The Experiment *CLOSED*

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((Running area first, then tube, Then the convo station, then the wall)
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She then started to sprint, and sprint, seemingly to out all her end grey into that one, then diving into the dark blue tube she tried told almost down and crawl out in a proper manner, and not flailing everywhere. She finally popped her head out, getting up.
Darren blinked, caught off guard by the speed, but quickly jotted down the 50 second time. He saw the three turn to six and speaking beginning. "Great time there! Keep going." He said into the mic. A bit unorthodox for a scientist to praise the subject, but he wanted to.
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She goes to the conversation station, jogging a bit to get there quicker. She gave him a small smile, sweat already on her forehead.
"Good afternoon miss. How old are you, what's your name?" The hologram asked, smiling softly at Emi. "I am Ashley." the hologram added.
"Good afternoon, to you too, Ashley. I'm 24 years old and my name is Emi." She said quickly, sucking in air. Smiling politely.
Ashley giggled softly. "I'm 24 too! When is your birthday? I was born in March! My favorite flower is a Lily, what is yours?"

Darren glanced at the time. Good, good.
Emi froze at mentioning her birthday.. She knew her birthday.. But never really celebrated it.. So it kinda made it useless to remember. But she still had it.

Emi laughed softly. "Cool! I was born April, the 26th, 1990." She grinned and paused, "My favorite flower is a Rose. Lilies are pretty!"
Ashley smiled brightly. "That's awesome! Well, have a wonderful day, and good luck on the rest of your test!" The hologram disappeared.

Darren quickly jotted down the note. 2 minutes for the convo. He added the times just to see how much time she had left. about 4 minutes had been used...she had 2 or 3 minutes left. He held his breath.
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She sprinted toward the wall... The massive wallt hat had nothing on it to get over, she had to put it on herself. She got a plastic looking rock,to support her when she climbs. She grabbed two. Only two. She stuck one on the wall, stepping on to it, then she reached all she can and stuck the other one up high.. How would she get to that one..? Amazingly, she jumped right, looking like she was going to fall off, she grabbed the side of the wall. Not other side, but.. The middle. And scooted herself up, stepping onto the highest rock she put up, she made herself get over. Dangling, she picking up the near by rock, and put it breath her, she almost slipped, falling just a little.... Wait. She did fall. She fell, gasping and only holding herself up by holding on to the rock. She sighed in relief, letting go of the rock and she landed safely. And landed with a roll.
Darren almost jumped out of the seat as she fell. He tensed, his hands landing on the table as he started to stand, then fell back in the seat with a sigh. There was a small 'beeep' as the test ended, the timer freezing. 4.50 minutes. Darren beamed, applauding. "Wonderful job, come over here now." He said softly before taking the headset off. He glanced at the screen. At least half of the staff had gathered to watch. She'd broken a lab record, which was 5 minutes. He quickly jotted the scores down before looking over to her.
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She wiped sweat off of her forehead and grinned at the floor and him, she ran over to him, wanting to give him a hug. So she did. Her face burying into his chest,

"Bring me home with you now,"

Her voice sounding fragile,
Derren held her close. "In just a little, okay?" he whispered softly to her. He let go, standing to greet the others that now entered.
"Damn...Axel, I never thought you'd get a successful DNA subject!" One man said and laughter snuck through the group. Derren rolled his eyes.
"Well, Emi broke the record. She passed the test. I'm going to take her out to see how she is outside-"
"Woah, wait a second. Did you just say she was going to leave with you?" Immediately, the entire group went silent, several leaving.

This time, it was Derren's turn to smirk. "I did say that. And I have authority to do so." He held up his yellow badge. One below full-access, which was red. "See you tomorrow." He turned, holding his hand out to Emi. "C'mon Emi." he smiled softly.
Emi held his hand tightly. "They are jerks." She said quietly. Her heart racing.. She hasn't been outside the facility for ages.. She was ready.

[time skip..?]
((To when they get to his house?))

Darren led her out of the room. "Jealousy gets the best of people." He sighed.

She nodded, snuggling up to his arm. "...What if sprout a tail and so,e whiskers?" She asked al the sudden. "That would be funny." She giggled.
Darren chuckled softly. "It would, I don't know what I'd do then!"


It had been two hours before he pulled into his driveway. It was already a little past noon. He climbed out of the car and motioned for Emi to follow as he unlocked and opened his front door.
She was nervous for some reason... She didn't know why. "You have any pets?" She asks shakily, smiling a little. "I'm hungry..." She stated plainly..
"No, no pets... Sorry Emi. I can fix you a sandwich if you want." He said, closing the door behind her and turning on the radio. He always let the radio play while he was home.
Emi nodded, smiling. "Yeah.. That's would nice." She stated, suddenly looking around inside his comfy home,
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