The Circle Of Friends: The Last Summer

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Heather and Blair have the oldest relationship in the group, since they were the ones to bring everyone together.
Heather and Blair have the oldest relationship in the group, since they were the ones to bring everyone together.
@Shayla and @Shattered♦Secrets™ Since heather and blair stared it. Posting number 1 can be whoever approached who first. So let's try to figure out the order today ok?

This brings up an interesting question...Heather and Blair have been together the longest, but, since John didn't go from neighbor/acquaintance to friends with Blair until sometime in high school (I figured 9th grade), where do I fit in the posting order? I figure either one of you or @Shayla could determine where I fit
As Alianne was one of the last to be introduced, then I'll be one of the last to post, if that is how we are doing things.
Heather --- first two (pick who's first? [i, of course, will be doing an opener to set the scene don't worry])

Blair --- first two (pick who's first? [i, of course, will be doing an opener to set the scene don't worry])

Alianne --- 12th grade by Amanda

Amanda --- 7th grade by ???

Toby --- 10th by ???

John --- 9th Grade by Blair

Xavier --- 9th Grade by Blair

Ken --- 9th Grade by ???

Yumma --- 9th Grade by ???

Dominic --- Is Brought Along Into Group By Heather

Jason --- Never Joined Group Technically By Amanda


  3. AMANDA​
  4. JOHN​
  5. YUMMA​
  6. XAVIER​
  7. KEN​
  8. TOBY​

@The Mernsicle
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I'd say John would be before Xavier he was recruited by Blair and they were in ninth grade
I'd say John would be before Xavier he was recruited by Blair and they were in ninth grade
I put Xavier so versatile because literally nothing has been put to time line him. You can say you want John recruited in the ninth grade and thats fine. But it hasn't been said when Xavier was recruited. So we got to wait for the bit of information.
No, I meant that Xavier was recruited in the ninth grade by Blair. Me and shayla decided that he would be recruited by Blair when we did the character relationships.
No, I meant that Xavier was recruited in the ninth grade by Blair. Me and shayla decided that he would be recruited by Blair when we did the character relationships.
Ohhh!!! Thank you then for pointing that out for me. AWAY TO ADD THE THINGS
@Justaddnutts I'll allow Allianne to be last, could I be added to the group in about tenth grade please? I don't really care where I am in the order we met.
Heatherand Blair are the only ones we need to figure out, then our posing order is complete.
Heatherand Blair are the only ones we need to figure out, then our posing order is complete.
Nope. We still have Xavier and Yumma. (as well as Heather and Blair)

I'll start working on the opener and IC just so we can have it ready to go as soon as possible.
It will be smoothed out by the day's end I'm sure.
I'd say maybe 9th by either Heather or John for Ken.
I'm chill with whatever though it might be a touch challenging for me to remember posting order XD
I'm chill with whatever though it might be a touch challenging for me to remember posting order XD
Don't worry. Once I have it solidified I'll post it in an update
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