The Different Schools

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
((Oh, you want it to be 15 minutes XD
I was actually thinking 10 minutes was too little))

Rez frantically ran around the building, making sure the rest of the teachers were there. He came across the social studies room. He sigh. Might as well. He entered and began trying to figure out what the social studies teacher was payed to do so he could replace him.
((Faronel I really hope you're joking. :U))
(Same here. ._. I actually have school work to do so i can't do it every 10 minutes nonstop.)
(Don't be stupid with the 10 minutes thing. really, you're going to kill the RP. It's good as it is, Despite me and You probably having troubles Keeping up, don't kill your RP with such a trivial rule. Are you even aware of the Views this RP has right now? We're like the top five alive Rps we're looking at. With all Respect that I have to give you, please reconsider.)

Tensa Fell asleep during class.
The door to the classroom slammed open the very instant class was set to begin. Mali walked in, bow and arrows slung around her back and tail waving around attentively behind her. She sat down her weapons behind the desk and gave the class a critical eye. One of them was already asleep. No matter, he'd pay with bad grades later.

"Hello, everyone," the felin said, her voice much softer than her harsh entrance might have suggested. "My name is Mali, of the clan Makakati. You may call me Mali, or Ms. Makakati, either one is fine with me. I'd feel much more comfortable knowing everyone a bit before we begin, so we're going to start with an ice breaker." She pulled the attendance sheet for the day from the back of her desk, looking over it as she spoke. "Each of you will stand in turn and tell me your name, your abilities, and anything you think I should know about you."
Safiya looked up at the clock as well. Yep. She was late for class. But it was the first day and judging from the first class, it ain't really a bad idea to miss this one. "I'd like to offer coffee from the outside but I don't think getting out of the school grounds would be a good idea. Hiding from the school monitor would be easy enough though. I think I saw a coffee dispenser here somewhere. You sure you ain't gonna faint again any time soon?" Safiya half-joked. But seriously, if he fell unconscious again, it'd be difficult for her to carry him alone.
Hunter wasn't paying attention that much. he was looking at his reflection in the window. He was playing rock paper scissors with it. He had rock it had scissors. He was winning a couple of games. When it was his turn to stand up the reflection stood up as well. He looked up at her. "My name his Hunter. My abilities are expert swordsmanship, great speed and strength, and i have abilities i have when i use my sword. I guess something you should know is that I am a vampire." He didn't tell her everything. Se only asked if there was anything she should know about him. So he left out that his sword held a flaming dangerous demon soul. He also left out information on the demon. And its abilities. So he gave a smile. He was relieved that he could say all those things without stuttering or his face turning red. He sat down and went back to looking out the window. His reflection was flipping him the bird. Apparently mad that hunter had left stuff out about him. Oh deal with it. and at that he looked straight to the board and listened.
Kelkov frowned slightly. "As long as you don't go singing like that again, I think we can get along." He brushed some errant dust from the floor off of his jacket. He still felt sort of tired, but he figured he'd be fine. Why hadn't anyone else fallen unconscious, he wondered. At least, he didn't think he saw anyone falling from their chairs. Maybe it was his enhanced hearing? Great, he really didn't need people knowing his vulnerabilities.
Safiya sent out some shadows to survey the area for any potential threats such as the Hall Monitor and to find a coffee dispenser. It wasn't very long before they found one. She took out a couple of quarters and got herself a cafe latte. "I don't believe you've told me your name yet." She stepped aside as she put in some quarters so he could pick his. "I sincerely apologize for the whole passing-out thing though. I'm usually able to control who hears my voice but I suppose there are times when I forget because I get lost in my singing," she chuckled. Then a shadow let her know that the Hall Monitor was three halls down away from them and she took his arm, leading him away.
"Kelkov," he said, getting himself a cup of decaf. He never drank caffeinated coffee, not after that one mishap with the stuck-up nerd. It had been...messy, to say the least, and he blamed it on the excess energy. Whatever he got from coffee now was mostly due to the placebo effect, and at the least, it was comfortingly warm. "It's cool. I know it wasn't your fault."

