The Destroyermen

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"...She's a healer?..." Katie asked, nervously staying close to the big Marine as Walker and Mahan slowed a bit, then started coming about to pull alongside the wooden leviathan of a ship that was sailing--the thing was being propelled by three massive bloody SAILS of all things--along at a pokey six knots. "...wh-what are you people?" Katie said, beginning a barrage of confused and fascinated questions that she started bombarding Adrian with almost as intensely as the Japs had bombarded what was left of the Asiatic Fleet a few days before. "Where did you come from? How does your Home move so quickly and where are it's sails? What were you doing that made you almost hit us? Why... why did you save me?..."

When they reached the Medibay the first thing Connie recognized was Adrian, and the first thing Katie recognized was the scent on Connie of the creature that Walker's head nurse had dissected but hadn't managed to clean up from yet. Isaac had headed off towards the officers quarters to try and find Courtney Bradford, since he knew the Aussie wouldn't want to miss out on examining this newest discovery for anything, and to also fetch the captain so that he could better know and figure out what was developing.

"Are you kidding me? *exaggerated sigh* Alright, what the hell is wrong with you now, hot stu-..." Connie started to say before she noticed what Katie looked like and froze, staring at the furry in stunned silence. Just across the room, Kathy McCoy fainted outright, only stopped from hitting the floor by a quick-thinking Pam Cross and Karen Theimer. "...wha?..." Connie mouthed silently as she just stared at the very busty (even more-so than her), essentially-bikini-clad wolfess. Katie's ears were flattened back against her head and she got down low on all fours, looking around nervously as she searched fearfully for the Grik she was smelling.
As they walked Adrian took the rapid fire questions in stride but would answer them once in the med bay and he knew she wasn't injured. Adrian saw the situation that was developing when they walked in, the shock on Connie's face and the fainting nurse but what drew his attention was his ward's reaction to seeing Connie or more likely smelling the blood of the damned lizard creature he had brought back to the ship, Adrian had owned more than a few dogs when he lived in the states and one thing that he remembered was when ever a canine got frightened and the stance they took he also remembered the bites they could give and if his female ward was wolf like then he could only assume her response would be similar and with much deadlier results if this situation spiraled out of control so he did the only thing he knew to do. He knelt down so he was looking her in the eyes before placing his hand on her head near her ears and started to pet her. God I hope this isn't an insult in their culture." He thought before speaking to the wolf girl.

"Their is nothing on this ship that will hurt you that I promise and if their is something here that tries to hurt you I will make sure you are safe by what ever means." Adrian said hoping to diffuse this situation quickly.
As they walked Adrian took the rapid fire questions in stride but would answer them once in the med bay and he knew she wasn't injured. Adrian saw the situation that was developing when they walked in, the shock on Connie's face and the fainting nurse but what drew his attention was his ward's reaction to seeing Connie or more likely smelling the blood of the damned lizard creature he had brought back to the ship, Adrian had owned more than a few dogs when he lived in the states and one thing that he remembered was when ever a canine got frightened and the stance they took he also remembered the bites they could give and if his female ward was wolf like then he could only assume her response would be similar and with much deadlier results if this situation spiraled out of control so he did the only thing he knew to do. He knelt down so he was looking her in the eyes before placing his hand on her head near her ears and started to pet her. God I hope this isn't an insult in their culture." He thought before speaking to the wolf girl.

