The Gentlemen's Guide to Piracy Vol. 1 [OOC]

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Thanks I will get a post up tonight my tablet hates this site for some reason and has lots of lag when I type. Only happens here tho. *scratches head* weird.

Lerian Monsticru



Yes; summoning. It takes skill and practice and usually exhausts the user easily, so it has to be used swiftly and wisely. The larger, more powerful the summoned monster or demon is, the more it exhausts. If it is a very serious spell, it can cut years off years from her lifetime. She has a familiar as well. A familiar is the first summoned monster or demon of an individual. If they bond correctly, they can make a Pact to keep the familiar in this world. Familiars can assist with summonings; the more powerful the familiar, the easier powerful summonings can be preformed. An Summoner can only have one familiar at a time, and can only make another blood pact with another familiar if the current one dies. Pacts are simple; in exchange for the summoned demon or monster to stay in this world, they have to protect and assist the summoner. Familiars cannot harm their partners in any way. Summoned creatures, however, can if not controlled properly, or if the Summoner is too weak or unskilled. To summon, you would need to memorize a specific spell for the class of demon you are summoning. Demons are classed by strength, so the physical form summoned creature takes has infinite possibilities.
However, consider yourself warned that Lerian Montiscru is not a newbie when it comes to this. The art of summoning is rare, and the knowledge is spread through ancient, rare books. Older, and particularly richer families are known to practice the art- although even with the possession of one of these books, many find it difficult to harness. Since it is book magic (meaning you need but memorize and repeat words to summon a certain class of demon), most anyone can do it. But to truly control a demon is an entirely different thing. Some few families (old and rich) hold the tradition of conserving the art and collecting more of the books.

- In manner of weapons, she is skilled with primarily swords and daggers. She tries to avoid using guns, but knows her way around them. She prefers using her summoning magic in fights.

- Lerian is an excellent liar; more than she is a fighter. Probably one of the best. And a flirt. It's not hard to get what she wants from a man with a simple word and a wink. Although she is prideful, she has no problem playing her part and slitting throats when she has to.

- She is an amazing leader- demanding respect and fear from her crew. She knows how to command. It is in her nature, and let her be damned if she finds anyone she's willing to bow to.

Pirates; Buccaneers

The Montiscru's have been around since anybody could remember. Bastori nobles, and high up the ranks as well. They were known for their wealth and connections. A few of the many younger siblings of Lerian's had even run a Magic Merchandise store in the Empire's capital. Lerian Montiscru was to be the heir of the family, since it was tradition for the firstborn woman of the head of the family (also a woman, or her husband if she was deceased) to take over once she came of age. And Lerian loved it. She adored her life as a noble- her shiny, ignorant life.
She was pampered, given anything she wanted, and above all, she was feared. Feared and respected. Lerian thrived on this, it was a sign of power. This was one thing she never really grew out of, her love of power.
Growing up, Lerian was taught what each member- even the extended ones- of the Montiscru family knew; summoning magic. Although summoning magic was known for being able to be used by anyone (
after-all, it being book magic) - it was rare and feared. Rare, because it was powerful, feared, because it was dangerous. Or could be. Unless you are weaned into it at a young age, it's hard to handle the magic, for it in itself is like a language of it's own. Montiscru was one of the few old families that kept the practice. Talent for it ran in the family. And oh, how Lerian was talented. She hated old books about history and math, but when it came to summoning.. she was well beyond her age. She had a familiar by the time she was five. Her progress both astounded and worried her family. But her Mother, a widow and the head of the family, couldn't be any prouder. So she continued to practice it, and better she grew at it.
The day before her coming-of-age, however, is when it truly all began. The Union, apparently, had very sharp ears. They couldn't attack the Empire, not how they were then. But they knew of the Montiscru family and how could they let such a power lay in the hands of the Empire? So they burned them, like witches. Them, and their family estate. The Montiscru's did not live in the Capital in general, and the few that did were not spared either (assassins, Lerian had reasoned later, after she had gone in search for them only to find they were dead as well). And the Empire did not intervene. One, because the news arrived to late to any nearby militia, although not too late that they could have been avenged, or a few of them saved. Two, they did not think it worth the trouble. Not at the time anyway. After all, although they sided with the Empire, they were also practicing dangerous magics. It deposed for them a possible threat.
So then, how did Lerian survive? She had not been there. Not at the moment of the attack anyway. It had been odd, the way her familiar had told her to sneak into town that night instead of going to bed obediently, like she should of on the eve of her coming-of-age. Now it all made sense; her familiar had known, for whatever reason, that the Union's soldiers were on their way and warning Lerian would have just caused her to stay and try to get her family out, which by then it would be too late. Familiars value their Summoners above all else, after all. On her return, at the break of dawn, she witness her home being engulfed in flames and her own mother burned at the stake. Foolishly, she attempted to run towards the scene, only to be stopped by a woman, half-covered in clothes, an odd hat on her head and scars all over her arms, chest, back and a few on her face. She asked Lerian where the barn was, and Lerian told her, although she didn't know why. They went to the barn, and the woman mounted a horse and instructed Lerian to do the same, and she did. The woman led Lerian to safety, by luck not getting spotted by any Union soldiers.
And the woman revealed herself to be a pirate; a freelancer. "one of the best" she had said. Until that moment, Lerian had always thought Pirates of ugly moral-less men who stole and raped and fought- but this woman was not like that. She had saved Lerian. And in exchange, Lerian became a pirate. For many a year, she fought by the woman's side (Reyren, but Lee always called her Rey) as a pirate. They led a ship together, the Siren.
However, Rey was killed during a raid- (no one but Lee saw it happen) stabbed clean through the chest. That same day, the Siren sunk as well; she went down with her Captain.
It's been a year since that, and although Lerian still calls herself a Pirate, she has yet to find a worthy ship to hop on and command.

