The Dark Prince.

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Morgana rested her head on his shoulder, letting everything that happened get into her. For the first time, someone bold enough stepped in her life and wanted to be in her life in a way that she wanted Ethan to be. Someone who practically surpassed Ethan in every way in her heart, and for the first time --- she smiled.


Ethan was awake, but he wanted everything around him to sink in. Even though he was prepared with everything of being King, the victory still lay in the air and his mind tried to condition itself, passed his happiness and towards beyond it: he was King of Romania. He had to admit that being King of England had a nicer ring to it -- but who cares? He can make Romania as good of a country, and maybe even better, much better.

He allowed his eyelids to lift open as the touch Anna's fingers lingered on his bronze hair, turning his body and head towards her with a deep stare into her eyes as he took her hand away from his hair and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingers gently without taking his eyes off of her. "Morning, Your Highness." he said playfully, with a touch of seduction that seasoned his aura. "I see you're awake."
She smiled.

Marius continued to hold her in his arms

Even the sun couldn't deny the beautiful moment

As it shined just slightly through the trees..

Marius knew Morgana was stubborn but after

This there was no way they could go back to what they

Were... they could only move forward


Anna smiled At his gesture even now early in the morning

He made her feel amazing.

"Yes I am as are you and I am fine just a little morning sickness" she shrugged

Laying down on his chest "your first official day

How do you feel..? After all you have a country to run today

Your majesty" she concluded in the same seductive manner he did

Today things were going to change.

For Romania she could feel it.
Today my plans commence.

"I feel honoured, Your Majesty the Queen." Ethan said, smirking as he tangled his fingers with her hair. Allowing the small light that seeped through to shine over it, admiring the vibrant colour it unveiled. "You should rest, take care of yourself and let your maids do the work. You're still quite fragile."

He had protect Anna at all costs, now especially at this state. She had become his weakness.
Anna thought about what he said and decided it made sense

to just stay in bed... after all she did feel sick and she wanted this pregnancy to go perfectly

since women had been loosing there their babies lately and she didnt want to be involved in that category

"Your right its for the best I assume" She said quietly playing with a strand of her hair

"Have fun."
Ethan chuckled, before rising from the bed and slid into his robes. A few minutes later, he bathed and got ready. But of course, even if he was King doesn't mean he had to wear that uniform of sorts that he wore on the coronation. He wasn't like Julius who wandered around, swivelling his long red garb, crown, and sat on his chair all day long. He liked being classy, and inspected everything in his Kingdom. Though being King was he allowed to wear his crown around, he did not prefer it. Ethan liked keeping his notoriety concealed, and he did not need a crown for people to fear him --- they already do.

He dressed in a dark blue tailcoat, a patterned vest, a white neckpiece and bottoms. It was similar to his daily chief uniform, but you can see the clear changes, it was more sophisticated in a sense. To admit, Ethan himself thought he looked sharp and more mysterious --- more devious.


He took a hip flask from his inner breast pocket, uncapping it and gave it a sip. Ever since he knew he and Anna would share a room, he had been keeping the blood in it to avoid Anna from finding out. Not now, not yet, and maybe soon he will tell her. He looked at the metal hip flash for a moment, studying it's metal and the designed leather cover before tucking it back to his pocket. "Well, take care my love." he told her, before giving her a wink and exited out of the room. "Tell me if anything pains you..." he trailed, assuming that a half-vampire

As he went out of the room, a maid was coming in with a tray full of Anna's food, there he took the chance to ask "Have you seen Marius?"
The maid of course blushed as every woman in the kingdom

Did whenever Ethan approached.

"Ah..yes your majesty he was out heading towards the garden last

I seen" she concluded curtseying slightly

And going inside his room followed by maids with towels

And such "David however Is looking for you out in the courtyard " she concluded

Softly as they slowly closed the door behind them
"Very well."

'Your Majesty', those words had such a refreshing feeling. It's been a while since he had heard it, about a good thousands of years to be exact. As he walked swiftly down his way, blushing maids bowed as he passed, guards and soldiers alike even did the same. Not like he wasn't used to it, people bowed to him ever since, but the only difference was that all of them will bow to him now.

Even the priests.

The thought about it made him chuckle darkly as the guards allowed him out the courtyard. He wouldn't bother Marius for now, a matter with David was at hand, and better sort out priority before any other leisurely talk with a fellow ally. Besides, he probably like exploring the castle -- it's best to leave the man alone. He met David just a few feet away as soon as he went out, he turned his mischevious blue eyes to his attention and adressed him "What is the situation?"
David looked up at Ethan smiling

"Nothing... nothing you need to handle now that's my job your majesty"

He joked to his friend who seemed ready to handle physical

Situations that as a King he didn't have to anymore

"But I guess old habits die hard..." he shrugged wrapping his arm around

Ethan and walking along in front of the body gaurds entitled to him

"I was wondering where Marius is

We all have a dinner to attend to tonight

And the kings of other countries will be there

To Ger to know you And insure we are all alies...they want to know

What direction you wish to take we need all the important

Higher powered men there.. nervous? "
Ethan sighed, David had a point "I don't think that sitting on a throne, waiting for conflict would do me any good. This is why Julius wasn't as effective, he sat on his throne like an old fat duke from the Renaissance, more specifically Cardinal Juan Borgia of Rome." he said thoughtfully, remembering the time when he resided in Rome, waiting for his face and name to fade in the history of England -- there he saw that fool of a Cardinal, who did nothing but go to parties and pleasured women. "He threw a lot of parties, and had lots of women till one day he was killed in his own party, poison . . . After that his cousin Cesare took his title."

