The Drachensturm

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A bandit came after you, baring his teeth. His teeth were disgustingly yellow, and a long, jagged knife was clenched in his fists. The man let out a grunt and a yell at the same time, swinging the knife in a horizontal motion so fast you could hardly see it. He missed you, barely, but he came back again, slashing wildly and advancing you closer and closer to the water. ( @MrDubWubs )

A second bandit saw Cora ( @Laurioshock ) and he grinned. The man held a low gleaming sword, and he slowly advanced likely a predator stalking his prey. Um, you should probably shoot him! He seemed like the nasty type that would turn that bow of yours into a shish kabob!

The other bandits were taking a while to run, seeing as they came after the first two, but this bandit had an advantage. He narrowed his eyes and drew his bow back. The tip was shiny and jagged. A silver tipped arrow? This bandit had to be rich. The silver reflected the sun, blinding @Verite . Unluckily, @Conrad Norwood had caught the archer's attention when he was trying to escape, so that silver tip was pointed straight at him.
"Tch!" Jan grunted, gritting his teeth as he dashed to the side quickly in an attempt to better his eyesight. The young man gripped his sword tightly, keeping his guard up in case anyone might stand in his way.

Regardless of whether or not that was intentional, the shine puts me at a slight disadvantage, but hopefully, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Of course, if he has genuine silver like that, I'll have to remember him so I can later loot his body and see what he has on him.

Though protecting Simon wasn't his number one priority, he figured that the intelligent-looking man could potentially be of some use to the team, so he may as well protect him until he outlived his usefulness and then let him go off and do whatever he wanted. Hoping that at this point, the shine had gotten out of his eye, he charged forward, raising his sword and bringing it down in an attempt to slay the archer!
Will grunted as he dove, and rolled to his sword. He quickly grabbed his sword from its scabbard, ignoring the belt, and Chain mail. He spun around with his sword in an attack posture just in time to see...
A bandit came after you, baring his teeth. His teeth were disgustingly yellow, and a long, jagged knife was clenched in his fists. The man let out a grunt and a yell at the same time, swinging the knife in a horizontal motion so fast you could hardly see it. He missed you, barely, but he came back again, slashing wildly and advancing you closer and closer to the water. ( @MrDubWubs )
A second bandit saw Cora ( @Laurioshock ) and he grinned. The man held a low gleaming sword, and he slowly advanced likely a predator stalking his prey. Um, you should probably shoot him! He seemed like the nasty type that would turn that bow of yours into a shish kabob!
The other bandits were taking a while to run, seeing as they came after the first two, but this bandit had an advantage. He narrowed his eyes and drew his bow back. The tip was shiny and jagged. A silver tipped arrow? This bandit had to be rich. The silver reflected the sun, blinding @Verite . Unluckily, @Conrad Norwood had caught the archer's attention when he was trying to escape, so that silver tip was pointed straight at him.

At the sound of bandits Cora tried to keep her fright at bay. They hadn't been fast enough and because of that they had been caught out once more. They had found nothing and a fight had already begun again. This is now how Cora saw it going, but regardless of that they now needed to be ready. If they weren't to get rid of the bandits or dispose of them the group would surely never get anywhere and the job would be a failure. For the money, they must persist.

As the bandits approached Cora slowly, very slowly backed up a few steps one at a time. Her bow now tight with an arrow in line ready to shoot. She was glad she hadn't put it away. She was right in needing to be prepared all the time, there wasn't enough of it to keep fumbling to get her bow ready and an arrow out when adrenaline was running. It was best she kept on her toes and prepared. Which had payed off for her this time.

Keeping her eyes peeled on the group advancing before them she noticed one taking a good look at her, she was his target. She was sure of that. His slow approach gave her the time to let her arrow fly towards him, without a seconds pause did she reach behind her and ready a second arrow. Aiming with presistion, the bow string rested by her cheek bone before she too let that one fly towards him. Two at one man was using up arrows but after the stock she had taken off the enemy archer earlier she was no longer in short supply.