A bottle of rum, a sharp but old and warn cutlass and a marvelous dagger (gold encrusted), a compass, Rey's tricorne hat, and two journals (Rey's old and her own. Her own contains an extended collection of scribbled summoning spells, some that she remembers from her childhood and others that she has learned through her travels). Maybe an apple somewhere down her pants if she can find it.

Her current familiar is the iguana in the picture, his name is Malum and yes, he talks.
I'm really, really sorry I wrote so much for her background- just couldn't stop. She's really fun to write. ^^"
Also, she's in Freland now- probably in some bar, charming the boys so she can steal somethin' out of their pocket.
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I just has a big thing with somebody else about picking blood OR summoning.

Pick one please.
Magic is supposed to be simple here.

Otherwise your app look okay, but i'll double check dat bio
Sorry, I didn't mean to insinuate she used her blood for anything else but summoning, it's just the way the magic is is that you make formations of the ground and stuff with your blood and do some mumbling and out comes a demon/monster sorta thing. ^^" I put simply summoning now, though, is that ok? ouo
I don't exactly like how you are making up lore (only certain families have summoning magic)
Hmm, I guess I could make it more open. I mean, it's not exactly like we have a lot of lore, magic-wise, to guide ourselves on. There is also so much you can do with magic- whether it is rare, book-based, if you need ingredients, if it's elemental, etc. So I sort of took the magic-type I liked, and made it my own. Since summoning does take different sort of chanting and the like, as well as, like I mentioned, blood to make the seal, it is hard for someone who didn't grow up in it to memorize/learn it as deeply. You would also need access to really old, rare books. So, it would make sense if older families were the ones to possess a lot of that stuff and thus, keep the practice alive, since they know most well how to manage it. I'm not saying, however, that a old and rare book could end up in the hands of a commoner family. But, like I said, they wouldn't be able to draw as much information and intricate seals and summonings from it than if you had an entire library.
It's gg's world so it's likely you have control over a certain magic, you command it and it happens, no big deal I.e. I cast a fireball: a fireball forms in my hand and I throw it, no bullshit

