The Different Schools

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A few moments after Hunter apologized, the feline teacher's glare softened, and she lowered her bow. "That's quite alright. Just be sure to keep that other half of yours under control." Setting the wooden weapon down, she turned back to the board and continued with the lesson. She didn't really know if he and his reflection or whatever were actually connected in any way, or if there was some kind of mimic creature in the class that she didn't know about, or what have you, but whatever it was, clearly it was a prankster. Maybe this class would be interesting after all.

Of course, she didn't have much time to test that theory. The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Mali frowned slightly; she was actually starting to enjoy herself. Ah well, there was always tomorrow.


Kelkov looked up, caught off-guard at the sound of the bell. "Great..." he muttered under his breath. He'd missed the entire class. That was just what he needed: an absence on the first day. He looked over at Safiya. "Guess we'd better get going, huh?"
He tried to recall his next class. Was it science? He looked at his schedule. Yes. he walked off into the class and sat their waiting. He was at another back window seat.
Connie sat at her desk while she helped students with schedules and directions. She thought it was peculiar that she hadn't seen Rez since the assembly. He usually checked in with her or asked her to do something for him.
Safiya looked up at the bell. What the hell was her next class again? "Yeah, guess so." Safiya led them through the halls away from the hall monitor which was being monitored by the shadows. But she should probably try to remember what her next class was.
She walks to the nearest classroom and pokes her head in. Seeing the beakers and lab benches, she walks in with a shrug and sits in the back. "Well...its not like anyone needs me." She mumbels.
As Kelkov followed Safiya along, he fished his schedule back out of his pocket and looked over his next class. "Looks like I've got science next. How about you?"


One class out, next class in. Mali sighed. She was going to miss that vampire kid. Maybe something more exciting would happen to liven things up this period.
"I've got chemistry, I believe." Safiya tried to recall it... and she could almost, almost be sure that it was indeed chemistry. They walked alongside each other, not really knowing if they were going the right direction. There were students milling around who just got out of class, too. Safiya sighed. She'd have to go find her classroom again. "Which science class are you in?"
Tensa, looked around, as his Next Class is actually... Mathematics. Basically he walked over to his class, sits in the back row, And pretends to listen to whatever the teacher would have to say.
The lantern grew brighter as he passed the basement door. "Hm?" He unlocked it and entered. The fire in the lantern burned viciously. "I feel something... Not alive, not dead, not even undead... Could it be....?" Death shook his head. "No, of course not. Rez defeated him 200 years ago in hell. I'm just getting old. My lantern must be, uh, glitches or something..." He tried to shake the feeling, but it was almost undeniable. He left the basement to return to his duties. "You're just getting old, Death. Time confuses all...."
Hunter held the side of his head. Ow... What the hell? His ears were ringing and it was as if something was pounding the insides of his head. In the back of his mind He heard the shadow's voice ring out Darkness ohohoho darkness is awake monstrous things are going to happen. Just watch and wait... I am going to start loving it here hunter... He was terrified by what he heard. He felt his eyes change from red to black. He wasn't hungry.... So what was happening? He needed to be cautious. When Mochizuki said things were going to get interesting it usually meant bad things were going to happen. Really bad things. He remained calm on the outside. He was terrified on the inside. What's going to happen mochi? He waited a moment. You'll see. I don't want to ruin the surprise... He could have sworn he heard a dark laughter in the background.
He looked around. He was nervous. He needed to know what was going to happen. He had to prepare for the worse. And hoped that he could overcome it. His mind was pulsating against his skull. He held the side of his head in pain. (THis rp is starting to die!!! DDD:!!!)
Tensa just left, suddenly to go the bathroom. There, he does his thing, and he climbs up, and escapes the school via a window. Tsk, low level of security in that school?, he thought to himself, as he walks out of the school perimeter, seemingly undetected.
"Same as you, apparently," Kelkov said as he stuffed his schedule back into his pocket. His head was really pounding now. Something in the back of his mind, some little nagging feeling, told him something was wrong, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. The buzz of energy hung loosely in the air. Was that...darkness he was sensing? There was someone powerful here, someone who was starting to reveal the true extent of their might. But it was all just a hunch. He couldn't pinpoint or prove any of it. He cringed slightly against the growing pain in his head and tried to ignore it as he and Safiya headed for their next class.