Backing off a few steps once more she hoped that her arrows would connect, if not she was already ready with another arrow, pointing right at him.
Chris found that two bandits were right behind him!

Jan was successful in slaying the archer, and Cora's arrows both definitely hit someone.. An arrow hit Jan's shoulder since he had ran towards the archer, and another arrow whizzed past Jan's ear and hit the dying archer, silencing his cries. Jan better be good at fighting one handed... Another bandit approached him with a dagger and held it against his throat

//really quick... hopefully jack can help while i'm in class and at work..
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Simon couldn't believe what Jan had done. There was no reason for the man to protect him, yet he had gone ahead and taken an arrow. Dammit, now I'm even more in debt to these people. I just can't catch a break today. However, the bandit coming after the weakened Jan presented an opportunity to help at least.

Taking his bag which was filled with several heavy books off of his shoulder, he ran towards the bandit. Once close enough, he swung the bag by its strap at the bandit's side, hoping the force would at least knock the man away and daze him. If it's high enough, it might even crack a rib. Let's just hope it hits!
*Ullr moved his body, in ways that a normal man shouldn't be able to do, to dodge the Bandit's blade. When he slashed the dagger dowe Ullr saw his chance and swung his axe hitting the bandit's swinging arm and making it loose function due to where my axe struck. Due to the axe hitting bone the axe kept in the bone and Ullr spun the bandit around. He then hit the bandit in the head with the butt of his other axe a few times causing the bandit to fall into the water* Damn bastard.
Will attacked viciously with his sword slashing at both bandits in quick succession, One on the arm, and one on the chest.
Will attacked viciously with his sword slashing at both bandits in quick succession, One on the arm, and one on the chest.
The first attack is successful, carving the man's hand and forearm away from the rest of his body; hot blood gushing from the severed artery to coat Will in successive bursts; the bandit yelling obscenities and screeching like a Banshee from the pain. The second attack does not hit, the bandit stepping back to avoid it, eyes vengeful at seeing his comrade so badly wounded.
Lilia had sidestepped behind a grey pillar made of, it wasn't stone, it resembled it, but was solid, all one piece, no quarried rock could ever be so faultless, all the same, it was her cover, and as a result, had not got her noticed by the bandits just yet. She peeked out from behind the pillar, watching the others engage, a lock of her stray ginger hair falling across her forehead and down past her nose, brushing against her lips, she idly blew it to the side, trying to focus on the engagement before her.

She couldn't discern numbers, it was too hectic. But she did notice something...unusual, one bandit was brandishing what appeared to be dark green, knobbly egg, a rather large egg, streaked with brown-red, with something grey atop it, he was cackling wildly as he pulled a needle-like object from the grey area, though after that, he stared at it blankly, as if wondering why nothing had happened. Lilia wondered at that too, for a few seconds. Without warning, the man was engulfed in roaring orange flame, an explosive sound permeating the ears of all around him; stunning them momentarily, when the cloud of explosive fire cleared, naught was left of the man but a few pieces of charred and blackened meat and bone, Lilia's eyes were wide with shock...portable fire...? It was crazy.

She didn't have time to think about it however, turning about, checking behind her, she saw a brute of a man not twenty feet away, he stopped when he saw that she'd spotted him, opening his mouth to speak, his voice deep and resounding.

"Hello little girl. So you're the one who's been causing me trouble? I can't wait to rip you apart and have my way with you..."

Lilia tensed, the man's voice making something primal and instinctive shout out at her from deep in the recesses of her mind. Run! That was all that she could construct from it. Every sense she possessed was telling her the same thing. This man is dangerous, too dangerous to take without huge concern. And he looked it, he was easily more than six and a half feet tall; a Knight's Kite Shield and Morningstar in his grasp. So he's killed a Knight for those...he'd looted the Knight's armour too...pieces of it at least, he'd presumably made too much of a mess of the rest. He had grey steel gauntlets, greaves, boots and a fauld, but his upper body was covered in leather and fur, but with the shield, that was essentially covered too.

