The Chosen

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Perfection? Sacrifice thought, letting the zombie pull him to his knees. No, not perfection.. He twisted the blade in his hand, cutting the zombie arm away before twisting his body, avoiding the first hell hound by mere inches. He twisted to his feet, lashing out and cutting the first hound down. Just lack of foolish thinking, lack of one on one banter.

He twisted again, dancing with the two other hounds, lashing out and felling the second one. No point in distracting myself with my own words when my enemy tries to do it for me. He dodged again, twisting his body and hearing his spine crack as he twisted away. The pain that had been building in the bones released and he lashed out again, felling the final hound.

He paused once again, rolling his shoulder and neck while twisting his staff once in his hand. "Try again."

((Well guys, it's 5 am here and I need a few hours sleep. I'll be back in fourish-fiveish hours, I promise!!))
(Ooc: M'kay, Have a good night sleep~ And I'm going to take a shower now, be back in a bit Vamp!)

Nastasha was genuinely surprised to see Shadow at the Inn.

"Did everything go okay?" She asked from across the room as her Hell Hounds attacked the boy. Nastasha however didn't take her eyes of off Sacrifice, he was quite the force to be reckoned with. When the boy managed to fell her creatures again. She was getting slightly annoyed with the situation.

"Alright kiddy, your pretty amazing" Nastasha said hiding her minor irritation." I didn't think I'd have to use this on you but here goes." Nastasha gave him a wink and muttered another chant.

Nastasha took a bit longer on this chant but when it ended she extended both of her hands this time, they poured enough necromancy ink that the side of the room which she was in, was flooded all little in the jet black ink. Then they rose, the ink pool drained as different undead rose. There were zombies and hell hounds alike and all together there was around ten.

"I was told not to flood you out, but your way stronger then I had anticipated. So clearly I've over-ruled that. Shadow! Leave and block all the exits with your telekinesis. We'd better leave and let him die." Nastasha said. She chanted again but instead of summoning more she teleported out of the Inn.
(Alright you have fun with that XD)
"Yes.," Shadow replied. "Although a certain Grim Angel is not happy with me I assume. I see you have things covered here."
Shadow quickly blocked all of the exits and locked them after exiting the building herself.
jack had climbed off of Malices back and went in the direction of the flying twigs and rocks and not seeing anything went to the inn where he found the door curiously locked and so he went up onto the roof and inside i secrete hatch he had used when he had assassinated the one boy from last year. he heard a commotion going on downstairs and decided to check and see he saw a man being attacked by a huge group of zombies and instantly went to help throwing seven knives big enough to slice through the necks of some of the smaller zombies killing around five." would you like some help there sir?"
"Of course," Shadow thought. "The wolf HAD to find a way in there, didn't he? Well, I'M not gonna fight him, so I should probably just monitor their activity. I better be careful, though. Wolfie will kill me this time for sure." Shadow looked into the building from a distance through one of the windows she had locked. "Why does he have to be so good with knives? Seriously!"
Telth was in simple clothes, a loose shirt and some beggar pants with sandals on. He used his shadows to make his hair appear black and kept his long locks in a ponytail. He was just another face in the crowds. Fallowing the neko girl he smiled at people and looked rather cheerful occasionally he would stop by a shop, chit chat with a merchant and then happily be on his way. The Chosen were slowly gathering. He had already tailed the one known as Sacrifice who he left drinking at the bar, now it was the neko. Everything he saw he reported back to the Darkness, how else do you think he knew what to tell his other minions. Observing and watching as he appeared to be just a peasant.

He watched, the wolf and the cat were bickering and arguing cliche Soon their was to be a human and as well he could see and angel watching from the shadows. This certainly was a lively bunch. Before long her heard the voice in his head "You have done well my Assassin, but I have another to fallow them, The dark voice said in his head." Departing from the watching the group he searched the city to see if more of the chosen were around.

As time went on he walked into a back ally and ran into a small group of men, about five "Well lookie here?" one said walking up to Telth "Pay up, or you die!"he said as telth looked at them fearfully "Please, don't hurt me! I-I don't have any money." he said, he could easily kill them. But leaving a body trail makes it hard to hide. "No money," The thug pulled out a knife looking to him as his friends gathered around

"so i guess it's option B?"

