The Cascading Home for Special Children

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Izoi looked up as Hunter and Brock walked up, putting on a fake smile. "What're you talking about? I'm perfectly fine." She had thought the rain covered up her tears.

"Izoi. Your face is red where the tears are stained It's going to take a lot more than rain to hide the sadness you are showing. Just be honest. When people are worried about you they want to know what's wrong. Just hiding that pent up sadness isn't good for your mental health. Just please... tell us.. Please?" He was asking and begging. He was worried about her. He needed to know if everything was alright.
The feel of the rain against her face was almost sooth, and she let it soak through her clothing and shoes without paying any mind to how uncomfortable it might feel. She jumped, ready to fight once again, when she heard the sound of the sword wall go up around Felicia. She had been having flashes of images go through her mind since she'd first seen Felicia's spirit, and finally it was all making sense. The images she was showing were flashes of her death. How this imposter had killed Felicia and then taken her form and joined their group. Having had confirmed that this girl was certainly a fake, Jessa nodded her head at Hunter's advice to keep an eye on the fox girl. She hesitated and in the end decided not to mention what the spirit had shown her, not wanting to out herself as a freak who could communicate with the dead. She was sure that with the 2 very powerful boys in their group, they could scare the truth out of the fake without Jessa having to reveal her secret.
With all the commotion, she hadn't even been paying attention to the changing of the sky. Night would be falling upon them soon, and with the darkness coming she knew she had to find a safe, secluded place to rest for the night so her luminescent complexion would not give her away. She glanced between the forest, and her responsibility to keep a look out over the fox, and decided. The group could handle this one perfectly fine without her useless talent, the boys had only left momentarily to find the winged girl. With that in mind, Jessa made as casual of an exit as she could, making her way to the cover of the trees as quickly as she could.
"I don't understand, why am I being asked these questions?" Suddenly a cage of blades sprung up around her. She stifled a frightened gasp and sat down, hugging her knees to her chest.
"I thought we were free now..." she whispered, just loud enough for some to hear. Her hair fell down from behind her ears, hiding her face as she began to cry.
When hunter saw her crying. He had a pang of guilt. he knew that he shouldn't but he still did. He shook his head clear of the thoughts and tried to focus on the problem before him. What was wrong with Izoi? what had happened that made he cry? He had to find out.
She looked away, wiping a tear amongst the rain off of her face. She was now soaking wet, glad she had grabbed a t-shirt only a bit bigger than her size and perfect fitting jeans when she was rescuing kids. Even the feathers of her wings were soaked. "It's nothing..."
He figured he might be pressing his luck. He bit his lip for a second deciding. Then he looked her straight in the eye. Every ounce of concern shown on his face as he felt. "I will not press further out of this... We are free and out of that place. Only to have you crying, Not tears of joy, Just tears of sorrow. That isn't right. So I ask yo- No i beg you. Please. Please tell us what is wrong Izoi. Not for our sakes but for yours... Please?
Izoi sniffled, hugging herself and letting her head hang down and rubbing more tears away. Her hair hung over her face and shoulders, hiding her tears and sad facial expression. "I-I don't wanna talk about it. It's okay, really. N-nothing to worry about." She was slowly breaking down into tears.
Brock cleared the skies, and looked at Izoi and immediately hugged her and didn't let go. "Don't cry anymore," he said. "Whatever it is...there's no need to cry...I'm here." He stroked her soft damp hair slowly.
She whimpered a bit, gripping Brock's shoulders and shaking a bit. "Th-this is why I'm crying." She sobbed, leaning against him. "Y-you weren't in their to help me. Y-you were just out here, acting as if I would come. What if I had been killed?" She pulled away a bit.
Hunter shook his head. This was the thing he was fearing. That she was mad at brock. Maybe he might've not been able to control his other form... it's possible.... He was afraid that because she was attacked like that and he was no where insight that he had not thought abut her. It was plain on his face that he loved her. It was as if he was a planet and she was the sun. Brock orbiting around her. This is how he viewed the two.
Regina quietly watched the touching conversation between the three escapees.
Pathetic. She brushed her hair from her face, examining the blades. Made of an unknown substance, although they appear to be at least an 8 on the Mohs Scale. She slid her finger down one edge. At first nothing seemed to happen, but before she knew it, she felt a burning sensation and a thin flow of blood trickled down her finger.
Naturally sharpened... to perfection. She licked her lips.
She glanced back up to the others. ​So much talent... what a waste.
Hunter looked behind him again. He had been watching her out the corner of his eyes. it seemed like she was studying the blades. He turned completely behind him. What was going in that mind of hers? He kept watching her suspiciously. He kneeled down put his hand on the ground. The swords grew even taller and swords shout out of the tips of the swords. covering the top of her trap.
Regina shied away from the edges of her makeshift cage, curling up into a tight ball and sucking on her bloodied index finger.
"Did I do something to deserve this?" she asked through the bars, barely audible.
He turned back to the other two watching them from a little distance away. They needed an amount of space. He was willing to give them it. It was that simple. He was actually a few feet away from the cage now. He kept looking ahead of him at the other two. He was waiting for them to be done.
"Izoi...listen...I-I'm sorry," Brock said with sad eyes. He felt ashamed. "That was.....that was stupid....I-I'm sorry." Brock stood back a little back looking down swallowing. "I am seriously sorry."
Izoi rubbed tears from her eyes, falling to her knees and sobbing. "I-I know you are, b-but I need some time alone now..." She stood, turning and walking into the forest.
Every fiber of his being wanted to follow her and make sure she is safe, or at least shout at broke to go after her. But no. he let her go. She needed this. so he let her have it.
Drama, Drama, Drama. Now I remember why I didn't have kids. Of course that wasn't the only reason.
Regina wrapped her tail around her body, and covered her eyes with her ears.
Brock started to cry himself. He clenched and thunder started filling the skies. A large thunderstorm was filling in. The rain was heavy...very heavy. He swallowed and cried a little harrder. He walked the other way with his head. Tears falling down from his face. He walked through the crowd of everyone who escaped and walked into the forest himself. The rain around him started burning as it hit the ground. He sat at a let the tears fall off the face. 'I really am sorry he thought to himself.' He started humming "It Will Rain" in a very sad slash crying tone. He punched the ground hard and felt a small earthquake under him. 'I...I should've went with her....I...." Brock was still fixated on it all. Her wanting to be away from him made it hurt even worse.