"Their is nothing on this ship that will hurt you that I promise and if their is something here that tries to hurt you I will make sure you are safe by what ever means." Adrian said hoping to diffuse this situation quickly.
Katie tensed for a moment before she truly felt the sensation of Adrian petting her and practically melted against him, starting to smile widely and seeming to forget about what Connie smelled like. "Oh my God... that feels so nice..." she moaned happily, her tail wagging as Courtney and the Skipper both entered the room, and both froze in place and stared a bit.
Katie tensed for a moment before she truly felt the sensation of Adrian petting her and practically melted against him, starting to smile widely and seeming to forget about what Connie smelled like. "Oh my God... that feels so nice..." she moaned happily, her tail wagging as Courtney and the Skipper both entered the room, and both froze in place and stared a bit.
Adrian sighed now that the situation was calmer before looking at Connie. "I brought her here to get a look over, she had a fall and I was what broke it but I think the blood from the creature you were working with may have set off some sort of danger response as best I can figure. When you get cleaned off of the blood could you make sure she ain't got no broken bones or anything of the sort." He asked Connie before looking at the Skipper and Courtney.

"So how's both of your day's been because mine had been odd to say the least." He said with an exaggerated sigh.
Adrian sighed now that the situation was calmer before looking at Connie. "I brought her here to get a look over, she had a fall and I was what broke it but I think the blood from the creature you were working with may have set off some sort of danger response as best I can figure. When you get cleaned off of the blood could you make sure she ain't got no broken bones or anything of the sort." He asked Connie before looking at the Skipper and Courtney.

"So how's both of your day's been because mine had been odd to say the least." He said with an exaggerated sigh.
The rest of those in the room just stared for a moment at the strange, human/wolf girl at Adrian's side who was continuing to moan and wag her tail happily at the feeling of his touch. Eventually, though, Connie nodded in understanding and ran off to get herself cleaned up and Courtney cautiously came over and crouched down next to Katie, looking her over intently. "My word..." he muttered as Dirk looked the young girl over a bit and asked "Do you... do you have a name, young lady?..."

Wow, nobody's ever called me that before... Katie thought. Why do the tail-less ones think so highly of me already?... "My name is Kathryn Weyland..." she eventually managed between her contented moans and sighs. "...though most just call me Katie..."
(Keep going.)
" what are you people?..." Katie asked nervously as she looked around the room then back to Adrian again. She had relaxed a bit more but was still a bit frightened and confused by all of this. "And are you even from here?"
" what are you people?..." Katie asked nervously as she looked around the room then back to Adrian again. She had relaxed a bit more but was still a bit frightened and confused by all of this. "And are you even from here?"
"We are human, and as far as I can tell we are very far from home. What about you... I never got your name." Adrian said realizing a crucial part of any conversation the other person's name was not known to the marine. This whole situation was surreal for him, but wasn't dead and by all right he and the whole crew of this ship should be in a watery grave he just hoped their wasn't a global conflict going on in this world like his own had going on.
"We are human, and as far as I can tell we are very far from home. What about you... I never got your name." Adrian said realizing a crucial part of any conversation the other person's name was not known to the marine. This whole situation was surreal for him, but wasn't dead and by all right he and the whole crew of this ship should be in a watery grave he just hoped their wasn't a global conflict going on in this world like his own had going on.
"My name is Kathryn Weyland, though most just call me Katie," the wolfess said as Connie came back, now cleaned up, and started carefully checking her and Adrian over for any injuries. "How does your Home move so quickly and where are its sails?" Katie asked curiously. "Were those tube-like things on the top some kind of sails?"
"My name is Kathryn Weyland, though most just call me Katie," the wolfess said as Connie came back, now cleaned up, and started carefully checking her and Adrian over for any injuries. "How does your Home move so quickly and where are its sails?" Katie asked curiously. "Were those tube-like things on the top some kind of sails?"
"This isn't our home Katie, this is a warship and the tubes are weapons." Adrian said not giving to much information in case things went FUBAR as he sat still letting Connie look him over even though he felt fine but the way things had gone for him he wouldn't be surprised if he had some mysterious injury that has eluded him until now.
"This isn't our home Katie, this is a warship and the tubes are weapons." Adrian said not giving to much information in case things went FUBAR as he sat still letting Connie look him over even though he felt fine but the way things had gone for him he wouldn't be surprised if he had some mysterious injury that has eluded him until now.
(She was referring to the 'four-stacker's' four 'stacks, but whatever; smokestacks, torpedo tubes, they're basically the same thing, lol)