Lilia draw Freyja from it's scabbard; holding the sword out in front of her with one hand, the other raised and floating a foot to the left of the hilt, stepping out warily from her position, beginning a slow circle to her right; she had little choice, the man's musculature was evident even under the armour and fur, he could run as fast as she, she had to fight. Her eyes gazed cold steel at him, not allowing herself to display her fear, pushing it down and setting it in it's place.
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Will switched to a defensive pose, waiting for the bandit to attack. @Reaper Jack
The bandit eyed Will cautiously, noting how weakly armoured he was. He used his spear-arm to lunge forward at Will, aiming for his abdomen...the thrust had caused him to turn his shield away however, giving Will an opening...
Will side steppes the spear, and thrusts his iron sword through the gap between his spear, and shield. @Reaper Jack
Will side steppes the spear, and thrusts his iron sword through the gap between his spear, and shield. @Reaper Jack
You're not quite fast enough, and the spear nicks a nice, straight, red line in your side, causing you to grimace at the pain, it does not stop your thrust however, and your sword penetrates the man's armpit and runs through, scything out the rear of his shoulder, making his spear arm useless. In his pain, he drops his spear, but swears at you, pulling back a punch and slamming his good fist into your face while you can't dodge.
Cora had made a hit, upon the offending archer approaching and unfortunately Jan who had been running towards them all. She could not call back the arrow and what damage had been done was done. They just needed to go on from here. Not that the fight didn't stop her feeling terrible for hitting one of the good guys. She had no way of changing the course of her arrow once deployed. Jan was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The offending archer was now dead. Thank goodness. One down a few more to go.

She had killed another, she truely was a murder now. She had no other way to get around it. She would rather be armed and be able to protect herself rather than rely on others protecting hers. Her life was in her own hands and she would fight for it with everything she had. Even if it meant changing who she was, making herself stronger and harden to the sight of blood and death.

Readying her bow once more she took a few more hesistant steps back, feeling she needed more distance from the pack of bandits that faught and slowly approached. Drawing the bowstring up to her cheek she poised herself, watching, waiting for her oppotunity to strike if need be once more.​
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Will swore, as he backed away, one hand going up to his face. He wasn't able to pull out his sword, its still lodged in the bandits bloody shoulder. Will kept backing away form the big, bloody bandit, his foot hit something, and looking down. Will sees his belt, bending down quickly and grabbing one of his knives. He brings the throwing knife up, and throws the knife at the bandits neck.
Will swore, as he backed away, one hand going up to his face. He wasn't able to pull out his sword, its still lodged in the bandits bloody shoulder. Will kept backing away form the big, bloody bandit, his foot hit something, and looking down. Will sees his belt, bending down quickly and grabbing one of his knives. He brings the throwing knife up, and throws the knife at the bandits neck.
The knife connects, spearing through the bandit's neck and making him keel over backwards. He's done his bit though, the wound on your side is shallow, but open to infection, and your face is bruised, and will no doubt be puffy and swollen come the morrow. As the bandit falls before you, you can see behind him, no longer focused on him, you would notice Lilia and her opponent, not yet engaged with one another, but circling each other, a fierce battle of minds rather than steel occurring in the invisible space between them.
Lilia had sidestepped behind a grey pillar made of, it wasn't stone, it resembled it, but was solid, all one piece, no quarried rock could ever be so faultless, all the same, it was her cover, and as a result, had not got her noticed by the bandits just yet. She peeked out from behind the pillar, watching the others engage, a lock of her stray ginger hair falling across her forehead and down past her nose, brushing against her lips, she idly blew it to the side, trying to focus on the engagement before her.

She couldn't discern numbers, it was too hectic. But she did notice something...unusual, one bandit was brandishing what appeared to be dark green, knobbly egg, a rather large egg, streaked with brown-red, with something grey atop it, he was cackling wildly as he pulled a needle-like object from the grey area, though after that, he stared at it blankly, as if wondering why nothing had happened. Lilia wondered at that too, for a few seconds. Without warning, the man was engulfed in roaring orange flame, an explosive sound permeating the ears of all around him; stunning them momentarily, when the cloud of explosive fire cleared, naught was left of the man but a few pieces of charred and blackened meat and bone, Lilia's eyes were wide with shock...portable fire...? It was crazy.