He remembered it well, he attended that very party when the Cardinal was killed. He wasn't invited although, yet he came. It was easy to blend with the women, for wherever he went they followed, unbeknowst to them that they were providing him a very good camouflage. With their coloured dresses and flailing arms. Realizing how he had just revealed a vivid bit of history, he cleared his throat "At least that's what I have read." he added quickly, startled with what he had just done. Him and history went very far, he could go on and on about the histort of England and Italy, for he lived in both during it's colourful days.

As soon as David mentioned Marius, it made him think. Where was that man, why was he missing? "I'm pretty sure, wherever he is -- it is an important matter." he concluded, shrugging passively. Marius was a vampire, aside from being his ally, he also had his own life and own agenda. Might as well not interfere, "As for the dinner, I'm not nervous . . . It's rather refreshing. How are your duties, David?"
David looked at him rather suspiciously at all the history he knew

As if he had a personal experience

But decided not to push it

He was probably just expert in historic matters.

He smirked and fixed his collar "they are fine

Filling your steps rather well if I so say so myself" he continued

Basking in his own glory

"Anyways important or not this is more important ..he better show up soon .."

"Show up? Here I am" Marius said as he appeared fixing his coat and

Clearing his throat "I heard you all were looking for me.."
Ethan's attention went to Marius, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere -- fixing his coat as if he were in a rush. His hair was slightly messeld and his clothes were slightly crumpled with evidence of small strands of grass sticking on his coat. "Did you in a fight? You look quite shaken... At least your clothes are." Ethan said, as he swept his gaze towards his other companion. As soon as he did so, he saw a black cat with yellow eyes so much like Morgana's emerge from the bushes. The cat gave him a glance, before walking swiftly out of his sight.

"David and I were just discussing the dinner party tonight, it's a mandatory event and we just want to let you know." he said, brushing off his past statement to surface a more important matter. Whatever Marius got himself into, what not much of his business. It was good to know, yet there are matters at hand.
Marius brushed himself off and ran his fingers through his

Hair once more clearing throat "ah..yes the dinner ill be there and

Just handeling some business." He concluded nodding once

And smiling at both men

"Lovely day.."
"Indeed it is." Ethan said flatly, finding Marius' unusually bright behaviour way too off of character. Then again, it wasn't his business. Ethan was a serious man, so it never striked him to be dreamy, even around Anna. He brushed this subject off as quickly as soon as it came to his mind, and walked further into the courtyard, digging his hands into his pockets.

"Is the King of England coming?"
David stared at the list a while before looking up

"He's on the list .... why you fond of him? "

He asked with an eyebrow raiser

Marius looked at Ethan then back at David

"I don't know brother are we fond of them?"
Ethan fell silent, a smirk formed on his lips "Not so, just asking." he sighed, as he faced both men with a straight face. First day as King, he was already enjoying this godly power over this vast land of Romania. "Well, I guess I'll see you both tonight. I am going to tend to some matters regarding the Kingdom. And Marius, if you see Morgana --- tell her I need more books."

I just hope to take over his Kingdom, that's all. After all, England is mine.
more books indeed.

"I'll be sure to..send Anna my love" he retorted going in the

Opposite direction.

Only half listening to the things David was saying.

Morgana was still lingering and he would go see her soon.

His addiction


Anna was slightly irritated.

She couldn't just sit in bed and do absolutely

Nothing so she got up and dressed lightly going

To the garden to read a book and get fresh air

When she sat she noticed a mysterious black cat with yellow eyes.

She titled her head slightly and smiled picking up the Kitty and sitting it

In her lap "hello my love where did you come from?" She asked as she caressed its fur softly

Morgana hissed at Anna's touch, even though her hatred for Anna wasn't as bad as it was before -- it doesn't mean she's okay with her either. This was not her ideal state to get herself in, she pawed off her grasp on her feline figure and slipped out smoothly from her arms and fled towards the courtyard where she saw Marius' figure standing around carelessly.

Quickly, she circled his legs and rubbed her head against it, begging for him to pick her up because for surely, Anna would follow her.
Anna followed behind slowly as Marius picked the Kitty up

"Why did it let you pick her up and she hisses at me?" She said folding her arms

Half irritated.

"She's...a mean Kitty ..." Marius concluded with

A raise in his eyebrow

"Well it probably has fleas and rabbies acting that way..remove

It from the grounds for me." She asked staring bitterly at the animal

Marius only nodded once as Anna turned away to the other direction

"Bad Kitty" he said playfully running his fingers through its fur smirking still

She looked towards where Anna had disappeared at, giving a throaty growl as her yellow eyes flashed viciously at everyone who passed -- including the guards, whose tough and disciplined facade lost it's touched at the way she stared at them evilly. She looked up to Marius, eyes wide as it rested comfortably in his arms, purring at his touch.

Now this is better.

Now, if I can only get back into my form....


"Ah, I can't let you stay still -- can't I?" Ethan said, as he neared Anna's figure that he saw through the green leaves of the gardens. He folded his arms smoothly, watching her walk back to where her book was with a bitter face as if she was disappointed with something. He leaned against the tree, with hands dug into his pockets.

"The Queen likes the outdoors."
(Lol I can imagine her in Kitty form growling as the gaurds to past LOL)

Marius continued petting the cat he knew we was Morgana

"I don't make it a habit of talking to cats so mind changing back to my beautiful Morgana?"

He whispered going off into a secluded area with her...


Anna looked up at Ethan startled a little at his sudden presence

"I stayed in he's the longest I could ... I was bored" she whined opening her book


"How are you your majesty" she asked smiling up at him once more..
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