The Fine Line Between Love and Hate (w/ Blooming B

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"You said we should stop by the house first, remember? T-That was the whole point, to be sneaky and whatnot. I mean, I should probably go to school, too... I bet Ms. Nevette will pop a vein when she sees me, eh?" He tried to tease, before leading his brother out of the café.
"...I suppose, but she likes you. Contrary to what you think, she does like us more than some of the others in the class," he admitted tiredly, cracking his knuckles before easily cuddling up to his side. "Though I suppose that warmth is disappearing. You haven't attended class in ages."​
"... I know, i'm sorry." He replied quietly, before shrugging. "It's jusr, I cant see myself doing anything productive. Like, I can see you being a teacher or scientist because you're smart, and I'm pretty terrible at everything. It seems pointless to go if I'll just be as stupid as I was before."
"But you need the qualifications, and... say we do go back to our kingdom at some point. Everyone will be amazed and pretty awe-inspired that we have some human degrees," he optimistically smiled, looping their arms to inch closer to him. "Honestly, quit being so... pessimistic. You're as smart as I am, dummy."​
"I'm clearly not when I don't seem to succeed in any of my classes." He easily defended, while clinging to his brother tight aswell. "I mean, look at my grades? Compared to yours? It's sort of sad on my part."
"...In my defence, I've been doing a lot of revision way into the early hours of the morning," he quietly admitted, half-expecting his brother to react like their mother would - furiously and with intense rage for his stupidity. "I'm just determined, idiotically so, and... look, I'll definitely help you out, I promise."​
He offered a shrug in response as he trailed along, rubbing his eyes wearily. "I dunno. I mean, I guess I'm not as determined as you? I'm sorry. That's just not something I enjopy doing, I guess."
"Well, that's... sorta dumb, but... whatever. You're better at other stuff? Like, socially, I guess? I mean, we're both unpopular, don't get me wrong, but you're better with Mom and the family? I'm sort of always revising and reading, so... conversation is pretty awkward," he admitted with a quick laugh, eager to push whatever awkwardness was hanging around them, obviously mostly as a result of Jakob's father's apparent flirtation, however unlikely that was upon reflection.

"I'm pretty sure Mom loves you more than me. You can actually put up with her, whereas I can't. I piss her off a lot of the time."​
"Now THAT'S dumb." He snorted, while offering a raised brow with a soft huff. "Mom absolutely adores you, Cobie. You're, like, the most likely to really have a career and stuff if we don't go back to our kingdom. She's proud, you know? And she only really gives me attention because I'm a nuisance. What... What made you think that?"
Cobie awkwardly shrugged, never being one to actually reveal what was going on. Granted, he was always the first to enjoy gossiping, and to moan about trivial things, but his actual, deep-rooted feelings of insecurity? He only ever mentioned it to Folie, and even that was a rarity nowadays. "I... I dunno. She yells at me a lot, and she hardly raises her voice to you. I just feel that she likes you more-- I'm being dumb, obviously, I know that. But... whatever! Let's just... get home, get our stuff and go to school?"​
"We can talk more about this on the way there, I suppose. But... You were the one who told me not to keep stuff bottled inside, right? Well, I hardly think it's fair for you to do the same. I'm your brother, so be honest with me. We don't really have anyone else."
"I've been honest! I've told you I don't want Benji, a-and you continually insist that I ought to stay simply because he loves me! I... I don't want to date him. He's nice, but he suffocates me and... I can't be with someone who I don't love, it's not fair on me or him, right?" He began to awkwardly babble, again afraid of his brother simply shooting down his honesty. Well, Folie had hardly shot him down, but Cobie had a tendency to over-exaggerate scenarios in his head.​
"I'm not saying you should stay with him, I'm just suggesting that you try and let him down lightly? He's a nice person, and I don't think that saying something should cause you to both be cut from one another's lives." He offered weakly, only to purse his lips as he tried to sneak into the small bungalow
"...I love you, you know," he quickly blurted, pecking his brother's cheek affectionately, squeezing his hand a he at least attempted to aid him by creaking the door open as quietly as possible. "You... You help me far more than you realise. I... may have the intelligence at school, but you definitely are adept at social stuff like advice and comforting and... that's such a good skill!"​
Giggling quietly at the claims, he offered a bashful smile while snatching his brother's hand tight in his own quickly only to head straight to the kitchenc for their lunch. "You honestly think I'm good at that sort of thing? I suck! I mean... I guess, I dunno."
"I think you excel at that stuff. You should go into therapy, because you're an excellent listener and... people trust and open up to you, I think. I definitely do, and Mom says I can be like her: put up a shield and block people out," he shrugged, quietly taking his seat at the table with a great deal of calm after realising their mother wasn't around to yell at them, and hopefully, hadn't noticed that they had slipped out anyway.​
"Well, I mean, I hope I can help you with that more? I want you to be able to come to me just like I feel okay coming to you, about anything. Now, ah... Let's get some toast for the road and head out soon? I'll check up on mom in a bit, to make sure she's okay." He murmured warily, the unusual lack of their mother seeming to be more worrisome for Folie than his brother.
"Why? She's either in bed, resting, or she's gone out to the market for supplies. Don't worry about Mom," he reassured, having gone past the point of fretting about the woman - if she could sneak out of a kingdom, away from their father, with him and his twin as young babies and the rest of their siblings, then surely she could manage a few hours alone without anybody worrying? "You shouldn't worry, you know. You used to tell me not to ever stress out, and now look who's fretting~!"​
He huffed in response while popping the bread into the toaster easily. "Well, let's just head out then, eh? I don't want to miss school if you're making me go. I want to apologize to Ms. Nevette. I mean, she's super nice..." He babbled on easily, before nibbling the toast with a hungry purr while gripping his bag tight.
"She's really mad at you, though," he warned, opting not to have anything to eat -it tended to make him feel queasy- and instead tugged on his gloves with a shy smile. "So don't think she'll let you off easily-- she thinks you could easily pass the exam, if you actually attended and... oh god, Benji's in that class, Folie! I... I can't skip, that'd be so hypocritical..."​
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