The Destroyermen

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(Yeah, XD Also, yes, quintupled. In this puberty hits these furry girls like a fucking freight train.)

Katie blushed enough that it was visible through her fur as she dipped her head a little, then looked back up at Adrian a bit and said "I was just... staying close to you because you saved my life and everything... I'm still a bit scared and confused by everything that's been happening this morning, but I feel safe around you and I rather want to stay with you..." Seeing him like she had and still was was rather turning her on, and this wasn't helped by her pre-existing loneliness that she'd been dealing with even before she'd met the humans.
"Well if you be so kind as to turn around while I dress for a few seconds." Adrian turned himself to grab his clothes letting the towel fall in the process, he dressed rather quickly before turning back to Katie. "Let's head outside and see if we have pulled along with your shi...home, I'm sure they are wondering where you disappeared off to." He said with a gentle smile as he started to lead her onto the upper deck.
"Well if you be so kind as to turn around while I dress for a few seconds." Adrian turned himself to grab his clothes letting the towel fall in the process, he dressed rather quickly before turning back to Katie. "Let's head outside and see if we have pulled along with your shi...home, I'm sure they are wondering where you disappeared off to." He said with a gentle smile as he started to lead her onto the upper deck.
Katie blushed a bit more and turned around, though she sort of didn't want to, then followed closely after Adrian to the upper decks of the destroyer. When they got there, they'd find that lines had been strung between the two vessels and several other furries were on the deck talking with Walker's Skipper and officers.
Katie blushed a bit more and turned around, though she sort of didn't want to, then followed closely after Adrian to the upper decks of the destroyer. When they got there, they'd find that lines had been strung between the two vessels and several other furries were on the deck talking with Walker's Skipper and officers.
(Keep going)
"Will!" Katie exclaimed as she ran over and embraced a male furry otter.
"Katie, you're alright!" the other anthro said. "We were all sure you were a gonner!" He suddenly frowned and said "Your umm... I'm sorry, but your father's gone... when he heard you'd fallen overboard he cast himself over the side..."
"Oh my God..." the young wolfess whimpered softly, her eyes tearing up as she turned around and hugged tightly to Adrian as she started crying.
"Will!" Katie exclaimed as she ran over and embraced a male furry otter.
"Katie, you're alright!" the other anthro said. "We were all sure you were a gonner!" He suddenly frowned and said "Your umm... I'm sorry, but your father's gone... when he heard you'd fallen overboard he cast himself over the side..."
"Oh my God..." the young wolfess whimpered softly, her eyes tearing up as she turned around and hugged tightly to Adrian as she started crying.
Adrian stiffened still not use to how women seemed to go to him for comfort in the past few days but he wouldn't turn someone away that was hurt emotionally or otherwise, he wrapped his arms around her and let Katie cry while he tried to do something to sooth her when he remembered a song his father used to sing to him when he was a child before the first war. He remembered how it would calm him when he was sad, frightened or sick but what Adrian didn't realize was that while he had been thinking about this old song he had started to sing it lough enough that most of those with in ear shot could hear it. Before he knew it he had sung the whole song and just realized he sang it out loud since everyone was looking at him now.
Adrian stiffened still not use to how women seemed to go to him for comfort in the past few days but he wouldn't turn someone away that was hurt emotionally or otherwise, he wrapped his arms around her and let Katie cry while he tried to do something to sooth her when he remembered a song his father used to sing to him when he was a child before the first war. He remembered how it would calm him when he was sad, frightened or sick but what Adrian didn't realize was that while he had been thinking about this old song he had started to sing it lough enough that most of those with in ear shot could hear it. Before he knew it he had sung the whole song and just realized he sang it out loud since everyone was looking at him now.
Everyone was quiet and just stared at Adrian for a moment as Katie cried herself out, and eventually the furry whimpered "...I don't... I don't wanna stay on Salissa... it'll just be constantly reminding me of dad... I wanna stay here with you..."
"Okay..." Dirk eventually said. "I think the two of you might need some quiet time... just to let her calm down a bit... Mr. Fowler, why don't the two of you head down to the brig and relieve the crewman guarding our Japanese guest. Maybe seeing her might spook him enough to convince him to divulge any information he knows."
Everyone was quiet and just stared at Adrian for a moment as Katie cried herself out, and eventually the furry whimpered "...I don't... I don't wanna stay on Salissa... it'll just be constantly reminding me of dad... I wanna stay here with you..."
"Okay..." Dirk eventually said. "I think the two of you might need some quiet time... just to let her calm down a bit... Mr. Fowler, why don't the two of you head down to the brig and relieve the crewman guarding our Japanese guest. Maybe seeing her might spook him enough to convince him to divulge any information he knows."
Adrian nodded to the Captain before pulling Katie with him down into the ship and towards the brig. The guards tensed at the sight of Katie but relaxed when Adrian walked in with her. "You both are relieved for the time being." He said as he walked past them letting Katie look around the area before he looked at the Japanese sailor in his cell, he knocked on the bars getting his attention.

