The Elder Scrolls: Resurgence of the Frost

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Alright, fine, I eat my words!

also, your sig creeps me out, I just imagine myself waking up and seeing THAT in my face!
My sig is adorable. I want a crow and I will teach it all the vulgarities in the world.

Also, Soul's concerns. Seriously, take your time with the sheet and read over all the stuff on the first post to make sure you cover all your bases.

Also, all new players will be starting in Winterhold as a head's up, so make sure it's feasible for your character to be there.
Oh, yea, remember when Sevari has rudimentary knowledge of illusion spells? Yea, I forget about that a lot too. I updated Sevari's CS with a very short spell list.
Speaking of spell list was mine ever approved?

I'm going to be honest with you here. We turn away 99% of werewolf and vampire character sheets because of how the affliction is seen as more of a powerup rather than a hindrance. Also, the armor is a no-go. I understand the confusion of the semantics behind the Nordic Armor as it's named in-game, but the Nordic Armor in-game is made by the Skaal is only found in Solstheim worn by the Skaal.

And Maroon's taken, it doesn't help that you've emboldened your Maroon, please change the color.
edited, I hope I can still be ww tho.
edited, I hope I can still be ww tho.
There are some real possibilities for a serious take on werewolf if you're willing to have it as an affliction rather than an upgrade. For one thing, it would be tied to the moon. Beary would constantly be keeping track of dates, numbers, he'd be a wreck mentally. And what if the others found out? What good is a tank no one can trust not to wolf out and attack them too?

I played a seriously damaged heavy hitter for a long time and I can tell you it's not easy so make sure it's what you want.
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edited, I hope I can still be ww tho.
Keep the fact in mind that werewolves are shunned from society and the overwhelming majority can not control their actions when in their changed state. They also can't control when they change, depending on factors like mood and phase of the moons. It is a highly unpredictable disease in comparison to vampirism, as with vampirism, the afflicted never changes drastically in physiology.

I can not stress this enough, take time on your sheet. Create a person, not a platform for which you can experiment with how cool it is to be a werewolf. Lycanthropy is hardly welcomed by the people who have it and those who do have it are a scourge upon society. Ask yourself how your character contracted Lycanthropy, how it's effected their relationships with their friends and family(your character was not created in a vacuum), and what this has done to the personality of your character given how they were like before Lycanthropy.

I'm telling you right now, take the sheet seriously, put some time into it and feel free to shoot Dervish and I a group PM to work with us. We are highly receptive of people who are willing to work with us. To be frank, we'd rather have you consult with us to best make a character you're proud of and doesn't grate against the rules of the RP than to just wait around so we can just reject you or tell you to change this, this and that for the umpteenth time, thus holding you up and wearing away at your will to RP with us.
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Here's the relevant part of the rules for werewolves and vampires:

10. Vampire and werewolf characters are a potential possibility, but this is similar to the weapon rules where it's going to be based more around role playing than stats. People aren't going to react well to finding out their companion could turn into a flesh hungry monster at any minute, and many of the religious, paranoid, or sensible types will likely try to kill them for it on the spot. If you do decide to go this route, your application will face higher levels of scrutiny than others because we need to make sure that you can actually properly role play somebody who is struggling to control their disease and accept that if it's discovered, they face a very difficult road ahead.

This, plus what Witty said, is definitely something for consideration, and of all our years GMing Elder Scrolls game, this game is the first one where we trusted a player's intentions for having a character be a vampire. Unfortunately, way too many people really just treat vampirism and lycanthropy like it's just a skill buff or to be a badass character instead of treating it like it's the infliction it actually is. Characters with lycanthropy are constantly battling a feral side of themselves and the knowledge that every full moon, they will transform against their will and be a mindless beast that only wishes to kill and consume. The Companions seem to have means to control their transformation, but even so they have to remain constantly vigilant not to let their beastial nature consume them, and many like Kodlak Whitemane wanted to be cured of it because anyone who is a werewolf is promised to Hiricine and can never reach Sovengarde, making it something of a crisis of faith. Some relish this condition and see it as a gift, but more often than not people end up as hermits, recluses, and generally avoid civilization because they can't live with the idea they'd kill and consume another person. It's seriously a fucked up predicament.

Basically, it comes down to we scrutinize sheets with vampire and werewolf submissions because we really are concerned about roleplaying and character building, not mimicking a video game.
Speaking of spell list was mine ever approved?

Looks fine to moi! Nothing obscenely out of the blue there and it's not a giant laundry list. Remember that one guy who submitted a crazy stupidly overpowered mage character who literally had every single spell in the series at his disposal? You aren't him, so don't worry, it's fine. XD
Is this still open?
Is that the Amber? Oh boy, this is like an elder scrolls family reunion.
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Wow, it really is like a reunion! :) I'm excited to write with y'all again! It's been much too long.
Hey, Dervs, remember when you wanted a crow?
My excitement died when I saw they were 1500-2000 dollahs. That's almost as much as my Tavor. D:

But since it's a reunion of sorts, somebody should bust out a box of our finest wine and indulge in some good old nostalgia. Remember when I sucked at GMing? Hahaha, oh those were the days!

Is this still open?
We be still accepting applications for the two remaining spots! Although, don't worry; we tend to bend the rules a bit for when we have returning players from previous games and we don't count them against the new spots because we want to give new people a chance while enjoying the esteemed company of our alumni. It's a swanky compromise, me thinks.
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