"no please! Have mercy! have mercy!" telth was begging

"Oh, I'll show you mercy and end your pitiful existence" Suddenly the thug attacked.

Telth's face went from afraid to, emotionless in a split. The man dove the knife at him and easily he knocked the mans arm up while ducking down, he grabbed his arm flipping him over and then snapping it before he hit the ground, the knife dropping Telth let go, caught the knife and slit his throat before he even hit the ground. With out hesitation he moved, the four remaining thugs were shocked by what just happened, and the closest to telth didn't even notice that he had moved, doing it so quickly. The blade dug into his stomach and ripped up as Telth spun and kicked the feet out from under the a thug to his right and as he hit the ground the knife was buried into his forehead. The other two looked at each other then to the little man they thought was going to be easy pray "Wh-what the hell are you" one said as they stood there shaking "Nothing you need to concern yourself about." His voice was even different now, deeper and sinister as his eyes were cold as ice. Lunging at the closest of the two as the thug went to stab him, dodging to his right telth brought the knife up stabing it under his and ripped it out flinging it as the last thug decided to run, the knife stuck in the pack of his neck and he fell limp to the grown. All of this only took a few moments, as if you blinked you may of missed it.

Walking out of the ally Telth got a message, "That fool vampire faild me! Find the minions my assassin, watch them" He said as Telth only nodded walking away from the scene in the ally to find the minions.

Telth was still using the cover of a simple peasant as he watched the group of minions, The failed vampire, the griffin and the seductress. They made idle parlay and were making flirtatiousness remarks, "Are these truly them my master?" he asked as sighed some. They went along there ways and telth walked, to where he had hid his gear. Donning his clothes and armored cloak(refer to picture if need be XD)he checked his weapons and pulled his hood over his head, the shadows leaving his hair to cover his face, making it impossible to see, as only a few strands of his gray hair came out of the shadow and dangled down from his hood.

He made it to the bar before Natasha, emerging into a shadowy empty booth in the back corner, Wrapping the shadows around himself, nobody noticed he was there. The girl Natasha soon came in and killed the man with an axe,"fool" he thought to himself, she gave up the element of suprise for what? A mindless minion, that as the fight progressed was proving more then useless. The vampire had climbed in now as the two left, Sinking back down into the shadow he emerged behind the hiding vampire and grabbed her tossing her back against the wall "You dare call your self a minion of the darkness, you pathetic cur!" he growled, his voice was dark and sinister as his face was hiding from her by the shadow of his cloak, that covered his face completely no matter how you looked at him . He pulled out his dagger and put it to her throat "I should kill you for being so weak" he said as the darkness intervened speaking to them both "Assassin! You will not kill her, I still have use for her. And you girl, your failures have been observed, but that will be dealt with on another time." The assassin is all that the minions will ever know him as, and that is the only way they shall ever see him. Standing up he turned his back. Suddenly there was a thud and a knife was vibrating as it was stuck into the wall next next to her head. The assassin was now standing side ways with his arm out stretched towards her "A warning, do not fail again" He said grabbing the knife and putting it away into it's hidden sheath.
(Woooah, you guys flew along! Can I get a quick recap please? owo)
(you could just read the past 5 pages you wouldnt take that long)<script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
After being released from the Assassin's grip, Shadow bared her long fangs in a threatning hiss. "I am not meant for combat, you fool," She growled. "That is why I am labled a failure. You are going to have to be a better 'leader' if you want our respect."
Telth looked to the girl her little show of fangs and hissing wasted on the assassin "You were to spy, and you were caught! You had a simple job to do, one that I had been doing for days. And you failed in less then an hour!" He said as he looked into the window, the little undead flood would fail, he already knew. "I Do not care about your respect, you will listen and you will obey, or I will kill you my self." He said looking down to her with the void of his face.
"Are you speaking of the wolf," Shadow asked. "Jack? I did not fail in identifying the original Chosen for the Master, but I was indeed caught by the wolf. I escaped did I not?"
(you know i just noticed i been using the wrong character name >< his is Millinder)
"do not make excuses, because they know what you look like you are next to useless, The Necromancer is at least useful for a fight." Millinder turned from her walking away "Follow" he said walking away before the situation got out of hand.
((Sorry guys! I'm back!))