"Have you been treated humanely so far?" He asked the man, he knew some of these men wouldn't hesitate to take their pound of flesh from this man and while he had a bitter hatred for the Japanese high command he could not hate a fellow solider fighting for their country though he wondered how he would take the news of them being on what was possibly a alternate earth without the Empire of Japan or the United States.
Adrian nodded to the Captain before pulling Katie with him down into the ship and towards the brig. The guards tensed at the sight of Katie but relaxed when Adrian walked in with her. "You both are relieved for the time being." He said as he walked past them letting Katie look around the area before he looked at the Japanese sailor in his cell, he knocked on the bars getting his attention.

"Have you been treated humanely so far?" He asked the man, he knew some of these men wouldn't hesitate to take their pound of flesh from this man and while he had a bitter hatred for the Japanese high command he could not hate a fellow solider fighting for their country though he wondered how he would take the news of them being on what was possibly a alternate earth without the Empire of Japan or the United States.
The Japanese Lieutenant looked up at the new voice and was about to reply when he caught sight of Katie and gasped in shock, suddenly trying to back up away from the wolfess and falling backwards over the chair he was in, ending up sprawled out on the floor. (Well, as sprawled out as one could be with their hands tied.)

"What in God's name is that!?..." he blurted in shock, and surprisingly a bit of fear as he struggled to try and get back to his feet. "Please, don't let that thing in here with me! I don't wish to die like that!"
The Japanese Lieutenant looked up at the new voice and was about to reply when he caught sight of Katie and gasped in shock, suddenly trying to back up away from the wolfess and falling backwards over the chair he was in, ending up sprawled out on the floor. (Well, as sprawled out as one could be with their hands tied.)

"What in God's name is that!?..." he blurted in shock, and surprisingly a bit of fear as he struggled to try and get back to his feet. "Please, don't let that thing in here with me! I don't wish to die like that!"
Adrian kicked the cell doors. "Oi solider where is that famous Japanese confidence and stoicism? We're somewhere else then the pacific and her people are the only friendlies we have found so far so calm down I can only assume that this is some cultural superstition but we don't have time for that now so imma tell you how it is, the captain wants information from you and before you go on about honor or loyalty know that there is no Empire or United States here. So what's more important to you, loyalty to a nonexistent empire or your life? I'll let you think on it." Adrian said before siting down while he looked over the pistol he had, he wasn't in the mood to deal with a hysterical jap if he could avoid it.
Adrian kicked the cell doors. "Oi solider where is that famous Japanese confidence and stoicism? We're somewhere else then the pacific and her people are the only friendlies we have found so far so calm down I can only assume that this is some cultural superstition but we don't have time for that now so imma tell you how it is, the captain wants information from you and before you go on about honor or loyalty know that there is no Empire or United States here. So what's more important to you, loyalty to a nonexistent empire or your life? I'll let you think on it." Adrian said before siting down while he looked over the pistol he had, he wasn't in the mood to deal with a hysterical jap if he could avoid it.
The Japanese sailor was quiet for a moment in contemplation, glancing back and forth between Adrian, his sidearm, and the furry standing next to him, then sighed and said in fluent, if slightly accented, English "...Is... is what you are saying the truth?... Japan and the United States no longer exist?..."

