The Elder Scrolls: Resurgence of the Frost

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Revolution turned me off as a show because somehow guns don't work anymore and I saw a plane falling out of the sky at a 90 degree angle after all power was lost.

Didja know that technology is the only thing keeping gravity from completely fucking over the laws of physics with its overbearing tyrany?
I've given Markain a chance to talk with Sevari and Zaveed so he gets some player interaction.
Do we at the college know any more or less than the locals? More if we cared enough to try magical means and less if the mages characteristically went with 'not our problem' for eight hundred.
Didja know that technology is the only thing keeping gravity from completely fucking over the laws of physics with its overbearing tyrany?
I feel like I need an explanation. Science is my weakest suit >_>
Do we at the college know any more or less than the locals? More if we cared enough to try magical means and less if the mages characteristically went with 'not our problem' for eight hundred.
With both the riots and the generally crappy relations between the college and the town, the College is pretty much just as in the dark as the locals, and likely just as concerned about current events.

I feel like I need an explanation. Science is my weakest suit >_>
The industrial age weakened gravity, obviously. If anything were thrown, it would just go down to the earth in a 90 degree angle, like Soul said.
I feel like I need an explanation. Science is my weakest suit >_>
The glaring inaccuracies with the show's portrayal of power loss is that power loss would have no impact on guns and the plane that fell at a 90 degree angle out of the sky would've instead glided for a bit and experienced a deepening of the curve of the angle at which it fell as it lost velocity instead of just literally dropped out of the sky.
Do we at the college know any more or less than the locals? More if we cared enough to try magical means and less if the mages characteristically went with 'not our problem' for eight hundred.
Dervish has it right. About the only thing the College faculty know that the townspeople don't is to the same effect as Markain. Detect life spells yield interesting results.
I noticed the plane thing, I remember that now. I didn't realize you were being quite so sarcastic XD Anyway, I know they had some kind of explanation for the guns not working, but I didn't care for it. I thought it was kind of ridiculous, but the show was fun to watch IMO.
I noticed the plane thing, I remember that now. I didn't realize you were being quite so sarcastic XD Anyway, I know they had some kind of explanation for the guns not working, but I didn't care for it. I thought it was kind of ridiculous, but the show was fun to watch IMO.

Yea, I watched a couple episodes of it. I didn't like how the main protagonist refused to hurt any antagonists like everyone else wanted to. I've kind of moved away from most 30min TV dramas on basic cable in lieu of GoT, House of Cards, Vikings and almost too much weeb animu depravity.
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I'll join

what race would you prefer happen?

I mean, I would OBVIOUSLY want to be Khajiit (I mean, the name says it all), but there seem to be an awful amount of those in this roleplay...
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I'll join

but it may not be for a long time, using this as the thing to hold me off until the 'other' hefty skyrim RP starts (and that all depends on how it is in comparison to this, and how much it demands, BOTH seem pretty demanding tbh...)

what race would you prefer happen?

I mean, I would OBVIOUSLY want to be Khajiit (I mean, the name says it all), but there seem to be an awful amount of those in this roleplay...

A whole stinking litter of two. Disgusting, if you ask me.

according to your picture, I seem to have more guts than you!


You'll fit in fine here.

More of the man races would be good. Affirmative action and all that.

I'll join

but it may not be for a long time, using this as the thing to hold me off until the 'other' hefty skyrim RP starts (and that all depends on how it is in comparison to this, and how much it demands, BOTH seem pretty demanding tbh...)

what race would you prefer happen?

I mean, I would OBVIOUSLY want to be Khajiit (I mean, the name says it all), but there seem to be an awful amount of those in this roleplay...
Coming in and saying we're basically to tide you over until the other one starts with a high chance of you leaving isn't a great way to start off, to be honest.

We want people who are in here for the long haul and are willing to put in the effort. Last Elder Scrolls game Soul and I ran went for nearly 3 years. Very few other games make it past a month or two.
Name: Tolfir 'Beary' Ladron

Race: Nord

Subrace: Werewolf

Family Origins: Whiterun, Skyforge. He later moved to just outside of Witerun due to the WW issues.


