The Cenntenial War Sign-ups and Ooc

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Who won the last tournament? (And thus has been in control for a century)
Kyy said he was going to change it. For now just respond to Deacon. Or is that what has you stuck?
No i just felt unsure about things due to Kyy's post ^^;

Also this text box feels so limited compared to the rich one >.<
nvm lol phones a pos but theyre talking now. Aldin won last time
Lol, I thought you guys stopped posting in this topic. Sorry I took so while to realise that this thing is still going on. >< I made a post towards Sephira and Grace, hope you dont mind. o: Oh, Kyy's here as well, nvm then I guess.
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To those interested, a better idea of Sephira


Yeah I did c: to give you guys an idea of her appearance
Its quite awesome, I love it. Good job. :3
Np at all! ^^ If you ain't drawing already you should consider starting. c:

I started at five and never missed a day :P It's my passion
XD Your drawing at seven probably matches mine right now. :'D Awesome, cool to see somebody with such a great dedication.
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