"What do you mean, this isn't your Home?" Katie asked in a bit of confusion. "Certainly this is your Home as you travel on the seas, right? You can't possibly live somewhere else when you're... Wait, a warship!?..." she then blurted in surprise. "Why could you possibly have a need for a ship designed only to wage war?... The Grik may have began to reemerge, but only in very small numbers... plus, they don't look like any weapons I've ever seen..." She glanced back towards the corridor that they'd come through to reach the wardroom from the top deck, then glanced down as she now noticed there seemed to be a constant, low rumbling sound and a noticeable vibration coming through the floor from beneath her. "...And if they aren't your sails, then how does your ship move so impossibly fast?..."

Connie soon finished checking Adrian over, apparently satisfied that she hadn't found anything of concern, then started cautiously doing the same to the furry still close by his side.
(She was referring to the 'four-stacker's' four 'stacks, but whatever; smokestacks, torpedo tubes, they're basically the same thing, lol)

"What do you mean, this isn't your Home?" Katie asked in a bit of confusion. "Certainly this is your Home as you travel on the seas, right? You can't possibly live somewhere else when you're... Wait, a warship!?..." she then blurted in surprise. "Why could you possibly have a need for a ship designed only to wage war?... The Grik may have began to reemerge, but only in very small numbers... plus, they don't look like any weapons I've ever seen..." She glanced back towards the corridor that they'd come through to reach the wardroom from the top deck, then glanced down as she now noticed there seemed to be a constant, low rumbling sound and a noticeable vibration coming through the floor from beneath her. "...And if they aren't your sails, then how does your ship move so impossibly fast?..."

Connie soon finished checking Adrian over, apparently satisfied that she hadn't found anything of concern, then started cautiously doing the same to the furry still close by his side.
(Everything is a weapon if your smart devious desperate enough.)

"We live in a nation that is far from here, most don't use the sea for anything other than trade nowadays and as to why a war ship well we're at war with a nation to the east and a nation to the west both hell bent on the subjugation of anyone they deem...inferior and the weapons are to destroy other ships. That's the engine we use fuel to propel the ship but most of these questions are better addressed to the captain, ships were never my area of expertise."

"Connie I don't think she's a threat to us, she hasn't shown and hostility other than to you when you were covered in blood but haven't you seen dogs react to scents of predators like that back home?" Adrian said to Connie seeing how she was being extremely cautious around this Katie wolf girl who was more focused on playing 20 questions with him then anything she was doing.
(Everything is a weapon if your smart devious desperate enough.)

"We live in a nation that is far from here, most don't use the sea for anything other than trade nowadays and as to why a war ship well we're at war with a nation to the east and a nation to the west both hell bent on the subjugation of anyone they deem...inferior and the weapons are to destroy other ships. That's the engine we use fuel to propel the ship but most of these questions are better addressed to the captain, ships were never my area of expertise."

"Connie I don't think she's a threat to us, she hasn't shown and hostility other than to you when you were covered in blood but haven't you seen dogs react to scents of predators like that back home?" Adrian said to Connie seeing how she was being extremely cautious around this Katie wolf girl who was more focused on playing 20 questions with him then anything she was doing.

"To the east?..." Katie said, a bit confused as she gazed in what she knew was that direction for a moment. "But... there's nothing out that way but the Great Eastern Sea... nothing can cross such a huge expanse of water, and even if they could they wouldn't be able to stand up once they got far enough and they'd fall off the edge because it'd be too steep..." She looked to Dirk at Adrian's suggestion of diverting the questions to him, and though she still stayed close by the Marine's side, she began relentlessly bombarding the Skipper with questions now.