His alias fits the description pretty good, he's a grizzly, middle-aged man with a strong, intimidating build from lifting and using very heavy equipment, (I also heard those transformations give you some quick abs too! so there's a plus!), but don't let his intimidating stance harm you, he means good, and is very kind, for the most part. He has a casual wear, and then of course, he has this Nordic steel armor he hand-made himself.
Age: 34

*no need dervish, you're fine, unless you can get a closeup of the side of that helmet, to give that sexy bear look*
x1 Full set Iron armor
x1 Steel Greatsword
x1 Bear Pelt (He wears it on his head)
x5 days worth of food
x5 steel ingots
x1 tent equipment for living on the go
x3 minor health potions
x2 health potions
x1 wine
(he keeps all misc. in a sack he slings around his back when traveling.
NOTE: Please keep track of your inventory use!

Major Skills:
+ Armor
Moderate Skills:
~No Minor Skills~

~No Spells~
Character Background: A decently descriptive backstory explaining who your character is and how they developed into the person they now are. You don't have to go too crazy, but a few well-written paragraphs would be nice. It gives us an idea of your ability as a writer.


Fighting Style:
The tank. He will go out headfirst into battle when provoked, he will then attempt to brutally murder you with his sword, fists, and, as a werewolf, with his claws and mouth. He won't car how he its you as long as it cuts deep and deals damage. Although he's not very tactile, or swift, he doesn't need to be with the sheer brute strength he has!

Personality: Briefly explain what your character's personality is generally like, including quirks, faults, and so on. The goal is to make a believable person, not a Mary or Gary Sue. There's a special place in hell for those kinds of characters.

Font Colour: Burnt Orange
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Well, you tell me, you JOINED the other one I is talking about.

Oh, I wouldn't sweat it! By the time it comes, I probably would've fallen to much in love with the roleplay to leave it.
I didn't join it, I just said I might if my schedule was empty enough. The more I read into it, the more I decided it wasn't for me.

Still, we want to make sure people are joining this because they like what they see and not just because it's a fandom they like.
I didn't join it, I just said I might if my schedule was empty enough. The more I read into it, the more I decided it wasn't for me.

Still, we want to make sure people are joining this because they like what they see and not just because it's a fandom they like.
Alright, fine, I eat my words!

also, your sig creeps me out, I just imagine myself waking up and seeing THAT in my face!
Name: Tolfir 'Beary' Ladron

Race: Nord

Subrace: Werewolf

Family Origins: Whiterun, Skyforge. He later moved to just outside of Witerun due to the WW issues.


His alias fits the description pretty good, he's a grizzly, middle-aged man with a strong, intimidating build from lifting and using very heavy equipment, (I also heard those transformations give you some quick abs too! so there's a plus!), but don't let his intimidating stance harm you, he means good, and is very kind, for the most part. He has a casual wear, and then of course, he has this Nordic steel armor he hand-made himself.
Age: 34

*no need dervish, you're fine, unless you can get a closeup of the side of that helmet, to give that sexy bear look*
x1 Full set of custom Nordic Steel armor (we'll just call it Bear Armor)
x1 Steel Greatsword
x5 days worth of food
x5 steel ingots
x1 tent equipment for living on the go
x3 minor health potions
x2 health potions
x1 wine
(he keeps all misc. in a sack he slings around his back when traveling.
NOTE: Please keep track of your inventory use!

Major Skills:
+Heavy Armor
Moderate Skills:
~No Minor Skills~

~No Spells~
Character Background: A decently descriptive backstory explaining who your character is and how they developed into the person they now are. You don't have to go too crazy, but a few well-written paragraphs would be nice. It gives us an idea of your ability as a writer.


Fighting Style:
The tank. He will go out headfirst into battle when provoked, he will then attempt to brutally murder you with his sword, fists, and, as a werewolf,, with his claws and mouth. Although he's not very tactile, or swift, he doesn't need to be with the sheer brute strength he has!
Don't poke the bear!

Personality: Briefly explain what your character's personality is generally like, including quirks, faults, and so on. The goal is to make a believable person, not a Mary or Gary Sue. There's a special place in hell for those kinds of characters.

Font Colour: Maroon+Bold
I'm going to be honest with you here. We turn away 99% of werewolf and vampire character sheets because of how the affliction is seen as more of a powerup rather than a hindrance. Also, the armor is a no-go. I understand the confusion of the semantics behind the Nordic Armor as it's named in-game, but the Nordic Armor in-game is made by the Skaal is only found in Solstheim worn by the Skaal.

And Maroon's taken, it doesn't help that you've emboldened your Maroon, please change the color.
So Beary is a Skaal? Soul, lore check, Reachmen would dislike Skaal as they're older variants of Nord or like Skaal because their affinity for alternate pantheons and lack of claims to the Reach?

Just got the alert, carry on.
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