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The woman frowned. "They are evil people. They do not deserve to rule as they do." She said quietly. "Are you associated with them?" The young boy and girl immediately hid behind their mother.

Azle stepped back. "It's a game, Crow. They can make people do whatever they want them to. It's programmed." she sighed. "NO. We are not associated with them."

The woman relaxed a little. "Why do you ask, then?"


Mia smiled softly. "And you, Nicholas, are perfect." she said in a gentle voice, placing a soft, quick kiss on his lips before her head rested against his chest.

The King and Queen turned around the corner, going towards the library. As they entered, they sat at one of the tables, still discussing their latest decision to cut down food in the city.
Chrissy giggled at his pose and stepped toward the counter. "I dunno what I want. Surprise me?" She asked. Chrissy was shocked to find that she wasn't as nervous as she thought she'd be without Mia. Cian seemed to be very good at making her smile.
Crow sighed when Azle began to ramble about it being a game again. "Yeah, whatever." he mumbled while staring at the ground, until the woman asked something. "Well, I wanted to..." he paused for a little, hesitating, but then continued to speak. "We are planning to attack them and stop them from ruling over this kingdom. So I wanted to ask... Would you be on our side?"
The woman's spirits brightened. "Of course! I can wield a crossbow very well." she noticed Crow had no weapon, however, Azle had a sword. She turned, kneeling beside the bed, pulling out a long case and holding it out to Crow. "For you...for saving my life." she smiled.
When he heard the woman's answer, a determined smile appeared on Crow's face. It seemed like the villagers hated the royals as much as they did. If they continued to help them, they could get a lot of help from them in their battle against the royals. Then the woman handed a long case to Crow, and he accepted it. With a surprised look on his face, he opened the case to see what was inside...
There was a long black sword with an intricate silver design on it of a dragon. The handle was silver as well. Azle smiled. "Now you have a sword." she said.

The woman bowed, her left arm crossing her chest. "I will be honored to help you on your mission, and it would be an even higher honor if you keep the sword, sir."
Nicholas held Mia close for a few moments, then looked around. "Should we see what Chrissy and Cian are up to or shall we give them a few moments more. Personally I think we should give them a few more moments." He grinned devilishly. "Now that may or may not have anything to with the fact that I would like to spend more time alone with you." He tipped her chin up playfully with his hand. Then presses a soft kiss to her lips.
Cian grinned and went to the fridge. After a few seconds of looking he pulled out some eggs, cheese, ham and milk. Keeping his back to her, he set the food down and pulled a cupboard door open to block her view of what he placed the counter. He looked in the cupboard until he found a bowl, then he looked around for silverware. After finding the drawer he pulled out a fork. He then walked to the other food and began to mix it. Then he pulled the door open again, looking back to give her a lopsided smiled. After finding a spatula and skillet. He found some cooking spray, and moved to the stove keeping his back to her still as he grabbed the mixed eggs into the skillet. Finally he finished them and got two plates then forks. He placed the food on the bar in the middle of the kitchen. Both plates were sat in front of two bar stools. He grinned and opened his arms showing off the food. "Scrambled eggs."
Crow picked up the sword from the case and looked at it closer. "This... this is amazing!" he said with a big smile on his face, while he enthusiastically swung it around to try it out. Then he looked at the woman again. "Uhm... Thank you..." he said nervously, blushing. He never really thanked people, but this woman had been so kind to him...
Mia smiled softly against the kiss, kissing him back. She kinda didn't want to go find her sister. She wanted to stay. She leaned gently against him.


The woman smiled. "No need for thanks..I owe my life to you."

Azle started to speak, but turned as something hissed. A snake. The two children screamed, but Azle drove her sword through its head as it struck, barely inches from her hand. "You're safe now." she leaned on the wall. The two kids stared.
Chrissy was normally very impatient and a few times, she did try to peek at what Cian was making, but then she reminded herself that she had been the one to ask him to surprise her. So she stayed quiet on her bar stool and tried to keep her deep blue eyes distracted until he brought two plates and utensils for them. Cian announced their meal with a flourish and she beamed. "Thank you." Chrissy smiled. She took a careful bite from her plate and closed her eyes. "Delicious."
"Yeah..." Crow replied, unsure of what to say to the woman. Then he noticed the snake behind them after it made a hissing sound, and watched as Azle attacked the animal. He sighed a little from relief when he saw the snake had been killed. Then he looked back at the woman and her children.
The little girl continued to hide behind the woman, but the little boy walked forwards, hugging Crow tightly. "Thank you sir." he said quietly.

Azle smiled softly at the sight, but said nothing.
" Who are these people?" Aster walked trough the gate into the room "Why do they wear these weird clothes?" Aster closely inspected them as he walked to one of the strangers. He raised the chin of Crow with the point of his blade. "Hmm.. Miss, you arent holding any outsiders here know are you? You do now the cost of that!"

(sorry i just hopped in)
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Walter responded to Cien question by saying "I am sorry Mr. Cien but I do not know were you can get another map but I can be your guide for this castle" Walter then suddenly felt hungry after looking at the scrambled eggs Cien made which made Walter ask Cien if he could have some as well.
Crow felt the arms of the little boy around his body, which made him feel really uncomfortable. "Yeah, yeah..." was the only thing he could bring out. Suddenly, a stranger walked in and held the point of his blade under his chin. "Who are you?" Crow asked rudely, as he looked at the stranger with an angry look on his face.
Azle looked at the boy, then the stranger. She pulled her sword, pointing it at the man. "If you should know, I'm a warrior of the city. I would be the first to know if outsiders were here, sir." She said, her words practically hisses. She tapped his sword with her's. "Drop the sword from my friend. NOW."

The woman watched, wide-eyed. "I-I d-do not h-hold a-any outsid-ders.." the woman stuttered, scared of the confrontation between Azle and the man.
Aster looked questionly to Azle, almost, a quiet laugh. ''My dear, i think you are wrong. I am the one who should be giving YOU orders. Hahaha... Now now, little warrior. What might your name be? Or did you forget? Hahahaaa....'' Aster grabbed the little boy by his neck and looked him in the eyes with a evil look. ''Look boy, if you EVER want to become a true warrior then kill this dog. KILL IT!''
Azle's eyes narrowed and she pressed the edge of her sword against his hand. "Put the kid down. I'm Azle."

The boy stared at Aster wide-eyed. He was shaking.

Azle pressed the blade between two plates of Aster's armor. "Put. Him. Down." she said as the blade came in contact with skin. "Now."
Aster his anger was kept inside himself to prevent any bodys flying around. ''Well well, quite the hasty type arent you? You might wanna put that sword away if you know whats good for you, my dear.'' Aster dropped the boy on the ground. ''My name is Aster, leader and captain of the army. I am in command of over 1500 warriors and rangers. Hahahaaa... and now, if you leave me alone... i wont hurt you.'' Aster looked at the boy. ''NOW KILL THIS DOG ALREADY! Its making too much noise!'' 2 soldiers came in walking and brutally murdered the dog, leaving no skin behind. ''That will make some good leather armour for the slaves.''
The boy stared, tears in his eyes. The little girl screamed and the mother wrapped her arms around the children, her eyes glued to the ground.

Azle's grip on the sword tightened, but she withdrew it, instead slashing the ground at his feet. "I don't care who you are. You have no right to come in and mess with these children." she stepped in front of the mother and two children. It was obvious she was angry, the fire burning in her eyes. She hated, no, loathed people like that. They were bullies. Nusiance. She kept her sword down, but was tensed. "Leave these people alone, now. Or I will fight. And I'm sure that between you and I, it will be an interesting fight."
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