(If you have any interest in dragons, or know someone who might, I've got an interest check up for a new RP idea that I just had. Link in case you're interested or want to refer someone: INTEREST CHECK - Modern Post-Apocolyptic with Dragons | :bsmile:)
The Japanese sailor was quiet for a moment in contemplation, glancing back and forth between Adrian, his sidearm, and the furry standing next to him, then sighed and said in fluent, if slightly accented, English "...Is... is what you are saying the truth?... Japan and the United States no longer exist?..."

(If you have any interest in dragons, or know someone who might, I've got an interest check up for a new RP idea that I just had. Link in case you're interested or want to refer someone: INTEREST CHECK - Modern Post-Apocolyptic with Dragons | :bsmile:)
Adrian stopped and slowly looked up at the sailor. "Well at least this helps communication. Yes as far as we can tell the Untied states and the Empire of Japan as we know them do not exist here nor do any of the other nations we are familiar with, we have encountered two "peoples" one a race of bipedal lizard men who attacked us on land and killed one of our own the second is the race this young women belongs to *He gestured towards Katie* and as I have seen seem peaceful enough. Look what happened at Pearl can't be forgiven by my people and can't be taken back by yours but where we are now makes that point invalid because we seem to be the only human beings here and like it or not you're not on an IJN ship but a US naval ship. Now you got two choices either stay tight lipped and remain a prisoner for the foreseeable future or help me help you and just maybe you can be a sailor once again not for Japan or the Untied states but for humanity." Adrian finished as he folded his hands' in front of him and waited for the man's response.
The Jap Lieutenant was again quiet for a moment in thought, then looked up at the two standing before him and sighed. "...I... I suppose what you suggest is the best way to keep my honor intact, rather than fighting against Americans instead fighting alongside them as fellow humans against greater threats like those monsters you were describing... I am First Lieutenant Tamatsu Shinya, formerly of His Imperial Majesty's Ship Yukikaze, might I have your names?..."
The Jap Lieutenant was again quiet for a moment in thought, then looked up at the two standing before him and sighed. "...I... I suppose what you suggest is the best way to keep my honor intact, rather than fighting against Americans instead fighting alongside them as fellow humans against greater threats like those monsters you were describing... I am First Lieutenant Tamatsu Shinya, formerly of His Imperial Majesty's Ship Yukikaze, might I have your names?..."
"My name is Adrian Fowler and I am a Sargent in the United states Marine corps and it is a pleasure to meet you, I will speak to the Captain about the situation and see what I can do." Adrian stood and began to walk away before he turned back to the man in the cell.

"Know this Tamatsu I have placed my trust in you do not betray this trust for if you do no man, god, or devil will be able to stop me from exacting my retribution." He finished before finding two sailors and telling them to guard the prisoner until he returned with the Captain, Adrian knew Katie was following him from the unique sound of her foot falls as he headed to the bridge. When he arrived he asked for the Captain and waited for the man.
"My name is Adrian Fowler and I am a Sargent in the United states Marine corps and it is a pleasure to meet you, I will speak to the Captain about the situation and see what I can do." Adrian stood and began to walk away before he turned back to the man in the cell.

"Know this Tamatsu I have placed my trust in you do not betray this trust for if you do no man, god, or devil will be able to stop me from exacting my retribution." He finished before finding two sailors and telling them to guard the prisoner until he returned with the Captain, Adrian knew Katie was following him from the unique sound of her foot falls as he headed to the bridge. When he arrived he asked for the Captain and waited for the man.
Dirk would soon arrive on the bridge again and looked to Adrian when he heard the man ask for him. "Yes, Mr. Fowler, what is it? Were you able to get anything out of our guest?"
Dirk would soon arrive on the bridge again and looked to Adrian when he heard the man ask for him. "Yes, Mr. Fowler, what is it? Were you able to get anything out of our guest?"
"In private if possible captain." Adrian said as he walked onto the open deck where the captain followed him to.

"I was honest with the man captain, I told him the situation we are all in and that both of our nations don't seem to exists here and well he wants to work with us as a fellow human rather than as a Japanese and since our kind seem to be absent here I think it is the best course of action but for information you will have to ask him personally. Listen Captain while the final choice is up to you it seems that the chances of us getting out of this world back to our own are slim and best and at worst impossible, if that portal we came through was a Japaneses' creation then we would have been chased or encountered them here and so far we have been met with only radio silence no hostile or friendly communication we are alone here sir and every hand helps no matter the race or loyalty."