Sacrifice only shook his head as Nastasha fled; clearly not one to fight her own battles. Zombies and hounds were her thing, not that he complained. When the anthro came down, felling five of the ten, Sacrifice only shrugged. "I got it..." he said softly, using his staff to throw himself at the last five. The first hound fell without a chance, but a second managed to scrape Sacrifice's back while he fought off one of the Zombies. He flinched, but already felt it healing. Bones took days, flesh wounds took minutes.

He felled the zombie then turned his blade to the hound, cutting it down before twisting away from the last two zombies. His staff sliced clean through both the undeads' necks, severing them easily. He turned to the anthro as the headless bodies fell and nodded. "Thank you for felling the five you did." He said softly, rolling his shoulder as the cuts on his back scared over, adding to his three year story of battles and fights.


"You'll do well to leave her be, Assassin." Kenie said, landing beside Shadow, leaving his wings slightly spread. "The vampire's talents lie not in killing but in the distracting. Darkness surely will tell you the same, and you will do well to remember it." He all but hissed the warning at the assassin, rolling his shoulder and fingering the hilt of his blade. Darkness talked very little to the anthro, but what it did say the one time, was he was to keep in mind everyone's strengths and work off of them. The vampire was good for situations where the numbers fell uneven.
Shadow was glad that Kenie recognized that she had some use. "Well," She thought. "I have a feeling that the assassin and I won't have an excellent relationship... That was fairly degrading. Lighten up, blade boy." She sighed, staying where she was for the moment to wait for further orders.
<script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>jack smiled at the boy around his age and walked up and stuck out his hand, for some reason he had no problems trusting him "hi! im jack! are you a chosen too? whats your name? what can you do? can you fly? whats up with all these people with spears? whats your name?" jack rapid fired questions as if they were coming out of a gatling gun at full capacity. <script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Talkative, ain't he? Sacrifice thought, taking the offered hand and shaking it firmly before letting go. "You asked for my name twice..." he said, chuckling and going behind the bar. He fixed himself a pint before answering the other questions. "Yes, I am a Chosen to start. My name..." he paused, glancing at the band on his wrist, "I go by Sacrifice." He took a swig of the pint then said, "I can't fly, but...well, it's easier if I show you."

He walked back over to Jack and used his staff to cut the anthro's forearm. After putting his staff away again, he barely touched the freshly created wound with his hand. He hissed as the wound appeared on him and vanished from Jack, the pain doubled what the anthro had felt, but in seconds the wound was gone. Healed and scared over. "And this isn't a spear, it's a double-bladed staff." He added touching the blade over his shoulder. Strapped to his back was the easiest way to carry the weapon, so it always stuck over his shoulder.
Millinder stopped as the anthro Griffin landed "I have lived my life by the side of the master. Do not presume to know anything, For I am no simple minion as you something you will do well to remember " His voice changed and he spoke with the voice of the darkness as he looked ot the griffin with the void of his hood, the shadows rippling as he spoke "Watch who your threaten" he turned towards them as the shadows around, Shadow started to crawl up her legs and warping around her body "If you care so much for her life, I would suggest you learn quickly."
Kenie growled, wings flexing. "So willing to fight someone who isn't up to par with you. Afraid to test your skills against someone who will fight back?" The anthro didn't take orders well and he wasn't about to sit and watch as one of their group, weaker than him, was threatened. He may have been cruel, but once someone had him as an ally, he'd fight to the teeth for them. And he'd fight anyone and anything for them. A monster he was, when he was young his clan had relied on him; that feeling of reliance hadn't changed.
<script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="chrome://YouLoop/content/YouLoop_script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>"i did?......oh.....well thats ok i guess.....but im glad i found another chosen thats a guy i was worried that they would all be girls....boy would that have sucked....also, owwwwwwwww! that hurt but was awesome at the same time! i see lots of people with stuff like that weapon is knives" jack at this point is now juggling three knives,balancing on one foot and talking at the same time "i havent seen Elizabeth do anything special yet but then again neither has anyone else seen me do anything special yet......when you did that thing....the thing where you like absorbed my wound? did that hurt? it looked like it hurt..." jack had never been so excited to talk to someone before
(Sorry guys, I'll be AFK for a bit)."Wait," Shadow said, alarmed. "No, no, no, no. We're all together here, no fighting is necessary." She knew that her opinion in this situation mattered little to these powerful beings. She could only sit where she was and watch everything play out.