The Getting to Know You Game!

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Ah, I don't like any deserts. Too hot for me. :P

Your favorite movie?
28 days later (get over it I know everyone hates it but me)

favorite soap or lotion?
"It doesn't how big, how tall, how strong or how smart a person is; they have to sit down on the bowl to take a shit like everyone else."

- My Dad

Favorite Series of Books?
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It's probably tacos. Tacos or lasagna. No idea where lasagna comes from, but I'm pretty sure it's not a Swedish dish. If it were I should have heard about that at some point in my life.

What is your favorite dessert?
Lasagna comes from Italy- it's a type of pasta dish.

My favorite dessert is cheesecake!! :3
An Infamous Army - Georgette Heyer.

Would you say you have the mad case of road rage? (I...uh....)
Yes BUT ONLY when I am late for work. And if the left lane(Which is the passing lane) Isn't going as fast as the right lane. More less if I can't get by because the two lanes don't feel going the speed limit posted. And I'm stuck between them both.
Yes BUT ONLY when I am late for work. And if the left lane(Which is the passing lane) Isn't going as fast as the right lane. More less if I can't get by because the two lanes don't feel going the speed limit posted. And I'm stuck between them both.
You forgot a question (again). Make sure to remember the game rules when you play otherwise you make it harder for others to play ^^
Sorry sorry! No excuse!

Uhh....what would you eat for a last meal?
Sorry sorry! No excuse!

Uhh....what would you eat for a last meal?
Spicy chicken pizza with chips erm there's loads but I'd go with that. It's your last anyway lol

What's the most scariest thing that's ever happened to you? O o like freaky
I dunno. Most recently it was jumping 10 feet across from a 10 ft tall structure and going into a PK roll and continuing into the next technique.

I had to hesitate before doing that one.

Favorite hobby?
Playing baseball with my buds. (Ofcourse when i'm home it's video games).

What's your favorite animal?
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What is your dream job?



What is your dream job?

S.W.A.T. Team or Detective. I'm going to college this spring to begin a degree in Criminal Justice so I can get closer to accomplishing that dream.

What anime do you currently watch that is your favorite?
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