Connie looked up at Adrian as he spoke, quiet for a moment as she processed the truth he was speaking, then said "Yeah, I have seen that a couple times on hunting trips before back home in Norman..." She sighed a bit as she stood, looking to Katie, then to the table where she remembered helping Courtney dissect and study that... thing... then out one of the portholes at the giant wooden ship they were now moseying along next to, then back to Adrian again. "Do you think... do you think we stand a chance of even surviving here for long, let alone ever getting back home?..."

"To the east?..." Katie said, a bit confused as she gazed in what she knew was that direction for a moment. "But... there's nothing out that way but the Great Eastern Sea... nothing can cross such a huge expanse of water, and even if they could they wouldn't be able to stand up once they got far enough and they'd fall off the edge because it'd be too steep..." She looked to Dirk at Adrian's suggestion of diverting the questions to him, and though she still stayed close by the Marine's side, she began relentlessly bombarding the Skipper with questions now.

Connie looked up at Adrian as he spoke, quiet for a moment as she processed the truth he was speaking, then said "Yeah, I have seen that a couple times on hunting trips before back home in Norman..." She sighed a bit as she stood, looking to Katie, then to the table where she remembered helping Courtney dissect and study that... thing... then out one of the portholes at the giant wooden ship they were now moseying along next to, then back to Adrian again. "Do you think... do you think we stand a chance of even surviving here for long, let alone ever getting back home?..."
(That moment when this RP with just the two of us is almost on 10 pages and we both post regularly.)

"We're human, our history is filled with the destruction of obstacles to our survival I doubt this situation will be any different if we must go that far so in sort for survival most likely as for home that's more tricky. First we would need to find the portal or create it and hope we end up on water near a friendly shore but if we go back what will happen to this place? What I mean is we are in a global war on many fronts, what if the German's or Japanese find this place hell even if the Imperial power of Britain, these beings wouldn't stand a chance and I won't be part of genocide due to rich men's greed who are willing to exploit peoples who's understanding of the world and technology is much less then theirs. Their are so many things involved in us getting home that well I just can't answer that question." Adrian said after his tangent.
(That moment when this RP with just the two of us is almost on 10 pages and we both post regularly.)

"We're human, our history is filled with the destruction of obstacles to our survival I doubt this situation will be any different if we must go that far so in sort for survival most likely as for home that's more tricky. First we would need to find the portal or create it and hope we end up on water near a friendly shore but if we go back what will happen to this place? What I mean is we are in a global war on many fronts, what if the German's or Japanese find this place hell even if the Imperial power of Britain, these beings wouldn't stand a chance and I won't be part of genocide due to rich men's greed who are willing to exploit peoples who's understanding of the world and technology is much less then theirs. Their are so many things involved in us getting home that well I just can't answer that question." Adrian said after his tangent.
(Yeah, lol. This is pretty fun just like it is, but I really think we should try to recruit some others to come and join in. Btw, in case I didn't say this before, the portal-squalls are one-way only and the phenomena can't really be controlled or harnessed in any way. This version of earth is only on the receiving end of those trans-dimensional squalls, but I will say that it isn't only receiving... packages... from our particular version of earth...)

Connie sighed, understanding what Adrian meant as she looked back at Katie and Courtney, who were now the ones engaged in a very involved conversation, shooting questions and answers back and forth at each other like machine gun fire. Dirk had made his way over to the side of the nurse and the marine in order to catch his breath a bit, but soon added onto the end of what Adrian had said. "And I'll say for sure that myself, Walker, Mahan, and all of those aboard both of them would not stand for anything of the sort either. These people are clearly intelligent, civilized, sentient and sapient. I'd also venture to say that, even if all their technology is like what we've seen so far, they as a race probably outmatch us on this world. I for one would not put up with any kind of enslavement or discrimination or genocide against these people or our own, regardless of color or sex, *sends a quick glance to Connie and the other nurses, along with their Pilipino mess attendant Juan Marcos* and I'm not afraid to bring back some more... 'old fashioned'... forms of punishment to enforce that, as well as coming up with some new ones, like hanging and being tossed into the water respectively."

