The Easterling Army

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Freya faced the wall of the bubble and started tracing patterns and started humming again. She was used to silences and was quite happy to have them. But she needed to have something to take the silence away, every since she started travelling with Valtir, silence made her awkward.
Valtir stood up straight and looked up at the river. "I think I'll go out for a moment once he passes over again and see if he leaves... Will you stay here?" He continued to stare straight up, waiting for the shadow to come back...
Freya nods, "I'll be here when you come back down..." She went back to humming a tune softly to herself and continued to trace patterns.
The balrog flew over once more. Valtir was surprised that it still hadnt given up it's search, but still he stepped out of the bubble and swam up to investigate. When he breached the surface, he watched the Balrog continue to fly away, more standing vigil than searching.
Freya continued tracing patterns and humming, as she did so, she moved around the bubble, tracing the patterns as she went. She would occasionally look up to see what was happening
He watched for a few moment, then the creature seemed to turn to the east and head back into the brown lands. He swam back down and fell through the roof of the bubble, landing on his feet, but drenched once again.

"I think he's gone, but I wouldnt risk it just yet. Shall we wait for a bit before we head off again?" Valtir watched as Freya created patterns in the bubbles around him.
She nodded, "We shall.." She continued the tracing until she got to where she had started. She nodded and hummed a final tune. The patterns traced into the bubble began to pulsate slightly. Freya nodded once again and smiled softly.
Valtir looked around at the lightshow around him. It was even more beautiful than before. He laid down with his back against the damp river bed and looed up, captivated each time the lights pulsated.

"This is amazing, Freya. You really have a talent with art..."
She shrugs it off and sits on the damp river bed. "Its nothing really.." She stretches slightly before lying on her back, "Its something i learnt to do fairly early in my training..."
Valtir edged to the side slightly, feeling awkward suddenly now that Freya had laid down next to him. He wanted to keep the conversation going so things didnt get any weirder, but his mind decided it would completely blank out on him, and nothing came up for his to talk about.

"Um, yeah... That's cool..." He swallowed and continued looking up at the bubble around him.
Freya noticed the slight movement and chuckled softly, more amused than anything, but didnt say anything. "I could teach you if you want..Its actually pretty easy.."
"Oh... Alright then. If you wanted. What do I need to do?" he stayed laying down, not sure if getting up would come across as him being too eager to get away from the awkwardness.
She sat up and crossed her legs. Freya looked off to the side slightly and held her hand out and slowly, some water snaked its way to her palm. She smiled and drew the water out in the air so it resembled a sheet of paper. "well, sit up for starters..."
Valtir sat up next to her and stared at the water she was manipulating as if it had a mind of it's own.

"How are you managing that?" he said, slightly dumbfounded.
She smirked slightly, "Magic..." She chuckled slightly and rolled her eyes, "You need to see water as it flows, it pulls and push, much like air..but more complicated...But you can work off of this. First, choose a your mind. Dont draw anything yet."
"Alright..." Valtir focused for a moment, then put an image into his mind of the patterns on the walls around him. He wasnt good at art anyway. "Now what do I do...?"
She tilts her head, thinking of the best way to explain it, "Magic in each person, is different... Sometimes it takes a color, like how mine is icy blue. Imagine your finger is a pencil, feel the magic flowing through you and to your hand...It will feel like a tingling sensation.."
Valtir considered this for a moment, the held his hand to the sheet of water and ran his finger along it, creating nothing but ripples. He tried again, focusing as hard as he could but still nothing happened. He let his hand fall back to his side and bowed his head.

"Ah, whatever. I'll live without being able to do that anyway, I'm sure." he let out a half-hearted laugh.
She sighed slightly, "You really need to focus, it takes a lot of practice to just be able to do it without thinking...." She had a thought, "Think of magic like your sword... An extension of your arm"
Valtir looked at her for a moment, then brought his hand back up to the paper and focused hard once more, thinking about a new pattern. He felt a slight tingle in his arm, but it didnt reach his fingertips as he touched the water. He pushed once more, and this time the tingling sensation made it's way to his finger, then started to trace long, silver, uniform lines down the water, flicking off in different directions at the bottom like hair. Valtir noticed what was happening and ran his hand over the water, stopping the lines in their tracks and causing them to disappear.

"I did it... Well, that was fun..."