They found the classroom quickly enough. Kelkov noticed Hunter sitting in the back and started to nod in his direction, when he noticed something else unusual about him. He seemed to be in pain too. Was it just coincidence? Were the two happenings unrelated? He had to make sure...he had a feeling something big was about to go down. He took a seat next to the vampire and whispered, "You feel it too, don't you?"


The lesson Mali went through was the same as last time, nothing but a boring repetition. She knew teaching would be like this, but she was hoping a school filled with gifted students would prove more entertaining. She barely even took notice when one of the students just got up and walked right out the door.

Her marker squeaked across the board while she wrote up the equations, but she was scarcely paying attention. Her eyes kept drifting down to her bow, and subconsciously, her muscles tensed in preparation to grab it and ready another arrow to fire.

Suddenly, she dropped the marker again. She was too riled up from the last class; she couldn't take any more of this snoozefest.

Leaning on her elbows over her desk, Mali looked over the class with a slight frown. "All of you know these things already, correct?"
Safiya took a seat next to Kelkov. They seemed to be acting strange. Even the shadows feel it too. And when she heard Kelkov ask Hunter if he could feel it... well. Safiya kept her head dipped down for the time being. She didn't want to get involved in any of these at the moment. She's had her share of fun for the day. Still, she sent a few of her shadows to scout the area for the anomaly. But, seriously, it's the first day of school. What could possibly go wrong? Oh, right. Something already did. Great.
Tensa feels kinda relieved that no one have seen him. No but seriously, A guy all in white, with pale white skin and yellow flashy eyes? Amusing. He gone away, just to take coffee, and starts coming back, from, the same window, while drinking his coffee. Surely half an hours has passed, but face to a class without interest, he would fall asleep again. He then washed his hands, as if he was there the whole time, before getting out of the bathroom, being careful that his waist long hair doesn't get stuck in the door.
He looked up at kelkov. He nodded. He looked back at safiya. THere was torment going on in his eyes. He was barely hiding Mochizuki back. He wasn't hungry. He tried to put on a fake smile and wave at her. It was a meek smile, and a weak wave. He was in serious pain. How long could he hold out? If he didn't get away soon he could end up hurting someone. And that was not an option.
By the time Tensa got back, Mali was alone in the classroom. She'd declared class to be over early and sent everyone on her ways, and now the felin was idly sharpening her claws with a nail file. She never was one to bow down to authority easily. She looked up at the student when she heard him walk through the door, a small grin threatening to rise on her face. "What do we have here? Are you really this late to class?" There were only about fifteen minutes left.
He was trying really hard to focus. His vision was going blurry. His fist were clenching and unclenching. He was truly learning the definition of struggle. And it was a hands on experience. His body was visibly straining. He was looking straight ahead trying to concentrate on one point. He was doing the best he could. His eyes were now unchangingly red. All the while Mochi was laughing at him struggle.
Kelkov's eyes widened in alarm. Great, Hunter was losing it again. He really didn't want to become a babysitter for this guy, especially now that he had his own problems to worry about. Or...was Hunter himself the source of the energy Kelkov was picking up on? He wanted to ask what was wrong, but at the same time, he didn't want to break the vampire's concentration. So, he simply watched, and waited. Small flares of darkness collected around his hands underneath his desk, but his piercing headache was making it difficult to concentrate. He didn't even know what he was trying to defend against. "Dammit..."
He gets up. "I-I have to get out here... He stood up and staggered out of the room. He ran to a secluded area of the school. He had to get away from everyone. He didn't need anyone's death or harm on his shoulders. The shadow was now in its original form. Horns and all.