The Chosen

"Eh, just a thought, kitty." Kenie said, flexing his wings and cocking his head slightly, listening intently without taking his eyes from the girl. "Now, now, kitty, I'd hear someone coming. You know that."
She looks back over to him with a smirk, "Are you sure about that birdie?" Her eyes flash back to where she had been looking then back to him. "And how would I even know that? I just found out your name a couple seconds ago."
"Silly kitty." Kenie clicked his beak. Even if there was something there, he was more than prepared for it. Being a simple anthro might have been a problem, being a gryphon anthro wasn't much of one. He was already half lion and eagle, the human just added more potential.
Elizabeth rolls her eyes at him and goes back to looking through the trees behind him. There was nothing really going on at the moment (she was kidnapped and all that but they were just sitting there) so she was beginning to feel a little bored. And when Liz gets bored, she gets annoying. She looked around for something to lean on; the ground was feeling uncomfortable on her back. She spotted a nearby tree then quickly stood up but once she made it to her feet, the fast movement made her slightly dizzy so she stumbled a little brought her hands to her head. She quickly dropped them though, so as not to show weakness at the moment and slowly maneuvered over to the tree and leaned on it. She looked back of to Kenie with curiosity, "So, how did you get stuck with babysitting duty, birdie? I mean seriously, why you and not that annoying vampire girl?"
"I volunteered, little kitty. Once I knew for certain who you were, and who he was, I couldn't help but brew old blood." Kenie said, rolled his shoulder, looking around. "And Little Shadow gets bored too easily, she'd have fun with you where I hold my own." He clicked his beak again, looking at her.
Shadow listened in on the conversation, not waiting for Natasha to respond. She heard what Kenie said, but she kept silent. It was true after all, she does get bored and would LOVE to mess with the Neko, but being called annoying made Shadow roll her eyes. She didn't want to irritate Kenie by interrupting, so there she stood, her acute hearing scanning for their voices.
Her hands clenched into fists as she looked down and away, pinching her lips together. She had been trying not think about the fact that this guy had taken her brother from her and tortured him yet here she was, within a few feet of him and she couldn't do anything to him. She longed to hurt him as he had hurt Chase but she couldn't at least not while she had these ropes around her. Her head snapped over to face Kenie again, her eyes slightly glossy from tears she refused to let surface, "Why him? ...Why Chase? …It could have been anyone else…" She couldn't help the words from escaping her lips, it was the thought that was burning in her mind ever since she found out but she never got the courage to ask. Until now.
Kenie felt no pitty for the girl, never would. But he couldn't help but answer her question with the simple truth. "Because I knew he would be the only one strong enough to survive. Or, I was rather certain he would. Once or twice there were incidents and I thought I'd lost him, but he'd always come back from the brink." He shrugged his shoulder, looking at her a moment. "He was the strongest one I could find, little kitty; should comfort you, really. He's almost unstoppable. He can take any wound and bounce back, even before these gifts he has. He's strong and sure, bold. Only reason he came as quietly as he did was because I threatened you."
The arms in Elizabeth's arms tensed when he spoke of how Chase had been so hurt that he might not have made it and tried to fight against the ropes to attack him but froze when he said the last sentence, her eyes wide. "Wait… you're saying that the only reason you got Chase was because of me..?" This thought made a rock landed in her stomach. If it wasn't for her he wouldn't have been hurt?
"He gave himself for you, or don't you remember the words he said to you before he left?" Kenie said, looking at her. "I have to go." "I distinclty recall him saying that. "I would have taken him anyway, but the second I mentioned taking you as well, he came like a lamb to the slaughter."
She slowly started shaking her head, denying this possibility. "No… no. He-he wouldn't…" She looked down, the thoughts processing through her head. She had told him time and time again when they were kids that he shouldn't do things like that for her, yet he had. Liz did remember what he had said, that day was embedded so deeply in her memory that she could never forget; it was the last day she truly had with her brother. Even now Chase was there but he didn't even remember her so he was basically a new person anyway. She was angry with him for going so willingly just because she was threatened, but she was even more angry with herself for being the reason he went.
"He did, little kitty." Kenie said, shrugging his shoulder. "He was willing to pretty much die for you. An unfortunate weakness." He clicked his beak again. "And it's a weakness he still has, that he can't fight."
Elizabeth continued shaking her head back and forth in denial. She then looked back up to Kenie in confusion, "What do you mean, he still does? Because of you he doesn't even remember me..." She said bitterly. How could Sacrifice care so much about someone he doesn't even remember?
Kenie clicked his beak. "Just because he doesn't remember, doesn't mean he doesn't care. He's protective of you, I saw it when he ran by. His eyes always gave his weakness away." He chuckled lightly, "Besides, the longer he's around you, the quicker that d*** memory of his will come back. Might be a few months, or maybe only weeks, but it'll come back eventually now. That was the warning."
"If it was that easy then why did you have to get rid of his memory?!" She snapped at him. Her eyes were teary but she refused to let any fall. "Why couldn't you just let Chase come back?" She spoke quieter now, her voice breaking. "Instead you had to turn him into Sacrifice…" Her eyes bore into his with a deep sadness and raging fury.
"He became Sacrifice before I took his memories." Kenie said, shrugging carelessly. "He became the monster you see him as and the prodigy that I see him as. He became Sacrifice the day he traded himself for you, the day he fought back in that cell." He clicked his beak again, looking at her with a void stare. "He is Sacrifice, and no matter how many memories come back, he'll remain thus. The reason I didn't let him keep his memories is because I didn't want him coming after me just yet."
Elizabeth bit her lip to stop herself from screaming at him, her muscles were all tensed as she pulled against the ropes around her. "You didn't want him coming after you just yet? He still will come after you, you knew that, but you just wanted to delay it? You took him from me and wouldn't let him even know me… I hadn't seen him for 4 years.. I thought he was dead!" Her emotions were going all over the place and she couldn't control her anger at Kenie any longer. She suddenly transformed into a bear standing on its hind legs and let out a furious and heart-wrenching roar which boomed through the woods. The ropes around her wrists and ankles tightened with the growth, cutting into her skin but she ignored the pain.
"I wanted to study him, little kitty; and I did, for two years." Kenie said, shrugging. "If you thought he was dead, it's not my problem." He was on her as she shifted, putting her back in a choke hold like before. She brought it on herself, simple as that. "Sleep, little kitty; it'll be alright eventually, I'm sure."
Elizabeth let out one last bellow before being forced to shift back. "NO!! No!" Her whole body was shaking as she was fighting against his hold. "Let me go…!" She screamed at him, her voice shaking slightly. But because of his hold, her voice and movements got weaker and weaker until she was no longer moving and her eyes started to droop. "No…" She whispered hoarsely before she could no longer resist the pull of unconsciousness as her body went limp and her eyes finally closed.
Kenie sighed, laying her back on the grass again. Silly neko, trying things she should never try. He still felt no remorse, no guilt, no shame; nothing that would even come close really. "Just sleep, little kitty..." he cocked his head, listening. "You're brother'll be hear soon..."