The Different Schools

Kelkov resisted the urge to whistle in surprise at Safiya's list of powers. You don't want to look bad now of all times, he told himself. And of course he did catch that little jab at his earlier vulnerability to her siren song. "Well, kiddo," he said, using his default annoying nickname for when he couldn't think of anything better, "I can blast a hole in this wall if it's not protected." A thought occurred to him that there might also be an alarm spell on it anyway, knowing the extensive magical prowess of their principal. "Guess we're going through the door." Without waiting for an answer, he strolled towards the front gate, listening intently for anyone who might have discovered them.
Safiya snorted at the weak jibe of being called 'kiddo'. She hated it, but eh. She followed him silently, looking around for anyone who might spot them. She's definitely had enough of this school for one day. Safiya wasn't one who liked talking or liked getting to know people. That was the main reason why she barely had any friends. That was also the reason why she never had a boyfriend. Mostly boys followed her around because of the fact that she was a siren and they couldn't help desiring her and neither could she. That doesn't particularly mean that she liked it either way.
Tensa Continues to wander like it's nobody's business. Probably he might land in a nice room, maybe not. But a nice walk is refreshing.
A boy wearing a button up shirt and rough jeans. He looked at the big school and smiled. He was handsome, well built. He seemed friendly. He walked through the barrier with ease. He stood in front of the school building and smiled. "Hunter, buddy it appears that I am finally here." He said simply and quietly. He walked through the doors to the main building.
Chad stiffened as he felt a large power enter his range of senses. He cast out his mind but found he was unable to locate or determine the source. He started to walk quickly towards the entrance. Maybe it was simply a new student. He drew near and noticed it was, indeed, a new student, although he couldn't place the source of power. He called out to the boy.
"You, there! Do you know how late you are in arriving?"
Mochi looked up at this man, he put on the nervous act, very well intact. "Y-yes sir! S-sorry. I overslept.... Please forgive me!" He said with pleading eyes. He was trying to remember his name. He would call himself. Kukyo. Yes Kukyo. "I p-promise I will get right to class!"
Chad nodded slightly and told the boy, "You'll need to check in with the office before you go to class directly, for your teacher has already marked you absent- it is a quarter through third hour." He cocked his head, still unsure and wary of this boy, who he now noticed has no aura and seemingly no thoughts whatsoever. Probably trained that way, he thought.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Ready?" Kelkov asked when the two reached the gate. "I'm gonna open it." Without waiting for an answer, he gingerly touched his fingers to the metal bars...and was immediately catapulted backwards by a strong magical force.

"Shit!" he shouted in surprise, landing heavily on his back in the middle of the courtyard. He didn't appear to be in too bad of a shape, but his fingers looked slightly burnt where they had touched the gate. "Looks like that's out of the question. Got any brighter ideas?"
He bowed respectfully. "My name is Kukyo Itou sir. This is my first year here." he had token all the notes this man gave him that were of any help.
Chad nodded. "Off you go, then, Kukyo." He watched as the boy straightened from his bow, still frustrated and confused. He would meditate later, he decided. It always helped.
Mochi stood up and walked to school. It was time for him to check things out. He searched through the halls. In this form he was sure death would not be able to detect him. He looked around and inspected his dirty work. This was his doing, and he had not been able to control himself.