Adrian stared of towards the horizon and sighed. "I am truly scared by our situation sir, we are in a land we don't fully understand with beings never seen by man before and while Katie's people are friendly enough I doubt they are the only ones here. To put this is a shorter form the war is second priority right now while our survival is number one and while I know you understand this how many of the crew understand that or even your officers?" He finished now looking at the Captain.
Dirk listened thoughtfully as Adrian shared his thoughts and views on their situation, glancing to Katie who seemed to have already become like a furry shadow to the marine, then looking back to the man before him.

"I'm glad he turned out to be so cooperative. I'd have to say I'd be a bit honored to have a Lieutenant from the Imperial Japanese Navy working on my ship alongside my fellow American sailors." He sighed a bit and looked to the wooden leviathan that Walker and Mahan were still cruising among with, though they were beginning to head back along the path they'd taken to get here, heading back north towards the Java Sea. "To be perfectly honest with you, Sergeant, I'm scared as well," he said after a moment. "I've already decided that our two vessels will stay with this ship belonging to Miss Kathryn's people wherever that might take us, at least for the time being, but that's likely not a permanent solution. Our bunkers are going to run dry eventually, and from what we've learned from these 'furries' so far they don't really know what oil is, so we have the issue of finding a way of refueling these ships with something. We don't have bottomless magazines either, and though we haven't needed to use much of our ammo yet that won't last forever either, especially if any of those other Japanese vessels got caught in the same thing we did and we just haven't crossed paths yet. And there's something else that keeps nagging at my mind; what the fuck happened to Black Hawk? She was almost untouched when we entered the squall, the Japs were completely ignoring her, and we haven't seen hide nor hair of her since then... I'm sure she's out there somewhere, the question is where?..."

(You feeling up to doing that plotline with some NPCs since we're still rather alone here?)
Dirk listened thoughtfully as Adrian shared his thoughts and views on their situation, glancing to Katie who seemed to have already become like a furry shadow to the marine, then looking back to the man before him.

"I'm glad he turned out to be so cooperative. I'd have to say I'd be a bit honored to have a Lieutenant from the Imperial Japanese Navy working on my ship alongside my fellow American sailors." He sighed a bit and looked to the wooden leviathan that Walker and Mahan were still cruising among with, though they were beginning to head back along the path they'd taken to get here, heading back north towards the Java Sea. "To be perfectly honest with you, Sergeant, I'm scared as well," he said after a moment. "I've already decided that our two vessels will stay with this ship belonging to Miss Kathryn's people wherever that might take us, at least for the time being, but that's likely not a permanent solution. Our bunkers are going to run dry eventually, and from what we've learned from these 'furries' so far they don't really know what oil is, so we have the issue of finding a way of refueling these ships with something. We don't have bottomless magazines either, and though we haven't needed to use much of our ammo yet that won't last forever either, especially if any of those other Japanese vessels got caught in the same thing we did and we just haven't crossed paths yet. And there's something else that keeps nagging at my mind; what the fuck happened to Black Hawk? She was almost untouched when we entered the squall, the Japs were completely ignoring her, and we haven't seen hide nor hair of her since then... I'm sure she's out there somewhere, the question is where?..."

(You feeling up to doing that plotline with some NPCs since we're still rather alone here?)
"We have no way to make more oil so we may have to scuttle the ship as for ammo well I got no idea for that. That wood leviathan is the best chance we have if the ship sputters and dies sooner rather than later and as for the blackhawk it could be lost with all hands, back in the Java sea retreating form the Japs or here in this Ocean with us and if the last one is the case then they are far from us." He said speaking his thoughts on what Dirk said.

(A. What would the other plot line be? B. Just read the summary for the destroyermen books and was kinda disappointed with the plot of the books though I haven't read them just the summary so... C. Would you want to do an Rp similar to this as in Alternate earth but with people showing up from a different time or something along those lines?)
"We have no way to make more oil so we may have to scuttle the ship as for ammo well I got no idea for that. That wood leviathan is the best chance we have if the ship sputters and dies sooner rather than later and as for the blackhawk it could be lost with all hands, back in the Java sea retreating form the Japs or here in this Ocean with us and if the last one is the case then they are far from us." He said speaking his thoughts on what Dirk said.