As soon as they were out of harm's way, he tugged his arm out of her grip, shooting her a disapproving frown. He didn't like people touching him, even if it was for his own benefit. He could handle himself, thank you very much.


Mali listened as everyone stood and introduced themselves. What an interesting bunch of beings, she thought. She took note of which ones might become disciplinary problems later, and made sure she had an arrow just for them. Some of her superiors didn't approve of her using her bow to keep the class under control, but she didn't see much harm in it. Why avoid something that works?

With introductions out of the way, the next order of business was the syllabus; she gave stacks to each row to pass back and started reading over the main points. It wasn't exactly something she enjoyed doing, but it was a school policy, and she didn't want to be fired or whatever so soon. Humans were ruthless, she thought, and they'd betray you at the drop of a hat.
Safiya rolled her eyes at his disapproving frown. 'Boys,' she thought to herself. Even if they were human or not, they were still all the same. She sipped her latte but the shadows kept on roaming the halls. "So, what brings you to this school? You don't seem so out of the ordinary, other than being somewhat freakishly tall." She shouldn't be one to talk. She looks exactly like a normal person; curly, dark, auburn hair, alabaster skin, eyes with flecks of electric blue, green, and gray. And yet, here she was, labeled a freak even in the school made for freaks of nature.
I jumped as one of the shadows moved by my foot with no one attached to it.
(oh. Dang ._. well back to the rp!!!) Hunter was watching his reflection. Right now it was energetic and being ver goofy. Every time the math teacher turned around in the reflection he did something retarded. Wether it was parading around the room in a pair of boxers. Doing some stupid dance or just making a retarded face. Hunter didn't find it funny. He realized he hadn't called the reflection by it's name in a while. Hey mochi (Nickname for Mochizuki.) Why are you acting so retarded? he waited a while. Because it's funny as hell!!! He just shook his head. This was his sword.
Kelkov held up his hand and sparked up a flickering purple orb of energy just above his palm. "Trust me, there's more to me than meets the eye." He didn't tell her about his dragonic blood, lest the conversation turn to his release form, as he liked to call it. That was one weakness he didn't like getting out whenever possible. It was just so easily taken advantage of. Not that it would be particularly smart to do so.


Mali continued on with a brief review session to make sure everyone was up to speed, unaware of the antics going on every time she turned to the white board. She couldn't really wait for this class to be over, this introductory stuff was so boring. And besides, the job wasn't something she totally enjoyed in the first place. In a way, she was sort of hoping someone would misbehave, so she would have an excuse to break out her bow.
He continue to watch. This was ridiculous. He started to notice things were upturned in here as well. He was starting trouble. And then he realized. He was doing crazy stuff behind the teachers back. He couldn't even control it. The students were laughing too. Hunter tried to stop himself hoping he wouldn't get caught. Got dammit Mochi stop!!! he heard the reflection respond laughing. ​Too fun!! Too Fun!!!
Mali's ears swiveled back. The very instant she picked up on a snicker, she dropped the marker, reached for her bow, and had a standard arrow notched in a fraction of a second. Finally, some excitement. Her gaze zeroed in on the source of the trouble: that vampire kid. Hunter, was it? She aimed her bow at him, and then his reflection, as it dawned on her that the two were separate beings. Her eyes narrowed coldly, and she said, "I don't appreciate disruptions."
He was sitting down now. He eyed his reflection scornfully. He mustered up as much as he could to say something but it still came out weak and shy. "U-um... I-im sorry.... I didn't d-do it on purpose...honest...." He couldn't look at her straight in the eyes. his face was red, everyone thought he was joking and laughed. He was very serious. He tried to avoid her glare at him.
((Whoa, 10 minutes thing worked fine on other sites.
Tra la la la la la! I don't know what I'm doing! Please allow FARONEL.exe to figure this out for a minute while Faro sits in a corner!))

The hall monitor tried to search for something. His lantern still glowed, so he knew something was weird.