(You feeling up to starting something on Black Hawk, or you wanna wait and see if we can snag some new meat first?)
(Yeah, lol. This is pretty fun just like it is, but I really think we should try to recruit some others to come and join in. Btw, in case I didn't say this before, the portal-squalls are one-way only and the phenomena can't really be controlled or harnessed in any way. This version of earth is only on the receiving end of those trans-dimensional squalls, but I will say that it isn't only receiving... packages... from our particular version of earth...)

Connie sighed, understanding what Adrian meant as she looked back at Katie and Courtney, who were now the ones engaged in a very involved conversation, shooting questions and answers back and forth at each other like machine gun fire. Dirk had made his way over to the side of the nurse and the marine in order to catch his breath a bit, but soon added onto the end of what Adrian had said. "And I'll say for sure that myself, Walker, Mahan, and all of those aboard both of them would not stand for anything of the sort either. These people are clearly intelligent, civilized, sentient and sapient. I'd also venture to say that, even if all their technology is like what we've seen so far, they as a race probably outmatch us on this world. I for one would not put up with any kind of enslavement or discrimination or genocide against these people or our own, regardless of color or sex, *sends a quick glance to Connie and the other nurses, along with their Pilipino mess attendant Juan Marcos* and I'm not afraid to bring back some more... 'old fashioned'... forms of punishment to enforce that, as well as coming up with some new ones, like hanging and being tossed into the water respectively."

(You feeling up to starting something on Black Hawk, or you wanna wait and see if we can snag some new meat first?)
(New meat for this RP and if we start up something for the black hawk and I tried to get some people a month or so ago and no one I asked seemed to interested and Adrian was speculating since he is not sure how'd they leave.)

"We need more combat ready troops captain, i'm the only infantry on the ship if their are any other marines on the other ship I don't know about it. You could always flog people, isn't that what you navy boys used to do decades ago?" Adrian said as he watched the conversation between the other nurse and Katie before he reached up and rubbed his face and felt how rough it was getting, he hadn't shaved in a few days and the effects were showing he also hadn't bathed in a few days either. "Well i'm going to get myself clean and a shave in the showers so if anything happens you know where to find me." The marine said as he walked away from the medbay.
(New meat for this RP and if we start up something for the black hawk and I tried to get some people a month or so ago and no one I asked seemed to interested and Adrian was speculating since he is not sure how'd they leave.)

"We need more combat ready troops captain, i'm the only infantry on the ship if their are any other marines on the other ship I don't know about it. You could always flog people, isn't that what you navy boys used to do decades ago?" Adrian said as he watched the conversation between the other nurse and Katie before he reached up and rubbed his face and felt how rough it was getting, he hadn't shaved in a few days and the effects were showing he also hadn't bathed in a few days either. "Well i'm going to get myself clean and a shave in the showers so if anything happens you know where to find me." The marine said as he walked away from the medbay.
(Sorry it took me so long to reply, been really busy lately)

"Hmm... flogging could prove to be a pretty effective deterrent," Dirk said before Adrian left. "No, you're right, you are the only Marine, but everyone here save for Mr. Bradford and our furry guest are trained as soldiers, and can and will function in that role if it comes down to it. You saw yourself yesterday while we were out there fighting those creatures, Mr. Silva is like a fighting machine, and a bloody huge one at that." When the marine said he was going to go get himself cleaned up, Dirk nodded in understanding and dismissed him, but seeing him starting to leave caught Katie's eye, and she interrupted her conversation with Courtney in order to follow closely after Adrian.
(Sorry it took me so long to reply, been really busy lately)

"Hmm... flogging could prove to be a pretty effective deterrent," Dirk said before Adrian left. "No, you're right, you are the only Marine, but everyone here save for Mr. Bradford and our furry guest are trained as soldiers, and can and will function in that role if it comes down to it. You saw yourself yesterday while we were out there fighting those creatures, Mr. Silva is like a fighting machine, and a bloody huge one at that." When the marine said he was going to go get himself cleaned up, Dirk nodded in understanding and dismissed him, but seeing him starting to leave caught Katie's eye, and she interrupted her conversation with Courtney in order to follow closely after Adrian.
(It's all good, since it's just us we can take our time with a post if life happens.)

