The Elder Scrolls: Resurgence of the Frost

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

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It's definitely a lot easier to post in this RP than the last.
I feel like it's intentional is why I bring it up but the Ozymandias walls of texts from the last RP are much more manageable molehills than mountains here and it makes me feel like less of a copout when I can only post a few paragraphs. If It IS intentional, I personally appreciate it and think brevity may be the soul we were missing all along (get it? Because Wit?) If not, serendipity :p
I feel like it's intentional is why I bring it up but the Ozymandias walls of texts from the last RP are much more manageable molehills than mountains here and it makes me feel like less of a copout when I can only post a few paragraphs. If It IS intentional, I personally appreciate it and think brevity may be the soul we were missing all along (get it? Because Wit?) If not, serendipity :p
It most certainly isn't intentional, it's just that there hasn't been a lot of NPCs that Soul and I have to write for, and everyone's on the same path, currently. There may be times where there's big honking walls of text, but seriously, never ever feel pressured to try and match that. We'd rather people post what they're comfortable with instead of feeling pressured to pump out content; it's not fun for anybody and the games stop moving. I wish the people in the last game understood that. The reason we have to write a shitload of stuff is GM reasons, not that we expect you guys to follow suit.

But I'm glad you're finding it easier to keep on top of!
Feel pressured >:D
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I get it. Because that guy is also in game of thrones, I'm one for two.
Hello friends and lovers, I have returned from my daily voyage to the land of labor and minimum wage. How fare thee?
Very well, a-thank-you. Charon will return for our daily voyage in a few, so I gots to get moving on that C.S. Can't expect Blade to hold the fort on his own and hog all of that glorious gore.

With Artie and Witty onboard, there are 2/4 slots still up grabs.

To the other 50 candidates lurking: PLEASE DELAY (lol).
Very well, a-thank-you. Charon will return for our daily voyage in a few, so I gots to get moving on that C.S. Can't expect Blade to hold the fort on his own and hog all of that glorious gore.

With Artie and Witty onboard, there are 2/4 slots still up grabs.

To the other 50 candidates lurking: PLEASE DELAY (lol).

We always keep a reserve spot for you.

Also, I'm doing good. Still broke, still fine af fam
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So we're waiting for the last two positions to be filled, yes?
Sorry haven't been around much lately, gotten a bit busy. @Artorias Sorry to hold you up if you wanted to post again, but Pellegrino and I might be cooking something up post-wise, which should get sorted out soon-ish.
Hey, Nyx, just noticed your avatar... Nice. XD Nobody knows that show. I didn't read and don't really plan to read the books, but the show is kind of entertaining. Like Revolution, which I still haven't seen season two of ;-; anyway, just wanted to give a shout out there. :) Great character, she is. Clark and her friends kinda bother me... quite a lot. But the show in general is pretty good XD It's just YA/Teenage logic that I go "Really? Nobody would fucking make that decision and it would never work out that well." But the plot is pretty good regardless of that.
Revolution turned me off as a show because somehow guns don't work anymore and I saw a plane falling out of the sky at a 90 degree angle after all power was lost.
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