The Cascading Home for Special Children

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Izoi jumped when the cafeteria door slammed open, turning around quickly. Her eyes widened when she saw Brock right as he was tazed and fell to the ground. She quickly walked over as he got up and the guards left to probably get another person. She looked over his bindings with worried eyes. "Are you okay, Brock? I thought they would've taken your bindings off so you could eat..."
"Yeah I guess.." he was cut off, by the unlocking of the cuffs. They fell off, and he stretched his arms with a smile. He then hugged Izoi tightly. He couldn't let go.
Izoi let out a small gasp as she was hugged. She looked to Brock with surprise before her gaze softened and she wrapped her arms around him gently. "Let me breath, at least."
Brock smiled and untightened his hug. "I'm just glad I can actually hold you, I feel like i can protect you now." Brock said with a smile. He turned his head to the side and noticed tables with plates of what looked like slob. He snarled. "That does NOT look good." he said out loud. He kept one arm around Izoi as he walked her to a seat. He sat down next to her and stared at the food.
Izoi softly blushed as he kept hugging her until she followed his gaze to the food. She grimaced slightly at his snarl, hugging close to him even as they sat down. She stared at the food, her stomach running circles just from the sight of it. "Well, I was wrong when I thought they would treat us at least slightly human... Next thing you know they're setting up a partners program..." She sighed softly. "I'm not hungry anymore..."
Brock turned his head towards her and brought her a little closer and hugged her. "I'm sorry..." he said to her. He kissed her forehead, then looked at her. He swallowed. He thought this the right moment...he was going to do it....he had to do it. What's the worse that could happen? A lot of things could happen. He let those questions out of his head, then leaned in and let her lips on hers, then pulled away with wide eyes. "I-I'm so sorry...I-I..." He just noticed what he did and was so embarrassed. He felt like he violated her. 'Crap she hates me' he thought to himself.
She softly smiled when he kissed her forehead, happy to be close to him. She noticed his pause, but didn't have time to think before he kissed her on the lips. A small gasp escaped her mouth once he broke the kiss, her eyes wide as she tried to register what had just happened. A deep blush formed on her cheeks as she tried to get words out of her mouth, still in shock. She took in a deep breath before finally speaking. "I-i-it's fine. N-no one got hurt. I-I'm just a little shocked." She laughed quietly, brushing some hair behind her ear and looking down as she spoke quietly. "I-I actually kinda liked it."
Brock raised an eyebrow and smiled a little. "Y-you did?" he said while watching her blush. He was surprised at what she said. He couldn't stop smiling. He looked at his food and moved it to the side, then looked back at her. "Well that's good to know," he eventually said, turning his smile into a smirk.
She blushed dark red, looking away shyly and looking at her food. She pursed her lips, pushing it to the side like he had and then looking to his smirk. She softly smiled. "I-I really did like it..."
Brock nodded. He pulled her a little closer. "You think the guards would care about a little in-human romance?" he said. He knew he wouldn't care. No matter what happens he will always have something with Izoi.
She blushed more as she was pulled closer. "B-but, they might separate us. Th-they don't like giving us any happiness, from what I've seen..." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "O-or they would put us in a cell together once we get our cells and cellmates..."
Brock widened his eyes and a big smile popped on his face. "Let's just hope that's what happens then," he said quietly. He stroked her hair as he started to notice something. "Hey...this place has guards...human guards...they have to eat right? And I know they're not sitting eating this slob." he said while pointing at the plate. He looked around and saw another set of double doors. (that is other than the one they brought him through.) "look!!" he exclaimed in a whisper. He pointed at the double doors. "We could probably get actual food back there."
Izoi followed his gaze, blinking in surprise at the doors and then to him. "B-but what if we get caught? We'll probably be punished to the edge of death..."
He looked at her with a confident look. "I won't let that happen," he said to her. He took her hand and snuck around everyone else who was and the guards who stood watch. Brock walked behind them and noticed a room full of guards they were all eating and discussing. He immediately rolled behind a crate and took Izoi with him. "Stay quiet," he whispered to her. He wanted to listen to a little of their conversations...see what he could find out. So he sat there and listened, hoping that Izoi was too.
Izoi was panicking slightly as she was pulled along with him, hugging her knees as they hid behind the crate. She closed her eyes, her ears picking up a single line in a conversation between scientists. "So, you see, a breeding program would further our research of these creatures."

//You have just as much control over this RP as I do. ^.^ Feel free to hear anything.\\
Brock kept listening. He had to control his anger. He remembered the shot they gave him. It apparently was the wrong one from what he could remember. He just couldn't get angry. He kept listening impatiently. 'Gimme something I NEED to hear.' he thought to himself.
Scientists and guards were talking about everything from their latest experiment to what their families were doing. Izoi stayed curled up, not listening to anything around her.
"You know that new angel kid? 609, I believe."
"Everyone knows her. A flyer is a rare kind around here, so the news is gonna go around quickly."
"I hear she's some long lost child of someone around her. Just a rumor, but it makes me curious."
"Lemme guess. You want me to sneak in a few more tests?"
"Bingo. I just need a few more hours with her to test out her origins."

Brock quietly growled. 'You're not doing anymore tests on her,' he thought to himself. If this talk about testing on her went off, he may just have to slaughter some of these guards. Brock had grown into caring a lot about Izoi. He didn't want her to get hurt anymore.
Izoi looked to Brock as he growled with sad eyes. She reached out and gently shook his arm, whispering. "Let's go before a guard catches us." She heard a guard coming closer, the heavy boots distinct.
Brock shook her off, growling even louder. He was going to take the guy out. He didn't like how he was talking about her...he noticed his anger took him over. He snapped out of it and grabbed Izoi's hand and snuck back out. "S-sorry about that." he said to her.