Adrian made his way to the showers and surprisingly it was empty and for that Adrian was thankful. He decided to shave his face first, finding a mirror and taking out a bar of soap and a strait razor before lathering his face. While he was shaving he noticed some of the soap had fallen onto his shirt, grunting he unbuttoned it and threw it into what would soon be a pile for his other clothes but first he need to finish shaving. He winced as he cut his cheek and watched it bleed as he finished the rest of his face he dabbed the wound with a towel, he took off the rest of his clothes and stood in all his glory before starting the water. Now Adrian was aware of most things if he was in danger but since he was on friendly ground he was just looking forward to the shower so he didn't notice he had been followed from the med bay.
(It's all good, since it's just us we can take our time with a post if life happens.)

Adrian made his way to the showers and surprisingly it was empty and for that Adrian was thankful. He decided to shave his face first, finding a mirror and taking out a bar of soap and a strait razor before lathering his face. While he was shaving he noticed some of the soap had fallen onto his shirt, grunting he unbuttoned it and threw it into what would soon be a pile for his other clothes but first he need to finish shaving. He winced as he cut his cheek and watched it bleed as he finished the rest of his face he dabbed the wound with a towel, he took off the rest of his clothes and stood in all his glory before starting the water. Now Adrian was aware of most things if he was in danger but since he was on friendly ground he was just looking forward to the shower so he didn't notice he had been followed from the med bay.
(Omg, XD Adrian! "Welcome to the neighborhood, motherfucker, have a look at my junk! XD)

Katie had followed Adrian into the washrooms quietly, and despite the attention she'd been getting nobody seemed to notice where she'd gone. She was a bit embarrassed when Adrian suddenly stripped down, though she felt a little excited by it as well in a weird way she'd only recently ever felt. She knew that she was starting to get to that point in her life where she'd start searching for a mate, and her sex drive had more than quintupled in the past few weeks. Her tail was wagging a little as she quietly watched Adrian go about what he was doing, still unnoticed.
(Omg, XD Adrian! "Welcome to the neighborhood, motherfucker, have a look at my junk! XD)

Katie had followed Adrian into the washrooms quietly, and despite the attention she'd been getting nobody seemed to notice where she'd gone. She was a bit embarrassed when Adrian suddenly stripped down, though she felt a little excited by it as well in a weird way she'd only recently ever felt. She knew that she was starting to get to that point in her life where she'd start searching for a mate, and her sex drive had more than quintupled in the past few weeks. Her tail was wagging a little as she quietly watched Adrian go about what he was doing, still unnoticed.
(Let's be honest, a Marine who's daily washing routine would normally be around many other nude men and the fact that he hasn't had a shower in a few days would combine to equal a man that just doesn't care right now. Also JAYSUS CHRIST QUINTUPLED.)

Adrian let the water run over his head again before he turned it off and started to towel himself off, he stepped out of the steam and came face to face with their newest addition to the ship Katie. He calmly wrapped his lower portion with the towel before addressing the wolf girl. " may I help you?" He asked trying to figure out why she was here and how she got out of the med-bay without anyone looking for her.
(Yeah, XD Also, yes, quintupled. In this puberty hits these furry girls like a fucking freight train.)

Katie blushed enough that it was visible through her fur as she dipped her head a little, then looked back up at Adrian a bit and said "I was just... staying close to you because you saved my life and everything... I'm still a bit scared and confused by everything that's been happening this morning, but I feel safe around you and I rather want to stay with you..." Seeing him like she had and still was was rather turning her on, and this wasn't helped by her pre-existing loneliness that she'd been dealing with even before she'd met the humans.
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