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The Easterling Army

She rolled her eyes slightly and pulled out a small vial and a bandage from her pouch. Despite being under the water, the bandage was still dry. She poured some of the contents of the vial onto the bandage and the rest onto the wound. "You, should just be more careful." She began to wrap the bandage around his forearm, when she was done, she covered the top of the bandage with her hand. She muttered under her breath and tilted her head. "That should be fine now...But dont remove the bandage for a little bit..."
"Thanks..." He said with a smile. 'And by the way, I was being careful. If I hadnt done what I did, we would still likely be running." He studied the bandage, then put his arm down and looked at Freya.

"Well, we're safe in this bubble, at least. So... What's the story with your Dad?" Valtir said, trying to get a conversation going instead of sitting there quietly.
She shrugged, "You still hurt yourself, so your weren't careful enough.." She tilted her head at him. Contemplating whether to say anything or not. But, considering there wasn't really much else to talk about. Freya supposed she could tell him. "You know the stereotypical saying how 'Daddy's little girl'" She air quotes, "is spoiled, babied, and overall, loved? Yeah, not me.. He believed, that I, should be not heard, not seen, and basically invisible. He never really...Liked me, i suppose. I was the mistake...." She shrugged, "Mother didn't do anything to stop him... Sometimes he would come home mad, or irritable. Mother just sat there and watched him hit me. But..i never hit him back. Until, one night a few years back..." She stopped and her hand went straight to the back of her neck. "It's uh... Probably not best to get into that.."
Valtir was surprised she went so far into it. He never imagined that she would have been abused. He remembered the scar on the back of her neck and decided not to question her any further. Besides, his relationship to her was purely as an escort. He didnt expect her to freely give any more information, and wouldn't pry. He knew his limits, at least.

"Oh... I'm sorry to here that. Well... as I said before, you'll love my family, and I'm sure they'll all be happy to meet you."
She shrugged and crossed her arms loosely. "You don't need to apologize for something you couldn't have stopped nor knew about at the time." she raised a brow slightly and tilted her head, "They might, but lets wait and see.." Freya knew she had shocked him. But she shocked herself as well. She had never really gone that far into it...But most people assume elf's to be rather peaceful.
"Well, if I see your Dad again, I'll make sure that he ends up running away with something broken, be it his pride, or his legs." he said jokingly with a laugh. "But seriously, my family are extremely friendly, even to other races. You'll be fine. Anyway, what do you plan on doing after we get to Minas Tirith?"
She snickers, "You already crushed his pride.." She tilts her head slightly, "Honestly, i havent thought that far ahead..."
"Well, there's always the other elves in Lothlorien or some place like that, or you could just become a lone traveler like me. it would be nice to come across you some other time after we're done with this. I wouldnt want you to go back home to what you just told me though..."
She tilts her head and runs her fingers through the bubbles wall, "I'd likely become a loner," She shrugs and smiles sadly, "Going home would only happen if i needed something from Mirkwood..."
"What could you possibly need from there?" The balrog passed over them once more, crushing the idea that it had left and causing Valtir to flinch slightly, before continuing with the conversation like nothing had happened.
She looked at him, "Just a few magical items i have hidden there.." She shrugs, unconcerned about the Balrog, "They are in certain locations and only i can get to them, so no matter when i get to them, they will be there."
"Hm... Why didnt you just take them with you when you left? You had plenty of time to gather them. Did you just not want them to weigh you down?" Valtir caught himself staring at Freya's slowly drying hair, and looked past her at the bubble wall behind her.
She tilted her head, "They would have weighed me down yes, but im not one to use a sword anyway." she chuckled softly, noting where his eyes where looking.
"A sword...? Is it an artifact or something? Why do you have it?" He remembered back to how he lost his sword in the fight with the were-worm, and felt for his lance, which was thankfully still attached to his back.
She shrugged, "I have it because it is amazing what you can find when practicing magic with the earth.." She shook her head, "I found a new location for it and left it there to rest untill i went to claim it."
"And so after we get to Minas Tirith are you going to go back and retrieve it? I'm likely to be staying with my family for a while, so I doubt I could help you with that..."
She thinks for a moment, "I dont know.. There is a bow i'd like to retrieve as well..and you wont have to help me.. Taking this journey once, i can form a map in my mind and retrace it.."
"Hm... ok. So you'd be fine with going alone, then?" He wasnt sure why, but the idea of Freya leaving shortly after she arrived at Minas Tirith was almost depressing to him. It was as if he preferred the company, and wanted her to be there next time he went travelling again. he shook the thought out of his head and looked at Freya, waiting for an answer.
She nodded once, she wasn't fond of many people, but the though of travelling without Valtir, she thought would be quite odd. She pushed the thought back and looked up at him, "Im sure i will be and i should be fine."
"Alright then..." The silence after that was deafening. He looked Freya in the eyes for a moment, then went back to messing about with the wall of water. The Balrog flew over again, but it didnt seem to catch him off guard this time, like it did before. He cupped his hand and managed to use it to drink water from the river around him.