(A. What would the other plot line be? B. Just read the summary for the destroyermen books and was kinda disappointed with the plot of the books though I haven't read them just the summary so... C. Would you want to do an Rp similar to this as in Alternate earth but with people showing up from a different time or something along those lines?)
"There's one thing that you got wrong for certain," Dirk said. "We're not scuttling this vessel. Not now, not when she burns her bunkers dry, not ever. She and Mahan are likely among the most advanced and sophisticated pieces of equipment on this planet now, and even if we do steam her dry the steel she's made of would need to be put to use, and that's all if we don't manage to just tow her somewhere behind that bloody massive thing. *points to Salissa* Like I said, we'll be sticking close to her along with Mahan, but keeping our eyes and ears peeled for any signs of Black Hawk or Amagi. I have a feeling that if she didn't sink that she'd be the most likely Japanese ship to have followed us through. She burns coal for fuel, not oil like us and our old tender, so that sooty black smoke could be a nice clear indicator of her presence if she's still afloat."

(Basically the crew on the DD/SS tender struggling out of the squall lost, confused, and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, encountering some Grik, fleeing, beaching themselves in a protected swamp a bit inland of Java's coast, and trying to just survive from that point but failing. Also, what exactly do you mean about that third thing?)
"There's one thing that you got wrong for certain," Dirk said. "We're not scuttling this vessel. Not now, not when she burns her bunkers dry, not ever. She and Mahan are likely among the most advanced and sophisticated pieces of equipment on this planet now, and even if we do steam her dry the steel she's made of would need to be put to use, and that's all if we don't manage to just tow her somewhere behind that bloody massive thing. *points to Salissa* Like I said, we'll be sticking close to her along with Mahan, but keeping our eyes and ears peeled for any signs of Black Hawk or Amagi. I have a feeling that if she didn't sink that she'd be the most likely Japanese ship to have followed us through. She burns coal for fuel, not oil like us and our old tender, so that sooty black smoke could be a nice clear indicator of her presence if she's still afloat."

(Basically the crew on the DD/SS tender struggling out of the squall lost, confused, and trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, encountering some Grik, fleeing, beaching themselves in a protected swamp a bit inland of Java's coast, and trying to just survive from that point but failing. Also, what exactly do you mean about that third thing?)
"As long as it doesn't fall into the hands of the natives." Adrian said.

"What is your opinion on these "Furries"? I don't think my mind has yet to process it all yet also on the note of the Amagi aren't we under equipped to deal with her if encountered?" Adrian asked finding it nice to be able to relax for a few moments.

(I meant what if we had an alternate earth like this one were in now but have say post civil war bandits or survivors of some great tragedy on our earth something along those lines.)
"As long as it doesn't fall into the hands of the natives." Adrian said.

"What is your opinion on these "Furries"? I don't think my mind has yet to process it all yet also on the note of the Amagi aren't we under equipped to deal with her if encountered?" Adrian asked finding it nice to be able to relax for a few moments.

(I meant what if we had an alternate earth like this one were in now but have say post civil war bandits or survivors of some great tragedy on our earth something along those lines.)
"These natives, these 'furries' not those lizard-bird-like things we found on Menjangan island, I think we can trust them to remain friendly," Dirk said. "After all we've showed no intentional hostilities towards them that haven't been explained and apologized for, and the same thing has been happening on their part. As for if we run into Amagi again... if she's out there she's at the very least significantly damaged if not severely so or even crippled. I saw her get hit by at least two of Mahan's torpedoes point-blank, and Walker still has three of hers left, plus another two fish that we picked up on Surabaya that were supposedly condemned, but the machine shop's working on figuring out what's wrong with them right now. I also know that Amagi was being pounded constantly by our four-inch-fifties, three from us and two from Mahan, and I saw her get hit by a couple shells from those cruisers behind us and a Val even crashed right on top of her center turret. At the very least that turret's crippled and the 'Rufe' Zero floatplane on top of it is trashed. We might not even be forced to fight if we still have fuel, because the damage we dealt her might have reduced her top speed to below ours. Even if we do have to fight, I'm sure that these crews would be more than willing, since we know we can hurt her and compared to everything else we've encountered here she isn't actually all that scary anymore."

(Hmm... I don't know, I might, but probably not, sorry.)
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