She didn't have time to think about it however, turning about, checking behind her, she saw a brute of a man not twenty feet away, he stopped when he saw that she'd spotted him, opening his mouth to speak, his voice deep and resounding.

"Hello little girl. So you're the one who's been causing me trouble? I can't wait to rip you apart and have my way with you..."

Lilia tensed, the man's voice making something primal and instinctive shout out at her from deep in the recesses of her mind. Run! That was all that she could construct from it. Every sense she possessed was telling her the same thing. This man is dangerous, too dangerous to take without huge concern. And he looked it, he was easily more than six and a half feet tall; a Knight's Kite Shield and Morningstar in his grasp. So he's killed a Knight for those...he'd looted the Knight's armour too...pieces of it at least, he'd presumably made too much of a mess of the rest. He had grey steel gauntlets, greaves, boots and a fauld, but his upper body was covered in leather and fur, but with the shield, that was essentially covered too.

Lilia draw Freyja from it's scabbard; holding the sword out in front of her with one hand, the other raised and floating a foot to the left of the hilt, stepping out warily from her position, beginning a slow circle to her right; she had little choice, the man's musculature was evident even under the armour and fur, he could run as fast as she, she had to fight. Her eyes gazed cold steel at him, not allowing herself to display her fear, pushing it down and setting it in it's place.
*Ullr notices the woman about to fight. Though he thinks she can fight him well, he thought it would be best to step in. He runs over from the water and does a jump off of a dead body with a yell and brings his axes dowe onto the bandit's shoulders. Hopefully there was no armour on him*
Chris found that two bandits were right behind him!
Jan was successful in slaying the archer, and Cora's arrows both definitely hit someone.. An arrow hit Jan's shoulder since he had ran towards the archer, and another arrow whizzed past Jan's ear and hit the dying archer, silencing his cries. Jan better be good at fighting one handed... Another bandit approached him with a dagger and held it against his throat
//really quick... hopefully jack can help while i'm in class and at work..
"Tch!" Jan grunted as he was wounded. This'll definitely serve as a disadvantage. If he were to get out of this alive, the first thing he'd have to do is patch up the wound, perhaps even cauterize it if needed. Grabbing the arrow with his good arm, he forcefully ripped it out, some blood flying out as Jan did his best to ignore the incoming pain. This was no time to show weakness. This was time to give it one's all.

A sword is a clumsy weapon when operated with one hand, though. If I don't take the opportunity to quickly change to my dagger, I may be in trouble, he thought as the bandit approached him.

Gripping his weapon firmly with his good arm, he dashed forward. Faking a left strike, he quickly brought his sword up into the air and brought it down, performing a sort of diagonal attack that was aimed straight at the hostile force's collarbone!
"Tch!" Jan grunted as he was wounded. This'll definitely serve as a disadvantage. If he were to get out of this alive, the first thing he'd have to do is patch up the wound, perhaps even cauterize it if needed. Grabbing the arrow with his good arm, he forcefully ripped it out, some blood flying out as Jan did his best to ignore the incoming pain. This was no time to show weakness. This was time to give it one's all.
A sword is a clumsy weapon when operated with one hand, though. If I don't take the opportunity to quickly change to my dagger, I may be in trouble, he thought as the bandit approached him.
Gripping his weapon firmly with his good arm, he dashed forward. Faking a left strike, he quickly brought his sword up into the air and brought it down, performing a sort of diagonal attack that was aimed straight at the hostile force's collarbone!
The sword connects; making a sickening crunching noise as it crushes the bandit's collarbone; the bone splitting under the force of the heavy weapon, puncturing down into the man's lungs. He reels backwards, staggering and dazed, still alive but useless, his face only shows confusion and pain as he collapses to the ground, bleeding out from the wound while all the while his breathing becomes quickly ragged and rasping, ceasing as a result of his damaged lung. He lays there, face-first, dead.