Of course everyone has their limits
I understand that some magics were like that, I did not know that we were not allowed to be intricate. Summoning also has limits (a person is limited by both their knowledge on summoning and the summoning spells, and energy. Summoning even one demon for more than a few minutes is a heavy burden, for example). Of course, if gg doesn't like the fact that I am doing this and stuff, than that is alright and I will attempt to dumb it down as much as I can- although that would take some heavy editing from my character's bio and other stuff. I'm sorry if I'm being offensive in anyway as well. I have a habit of expanding on things more than they need to be. ;-;"

However, I would really rather keep it as it is, if you wouldn't mind.
Don't call it dumbing it down, it's more like speeding it up. Detail is a bitch. Detail looks nice sure, but it makes things super slow. Imagine larping this, would you rather frantically draw your summoning circle while a huge battle is going on and you could get shot any second or would you rather tear a demon straight from hell right then and there to help you out. The same idea applies to conversation.
Hmm, well, yes you are right in that aspect. Do you think it would be okey if I remove the summoning circle part then, and only leave the chanting part? After all, you can't expect a demon to come to your beck and call with English words. But the point still remains that you'd need old books and lots of studying up to memorize a good range of summonings.
That's fine just know that Latin May or may not exist in this world so be prepared to make shit up
Ok, I edited the information. Now it sorta speaks about how mostly anyone can learn the magic, but it's difficult without the proper equipment (the books), which are hard to come by and often hoarded by older and richer families who practice it.
So I'm gonna make a second character. :D

Name: Caspian Silver
Age: 24
Gender: M
Magic: Yuppers, he can talk to animals.
Skills: Sword fighting, gunnery and archery (more slingshot-ery though). Also navigation through the communication and use of seabirds.
Group: Pirates

(But without the captain outfit and weapons. xD)
Bio: Caspian was born to a Buccaneer and a courtesan. Honestly he had been an accident, as his father, Victor Silver first mate to a half crazed and hot headed captain, was usually very careful about what he 'did' in bed with his various women. However, that time he had been almost near breaking point with the amount of stress that came with being the first mate of a pirate that almost always put his ship and crew into harms way. Of course a pirates life was always full of dangers, but this particular captain seemed to draw the danger out intentionally.

Moving on, impregnating the courtesan had been an accident, but once he realized that said woman was pregnant, Victor decided to embrace his new role as a father. Of course he couldn't stay with her and his unborn child, but whenever he returned to Freland, he would spend time with the courtesan and give her whatever coin he had accumulated, so that she could live a somewhat comfortable life.

Unfortunately, as life is very cruel and heartless, the courtesan died three months later after the birth of their son, Caspian Silver. At the time Victor was plundering somewhere with his captain and crew, but fortunately, Caspian's mother was friends with a kind woman who took the boy in. She was willing to raise him until he reached the proper age of a young man, but Victor would have none of it. The woman was in charge of a brothel, and Victor didn't want his son surrounded by women for the majority of his life. So he took his son with him when the boy turned ten. Victor's captain, accepted the boy under the condition that he would work for his keep.

But once again, life is and always will be a cruel cruel mistress, because one day the crew decided that their Captain was way too impulsive and dangerous and decided to stage a mutiny. Unfortunately the party who started the mutiny failed to get all the crew members on their side, so the crew was split in half and the brawl that ensued was a brutal one. Men died, the Captain went a bit trigger happy and Caspian got pushed off of the side of the ship by accident. Fortunately his ability to speak to animals, saved him and he hitched a ride back to the Freland port on a whale.

Now he constantly wanders around the city, trying to find a captain that'll take him in, so that he would at least have a chance at reuniting with his father.

Inventory: A slingshot.
Clarifications of the whale; It was kind enough to rise up from the water every now and then so Caspian could breathe. It also stopped a ways away from the port, and Caspian swam the rest of the way back.

Is that okay?
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  • Love
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Am I allowed to post on the RP now? ouo
Glad to know about the Latin part.
I believe you are always allowed to post once you've been accepted :/
I'll make it official accepted yaoi.

Only problem I find with yours Taze is that your character's first name is the same as my character's last name. But that isn't that big of a deal, accepted

I recall you saying that you were going to play the npc of everyship that we attack. Does that still hold true, or can I continue with the scene? Just makin' sure before I do anything, ya know.
I'm pretty sure that he will play this out
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