in her eyes but she stood up and stomped away. I laughed at her as I finished my food. Throughout the rest of the school day I caught sight of Vivian glaring at me but I just shyly smiled back at her, making sure my demeanor was the timid, innocent, passive, new girl.
Soon school was over, and I walked to my car, then drove away.
Time flew by for Victor and before he knew it, it was nearly time for Aveira to be home. It was perfect timing to because Victor had just finished assembling the body and there was only one thing left to do. Victor needed to bring the body to life, but that could wait. It was time to take a break and Victor went into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"A break is just what I need..." Victor said and then began to eat his meal. It was a mere sandwich, but it tasted like heaven to Victor.
I finally arrived at the lab. I grabbed my stuff, including my guns, and walked inside. Stepping into the library I threw my stuff on the couch then walked back into the lab.
"Victor? I'm here." I called out, then heard shuffling in the kitchen. I walked in to see him eating a sandwich. "Hello." I greeted.
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"Aveira!" Victor said happily with a mouthful of sandwich. He swallowed what he was eating and went to go hug her. Afterwards, he sat back down and continued to eat as he talked. "I spoke with the principal...I convinced him my behavior was from the accident and since it's so close to the end of the school year, I don't have to attend my classes anymore and I'll pass the year. I'm free to do as I please as I figure out everything that is going on."
I was surprised by the hug, I just stood there stiff until her backed away. I listened to him as he spoke. "Ah, that's good. I think I'll stay registered, though I may not show up most of the time. Why are you so... Happy?" I asked still a bit surprised, I hadn't seen him this happy before, at least not in her current life.
"I just feel so alive right now." Victor said as he finished eating his sandwich. "Also, my experiment is almost complete. Tonight I shall bring forth life after death and it will be a glorious and perfect thing." He added, but then stopped and looked at Aveira. "Of course though, nothing could ever replace you so don't think that's what is going on."
"Of course though, nothing could ever replace you so don't think that's what is going on."
I was shocked, he wasn't looking to replace me, but why would he even mention this? Was he starting to care about me? Or perhaps he started caring a while ago and I just didn't notice. I was very confused.
"I'm, uh, glad your experiment is coming along smoothly." I said, though I was distracted by my thoughts.
"Yes yes it's going oh so well and I just need to do one more thing and all will be done. I need to relax a bit though, seems all the working with the body has caused me to get a headache." Victor rubbed his head just as he mentioned his own headache and then moved into the bathroom to find something to make the pain go away. "Would you care to watch as I finish the experiment later on tonight?" He asked as he reentered the kitchen.
"Yes, I would." I smiled. "I actually miss seeing the process." Not to mention I would be there to fix things if it went horribly wrong. Unexpected things shouldn't happen if you're cautious. "So what are we going to do until then?" I asked.
"Well I don't know how much my process will be compared to how Frankenstein did it. Referring to my own notes and the equipment I've found, it seems to be different from how you remember it being." Victor washed his dish he used for the sandwich and then headed for the library. "We can sit and relax for a bit, maybe talk if there's anything you wanna ask me." He said and then took a seat in the library.
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